Current position and professional activities:
Member of Saudi Human Rights Commission Council;
Director of the Rights of Persons with Disability Unit in Saudi Arabia;
Member of the legal committee at Saudi Human Rights Commission;
Member of propagation of the human rights culture committee.
Educational background:
Doctor of Law (PhD), Newcastle Law School, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (2008). The thesis was entitled : (The Rights of persons with disability and discrimination, a comparative study);
Master in Law (LLM US Legal Studies), (Honors), School of Law, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA (2003);
High Diploma in Laws (leading to master’s degree), Institute of General Administration, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1988);
(BA) in Sharia (Islamic Law), Al-Imam University, Saudi Arabia (1986).
Intellectual interests:
Human rights theory, comparative disability rights and discrimination studies.
Main activities in the field of the rights of persons with disability:
Specialized writer in the field of rights of persons with disability in some newspapers and magazines;
Professional trainer for the convention on the rights of persons with disability;
Participant Member of Islamic World Disability Council;
Member of Saudi Disability Association (Mobility);
Member of American Persons with Disabilities Association (APDA);
Member of British Association of legal and Social Philosophy (ALSP).
List of most recent publication in the field of disability rights issues:
The Rights of Persons with Disability and Discrimination (a comparative study);
Disability and International Law;
Philosophy of Disabled as a Human;
The Rights of Disability and Disabling of Right;
The Rights of patients;
How Saudi Arabia and some Arab countries disability regulations comply with international convention on rights of persons with disability, (a critical study).
Prizes and Awards:
(Ideal Student), Al-Imam University, Saudi Arabia (1985);
Hauberk and Certificate of Scholarly Accomplishment, Case Western University, Cleveland, OH, USA (2003);
Certificate of Achievement (Academic Performance), FSF School, Washington DC, USA. (2001).
Sebenzile Joy Patricia MATSEBULA (SOUTH AFRICA)
Date and place of birth: 23rd September 1957, South Africa
Working languages: English
Current position/function: Director
Main professional activities:
Provided leadership and contributed to the development and negotiations for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Member of the UN Ad Hoc Committee for the development and negotiation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Provide leadership, advisory and consultancy role to various United Nations organs on mainstreaming disability and the promotion of rights of persons with disabilities
Evaluated the 1st African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1999 – 2009) for the African Union and presented the findings at the 2nd AU Conference of Ministers for Social Development (CAMSD2), Khartoum, Sudan in 2010.
Developed a Strategy to Influence the Protocol for Persons with Disabilities of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights for the African Union
Contributed to the conceptualization and development of the program of the African Decade of Disabled Persons with Disabilities
Board member of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities
Vice President for Africa of Rehabilitation International which has observed status at the United Nations
Develop advocacy programs for human rights for persons with disabilities
Develop policies, programs and strategies to mainstream disability
Developed programs to promote the respect of human rights of persons with disabilities
Conducted research to inform development of policies to mainstream disability and uphold human rights of persons with disabilities
Trained and provided capacity building in the education and understanding of disability as a human rights construct and the paradigm shift from the medical to the social model
Educational background:
PhD (Incomplete) University of Saskatoon, Canada - 1994
MSc Pennsylvania State University, USA - 1984
BSc University of Botswana and Swaziland - 1981
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:
Promoted integration of disability and people with disabilities as Director in the Presidency of South Africa; as head of the Office on the status of Disabled Persons.
Participated in development consulting on human rights and social justice issues.
1986 to date - Active member of the disability movement
Chairs the Disability Workshop Development Enterprise and the Disability Empowerment Concerns Holding Company
Board member of Action on Disability and Development, Centre for Alternative and Augmentative Communication, Cheshire Homes South Africa, South African Development Trust for Disabled People.
List of most recent publications in the field:
Government of South Africa: Investigation into Braille production needs and Braille policy matters in SA, 2012
Government of South Africa: Audit of Residential Facilities for Disabled People in South Africa, 2012
Local Government of South Africa: Development of a Plan of Action for the Disability Advocacy Campaign for the 2011 Local Government Elections
Mining Qualifications Authority of South Africa: Development of a Disability Toolkit for Mining Sector in South Africa, 2011
East Africa Regional AIDS Training Network Technical Reviews for Research reports on Disabled People and HIV/AIDS in East Africa, 2011
UN - WHO World Report on Disability and Rehabilitation, 2011
United States Agency for International Development: Extension of physical and social rehabilitation services for civilian war disabled and other people with disabilities in East Africa, 2010
African Union: Evaluation of the 1st African Decade of Persons with disabilities, 2010
United Nations Populations Fund -UNFPA-WHO: Guidelines on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Persons with Disabilities for the United Nations Populations Fund -UNFPA-WHO, 2008
Global Partnership for Disability & Development and the World Bank: Women with disabilities in Development, 2008
British Overseas Development Fund: Policy audit of disability inclusive policies in Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Swaziland, 2008
Danish Organizations of Overseas Development: A comparative study of political approaches to strengthen the rights of persons with disabilities and foster their participation in all aspects of society, 2008
Secretariat of the African Decade of Disabled Persons: Disabled Women’s Development Program & Development of the Africa Network of Disabled Women, 2006
Name and first name: Peláez Narváez, Ana
Date and place of birth: 12th October 1966, Zafra, Extremadura, Spain
Working languages: Spanish, English and French
Current position/function:
Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE) International Relations Director
Executive Vice-President of the ONCE Foundation for Latin America (FOAL)
Member of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) from its creation (from 3rd November 2008 to 31st December 2012)
Main professional activities:
Chairwoman of the Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) and CERMI Commissioner for Gender Affairs.
