Educational background:
Boston College (EU): Doctorat en lettres et Philologie (1985), spécialité: Littérature Française; Boston College (EU): Maîtrise en Littérature Française (1978); Suffolk University (USA): Licence en Lettres et Education (1976); Institut d’Etudes politiques: (Bordeaux, France) Certificat en Sciences Politiques (1969-1971).
Other Main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:
Dans le cadre du Conseil Caribéen des Aveugles (Carribean Council for the Blind ) et de Sight Savers International: une série de séminaires allant de 5 à 20 jours ont été suivis portant sur les thèmes suivants: Réadaptation à base communautaire des handicapés visuels, Intégration scolaire des enfants vivant avec une déficience visuelle, Prévention de la cécité: Projet vision 2020 de l’O.M.S., Techniques de Plaidoyer et structuration de groupe, Techniques de travail en équipe: University College of the Caribo, Gestion et Développement: Union Mondiale des aveugles , Projet de Développement institutionnel, Intervention précoce en matière de santé oculaire, Education intégrée: mode d’utilisation du matériel adapté à l’usage des élèves aveugles et malvoyants, Problématique des parents d’enfants handicapés visuels (1990-2003).
List of most recent publications in the field:
Pour un changement réel dans la vie des personnes handicapées en Haïti, (2002).
Intégration et Réintégration des Personnes Handicapées (œuvre collective) (1999).
Problématique des personnes handicapées en Haïti (œuvre collective), (1994).
La Cécité: un mal social (Article), 1989.
László Gábor LOVÁSZY (Hungary)
Name and first name: László Gábor LOVÁSZY
Date and place of birth: 11.04.1973, Budapest, Hungary
Working languages: English, Hungarian (fluent), international sign language, German (basic)
Current position/function:
2009 - Adviser to Ádám KÓSA, member of the European Parliament (acting president of the Disability Intergroup of European Parliament), Brussels;
2005 - Guest lecturer, Bárczi Gusztáv College of Special Education, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest.
Main professional activities:
2008 - 2009 Financial controller/lawyer Ministry of National Development and Economy, Budapest;
2005 - 2008 Civil servant, Social Inclusion Unit, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Budapest;
2005 National expert, European Commission, DG Research, Brussels;
2003 - 2005 Representative of Hungary in the Committee on Rehabilitation and Integration of People with Disabilities (CD-P-RR) of the Council of Europe, Council of Europe, Strasbourg;
2001 - 2005 Civil servant Disability Unit, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Budapest.
Educational background:
2009 Lawyer professional state exam, Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement, Budapest
2001 - 2007 Ph.D, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Szeged, summa cum lade
2004 Diploma of European Affairs, Ecole Nationale d’Administration (France) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Budapest
2002 - 2003 Diploma of ESL-program, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
1995 - 2000 M.Sc. Law, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Szeged
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:
2011 Draftsperson of Ádám Kósa MEP to the report on mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020
2009 - 2011 Member of the Board of the National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Budapest, Hungary
2009 Professional and official proof-reader to the Hungarian edition of Human rights - YES! - Action and Advocacy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
2007 - 2008 Lecturer, Disability Studies, INFONIA Foundation in cooperation with the National Institution of Family and Social Policies and the Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
2005 - 2008 Representative of the monitoring committees of Operative Programs (Human Resources and Transport) of the EU structural funds regarding social cohesion and inclusion
1996-2001 Member of the Youth Committee, the National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Budapest
2009 From Brussels to Budapest – on the implementation of EU legislation in Hungary (in cooperation with Erzsébet Földesi, vice president of European Disability Forum and Lajos Hegedűs, president of MEOSZ
2009 Legislation and administration of disability and rehabilitation policies in the EU and Hungary, University ELTE, Budapest (in cooperation with Professor György Könczei)
2008 Evaluation and criticism of UN Convention of the persons with disabilities in the point of view of rights to sign language (study of the Hungarian National Disability Council, Buda-pest) with Ádám Kósa, president of the National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
2007 Disability studies (equal opportunities of people with disabilities; the evaluation of anti-discrimination legislation in the US and Europe; solutions, models and regulations of vocational rehabilitation and supported employment; history of disability movement);
2005 The status of sign languages in Europe, Nina Timmermans (ed.), as a national representative in the Committee on the Rehabilitation and Integration of People with disabilities (CD-P-RR)
List of most recent publications in the field:
Author of about 30 publications, papers, studies and a university textbook on disability; the latest one was published as a university textbook in 2009 on Legislation and administration of disability and rehabilitation policies in the EU and Hungary (ELTE University, Budapest) in cooperation with Professor György Könczei within the framework of Disability Studies in Hungary. A number of studies and papers have been published in the professional reviews Hungarian Labour Law (Munkaügyi Szemle), Economics and Law (Gazdaság és Jog) and EU Law (Európai Jog).
