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In: Canadian Journal of Chemistry. - Vol. 82, No. 9 (2004), s. 1365-1371
ADC60 Czimerová, A. - Bujdák, Juraj - Gáplovský, Anton: The aggregation of thionine and methylene blue dye in smectice dispersion
In: Colloids and Surfaces A - Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. - Vol. 243, No. 1-3 (2004), s. 89-96
ADC61 Černák, Mirko - Ráheľ, Jozef - Kováčik, Dušan - Šimor, Marcel - Brablec, Antonín - Slavíček, P.: Generation of thin surface plasma layers for atmospheric-pressure surface treatments
In: Contributions to Plasma Physics. - Vol. 44, No. 5-6 (2004), s. 492-495
ADC62 Černušák, Ivan - Gregurick, Susan K. - Roswell, Marjorie - Deakyne, Carol A. - Jenkins, H. Donald Brooke - Liebman, Joel F.: Additivity of absolute entropies
In: Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications. - Vol. 69, No. 1 (2004), s. 213-230
ADC63 Čík, Gabriel - Krajčovič, J. - Hubinová, M. - Krištín, Jozef - Červeň, I. - Šeršeň, František: Properties of copolymer of 2,2´:5´,5´´-dicarboxylic acid and polyethylene oxide
In: Synthetic Metals. - Vol. 140 (2004), s. 301-307
ADC64 Čík, Gabriel - Šeršeň, František - Dlháň, L.: Study of polaron interactions of regiorandom poly(3-dodecyl-thiophene) and their influence on magnetic properties
In: Synthetic Metals. - Vol. 144 (2004), s. 55-60
ADC65 Čiljak, Martin - Fedorko, Ivan - Tokár, Stanislav - Antonaki, A. - Giakoumopoulou, V. - Giokaris, N. D. - Manousakis-Katsikakis, A.: Design of a cylindrical Čerenkov detector
In: Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics. - Vol. 37, No. 16 (2004), s. 2283-2290
ADC66 Demel, Ondřej - Pittner, Jiří - Čársky, Petr - Hubač, Ivan: Multireference Brillouin-Wigner coupled cluster singles and doubles study of the singlet-triplet separation in alkylcarbenes
In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - Vol. 108, No. 15 (2004), s. 3125-3128
ADC67 Denifl, Stephan - Ptasińska, Sylwia - Hanel, G. - Gstir, Bettina - Scheier, Paul - Probst, Michael - Farizon, M. - Matejčík, Štefan - Illenberger, Eugen - Märk, Tilman D.: Electron attacgment to uracil, thymine and cytosine
In: Physica Scripta. - No. T110 (2004), s. 252-255
ADC68 Denifl, Stephan - Matejčík, Štefan - Ptasińska, Sylwia - Gstir, Bettina - Probst, Michael - Scheier, Paul - Illenberger, Eugen - Märk, Tilman D.: Electron attachment to chlorouracil: A comparison between 6-CIU and 5-CIU
In: Journal of Chemical Physics. - Vol. 120, No. 2 (2004), s. 704-709
ADC69 Derka, Tomáš - Tierno de Figueroa, José Manuel - Krno, Iľja: Life Cycle, Feeding and Production of Isoptena serricornis (Pictet, 1841) (Plecoptera, Chloroperlidae)
In: International Review of Hydrobiology. - Vol. 89, No. 2 (2004), s. 165-174
ADC70 Diaz, R. - Paolasso, E. - Guerrero, Ahuad, R. A. - Amuchastegui, M. - Benderskz, M. - Bono, J. - Caccavo, A. - Dukát, Andrej: Rationale, design and baseline characteristics of 2 large, simple, randomized trials evaluatingtelmisartan, ramipril andtheir combination in high-risk patients: The ongoing telmisartan alone and in combination with ramipril global endpoint trial /telmisartan randomized assessment study in ACE intolerant subjects with cardiovascular disease (ONTARGET/TRANSCEND) trials
In: American Heart Journal. - Vol. 148, No. 1 (2004), p. 52-61
ADC71 Ding, Yun - Macko, Peter - Romanini, Daniele - Perevalov, Valery - Tashkun, Serguei - Teffo, Jean-Luc - Hu, Shui-Ming - Campargue, Alain: High sensitivity cw-cavity ringdown and Fourier transform absorption spectroscopies of 13CO2
In: Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. - Vol. 226, No. 2 (2004), s. 146-160
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ADC72 Dlapa, Pavel - Doerr, S. H. - Lichner, Ľ. - Šír, M. - Tesař, M.: Effect of kaolinite and Ca-montmorillonite on the alleviation of soil water repelency = Účinek kaolinitu a Ca-montmorillonitu na zmírňování vodoodpudivosti půd
In: Plant soil and environment. - Vol. 50, No. 8 (2004), s. 358-363
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[o1] 2005 Roper, M.M: Australian Journal of Soil Research, Vol. 43, No. 7, 2005, s. 803-810 - SCI
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[o4] 2004 Pekárová, P.P.: Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2004, s. 217-223
ADC73 Dolan, Brian P. - O´Connor, Denjoe - Prešnajder, Peter: Fuzzy complex quadrics and spheres
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In: Journal of High Energy Physics : A SISSA Journal. - No. 02-55 (2004), 8 s.
