Trondheim Norway "Power Electronics for Sustainable Growth"

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8   10 September 1997



"Power Electronics for Sustainable Growth"

Patron for the Conference:

Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Prime Minister, Member of the Norwegian

Parliament, Former Chairman of the UN World Commission on Environment and

Sponsored by: European Power Electronics and Drives Association

Organised by: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

In cooperation with: IEEE PELS, IEEE IAS, IEEE Norway Section, Norwegian

Association of Electrical Engineers (NEF)

4 Contents

5 Welcome by the Conference Chairman

6 Organisation of EPE '97 - Committees

General Organisation

8 The city of Trondheim

Weather - Travel - Accomodation

9 Conference information




Personal invitaion


9 Exhibition, including exhibitors' presentations

9 Essay competition: "Power Electronics for Sustainable Growth"

10 Registration Information

Registration desk

Conference secretariat

Registration fees



11 Social Programme

Concert and reception

Conference Banquet

11 Accompanying persons programme

12 Pre-conference tours

12 Tourist information in Norway

Technical Programme
14 Overview/timetable

15 Tutorials

22 Keynotes

24 Discussion sessions (Workshops)

26 Post-Conference technical visits

27 Technical programme: Lecture sessions

31 Technical programme: Dialogue sessions of Monday 8 September 1997

37 Technical programme: Dialogue sessions of Tuesday 9 September 1997

44 Technical programme: Dialogue sessions of Wednesday 10 September 1997
Message from the Conference Chairman
"Power Electronics for Sustainable Growth"
The EPE Conference in Trondheim is the seventh of the series. Even after

the success of Brussels, Grenoble, Aachen, Florence, Brighton and Sevilla,

this EPE conference will offer you more. A record number of synopses have

been received (more than 950), where the increase from industry is

especially significant and has encouraged us to work very hard in

organising numerous new activities and events. These will give each EPE

conference participant the feeling of being the right person in the right

place. We have also accepted a record number of papers, 733. I am proud to

present this detailed programme for what promises to be a highly-successful


Think of the motto: "Power Electronics for Sustainable Growth". These are

no empty words. This is really what we are aiming at. The technical

programme is full of results directed towards that goal: energy savings,

rational and safe use of energy, new energy sources, renewable energy

systems, EMC, electric and hybrid vehicles, locomotives to mention only a

few of the obvious topics.

The opening and keynote sessions will be newsworthy. Mr Odd H. Hoelsæter,

president & CEO of Statnett will explain his view on the evolution of

energy supplies in Europe. Norway is the second-largest oil exporting

country in the world (only after Saudi Arabia): In our sector, three

newHVDC connections will be built between Norway and the continent. This

will be a huge investment that surely will have important consequences on

our future.

If you turn to page 22, you can see other topics that will be presented:

Integration of power components, what will change in our daily work? New

areas of applications for power electronics: you will be challenged by the

authors. The electric vehicle; a silent revolution, however an exploding

technology. But this was not enough!

We wanted more from this conference, so, we are organising a competition.

The topic? To write an essay on either "How to Teach Power Electronics for

Sustainable Growth" or "How to Develop New Power Electronics Products to

Promote Sustainable Growth". The prize? NOK 6.666 and a publication in the

EPE Journal. More details are given on page 9, so gather your best ideas.

Since we are organising this competition, Gro Harlem Brundland, our former

Prime Minister, decided to patronize the Conference. Gro Harlem Brundland

has been head of the World Commission on Environment and Development and

she hopes that our initiative will spread and open new horizons. In the

UN-report "Our Common Future" it is strongly recommended that the ideas

agreed on in the report should be taught in universities all over the

world. Please send the information about the competition to your power

electronics colleagues, especially the younger ones, all over the world.

You might influence the future!

