Versatile Sound Models for Interaction in Audio–Graphic Virtual Environments: Control of Audio-graphic Sound Synthesis
Ircam, 19-23 Septembre 2011
Satellite Workshop at the 14th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), 2011, Paris
The use of 3D interactive virtual environments is becoming more widespread in areas such as games, architecture, urbanism, information visualization and sonification, interactive artistic digital media,
serious games, gamification. The limitations in sound generation in existing environments are increasingly obvious with current requirements.
This workshop will look at recent advances and future prospects in sound modeling, representation, transformation and synthesis for interactive audio-graphic scene design.
Program Chairs
Diemo Schwarz, Ircam, Roland Cahen, ENSCI-les Ateliers, Hui Ding, LIMSI-CNRS & University Paris Sud 11
Workshop « From ASA to CASA, what does the ‘C’ stand for anaway »,
Satelite Workshop of the DAFx Conference,
Organisation Mathieu Lagrange et Lui Gustavo Martins,
Ircam, Paris, France, 23 Septembre 2011
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