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Curriculum Vitae May, 2016

Rashmi Srivastava

Scientist F

Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226 007, India


Phone: 91 522 2742936(O); 09935481674(M); 08795193132(M)


1985: Ph. D. Title: Contributions to the fossil woods of Deccan Intertrappean flora of Madhya Pradesh from Lucknow University

1977: M.Sc. Botany from Lucknow University

Joined Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany in 1981 and presently working as Scientist ‘F’

Palaeofloristics, palaeoecology and phytogeography of the Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic sediments of India

  • Upper Cretaceous-Palaeocene plant megafossils from Deccan Intertrappeans of central India.

  • Neogene plant fossils from different areas of Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Maharashtra and Quaternary woods of Kerala, India.

  • In addition, investigated Oligocene woods from Japan.

  • Pliocene fossil woods of Java Island, Indonesia.

  • Morphotaxonomical and cuticular features of Cenozoic plant fossils of Poland and other European countries (Germany, France and Switzerland).


1998: Selected as visiting scientist under International Scientific Exchange Programme to visit Japan under INSA-JSPS programme

1997: Fellow, The Palaeontological Society of India
2002: Awarded Chandra Dutt Pant Medal for best piece of research work during 1999-2002
2008: Fellow of The Palaeobotanical society, Lucknow

2010: Selected as visiting scientist under International Scientific Exchange Programme to visit Poland under INSA-PAS (Polish Academy of Sciences) Programme

2014: Elected as Councilor, International Society of Plant Morphologists (ISPM), Delhi

2014: Established collaborative research programme funded by National Science Foundation, USA, worked in Florida Museum of Natural History (Prof. Steven R. Manchester)


2002: Associated with the development of National Fossil Park, Ghughua, Dindori District, M. P. Identification & display of fossil plants and other exhibits are being provided to the organizers.

2007: Councilor, The Palaeobotanical Society.

2008-2011: Editor, Geophytology.

2008: Editorial board, Indian Journal of Scientific Research, India

2008: Coordinator, Organizing Committee for the conference "Plant Life Through ages" to be jointly organized by The Palaeobotanical society

2012: Chaired Paleobotany Session, International Symposium and XXII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (ISIPAT 2012)
2013-17: Councilor, International Society of Plant Morphologists, New Delhi
2015: National Advisory Committee of National Conference on Palaeogene of the Indian subcontinent

1984: Palaeobotanical Society, Lucknow- Life Member and Fellow

1988: International Society of Plant Morphologists, New Delhi- Life Member

1996: The Palaeontological Society of India, Lucknow- Life Member and Fellow

2008: Indian Botanical Society- Life Member and Fellow

1995-97, 2015: International Association of Wood Anatomists, Utrecht, The Netherlands- Member

2001: International Organization of Paleobotany (IOP)- Member

Deputation/ Study/ Visit Abroad

1994: Invited lecture entitled “Systematic anatomy of fossil woods in the Tertiary flora of India”. IIIrd Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference, New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand.

1998: Under INSA-JSPS International Scientific Exchange Programme, visited Japan for three months and worked with Prof. M. Suzuki of Oligocene fossil woods from Kyoto. The major stay was in Botanical Garden, Tohoku University, Sendai for about 9 weeks. Besides, visited Archaeological sites at Aomori with the members of National Museum of Japanese History, Kyoto; Wood Research Institute, Kyoto at Uji City, Nara; Botanical Garden, Osaka City University; Osaka Museum of Natural History; Lake Biwa Museum and site of Shiga Prefecture, Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Sanda City of Hyogo Prefecture, Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba; Geoscience Department, Chiba University; Institute of Natural History, Tokyo; Natural History Museum, Tokyo; Laboratory of Geoscience and Biology, Chuo University; Forestry and Forest Product Research Institute, National Institute of Agrobiological Resources and Geological Museum of Geological Survey of Japan at Science City, Tokyo.

1998: Invited lecture entitled “Tertiary flora of India" at Osaka Museum Natural History, Osaka, Japan.