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[o1] 2004 Azuma, T. - Bal, S. - Nagao, K. - Nishimura, J.: Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 5, 2004, Art. No. 005 - SCI
[o1] 2004 Kimura, Y.: Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 4, 2004, Art. No. 058 - SCI
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In: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. - Vol. 70, No. 6 (2004), Art. No. 065501
ADC75 Doyle, J. G. - Madjarska, M. S. - Dzifčáková, Elena - Dammasch, I. E.: Coronal response of bi-directional jets
In: Solar Physics. - Vol. 221, No. 1 (2004), s. 51-64
ADC76 Drahovská, Hana - Slobodníková, Lívia - Kocíncová, D. - Seman, Milan - Končeková, R. - Trupl, Ján - Turňa, Ján: Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence Factors amonf Clinical and Food Enterococci Isolated in Slovakia
In: Folia Microbiologica. - Vol. 49, No. 6 (2004), s. 763-768
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[o1] 2005 Franiczek, R. - Kpzyzanowska, B. - Dolna, I. - Mokracka, G. - Szufnarowski, K.: Folia Microbiologica, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2005, s. 119-124 - SCI
[o1] 2005 Malik, R. - Ivan, J. - Javorský, P. - Pristaš, P.: Folia Microbiologica, Vol. 50, No. 4, 2005, s. 349-352 - SCI
ADC77 Dubnička, Stanislav - Dubničková, Anna Z. - Weisenpacher, Peter: General expressions for VM dominated form factors of hadrons fulfilling asymptotic conditions
In: The European Physical Journal C. - Vol. 32, (2004), s. 381-383
ADC78 Dubničková, Anna Z. - Dubnička, Stanislav - Liptaj, A. - Pancheri, G. - Pekárik, R.: Contributions of e+e- --> P(S).GAMMA processes to muon g - 2
In: Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements. - Vol. 131 (2004), s. 176-181
ADC79 Dubničková, Anna Z. - Dubnička, Stanislav - Pancheri, G. - Pekárik, R.: Pseudoscalar meson transition form factors
In: Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements. - Vol. 126 (2004), s. 71-75
ADC80 Dubničková, Martina - Yaradaikin, Sergej - Lacko, Ivan - Devínsky, Ferdinand - Gordeliy, Valentin - Balgavý, Pavol: Effects of Gemini Surfactants on Egg Phosphatidylcholine Bilayers in the Fluid Lamellar Phase
In: Colloids and Surfaces B - Biointerfaces. - Vol. 34 (2004), p. 161-164
ADC81 Dudášová, Z. - Dudáš, A. - Alemayehu, A. - Vlasáková, D. - Marková, E. - Chovanec, M. - Vlčková, Viera - Brozmanová, J.: Disruption of the RAD51 Gene Senzitizes S. cerevisiae Cells to the Toxic and Mutagenic Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide
In: Folia Microbiologica. - Vol. 49, No. 3 (2004), s. 259-264
ADC82 Ďungelová, Jana - Lehotay, Jozef - Krupčík, J. - Čižmárik, Jozef - Welsch, T. - Armstrong, Daniel W.: Selectivity Tuning of Serially Coupled (S,S) Whelk-O 1 and (R,R) Whelk-O 1 Columns in HPLC
In: Journal of Chromatographic Science. - Vol. 42, No. 3 (2004), p. 135-139
ADC83 Ďungelová, Jana - Lehotay, Jozef - Krupčík, Jan - Čižmárik, Jozef - Armstrong, Daniel W.: Study of the mechanism of enentioseparation. Part VI: Thermodynamic study of HPLC separation of some enantiomers of phenylcarbamic acid derivatives on a (S,S)Whelk-O 1 column
In: Journal of Separation Science. - Vol. 27 (2004), p. 983-990
ADC84 Dupré, Luc - Slodička, Marián: Inverse problem for magnetic sensors based on a Preisach formalism
In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. - Vol. 40, No. 2 (2004), s. 1120-1123
ADC85 Duran, E. B. - Povinec, Pavel P. - Fowler, S. W. - Airey, P. L. - Hong, Gi-Hoon: 137Cs and 239+240Pu levels in the Asia-Pacific regional seas