Before the conference, there will be 11 tutorials where all the new, hot

topics will be taught. Nine will be on the NTNU campus on 6 and 7

September. Those who register will get the written documentation from all

the tutorials and will be allowed to move from one tutorial to another. We

are most enthusiastic about the two tutorials on "High power Motor Drives"

and "UPSs" which will start by touring the Troll Gas Terminal at Kollsnes

close to Bergen and continue on the newest coastal express ship (built in

1996). These tutorials will be combined with a cruise of the west coast of

Norway and the ship arrives in Trondheim on Monday morning 8 Sept. a few

hours before the conference starts!

Do you want to hear more? There is a lot to say:

The exhibition will be greatly extended. We expect more than 50 exhibitors

(there is room for 100 and we will work hard to get 100). The area for the

exhibition will be much more integrated in the conference than before, with

coffee-serving included in the same area. For the first time, there will be

several product presentations by exhibitors; these will be presented before

an informal meal on Sunday 7 September in the evening, which is combined

with the opening of the exhibition in the evening.

Further, a lot of Discussion Sessions will be organisedat at the end of the

Dialogue Sessions. The new developments in power switches will be throughly

discussed and include themes like: "Application Specific Power Modules",

"The Relationship Between Product Developers and Device Manufacturers",

"High Power Integration", "Smart Power - in various applications", "Impacts

of Integration" and "GTOs versus IGBTs".

After the conference, on Thursday 11 September there will be three

Post-Conference Technical Visits.

1) A typical Norwegian hydropower plant with the generators inside the

mountain. The station is within the city limits of Trondheim (!) and is

owned by Trondheim Power Utility.

2) Siemens power electronics factory and a converter station feeding the 16

2/3 Hz for the Norwegian State Railways.

3) ADtranz charter train to the Stømmen factory close to Oslo. We will

learn about the new tilting trains that the Norwegian State Railways has

ordered. At the factory there will be a press conference where a new train

will be presented. The attraction to get the press there will be increased

by our presence. ADtranz will provide buses for a one hour drive to Oslo


So, those who start at Kollsnes close to Bergen and return from Oslo after

the train trip across mountain plateaus and glaciated valleys must sign up

fast. First come, first served. There is a special offer from SAS for the


We have worked hard. But with the expected success, it is a pleasure for us

to welcome you to the EPE '97 conference in Trondheim. At the end I will

like to mention how enthusiastic ABB and other Norwegian and Danish

companies have generously sponsored the conference, so the fee to

participate is the same as in Seville in 1995! The companies are listed in

the provisional programme, and you will learn more from those companies at

the conference and by looking at our WWW

Tore Undeland, Conference Chairman

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Patron for the Conference:

Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Prime Minister, Member of the Norwegian

Parliament, Former Chairman of the UN World Commission on Environment and


Conference Chairman

Prof. Tore M. Undeland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Programme Chairman

Prof. Philippe Lataire, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Programme Co-Chairwoman

Dr. Astrid Petterteig, Norwegian Electric Power Research Institute (EFI)

Conference Secretariat

Mrs. Brigitte Sneyers, EPE Association

Conference Organising Committee

Prof. Paolo Ferraris, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Mr. Jean Dhers, CEGELEC, France

Dr. Roger Bassett, GEC Alsthom, United Kingdom

Prof. Gaston Maggetto, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. Philippe Lataire, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. Javier Uceda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Mr. Jean Bonal, Prométhée, France

Prof. Luigi Malesani, Università di Padova, Italy

Dr. Duncan Grant, University of Bristol., United Kingdom

Prof. Herbert Stemmler, P.E. and Electrometry Lab., ETH, Switzerland

Mr. Sandro M. Tenconi, Ansaldo S.p.A., Italy

Prof. André Vandenput, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Dr. Albert Wick, Siemens, Germany

Mr. Rex M. Davis, Power Electronic Measurements LTD, UK

Prof. Marcel Jufer, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Prof. Wlodzimierz Koczara, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Prof. Istvan Nagy, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary

Prof. Werner Leonhard, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Prof. Paolo Spirito, Università di Napoli, Italy