2003: Invited lecture entitled “Neogene flora of India with special reference to Southeast Asian elements”. International Workshop on Silicified Woods from Java Island, Indonesia held at Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

International project- Palaeobotanical study on the fossil woods from Java Island, Indonesia- Rashmi Srivastava [& Noriko Kagemori & Kazuo Terada (Japan) & Yance Mandang & Sapri Hadiwisastra (Indonesia).

2010: Under INSA International Collaboration/Exchange Programme visited W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Krakow and Museum of Earth, Warsawa Poland for 4 weeks and studied Tertiary fossil leaves showing insect/fungal activity and dicotyledonous woods from Antarctica (Prof. Ewa Zastawniak and Late Dr. K. Krajewska).

After that also visited Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Germany (Prof. Volker Wilde), National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France (Prof. Dario De Franceschi) and Swiss Federal Institute of Science & Technology, Zurich, Switzerland (Milena Pika Boilzi).

2015: Under collaborative research programme funded by National Science Foundation, USA, worked in Florida Museum of Natural History (Prof Steven R. Manchester), Department of Forest Biomaterials, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina (Prof. E. Wheeler) and University of Michigan (S. Y. Smith) of USA. Also visited Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC and Montgomery Botanical Center, Miami, and the herbarium of Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, Miami, Florida, USA.

After that also visited Naturalis and National Herbarium, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands and worked with Pieter Baas.

2015: Invited lecture entitled “Flora of Deccan Intertrappean sediments of India and its biogeography” at Florida Museum of Natural History, Florida, USA.


  1. Trivedi, B.S. & Srivastava, Rashmi 1979. Echinocarpoxylon mohgaonense gen. et sp. nov. from the

Deccan Intertrappean beds of Chhindwara, M.P. IIIrd Indian Geophytological Conference, Lucknow.

2. Trivedi, B.S. & Srivastava, Rashmi 1979. Grewioxylon tertiarum sp. nov. from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mohgaon Kalan, Chhindwara District, M.P. IIIrd Indian Botanical Conference, Lucknow.

3. Awasthi, N. & Srivastava, Rashmi 1988. Some new carbonised woods from the Neogene of Kerala Coast, India. Symposium on Vistas in Indian Palaeobotany, BSIP Lucknow.

4. Awasthi, N. & Srivastava, Rashmi 1991. Some fossil leaves and a fruit from Warkalli beds, Kerala Coast. Birbal Sahni Birth Centenary Palaeobotanical Conference, BSIP Lucknow.

5. Srivastava, Rashmi 1992. Significance of wood structures in the Neogene flora of India. IV IOP Conference, Paris.

6. Srivastava, Rashmi & Awasthi, N. 1993. Fossil woods of Sterculiaceae and Sapindaceae from Middle Miocene sediments of Kerala Coast. Conference on Recent Trend in Botany, Amravati.

7. Srivastava, Rashmi 1994. Systematic anatomy of fossil woods in the Tertiary flora of India. IIIrd Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference, New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand.

8. Srivastava, Rashmi & Awasthi, N. 1995. Fossil woods from Neogene of Warkalli beds of Kerala Coast and their palaeoecological significance. Vegetational Dynamics of the Past and Present. Golden Jubilee Conference, The Palaeobotanical Society, Lucknow.

9. Srivastava, Rashmi 1997. Fossil woods of Artocarpus from Warkalli Formation of Kerala Coast, India. National Symposium on Biodiversity, Conservation and Evolution of Plants” held at University of Allahabad, Allahabad,

10. Guleria J.S., Srivastava, Rashmi & Prasad M. 1998. Some fossil leaves from pre-Siwalik sediments of Himachal Pradesh.Workshop Himalayan Foreland Basin with special reference to pre-Siwalik Tertiaries, Jammu.

11. Arya, R., Guleria, J.S. & Srivastava, Rashmi 1999. New records of plant fossil from theKasauli sediments of Himachal Pradesh, North-West India. XVI Convention Indian Association of Sedimentologists (An International Meeting) held at PG Department of Geology, Univeristy of Jammu, Jammu.

12. Guleria, J.S., Srivastava, Rashmi & Arya, R. 1999. Occurrence of fossil Mitragyna in the Early Miocene of Himachal Pradesh, India. XVI Convention Indian Association of Sedimentologists (An International Meeting) held at PG Department of Geology, Univeristy of Jammu, Jammu.