Formal support of the Hungarian NGOs for the candidate:
On 4 April 2012, the candidate for CRPD was supported unanimously by the largest disability NGOs in Hungary during an official hearing with NGOs in the Ministry of National Resources, Budapest. The next NGOs, who are also members of the Hungarian National Disability Council (OFT), the National Council of Disabled Persons' Organizations (FESZT) and the Hungarian Disability Caucus to the CRPD expressed formally their support for the candidate: Hungarian Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability (ÉFOÉSZ), Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ), National Federation of Disabled Persons’ Association (MEOSZ), Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (MVGYOSZ). The following NGOs also supported the candidate: National Autism Association (AOSZ), National Alliance of Protected Organizations (VSZOSZ), Hungarian Sport Federation for People with Special Needs (FONESZ), Foundation BLISS, CÉHálózat, Foundation Motiváció and Ability Park
Date and place of birth: 19 April 1945, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India
Working language: ENGLISH and HINDI
Current position/function:
1. Founder, Trustee and currently Vice Chairperson of Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy (IICP), Kolkata,. IICP, a premier National Training and Research Institute, was founded in April 1974 . The Institute has focused on bringing positive changes in the lives of all people with cerebral palsy and other neurological disabilities, through a range of policies and service provisions designed to enhance their individual skills and knowledge .
2. Mentor to ROSHNI, the first National Resource Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology set up at IICP in 2011
3. Member of the Central Co-ordination Committee of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Government of India.
4. She was appointed as Chairperson by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India , to formulate a New Disability Rights Bill based on the UNCRPD.
5. Member Working Group on Empowerment of persons with Disabilities for formulation of XII Five Year Plan from 13th May 2011
6. Member of the State Advisory Council Ministry of Education Govt. of West Bengal.
Main Professional Activities:
a. Under her guidance as Chairperson of the committee in formulating a New Disability Rights Bill based on the UNCRPD, the largest ever awareness exercise on disability related issues, was held in India. Proactive consultations from the disability sector were acknowledged and State Level Consultations, with the active support and participation of the Disability groups across the country, were held. The draft was submitted to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on 30th June 2011.
b. As Founder Trustee and former Executive Director of IICP from 1987 to 2010, Dr Kaul has been at the helm in guiding the organization in working towards this mission. Dr Kaul has led her organization for the past 37 years, first as Principal of the Centre for Special Education and then its Executive Director till 1987, and currently its Vice Chairperson. She is an ardent and passionate believer in the leadership of persons with disabilities and is committed to empowering the development of self advocates and activists.
IICP won the National Award from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India for the Best Disability NGO in 2004.
She is providing training and employment opportunities for adults with severe learning disabilities and is continuously striving to enable social reforms that will lead to a more just and equitable society.
c. Member, Technical Advisory Group Mission Mode, Ministry of Welfare 1993.
d. Lecturer and Teaching Supervisor on Post graduate Diploma in Teaching Children with Neurological disorders RCI recognized course) from 1987 to date.
e. Member, General Council, Rehabilitation Council of India, 1994 –1997; 2000-.
a. Member of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC).ISAAC is a Non-Governmental Organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
b. She was appointed as its President of ISAAC from January 2007 to December 2009.Co-Chairperson Developing Countries, ISAAC, 1985 -1992. Has used her International experience in augmenting the growth of ISAAC in developing countries across the world.
Educational Qualifications:
Ph.D. (in Augmentative and Alternative Communication): Manchester Metropolitan University, 1999
M. Phil. : Centre for Clinical Communication Studies, City University, London, 1993
B. A. (Honours) English Literature : Miranda House, University of Delhi, 1964
1. Presidents Award, 1990 ISAAC ,Canada
2. ISAAC Fellow 2002, ISAAC, Canada
3. Padmashree , Government Of India, April 2010
Papers and Publications:
"The Able Disabled: India's investment". International Conference, Calcutta, November 1981.
"Education of the Disabled: an integrated approach". UNICEF Seminar, Calcutta, February 1988.
"Challenge of Special Education Needs: an approach to identification and assessment of the cerebral palsied in a community setting". International Special Education Congress, Cardiff, 30th July to 3rd August 1990.
"Building partnerships to create family focused community based services. Symposium on 'Early Intervention' Sydney - 17th June 1993.