Prof. Tore Undeland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),


Prof. Walter Schumacher, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Prof. Hans Kahlen, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Prof. Bernard Davat, GREEN, Nancy, France
Nordic Conference Committee

Prof. Bengt Alvsten, Aalborg University, Denmark

Prof. Michael Andersen, Technical University of Denmark

Mr. Leif Eriksson, Emotron AB, Sweden

Prof. Lars Gertmar, ABB/Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden

Mr. Harri Hakala, KONE Elevators, Finland

Mr. Sven Ivner, ADtranz, Sweden

Mr. Tor Inge Johansen, Siemens, Trondheim, Norway

Ass. Prof. Jorma Kyyrä, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

Mr. Vesa Laisi, ABB Industry, Finland

Prof. Jorma Luomi, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Mr. Poul-Erik Nielsen, Danfoss, Denmark

Prof. Roy Nilsen, NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Prof. Robert Nilssen, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

Prof. Gustaf Olsson, Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden

Dr. Astrid Petterteig, Norwegian Electric Power Research Institute (EFI)

Assoc. Prof. Jaakko Ollila, Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Prof. Henry Raphael, NTNU/Statoil, Stavanger, Norway

Prof. Chandur Sadarangani, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

Prof. Tore M. Undeland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Dr. Pierre Vadstrup, Grundfos, Denmark
International Steering Committee (ISC)

Mr. Pierre Aloïsi, France

Prof. Bengt Alvsten, University of Aalborg, Denmark

Dr. B. R. Anderson, GEC ALSTHOM T&D Power Electronics Systems, United Kingdom

Prof. Michael Braun, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany

Mr. Ove Boe, Siemens, Norway

Prof. Bernard de Fornel, ENSEEIHT, France

Prof. Åke Ekström, The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Prof. Jean Paul Ferrieux, LEG/ENSIEG, FRANCE

Mr. Henri Godfroid, CEGELEC, France

Prof. Gerhard Henneberger, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Mr. Rogelio Lorenzo,Alcatel Standard Electrica S.A., Spain

Mr. Poul Erik Nielsen, Danfoss A/s , Denmark

Prof. Roy Nilsen, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

Mr. Jouko Niiranen, ABB, Finland

M. Jean-Marie Peter, SEE, France

Dr. Ulrich Putz, AEG AG , Germany

Dr. Manfred Schrödl, Flender Austria Antrieb., Austria

Dr. Peter Steimer, ABB-Industrie AG, Switzerland

Mr. Sandro M. Tenconi, Ansaldo S.p.A., Italy

Prof. Jean Louis Van Eck, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Mr. Werner Wymeersch, Sidmar N.V., Belgium

Mr. Gunnar Zetterberg, ADtranz, Sweden
Corresponding members of the ISC

Prof. Hirofumi Akagi, Okayama University, Japan

Mr. P.K. Dey, Hundustan Copper Ltd, India

Mr. S.Y.R. Hui, University of Technology Australia

Prof. John Kassakian, MIT, U.S.A.

Prof. Wlodzimierz Koczara, Warsaw University of

Technology, Poland

Prof. Eisuke Masada, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. R.D. Middlebrook, California Institue of Technology, U.S.A.

Prof. Istvan Nagy, Computer and Automation Institute, Hungary

Dr. Pierre Rossel, Laboratoire d'automatique et d'Analyse des Systèmes du C.N.R.S., France

Mr. M. Samotyi, EPRI, U.S.A.