13.Guleria, J.S. & Srivastava, Rashmi 1999. Growth ring studies in Indian woods and their significance. International Symposium on Multifaceted Aspect of Tree Ring Analysis, held at Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, 15-16 November, 1999.

14. Guleria JS & Srivastava Rashmi 2002. Fossil wood of Anacardiaceae from the Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Betul district, Madhya Pradesh. National Conference on Biodiversity-Past and Present, BSIP Lucknow November, 2002.Conference on Plant Life Through the Ages, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow (Nov. 16-17 2008).

15.Srivastava Rashmi 2003. Neogene flora of India with special reference to Southeast Asian elements. International workshop on silicified fossil woods from Java Island, Indonesia. (22-24 Feb.003).

16. Srivastava Rashmi 2003. Fossil dicotyledonous woods from Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Ghansor, Seoni District, M. P. and their palaeoclimatological significance. National conference on Biodiversity and Applied Biology of Plants held at Department of Botany, University of Lucknow (8-10 October, 2003).

17. Khare EG, Prasad M & Srivastava Rashmi , 2003. Some more fossil leaf impressions from Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Madhya Pradesh. National conference on Biodiversity and Applied Biology of Plants held at Department of Botany, University of Lucknow (8-10 October, 2003).

18. Guleria JS & Srivastava Rashmi & Misra KS 2004. A rare occurrence of plant and animal fossils in the Deccan Basalts of Khandwa District, Madhya Pradesh, India. International Conference on ‘Modern trends in Plant Sciences with special reference to the role of Biodiversity in Conservation’ held at Department of Botany, Amravati University, Amravati.

19. Guleria JS, Mehrotra RC & Srivastava Rashmi 2005. Fossil remains of Acorus the Palaeogene sediments of India. National Seminar on Geology and Energy Resources of NE India: Progress & Perspective and Annual General Meeting of Geological Society of India, Nagaland University, Kohima.

20. Guleria JS & Srivastava Rashmi 2005. Vegetation and environment of the Deccan Plateau of India across Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary : An analysis based on megafossils. Workshop on Recent Advances and Perspective Challenges in Indian Non-Marine Late Cretaceous, Nagpur.

21. Srivastava Rashmi 2005. Early angiospermous dicotyledonous woods from India. In Challenges in Indian Palaeobiology : Current Status, recent Developments and Future Directions. Diamond Jubilee National Conference, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow.

22. Srivastava Rashmi 2006. Vegetational pattern in the Neogene sequence of India. 7th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference, Czech Republic, Prague. : 132-133. (Abst. Published, Conference not attended).

23. Srivastava Rashmi 2006. Evolutionary trends in the Cretaceous - Tertiary dicotyledonous woods of India and their ecological/functional aspects. In Changing Scenario in Palaeobotany and allied subjectsDiamond Jubilee International Conference, Nov. 15-17 2006. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow.

24. Srivastava Rashmi & Kapgate DK 2007. Perminaralised fungal remains in the fossil wood of Barringtonia from the Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Yavatmal District, Maharashtra, India. In XXI Indian Colloquium on Micropalaeontology and Stratigraphy, November 16-17 2007, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow: 216.

25. Guleria JS, Srivastava Rashmi, Kumar AB & Satheesh R. 2008. Late Holocene vegetation and environment of Meenachil River Basin, Kottayam District, Kerala, India.In International Workshop on Climate Change & its Impact on Flora in the South Asia Region, March 9-12, 2008, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India: 64.

26. Srivastava Rashmi. 2008. Fossil dicotyledonous woods from Deccan Intertrappean beds of Seoni District, Madhya Pradesh and their palaeoenvironmental significance. Conference on Plant Life Through the Ages, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow (Nov. 16-17 2008): 184.

27. Srivastava Rashmi. & R. C. Mehrotra 2008. Plant remains from the Dafla Formation, West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh. Conference on Plant Life Through the Ages, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow (Nov. 16-17 2008): 185.