In: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. - Vol. 76, No. 1-2 (2004), s. 139-160
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ADC86 Ďuriš, Pavol: Multiparty communication complexity and very hard functions
In: Information and Computation. - Vol. 192, No. 1 (2004), s. 1-14
ADC87 Ďuriš, Pavol - Hromkovič, Juraj - Inoue, Katsushi: On the power of nondeterminism and Las Vegas randomization for two-dimensional finite automata
In: Journal of Computer and System Sciences. - Vol. 68, No. 3 (2004), s. 675-699
ADC88 Eliašová, Adriana - Repčák, Miroslav - Pastírová, Andrea: Quantitative changes of secondary metabolites of Matricaria chamomilla by abiotic stress
In: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Section C - A Journal of Biosciences. - Vol. 59, No. 7-8 (2004), s. 543-548
ADC89 Ershov, Sergey - Ďurikovič, Roman - Kolchin, Konstantin - Myszkowski, Karol: Reverse engineering approach to appearance-based design of metallic and pearlescent paints
In: Visual Computer. - Vol. 20, No. 8-9 (2004), s. 586-600
ADC90 Faessler, Amand - Gutschke, Thomas - Kovalenko, Sergey G. - Lyubovitskij, Valery E. - Schmidt, Ivan - Šimkovic, Fedor: Effective Lagrangian approach to nuclear .MU.- e- conversion and the role of vector mesons
Preprint: e-Print Archive : hep-ph/0405164, 2004. - 19 s. - Popis urobený 16.12.2004
In: Physical Review D. - Vol. 70, No. 5 (2004), Art. No. 055008
ADC91 Faessler, Amand - Gutschke, Thomas - Kovalenko, Sergey G - Lyubovitskij, Valery E. - Schmidt, Ivan - Šimkovic, Fedor: Vector mesons in nuclear .MU.- - e- conversion
Preprint: e-Print Archive : hep-ph/0403033, 2004. - 11 s. - Popis urobený 6.12.2004
In: Physics Letters B. - Vol. 590, No. 1-2 (2004), s. 57-62
ADC92 Fargašová, Agáta: Toxicity comparison of some possible toxic metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Se, Zn) on young seedlings of Sinapis alba L.
In: Plant soil and environment. - Vol. 50, No. 1 (2004), s. 33-38
ADC93 Fečkan, Michal - Gruendler, Joseph: The existence of chaos for ordinary differential equations with a center manifold
In: Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin. - Vol. 11, No. 1 (2004), s. 77-94
ADC94 Fila, Marek - Winkler, Michael - Yanagida, Eiji: Grow-up rate of solutions for a supercritical semilinear diffusion equation
In: Journal of Differential Equations. - Vol. 205, No. 2 (2004), s. 365-389
ADC95 Fodor, J. G. - Lietava, Ján - Rieder, A. - Sonkodi, S. - Stokes, H. - Emmons, T. - Turton, P.: Work-site hypertension prevalence and control in three Central European Countries
In: Journal of Human Hypertension. - Vol. 18, No. 8 (2004), p. 581-585
ADC96 Foltin, Miloslav - Šuľaková, Jana - Foltin, Martin - Sekaj, Ivan: Porovnanie viacrozmerných kalibračných techník pri stanovení RNA-nukleotidov, [Comparison of Multiway Calibration Techniques in Determination of RNA Nucoleotides]
In: Chemické listy. - Roč. 98 (2004), s. 993-997
ADC97 Fujimoto, Hirofumi - Piňák, Miroslav - Nemoto, Toshiyuki - Sakamoto, Kiyotaka - Yamada, Kazuyuki - Hoshi, Yoshiyuki - Kume, Etsuo: Large scale MD simulation of 8-oxoguanine and AP site multiple lesioned DNA molecule combined with biomolecularvisualization software
In: Journal of Molecular Structure. - Vol. 681, No. 1-3 (2004), s. 1-8
ADC98 Funk, Oliver F. - Kettmann, Viktor - Drimal, Jan - Langer Thierry: Chemical function based pharmacophore generation of endothelin-A selective receptor antagonists
In: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. - Vol. 47, No. 11 (2004), p. 2750-2760