Member of the Executive Committee and Board of the European Disability Forum (EDF) and chair of its Women's Committee.
Representative of the EDF to the European Women's Lobby (EWL), forming part of Directors. From this position, she represents the EWL in the European Commission´s High Level Group on Disability.
In 2011 she was named expert for the European Co-ordination Forum for the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan (CAHPAH) 2006-2015
Educational background:
Science of Education and Psychology Degrees at Seville University.
Master´s Degree in Special Needs for People with Disabilities and PhD courses at the University of Salamanca.
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:
Public hearings, meetings and conferences:
Speaker at a parallel event on Disability, international development and cooperation policies and the Millennium Development Goals during the 4th Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (New York 2011)
Speaker at the United Nations International Human Rights Day (Geneva 2010)
Speech on Inclusion and the Right to Education at the 3rd Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (New York 2010)
Speech to the European Parliament Disability Intergroup on Gender Violence against Women with Disabilities (Brussels 2010)
Special Commission of the Spanish Senate on the study of National Adoption and other related matters (Madrid 2010)
List of most recent publications in the field:
Gender Equality Plan for Disability Third Sector Organisations (CERMI, 2011)
Motherhood and Disability (CERMI, 2009)
Recognizing the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities: An Added Value for Tomorrow´s Society (CERMI/EDF, 2008)
Comprehensive Action Plan for Women with Disabilities 2005-2008 (CERMI, 2005)
For Equality, United in Diversity (CERMI, 2005).
Monthian BUNTAN (Thailand)
Name and first name: Monthian BUNTAN
Date and place of birth: 2 May 1965, Phrae Province, Thailand
Working languages: Thai / English
Current position/function:
2008-present: Member of the Senate, Royal Thai Government
2002-present: Executive Committee Member, Foundation of Asia Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD Foundation) under Royal Patronage, and Asia Pacific Development Center on Disability
1999-present: Founder/Coordinator, Daisy Thailand
1999-present: Founder/Secretary General, Thai Blind Peoples’ Foundation & Vice Chair, Thai National Institute for the Blind
1993-present: Freelance Academic Advisor/former Deputy Director, Ratchasuda College, Mahidol University, Thailand
Main activities:
2011-present: Chairman, Local Organizing Committee, World Blind Union/ICEVI General Assembly 2012 in Bangkok – November 2012
2004-2012: President, Thailand Association of the Blind
2003-2006: Thai Government Representative to Ad Hoc Committee: CRPD
2001-2005: Member, Disability Advisory Committee to Thai Prime Minister
2000-2002: Member, Thai National Broadcasting Commission Search Committee.
Educational background:
1993: Master of Arts in Music Theory/Composition (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN USA)
1990: Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Music (St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN USA)
1988: Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy (Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand)
Other main activities:
Human Rights Activist
Political and Social Activist
Disability Policy Advocate
ICT Accessibility Policy Advocate
My life focus has been and continues to be working alongside disability rights groups and movements in Thailand and around the world, from grassroots to global level.
In Thailand, I actively participated in drafting Thai disability laws, including the Persons with Disabilities Empowerment Act B.E. 2550 (2007) and the Education Act for Persons with Disabilities B.E. 2551 (2008), ensuring consistency with CRPD principles. Since becoming a member of the Thai Senate my work has included participating actively in drafting amendments to existing laws, to ensure they are disability friendly. Of the 40 amendments to legislation proposed, to date close to 20 have been adopted.