"Whose conversation is it anyway?" Paper presented at an International conference on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Disability and Human Rights, Kolkata, November 2002
The GupShupProgramme’ ISAAC Conference, Düsseldorf 2006
Kaul , Sudha et al (2003) ‘Working with Families to Implement Home Interventions: India. In Samuel L. Odom, Marci J. Hanson, James A. Blackman, and Sudha Kaul (eds) ‘Early Intervention Practices Around the World. Baltimore.Brookes Publishers.
Kaul, Sudha (1992) The Challenge of Special Educational Needs: An approach to identification and assessment of individuals with Cerebral Palsy in a community setting. In T. Cline (Ed) Assessment of special educational needs: International perspectives. Routledge (London).
Collier, Barbara and Kaul, Sudha. (1989) An introduction to augmentative communication. Communication Outlook, Vol. 10, No.4.
Kaul, Sudha (1989) Reaching Out. In Proceedings of First ISAAC Regional Conference, Spastics Society of Eastern India.
Kaul, Sudha (1998) ‘Cerebral Palsy’. In Disability: A Parent’s Guide. Ed. AnjanaJha, Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy.
Mohammed AL-TARAWNEH (Jordan)
Name and first name: Mohammed AL-TARAWNEH
Date and place of birth: 17 March 1960, Jordan
Working languages: English, Arabic
Current position/function:
Managing Partner at Cross Borders Development Consultants (CBDC)
Advisor to the Mayor of Amman, Jordan on Human Rights
Current member and founder chairperson of the UNCRPD committee
Main professional activities:
I provide consultation on human rights issues, especially the rights of persons with disabilities, with special regard to accessibility.
I promote the UNCRPD at national levels, setting national disability strategies and action plans for nations that adopt or plan to adopt the CRPD.
I also work on promoting democracy and governance with special focus on youth and gender integration, especially in participation in the political process.
Assessment and feasibility studies for cities in regard to architectural barriers to accessibility and promoting universal design concepts.
Educational background:
B.S., Civil Engineering
M.A., Peace Diplomacy and International Development
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:
I provide technical support to member countries on several issues such as monitoring and implementation at the national level, setting up national disability strategies and action plans.
I promote the importance of accessibility towards the implementation of the CRPD articles, especially Article 9.
I encourage awareness-raising initiatives in member states of the CRPD with special focus on children with disabilities, women & girls with disabilities, and refugees & vulnerable groups with disabilities.
I work at the local and regional level to promote all forms of accessibility, including ICT and universal design concepts.
Ms. Hatouma GAKOU (Mali)
Name: Ms. Djikiné Hatouma GAKOU
Date and place of birth: 22 August 1958 to Goumbou Circle NARA MALI
Language (s) of work .French.
Current position/function:
Married with four (4) children, physically disabled, Social Administrator Project Manager at Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. President of the Malian Union of Associations of Disabled Women, Vice President of the Malian Federation of Associations of Disabled Persons, the West African Federation of Disabled Persons and the Pan African Association of People with Disabilities. Member of the African Network of Women with Disabilities
Main professional activities:
Project development and fundraising to finance the activities of the Malian Union of Associations and Committees Women with disabilities.
Plea for recognition and enforcement of disability rights and their implementation: accessibility to buildings and public buildings, information, work, health etc.
Extension and dissemination of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Development of projects of income generation for women with disabilities. Training of trainers modules on "disability, representations and perceptions of disability" Event organization for the prevention and reproductive health of women with disabilities on the occasion of the commemoration days of March 8, the Pan-African Women on July 31 and December 3 Day of Disabled Persons.