28. Guleria J.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 2008. Angiospermous woods from Deccan Intertrappean beds of Chiraidongri, Mandla District, Madhya Pradesh. Conference on Plant Life Through the Ages, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow (Nov. 16-17 2008): 57.

29. Srivastava Rashmi 2009. Indian Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary flora before collision of Indian Plate. National Seminar on "Geodynamics sedimentation and biotic response in the context of India-Asia collision" Department of Geology, Mizoram University, Aizawl.

30. Terada K., Kagemori N., Mandang Y., Srivastava Rashmi & Kagemori Y. 2011. What can fossil wood tell us? The identification of fossil woods from thee Pliocene of West Java, Indonesia. The 177th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere, Wood culture and science, August 6-9, Kyoto, Japan (Presented by Japanese collaborators).

31. Srivastava Rashmi 2012. Evolution and diversification of angiosperms in the Deccan Intertrappean flora of India: Phytogeograhical and palaeoclimatological aspects. International Symposium and XXII Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy:

32. Srivastava AK & Srivastava Rashmi 2015. Glossopteridales: An Intricate Group of plants. International Conference on Current perspectives and emerging issues in Gondwana evolution, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, January 19-20, 2015: p 99.

33. Srivastava Rashmi & Srivastava AK 2015. Insect herbivory in Gondwana plants. International Conference on Current perspectives and emerging issues in Gondwana evolution, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, January 19-20, 2015: p 100.

34. Srivastava Rashmi 2015. Angiosperm flora of Deccan Intertrappean beds of India and their biogeography. National Conference on Paleogene of the Indian Subcontinent, Geological Survey of India, Lucknow April 23-24, 2015: p 107
PUBLICATIONS: In chronological order
1. Trivedi B.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 1980. Elaeocarpoxylon mohgaonse sp. nov., from the Deccan Intertrappean Series of Mohgaon Kalan, Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh. Biovigyanum 6: 185-186.

2. Trivedi B.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 1981. A new species of Oleoxylon from the Deccan Deccan Intertrappean beds of Jhiria, Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh. Biovigyanum 7: 83-84.

3. Trivedi B.S. & Srivastava Rashmi. 1982a. A fossil woods of Ebenaceae from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of District, Madhya Pradesh. (India). J. Indian bot. Soc. 61: 254-259.

4. Trivedi B.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 1982b. Aesculoxylon deccanensis gen. et sp. nov. from Mohgaon Kalan, Chhindwara District, M.P. J. Indian bot. Soc. 61: 426-431.

5. Trivedi B.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 1989. Gymnospermous woods from Early Tertiary of Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh. Phytomorphology 39 (1): 61-68.

6. Awasthi N. & Srivastava Rashmi 1989. Canarium palaeoluzonicum, a new fossil wood from the Neogene of Kerala with remarks on the nomenclature of fossil woods of Burseraceae. Palaeobotanist 37 (2): 173-179.

7. Awasthi N. & Srivastava Rashmi 1990. Some new carbonised woods from the Neogene of Kerala coast and their bearing on palaeoclimate. In: Jain K.P. & Tewari R.S. (eds.)- Proc. Symp. "Vistas in Indian Palaeobotany," Palaeobotanist 38: 285-292.

8. Trivedi B.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 1990. Nomenclatural note on some new combinations in Araucarioxylon and Podocarpoxylon (Fossil). Taxon 39(4): 658-659.

9. Srivastava Rashmi 1991. A catalogue of fossil plants from India—4. Cenozoic (Tertiary) Megafossils. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow: 1-45.

10. Awasthi N. & Srivastava Rashmi 1992. Additions to the Neogene flora of Kerala Coast, India. Geophytology 20 (2): 148-154.

11. Awasthi N. & Srivastava Rashmi 1992. Fossil leaves and a fruit from Warkalli beds, Kerala Coast, India. Geophytology 21 (1): 53-57.

12. Mehrotra R.C. & Srivastava Rashmi 1994. Araucarian seed scale from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India. J. Indian bot. Soc. 73: 329-330.