Recent Publications:
Most recent writing has been centered on keynote speeches, presentations and short articles, a selection as listed below:
16.05.12: “ICT Accessibility: one of the Core Components to ensure ICT for Sustainable and Inclusive Development”, presented at the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Asia Pacific Regional Forum on ICT for Sustainable and Inclusive Development held UNESCAP Bangkok Thailand
14.03.12: Opening Address to the UNESCAP Regional Preparatory Meeting for the High Level Intergovernmental Meeting on Final Review of the Implementation of the Asia and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003-2012, Bangkok Thailand
3.02.12: Address on behalf of the Thailand Delegation to the 50th Session of UN Commission for Social Development, New York USA
21.06.11: “Basic Principles to Ensure ICT Accessibility for All and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)”, delivered at ITU Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Digital Inclusion for All, Singapore
12.04.11: “Accessible Tourism: A Strategic Example of CRPD Implementation”, delivered at International Conference on Accessible Tourism Taipei, Taiwan
4.03.11: “International Cooperation in Developing Countries: Let’s Make It More Disability-Inclusive”, delivered at Opening Ceremony UNESCAP Social Development Committee Meeting
Safak PAVEY (Turkey)
Name and first name: Pavey, Safak
Date and place of birth: 10 July 1976, Ankara, Turkey
Working languages: Turkish, English, French, Italian, basic level German, Farsi and international sign
Current position/function: Member of Turkish Parliament, Deputy of Istanbul
Main professional activities:
Member of Turkey-EU Accession Committee and Joint Parliamentary Committee Member of Euro-Med Parliamentary Assembly for the Mediterranean Union, and Sub-Committee on Energy, Water and Environment Member and Vice-Chair of Turkish Parliamentary Friendship Groups with South Korea and Norway.
Educational background: Bsc. in International Relations and the EU Studies, Msc. & post grad studies in "Minority Rights, Nationalism & Ethnicity", London School of Economics, UK Art, media and film studies, Art & Film School, Switzerland Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned: Safak is the former Secretary to the CRPD Committee at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2010 - 2011), Former member of the UN Interagency Support Group for CRPD (2007 - 2011), Former member of the UN High-level Task Force on "Accessibility" (2010- 2011), Former member of the UNHCR human resources and refugee /IDP protection task forces on disability (2007 - 2010).
During her work as a UN staff between 2003 and 2011, Safak provided trainings for State parties to the CRPD as well as promoting further accession and ratification by States, campaigned across the UN and civil society platforms to promote the CRPD principles, led ‘accessibility / inclusive design’ projects and worked particularly on developing UN disability-related policies on displacement, humanitarian aid and human resources. She left her position at the United Nations and was elected as Deputy of Istanbul at 2011 elections in Turkey. She has become the first disabled female member of the Turkish Parliament.
Recently, she has been honoured with the “2011-The Outstanding Young Person of the World Award” by JCI (Junior Chamber International) and the 2012 ‘International Woman of Courage Award’ by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama.
List of most recent publications in the field:
• Disability rights related legislative work & Parliamentary speeches at the Turkish Grand National Assembly
• "Inclusive Design Briefing", Monocle Magazine
• "Article 33 of the CRPD and the Paris Principles", Ankara Bar Association
• "Emergencies and Disabilities" papers and speeches, "European Business Conference on Inclusive Design" and "Include" Seminars, Norwegian Design Council & UK Royal College of Arts
• "In-house (dis)ability", Forced Migration Review
• "The protection of older persons and persons with disabilities", UNHCR Excom Standing Committee
Martin MWESIGWA BABU (Uganda)
Name: Mwesigwa Babu
First Name: Martin
Date of Birth: 12 March 1973
Marital Status: Widower
Occupation: Social Worker
Current Job: Programme Manager National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU)
Level of Education:
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (BA SS Hons)
Makerere University Kampala – Uganda
Other Training:
Inclusive Communication for Disability, September, 2006 – Swaziland;
Training in Communication for Advocacy, organized by Healthlink Worldwide, Nazareth, Ethiopia 20 – 26 August 2005;
Training in Leadership for Development, The Coady Institute Canada Antigonish;
Training of IT Trainers’ Course – Happy Computers, United kingdom;
Microsoft Certificate in Trainer of MS Applications – Happy Computers UK;
Training as Functional Adult Literacy Trainer – Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development – Government of Uganda.
Other engagements:
Consultant – Integrating Disability in World Vision Area Development Programme, Sierra Leone, May 2008;
Co-Trainer for Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau staff in skills on Communication for Advocacy undertaken by Healthlink Worldwide – UK, August 2007;
Conference Consultant, Sudan National Women’s Convention, Grand Imperial Hotel – 5 – 11 March 2002;
Design Consultant, Domestic Relations Bill Fact Cards – Uganda Women’s Network 2002;
Consultant Trainer, Skills for Southern Sudan, New Sudan – Rumbek, Nairobi 2001 –2002;
Coordinator, Global Youth Health Teleconference, Youths & HIV/AIDS, Global Distance Learning Centre – Uganda Management Institute (UMI), 2001.
