This interjection has a number of functions.
a. Corroborating something said which means “yes” tinged with emotion.
The intonation varies with the emotion the statement evokes in the person uttering it.
The vowel is long.
Ya! Gidiyor! Why yes, he is going.
Depending on how the person’s going away affects the speaker,
Why, yes! -- long and jauntily pronounced if you are happy for him.
Yes, unfortunately -- long with the voice trailing off
— Size su vereyim mi? Shall I bring you water?
—Ya, ver kızım! Yes, do honey!
b. Surprise, happily or otherwise.
Ya, demek artık çok çalışacaksın, öyle mi? So you have decided to work, have you?!
c. Satisfaction or acceptance
Used with two related clauses, the one ending in “ya” indicates something that was desired and is satisfactory or acceptable.
Paranı aldın ya, daha ne bekliyorsun? You got your money, what more do you expect?
Harcanan para olsun, iyi oldun ya! What matter the cost, you got well, didn’t you?!
Section 4 – Dördüncü Kısım
Gramer Analizi: Grammar Analysis:
d. Agreement and encouragement
—O da gelsin mi? Shall I have him come?
— Gelsin ya! Why yes! Have him come too!
— Onu ben de gidip görmeliymişim! It seems I should go and see him too!
— Görmelisin ya! Yes, you certainly should!
e. Emphatic reminder
There is at the same time a note of impatience.
—Gelse de şu resimleri görsek. I wish he would come so we could see those pictures.
—Öğleden sonra gelecek ya! Well, he is coming this afternoon, isn’t he?!
This points to or refers back to something you can see, hear, feel, taste or smell. Anything in fact which is perceived and becomes the basis for the inference made or implied. It may point to some argument or explanation which is to follow, or to some conclusion clinching an argument.
İşte! Geliyor. There! He’s coming. (implying I said he would come, didn’t I?!)
Kitaplar işte orada! The books are over there, see! pointing to them
Beğenmemişler işte! There you see! They didn’t like it. (Didn’t I tell you they wouldn’t?)
Note: Sometimes by extension this form becomes merely emphatic.
Gitmiyorum işte! Well, I’m not going! So there!
Aman! (Amman!)
This is said to make the statement more emphatic or to alert a person
Aman kimseye söyleme! Don’t you tell anybody, now!
Aman ne güzel! Oh, how nice!
Aman ne yapıyorsun? Hey! What are you doing?
Aman şunu bitirelim! Gee, we better finish that!
This is used when we want to express the thought There!, That’s it! or You’ve hit the nail on the head.
Hah! Şimdi anladım. There! Now I’ve understood it.
Hah! There! (Now you’ve got it.)
Hah! İşte burada duralım. Here! This is fine! Let’s stop right here.
Hah! Benim de demek istediğim buydu. Right! That/s exactly what I meant.
Section 4 – Dördüncü Kısım
Gramer Analizi: Grammar Analysis:
Group II - Express feeeling, sorrow, joy pain regret, or pitty.
Expresses pain, regret, deeply felt sorrow
Ah başım! This is no sudden jab of pain. It is not only the feeling of pain, but also thinking about it and being weary of it.
Ah! Niçin önceden söylemedin? Oh, why didn’t you tell me sooner? regret, remorse
Ah! O Akdeniz sahilleri! Oh that Mediterranean coast! longing mingled
with nostalgia
Ah yavrum! Sana kim bakacak? My poor lamb! Who is going to pity, sorrow
take care of you?
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