Prof. Vic Gosbell, the University of Wollongong, Australia

Prof. Jacobus Daniel van Wyk, Rand Afrikaans

University, Republic of South Africa
Members of the ISC ex-officio

Prof. Fernando Aldana, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Dr. Roger Bassett, GEC Alsthom, United Kingdom

Mr. Jean Bonal, Prométhée, France

Prof. Bernard Davat, GREEN, Nancy, France

Prof. Rex M. Davis, Power Electronic Measurements LTD, United Kingdom

Mr. Jean Dhers, CEGELEC, France

Prof. Paolo Ferraris, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Dr. Duncan Grant, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Mr. Adolf Haböck, Siemens, Germany

Prof. Marcel Jufer, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Prof. Hans Kahlen, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Prof. Wlodzimierz Koczara, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Prof. Philippe Lataire, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. Werner Leonhard, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Prof. Gaston Maggetto, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. Luigi Malesani, Università di Padova, Italy

Prof. Istvan Nagy, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary

Prof. Walter Schumacher, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Prof. Paolo Spirito, Università di Napoli, Italy

Prof. Herbert Stemmler, P.E. and Electrometry Lab., ETH, Switzerland

Mr. Sandro M. Tenconi, Ansaldo S.p.A., Italy

Prof. Javier Uceda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Prof. Tore Undeland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU,


Prof. André Vandenput, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Dr. Albert Wick, Siemens, Germany
Topic Chairmen and co-Chairmen

Topic 1: Mr. Jean-Marie Peter, Dr. Pierre Rossel,Prof. Paolo Spirito

Topic 2: Prof. Bernard Davat, Mr. Henri Godfroid

Topic 3: Prof. Jean-Paul Ferrieux, Prof. Jean-Louis Van Eck

Topic 4: Prof. Jean-Paul Louis, Prof. John K. Pedersen, Prof. Walter Schumacher

Topic 5: Prof. Frede Blaabjerg, Prof. Roy Nilsen, Mr. Werner Wymeersch

Topic 6: Prof. Marcel Jufer, Prof. André Vandenput

Topic 7: Prof. Hans Kahlen, Prof. Gaston Maggetto

Topic 8: Mr. Adolf Haböck,Prof. Wlodzimierz KoczaraProf. Herbert Stemmler,

Prof. Jacobus Daniel van Wyk

Topic 9: Prof. Lambert Pierrat, Mr. Jean-Louis Sanhet

Topic 10: Prof. Eisuke Masada, Prof. André Vandenput

National Advisory Board

Kari Kveseth, Director, Science and Technology, The Research Council of Norway

Jon Lilletun, Member of Parliament, Chairman of the standing Committee on

education, research and church affairs

Odd H. Hoelsæter, President and CEO, Statnett

Markus Bayegan, Senior Vice President for Technology, ABB Corporation

Switzerland and President of ABB Corporate Research, Norway

Odd Trones, Executive Vice President, Siemens

Bjarne Aamodt, President and CEO, Alcatel and Chairman of the board of SINTEF

Jan Hendrik Bryde, General Manager, Powec

Alain F. Angelil, Chief Executive, The Eltek Group

Helge Kongsjorden, Senior Research Advisor for Energy Systems, Statoil R&D


Emil Spjøtvoll, Rektor, NTNU

Håkon With Andersen, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Arts, NTNU

Sverre Aam, Managing Director, EFI

Tore M. Undeland, Conference Chairman, NTNU

Astrid Petterteig, Program Co-chairwoman, EFI

Local Organising Committee

Tore M. Undeland, Conference Chairman

Astrid Petterteig, Program Co-chairwoman

Arne Graabak

Inger Lundhaug

Roy Nilsen

Robert Nilssen

Lars Norum

Randi Hostad, all NTNU

Astrid Bye and Karen-Margrethe Bratt, SEVU


Brigitte Sneyers, EPE Association,

c/o VUB-TW-ETEC, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 629 28 19, Fax: +32 2 629 36 20

The city of Trondheim
Trondheim was founded by King Olav Tryggvason in 997 A.D. It was the

country's first capital city (until 1217). Trondheim is located by one of

the largest fjords of Norway with the salmon river Nidelven running through

its centre.