Papers/Articles Authored
Inclusion of PWDs in the Millennium Development Goals is a Prerequisite – Paper presented to an EU organised Conference in Slovakia, May 2007;
Child Protection Concerns for Children with Disabilities – Paper presented to parliamentary Social Affairs Committee, , Dec 2007- Hotel Equatorial;
The Case for mainstreaming PWDs in the National HIV/AIDS Agenda –Paper presented to the Partnership Committee of Uganda AIDS Commission, 8th Sept. 2006 – At UAC Boardroom;
Understanding Disability and Integration PWDs in Traditional Health Care Systems in Uganda, Workshop organized by THETA – 22nd March 2006, Kampala;
Role of Health Professional in mainstreaming Disability into HIV/AIDS Support and Care Initiatives In Uganda, Workshop organized by HOSPICE Uganda, March 2006, Mukono;
‘The Forgotten Tribe – PWDs and HIV/AIDS’, 21 –22 March 2005, Munyonyo Kampala;
‘The Uganda we want based on the Common Good of all – PWD Perspective’ – 6 – 7 October 2005, Hotel Africana.
Responsibilities (Official & Social):
Steering Committee Member – Africa Decade Campaign on Disability & HIV 2008 -2018;
Representative of Civil Society Inter-Constituency Coordination Committee (CICC) to the National HIV/AIDS Partnership Committee, Uganda AIDS Commission;
Executive Committee member representing East African Region on the Pan African Youth Action Against HIV/AIDS Organization;
Executive Committee member, Uganda Child Rights NGO Network. (UCRNN);
Secretary for Disability Affairs, Local Government Council I Committee, Nsambya Kirombe Village;
Parent of four children.
Life Goal: Making Disability Dignified and Visible to All.
Personal Contacts:
Address: National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU)
P. O. Box 8567, Kampala Uganda
Official Tel: +256 414 540179
Cell: +256 772 602002 or +256 706 302002
Diane MULLIGAN (United Kingdom)
Name and first name: MULLIGAN, Diane (OBE)
Date and place of birth: 04-10-1966, Barnstaple, UK
Working languages: English, Indonesian
Current position/function:
Coordinator of International Advocacy and Alliances for Inclusive Development with CBM.
Member of the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission statutory Disability Committee
Member of Equality 2025, independent advice to the UK government on disability issues.
Co-chair of UN Task Group with the International Disability and Development Consortium
Member of the Task Force on Accessibility for the Human Rights Council.
Main professional activities:
Coordinating international advocacy work on inclusive development to realise the rights of persons with disabilities worldwide.
Building the capacity and training staff on the depth and breadth of the Convention and its potential impact on policy, legislation and practical application.
Empowering organisations on processes of implementation and monitoring and reporting of
The Convention e.g. disabled people’s organisations, NGOs, national human rights institutions and government officials in developing countries.
Working with the UK’s NHRI providing comparative analysis and expert input (including NHRI CRPD parallel report), and working through the European working group of NHRIs.
Providing support and information on what the CRPD means for disabled people.
Educational background:
B.A (Hons.) Women’s Studies – First Class - Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
MSc. Science and Technology Policy, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex.
Currently a guest lecturer on disability and international development at both University College London and at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:
Diane was selected through an open and transparent process and is experienced in advocacy, familiar with the CRPD and advised more than 20 States on disability and human rights.
She is co-chair of the UN Task Group with the International Disability and Development Consortium, specializing in CRPD implementation in developing countries. She works with Missions to draft and propose Resolutions to include people with disabilities in emerging agreements that reinforce existing architecture such as the Convention,
She has been an advisor to the Royal Association for Disability and Rights Leadership Project building the capacity of future disabled leaders. She chaired the British Overseas NGOs in Development Disability and Development Group, lobbying and supporting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the UK’s aid programmes.
List of most recent publications in the field:
Miles, S. Fefoame, G. Mulligan, D. Haque, Z. (forthcoming) Education for diversity: the role of networking in resisting disabled people’s marginalisation in Bangladesh.
Wickenden, M. Mulligan, D. Fefoame, G. Katende, P. (in press) An INGO’s participatory practice informing the CBR guidelines: Ghanaian and Ugandan experiences. African Journal of Disability.
Mulligan, D. Enfield, S. & Stubbs, S. (2011) Simple Steps to Social Inclusion, Sightsavers Guidance Manual.
Mulligan, D. & Martin, V. (2010) Sightsavers, Disabilityand Social Inclusion: Questions and Answers, Sightsavers Briefing.
Mulligan, D. & Barclay, H. (2009) Tackling violence against women – lessons for efforts to tackle other forms of targeted violence, Safer Communities, Pier Professional, Hove.
Mulligan, D. & Gooding, K. (2009) The Millennium Development Goals and People with Disabilities, Sightsavers Policy Briefing.
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