2010: Master of Social Sciences
1991: of Arts Degree in Management of Posts and Telecommunications
1985: Deug in Economics
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body the applicant: (10 lines)
August 2006: Participation in the development and adoption of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the United Nations in New York.-2007: Focal Point in West Africa for the dissemination and popularization of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Organization of several workshops on disability and gender based violence - 2008: Participation in the strategic plan of the African network of Disabled Women in Cape Town, South Africa-2003: Development of module on the representations and concepts of disability-1997: Participation in the International Forum on Women with Disabilities in Bethesda and Washington in 2004 to the day of disabled people-founding President of the first association of women with disabilities in 1994 and 1999 of the Union of Women with Disabilities-1997seminaire of West Africa in Burkina. Attendance at general meetings of PAFOD, the WAFOD and FEMAPH-1994
List of recent publications of the candidate in this field: (5 lines)
2011: The right of women with disabilities and protection against sexual violence
2003: Training module on perceptions and concepts of disability
2000: A Guide to the care of disabled women in reproductive health
1999: "Walk like the other" Work of Heart Foundation Sharing
Coomara PYANEANDEE (Mauritius)
Name and first name: PYANEANDEE COOMARA
Date and Place of Birth: 22 June 1968
Working languages: English and French
Current position/function:
Blind Barrister-at-law and Chairman of the Lois Lagesse Trust Fund for the Blind
Main professional activities:
Practising Lawyer in the Courts of Mauritius
Other Main Activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the Treaty Body concerned
(i) Human Rights Lawyer in the field of disability
(ii) Assist and advise DPO’s, NGO’s and Government Bodies to implement policies and measures to improve the socio-economic status of persons with disabilities
(iii) Advocate for disability representation in Government and Non-Governmental Organisations
(iv) Assist DPO’s in campaigning for the implementation of UNCRPD
(v) Served as Consultant to the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions in:
(a) The elaboration of the National Policy Paper and Plan of Action on Disability;
(b) drafting of the Initial Mauritius State Report on UNCRPD.
(vi) Served as Mayor of the Town of Curepipe (2009)
(vii) Barrister-Counsellor for “Education Mauritius” (2001)
(viii) Was General Manager of Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board
(1996 -2000)
(ix) Was Chairman of Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board (2005-2007)
Educational Background
1. LLB University of London 1993
2. LLM University of London 1995
List of most recent publication in the field
Author of: “Employment Guide on Benefits for Business: How and Why to recruit Persons with Disabilities”
Date and place of birth: 07th January 1962, Manica - Mozambique
Working languages: Portuguese and English
Current position/function: (5 lines maximum)
Adviser to the Minister of Woman and Social Welfare for disability issues,
Lecturer of Urban Sociology at ISCTEM (Higher Institute of Sciences and Technology of Mozambique in Maputo,
Honorary Chairperson of National Association for the Blind and Partially Sighted of Mozambique (ACAMO),
Member of Writers Association (AEMO) and of Musicians Associations (AMMO)
Main professional activities:
1988-1999 – GTZ/PDD consultant and researcher for Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) – Center for African Studies – Study on 1st municipality elections,
1992 – Consultancy Commissioned by UNICEF on post-war planning for rural development,
1994-2004 – Member of Parliament and of Parliament’s Social Affairs, Gender and Environment Committee (HIV and AIDS Focal Point),
2004 – 2009 Member of Standing Committee of the Parliament (Chairperson of Parliament HIV and AIDS Committee),
2005 – Coordinator for the study on Community Based rehabilitation – Ministry of Woman and Social Welfare, 2005 – to present - Lecturer of Urban Sociology at ISCTEM (Higher Institute of –sciences and Technology of Mozambique),
2008 – 2009 – Funder Committee Member of Zambeze University in charge of public relations and cooperation.
Educational background:
1990 – Degree in Sociology (Honors), University Nova Lisboa, Portugal
2005 – Post graduate in Social Science, University Nova Lisboa – Portugal,
2011 – PhD in sociology, University of Lisboa, Portugal.
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned: (10 lines maximum)
1991 – 2009 – Director – National Institute for Visual Impaired,
1991 – Paper on Leadership – inter-provincial workshop – ADEMO (Associationb for the Disability People of Mozambique – Beira,
1995 – 2001 – Founding member and +st President of ACAMO (National Association for the Blind and Partially Sghted People of Mozambique),
1999-2000- Consultancy for INAS (National Institute for Social Welfare) on Causes and Stragies on Begging,
2006 – Paper presented at the African Union Commission Special Summit on Hiv and AIDS, TB and Malaria on the Strenghtening of linkage between Parliament and Civil Society Organizations,
2001-2002 – Consultancy for the Community Development Program commissioned by the National Institute on Social Welfare,
2010 – 2011 -Consulted for UNAIDS, on parliamentary HIV training Program,
List of most recent publications in the field: (5 lines)
2009 – Legislating on HIV and AIDS: a challenge between tradition and modernity and the absurd and logical,
2009 – Parliamentary Oversight and the HIV and AIDS Pandemic: The case of Mozambique, Social Exclusion and Social Policies: the case of Maputo and Beira municipalities (PhD thesis)
Ahmad S. ALSAIF (Saudi Arabia)
Name: Ahmad S. Alsaif
Date and place of birth: 5/8/1961, Buraiydah, Saudi Arabia
I am a disabled person, (a wheelchair user)
Mobile no. 00966 503802882
Working languages: Arabic and English
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