13. Srivastava Rashmi & Awasthi N. 1994. Carbonised woods of Sterculiaceae and Sapindaceae from Middle Miocene sediments of Kerala coast. Palaeobotanist 42 (2): 178-182.

14. Bande M.B. & Srivastava Rashmi 1995. Grewia -type of fossil wood from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India. Geophytology 24 (2): 131-135.

15. Srivastava Rashmi 1996. Systematic anatomy of fossil woods in the Tertiary flora of India. pp. 129-138 in Donaldson, L.J., Singh, A.P., Butterfield, B.G. & Whitehouse, L.J. (Editors)- Recent Advances in Wood Anatomy, New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Ltd.

16. Awasthi N., Mehrotra R.C. & Srivastava Rashmi 1996. Fossil woods from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Madhya Pradesh. Geophytology 25: 113-118.

17. Awasthi N., Guleria J.S., Prasad M. & Srivastava Rashmi 1996. Occurrence of Acrostichum Linn., a coastal fern in the Tertiary sediments of Himachal Pradesh, north-west Himalaya. Palaeobotanist 43 (2): 83-87.

18. Srivastava Rashmi & Awasthi N. 1996. Fossil woods from Neogene of Warkalli beds of Kerala coast and their palaeoecological significance. Geophytology 26 (1): 89-98.

19. Srivastava Rashmi & Saxena R. K. 1998. Carbonised woods from the Sindhudurg Formation ( Miocene ) in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg Dristricts, Maharashtra, India . Geophytology 27 (1&2): 23-33.

20. Srivastava, Rashmi 1999. Fossil woods of Artocarpus from Warkalli Formation of Kerala Coast, India. Phytomorphology 48(4): 391-397.

21. Guleria J.S., Srivastava Rashmi & Prasad M. 2000. Some fossil leaves from the Kasauli Formation of Himachal Pradesh, North-west India. Himalayan Geology 20(1-2): 43-52.

22. Guleria J.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 2000. Observations on the fossil fern Goniopteris prolifera Presl. and its present status. Phytomorphology 50 (1): 11-13.

23. Srivastava A K, Abbas S.R., Mehrotra R.C. & Srivastava Rashmi 2000. Cecidomyiid leaf galls from Palaeocene leaf of Northeast India. Acta Palaeobotanica 40 (1): 43-47.

24. Srivastava Rashmi 1999 (issued in 2000). Bhartiya vano ka udbhav evum vikas : puravanaspatik vishleshan. Vigyan Garima Sindhu 30: 49-53 (in Hindi).

25. Srivastava Rashmi & Suzuki M. 2001. More fossil woods from the Palaeogene of Northern Kyushu, Japan. IAWA Journal 22: 85-105.

26. Guleria J.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 2001. Fossil dicotyledonous woods from theDeccan Intertrappean Beds of Kachchh, Gujarat, Western India. Palaeontographica 256B: 17-33.

27. Arya R., Guleria J.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 2001. New records of plant fossil from the Kasauli sediments of Himachal Pradesh, North-West India. Phytomorphology 51(1): 41-57.

28. Guleria J.S., Srivastava Rashmi & Arya R. 2001. Occurrence of fossil Miltragyna in the Early Miocene of Himachal Pradesh, India. Palaeobotanist 49: 485-489.

29. Srivastava Rashmi & Guleria J.S. 2001. Grewinium, a substitute name for Grewioxylon Shallom non Schuster. Palaeobotanist 49: 531-532.

30. Srivastava Rashmi 2001. Angiospermous fossil woods from lignite beds of Warkalli Formation, Kerala coast, India. pp. 135-144. In Dutta et al. (Editors) Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Advances in Geology of Coal and Lignite Basins of India, Calcutta, 1997, Geological Survey of India Special publication 54.

31. Srivastava Rashmi & Kagemori N. 2001. Fossil wood of Drybalanops from Pliocene deposits of Indonesia. Palaeobotanist 50: 395-401.

32. Guleria J.S., Gupta S.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 2002. Fossil woods from Upper Tertiary sediments of Jammu region (Jammu & Kashmir) North-West India and their significance. Palaeobotanist 50: 225-246.