Today the city has close to 150000 inhabitants and its total area is 342

square km. The city is an administration, business and technology centre in

a rich agricultural area surrounding the Trondheim fjord. It is a

university city and has Norway's most advanced research community in

science and technology.
During the whole millenium year of 1997, there will be numerous special

events such as The World Ski Championships in February/March, and the

combined 60th birthday celebration of our King and Queen in June, where

royalty from most of the European royal families will attend.

A map of the city is enclosed. References to places shown on the map are

put in the text. One cm on this map is about 140 m.

Normally the weather is pleasant in Trondheim in September. The

temperature may vary between 10-15 degrees C. Rainy days may occur, and we

recommend appropriate shoes and clothing, since some events in the social

programme will take place outdoors.

There are frequent domestic flights between Trondheim and the international

airports in Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger. Flying time between Oslo and

Trondheim is 45 minutes. There are approximately 27 departures from Oslo to

Trondheim daily. There are two daily direct flights between Copenhagen and

SAS (Scandinavian Airlines Systems) is the official carrier of the

congress. Please state the reference number "NO 9701" when you make your

flight reservation at a SAS travel agency, and you will obtain a discount

Travelling by train within Norway gives an excellent opportunity for

sightseeing, and Norwegian trains are of a high standard. The train

journey over the mountains from Oslo to Trondheim takes approximately 7

hours. There are four departures from Oslo to Trondheim daily.
An interesting alternative is to travel by coastal express boat from Bergen

to Trondheim, a journey of approximately 30 hours along the rugged

Norwegian coastline (see pre-conference tours). Your travel agent, or any

SAS travel agency, can supply you with full details on travel to Trondheim.

An APEX air ticket allows transfer to one city in a country, for instance

Bergen, and return from another city in the same country, for instance

Trondheim or Oslo.


The Conference Secretariat has made reservations at several good hotels

within various price categories. All hotels are situated in the city centre

of Trondheim and within approximately 15 minutes walk from the conference

The number of rooms within each category is limited. For reservations,

please fill in the necesssary information on the registration form. The

Royal Garden Hotel is probably the best hotel, it also offers the largest

number of rooms and the largest conference discount.
Rooms will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. We therefore

strongly recommend you to register as early as possible. Reservations have

been made for the conference period. If you would like to extend your

reservation we will do our best to help you. Please note: The registration

deadline for hotel reservations is 1 JULY 1997. After this date we are

only able to confirm hotel accommodation on an availability basis due to

the special situation in Trondheim with the millennium celebrations. We

therefore strongly recommend you to register as early as possible. Please

note that we cannot guarantee hotel accommodation after this deadline.
Reservations must be guaranteed by a credit card. In case of no show etc.

without prior notice to the Secretariat, you will be charged for one night.

Further information will be enclosed with the letter of confirmation of the


Conference information
The conference will take place at the Nidarøhallen Convention Centre (map:

20). Nidarøhallen is situated close to the riverbanks of Nidelven, about 15

minutes walking distance from the city centre and the major hotels.
English will be used in all printed documents and during the lecture sessions.
Proceedings will be published by the EPE Association, Brussels, and handed

out to the participants at the conference. Proceedings are included in the

full registration fee.
Personal invitation
If a personal invitation to attend the conference is required, please contact the Conference Secretariat.
Lunches will be served each day at the times shown in the programme. One

lunch ticket for each day is included in the full registration fee. Tickets

will be provided at registration and must be presented for service. Please

mark on the registration form if vegetarian food is required.

During the EPE'97 Conference, a commercial exhibition will be organised.

This is a unique opportunity to see and/or show products and have prolonged

discussions with fellow specialists in the field of Power Electronics and

The aim of the exhibition is to promote technical discussions and business

contacts between specialists in the field. The exhibition will be ideally

situated in the middle of the Conference site, where the coffee will be

served during the breaks and the afternoons. On Sunday 7 September evening,

there will be an informal meal, special products presentations followed by

the official opening of the exhibition.
This year, next to the regular topics, special attention will be devoted to

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