33. Srivastava Rashmi 2002. Rashtrya Jeevashm Udyan, Ghughua. BSIP News Letter. 18 (In Hindi).

34. Kagemori N., Kawai S., Terada K., Mandang Y, Srivastava Rashmi, Futatsugawa S, Sera K. 2003. PIXE analysis of silicified fossil woods from the Pliocene Genteng Formation, West Java, Indonesia. NMCC Annual Report 11: 248-253.

35. Khare E.G., Prasad M. & Srivastava Rashmi 2003. Some more fossil leaf impressions from Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Madhya Pradesh. National conference on Biodiversity and Applied Biology of Plants, Department of Botany, University of Lucknow. (Abst.).

36. Srivastava Rashmi 2003. Fossil dicotyledonous woods from Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Ghansor, Seoni District, M. P. and their palaeoclimatological significance. National conference on Biodiversity and Applied Biology of Plants, Department of Botany, University of Lucknow.(Abst.).

37. Srivastava Rashmi 2003. Neogene flora of India with special reference to South-East Asian elements. International Workshop on silicified woods from Java Island, Indonesia held at Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. : 8-9(Abst.).

38. Srivastava Rashmi & Guleria J.S. 2004. Leaf impressions from Kasauli Formation of Himachal Pradesh and their palaeoenvironmental significance. Geophytology 32: 97-106.

39. Ambwani K, Kar R.K. Srivastava Rashmi & Debi D. 2004. Occurrence of urticaceous fruit from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mohgaon Kalan, Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh. Geophytology 32: 29-33.

40. Srivastava Rashmi & Guleri, J.S. 2004. Fossil wood of Anacardiaceae from the Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Betul district, Madhya Pradesh. Geophytology 33: 53-56.

41. Kar, R.K., Mohabey, D. M. & Srivastava Rashmi 2004. Angiospermous fossil woods from the Lameta Formation (Maastrichtian), Maharashtra, India. Geophytology 33: 21-27.

42. Srivastava Rashmi & Kar R.K. 2004. Record of new petrified epiphyllous fungi (Polyhyphaethyrites) from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mohgaon Kalan, Madhya Pradesh, India. Current Science 87(7): 868-869.

43. Guleria J.S., Srivastava Rashmi & Misra K.S. 2004. A rare occurrence of plant and animal fossils in the Deccan Basalts of Khandwa District, Madhya Pradesh, India. International Conference on ‘Modern trends in Plant Sciences with special reference to the role of Biodiversity in Conservation’ held at Department of Botany, Amravati University, Amravati. (Abst).

44. Srivastava Rashmi 2004. Palaeobiodiversity in Tertiary sequences of India. International Conference on ‘Modern trends in Plant Sciences with special reference to the role of Biodiversity in Conservation’ held at Department of Botany, Amravati University, Amravati, p.147. (Abst).

45. Guleria, J.S., Srivastava, Rashmi, Nanda, A.C. & Sehgal R.K. 2005. Two fossil woods from the Siwalik Subgroup of Northwest Himalaya. Journal of the Geological Society of India. 66 : 609-616.

46. Awasthi, N. & Srivastava, R. 2005. Neogene flora of Kerala coast and its palaeoecological and phytogeographical implications. In: R Reddy et al. (eds.) Gleanings in Plant Sciences, Prof. Ramanujam Commem. Vol. Dttasons, Nagpur: 265-277.

47. Guleria J.S. & Srivastava Rashmi 2005. Vegetation and environment of the Deccan Plateau of India across Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary : An analysis based on megafossils. Workshop on Recent Advances and Perspective Challenges in Indian Non-Marine Late Cretaceous, Nagpur; Gondwana Geological Magazine Special Volume 8 : 75. (Abst).

48. Guleria J.S., Mehrotra R.C. & Srivastava Rashmi 2005. Fossil remains of Acorus Linn. in the Palaeogene sediments of India. National Seminar on Geology and Energy Resources of NE India: Progress & Perspective and Annual General Meeting of Geological Society of India, Nagaland University, Kohima. 18-19.

49. Srivastava Rashmi & Guleria J.S. 2006. A Catalogue of Cenozoic (Tertiary) plant Megafossils from India (1989-1005). B.S.I.P. Diamond Jubilee Spec-Publ., 1-76.

50. Srivastava Rashmi 2006. Evolutionary trends in the Cretaceous - Tertiary dicotyledonous woods of India and their ecological/functional aspects. In Changing Scenario in Palaeobotany and allied subjects, Diamond Jubilee International Conference, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow. : 159-161.

51. Srivastava Rashmi 2006. Vegetational pattern in the Neogene sequence of India. 7th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference, Czech Republic, Prague. : 132-133.

52. Srivastava Rashmi 2006. Obitury Note-Dr. Manoj Shukla. Geophytology 36: 129-130.

53. Srivastava Rashmi 2007. Report on B.S.I.P. Mahila Club: 56-57 (In Hindi).

54. Srivastava Rashmi 2008. Fossil dicotyledonous woods from Deccan Intertrappean beds of Seoni District, Madhya Pradesh and their palaeoenvironmental significance. Conference on Plant Life Through the Ages, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow: 184. (Abst).

55. Guleria J.S. & Rashmi Srivastava 2008. Angiospermous woods from Deccan Intertrappean beds of Chiraidongri, Mandla District, Madhya Pradesh. Conference on Plant Life Through the Ages, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow: 57. (Abst).

*56. Srivastava Rashmi 2008. Savitri Sahni Mahila Samiti: Gatividhiyon bhara dvitiya varsh. BSIP News Letter. 38-39 (In Hindi).

57. Srivastava Rashmi 2008. Fossil wood resembling Sonneratia with fungal infection from Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Seoni District, Madhya Pradesh. Geophytology 37: 87-92.

58. Srivastava Rashmi, Kapgate D.K. & Chaterjee S. 2009. Perminaralised fungal remains in the fossil wood of Barringtonia from the Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Yavatmal District, Maharashtra, India. Palaeobotanist 58: 11-19.
59. Srivastava Rashmi & Mehrotra R.C. 2009. Plant remains from the Dafla Formation, West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh. Palaeobotanist 58: 33-49.
60. Srivastava Rashmi 2009. Savitri Sahni Mahila Samiti: Ek aur safal varsh. BSIP News Letter. 34-35 (In Hindi).

61. Srivastava A.K. & Srivastava Rashmi 2010. Insect-plant dynamics in fossil flora of India. Alavesia 3: 3-10.
62. Guleria J.S., Srivastava Rashmi, B. Ajay Kumar & Satheesh R. 2010. Holocene woody vegetation and environment of Meenachil River Basin, Kottayam District, Kerala, India. Geophytology: 38: 1-14.
63. Srivastava Rashmi 2010. Savitri Sahni Mahila Samiti: Uddeshyon ki ore agrasar. BSIP News Letter. 35-36 (In Hindi).

64. Srivastava Rashmi 2010. Fossil dicotyledonous woods from Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Ghansor, Seoni District, Madhya Pradesh, India. Palaeobotanist 59: 129-138.

65. Srivastava G, Srivastava Rashmi & Mehrotra R.C. 2011. Ficus palaeoracemosa sp. nov.- a new fossil leaf from the Kasauli Formation of Himachal Pradesh and its palaeoclimatic significance. J. Earth Science System 120 (2): 253-262.

66. Terada K, Kagemori N, Mandang Y., Srivastava Rashmi & Kagemori Y 2011. What can fossil wood tell us? The identification of fossil woods from thee Pliocene of West Java, Indonesia. The 177th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere, Proceedings of the wood culture and science, Kyoto: 44-47.

67. Srivastava Rashmi & Krassilov V.A. 2012. Revision of Early Cretaceous angiosperm remains from the Rajmahal basin, India with notes on the palaeoecology of Pentoxylon plant. Cretaceous Research 33: 66-71.

68. Srivastava Rashmi, Saxena R.K. & Srivastava G. 2012. Pterospermumocarpon, a new malvalean fruit genus from the Sindhudurg Formation (Miocene) of Maharashtra, India and its phytogeographical significance. J. Earth Science System 121: 183-193.

69. Srivastava Rashmi 2011. Indian Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary flora before collisionof Indian Plate: A reappraisal of Central and Western Indian Flora. Memoir of the Geological Society of India 77: 281-292.

70. Ram- Awatar, Mehrotra R.C., Srivastava Rashmi, Yadav K.C. & Gautam S. 2013. Further contributions to the palynological studies showing marineincursion in the Talchir Formation, Manendragarh, Koriya District, Chhattisgarh. Science and Technology Journal 1(2): 3-7.

71. Srivastava Rashmi, Chandel R.S. & Singh S. 2014. Fossil wood of Dipterocarpus from Nagri Formation (Middle Miocene) of India: palaeoclimatic and phytogeographical significance. Palaeobotanist 63(1): 41–49.

72. Srivastava Rashmi & Srivastava G. 2014. Fossil fruit of Cocos L. (Arecaceae) from Maastrichtian-Danian sediments of central India and its phytogeographical significance. Acta Palaeobotanica 54(1): 67–75; DOI: 10.2478/acpa-2014-0003

73. Kumaran K.P.N., Padmalal D., Nair K.M., Limaye Ruta B., Guleria J.S., Srivastava Rashmi, Shukla A. 2014. Vegetation response and landscape dynamics of Indian Summer Monsoon variations during Holocene: An eco-geomorphological appraisal of tropical evergreen forest subfossil logs. Plos One 9(4): e93596, doi:10.1371.

74. Sharma D.C., Khan M.S., Khan M.S., Srivastava Rashmi, Srivastava A.K. & Shukla R. 2014. A report on biocompounds from palm fossil of India. Bioinformation 10(5): 316-319 (print); ISSN 0973-2063 (online) 0973-8894.

75. Srivastava Rashmi, Srivastava G., Dilcher D.L. 2014. Coryphoid Palm Leaf Fossils from the Maastrichtian–Danian of Central India with Remarks on Phytogeography of the Coryphoideae (Arecaceae). PLoS ONE 9(11): e111738. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111738

76. Baas P., Srivastava Rashmi, Manchester Steven R. & Wheeler E.A. 2015. Circular or spherical vessels in the fossil record. IAWA Journal 36 (2):152–157. DOI 10.1163/22941932-00000092.

77. Srivastava Rashmi, Baas P, Manchester SR & Wheeler EA 2015. Wood of Oleaceae from the latest Cretaceous of India – the earliest olive branch? IAWA Journal 36 (4):443–451. DOI 10.1163/22941932-20150113.

78. Smith S.Y., Manchester S.R., Samant B., Mohabey D.M., Wheeler E.A., Baas, P., Kapgate D.K., Srivastava Rashmi, & Sheldon ND 2015. Integrating paleobotanical, paleosol, and stratigraphic data to study critical transitions: a case study from the late Cretaceous–Paleocene of India. pp. 137-166. Earth-Life Transitions: Paleobiology in the Context of Earth System Evolution. The Paleontological Society Papers, Volume 21, P. David Polly, Jason J. Head, and David L. Fox (eds.). The Paleontological Society Short Course, The Paleontological Society Special publications.

79. Yaowu Xing, Gandolfo Maria A, Onstein Renske E. Cantrill David J, Jacobs Bonnie F, Jordan Gregory J, Daphne E. Lee, Popova Svetlana, Srivastava Rashmi, Su Tao & Yabe Vikulin Atsushi, & Linder H. Peter 2016. Testing the biases in the rich Cenozoic angiosperm macrofossil record. Int. J. Plant Sci. 177(4): 371–388.1058-5893/2016/17704-00XX$15.00 DOI: 10.1086/685388.

80. Srivastava Rashmi & Srivastava AK 2016. Insect herbivory in Gondwana plants. Palaeobotanist 65(1): 131–137.

81. Srivastava AK & Srivastava Rashmi 2016. Glossopteridales: An intricate group of plants. The Palaeobotanist 65(1): 159–167.

82. Manchester Steven R., Bonde S.D., Nipunage D.S., Srivatava Rashmi, Mehrotra R.C. & Smith S.Y. 2016. Trilocular palm fruits from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India. Int. J. Plant Sci. (accepted)
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