ADC99 Gallová, Jana - Uhríková, Daniela - Hanulová, Mária - Teixeira, José - Balgavý, Pavol: Bilayer thickness in unilamellar extruded 1,2-dimyristoleoyl and 1,2-dierucoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles: SANS contrast variation study of cholesterol effect
In: Colloids and Surfaces B - Biointerfaces. - Vol. 38 (2004), p. 11-14
ADC100 Gašparovič, J. - Rašlová, K. - Siváková, Daniela - Bašistová, Z. - Wsólová, L. - Avdičová, M. - Blažíček, P. - Lietava, Ján - Zacharová, Mária - Siváková, Daniela: Effect of C677T Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene Polymorphism on PlasmaHomocysteine Levels in Ethnic Groups
In: Physiological Research. - Vol. 53, No. 2 (2004), s. 215-218
ADC101 Gbelská, Yvetta: The 16th Meeting on the Biology of Kluyveromyces, Cortona, Italy, 12-14 September 2003 : Conference Report
In: FEMS Yeast Research. - Vol. 4, No. 4-5 (2004), s. 563-565
ADC102 Góźdź, Marek - Kamiński, Wieslaw A. - Šimkovic, Fedor: Neutrino mass in GUT constrained supersymmetry with R-parity violation in light of neutrino oscillations
Preprint: e-Print Archive : hep-ph/0412171, 2004. - 7 s. - Popis urobený 3.1.2005
In: Physical Review D. - Vol. 70, No. 9 (2004), Art. No. 095005
ADC103 Grajcar, Miroslav - Izmalkov, A. - Iľichev, Evgeni - Wagner, Thomas - Oukhanski, N. - Hübner, U. - May, T. - Zhilyaev, I. - Hoenig, H. E. - Greenberg, J. S. - Shnyrkov, Volodymyr I. - Born, Detlef - Krech, Wolfram - Meyer, Hans-Georg - van denBrink, Alec Maassen - Amin, M. H. S.: Low-frequency measurement of the tunneling amplitude in a flux qubit
In: Physical Review B. - Vol. 69, No. 6 (2004), Art. No. 060501
ADC104 Grannell, Mike - Griggs, Terry - Knor, Martin - Škoviera, Martin: A Steiner triple system which colors all cubic graphs
In: Journal of Graph Theory. - Vol. 46, No. 1 (2004), s. 15-24
ADC105 Gruwel, Marco L. H. - Latta, Peter - Volotovskyy, Vyacheslav - Šrámek, Miloš - Tomanek, Boguslaw: Magnetic resonance imaging of seed by use of single point acquisition
In: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. - Vol. 52, No. 16 (2004), s. 4979-4983
ADC106 - Cortina-Gil, D. - Janik, Rudolf - Mocko, Michal - Sitár, Branislav - Strmeň, Peter - Szarka, Imrich: Nuclear structure of light exotic nuclei from break-up reactions
In: Nuclear Physics A. - Vol. 746 (2004), s. 479c-482c
ADC107 Hagarová, Ingrid - Žemberyová, Mária: Stanovenie antimónu v pôdach metódou elektrotermickej atómovej absorpčnej spektrometrie, [Determination of Antimony in Soil samples by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry]
In: Chemické listy. - Vol. 98 (2004), s. 926-929
ADC108 Haigh, J. M. - Janský, Libor - Hellin, J.: Headwater Deforestation: A Challenge for Environmental Management
In: Global Environmental Change - Human and Policy Dimensions. - Vol. 14, No. 1 (2004), s. 51-62
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ADC109 Halberg, Franz - Otsuka, Kuniaki - Katinas, George - Sonkowsky, Robert P. - Regal, Philip - Schwartzkopff, Othild - Jozsa, Rita - Olah, Andras - Zeman, Michal - Bakken, Earl E. - Cornelissen, Germaine: A chronomic tree of life: ontogenetic andphylogenetic "memories" of primordial cycles - keys to ethics
In: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. - Vol. 58 (2004), s. S1-S11
ADC110 Halberg, Franz - Cornelissen, Germaine - Regal, Philip - Otsuka, Kuniaki - Wang, Zhengrong - Silvestrovitch Katinas, George - Siegelová, Jarmila - Homolka, Pavel - Prikryl, Pavel - Mikhailovich Chibisov, Sergey - Holley, Daniel C. - Wendt, Hans W.- Bingham, Christopher - Palm, Sally L. - Sonkowsky, Robert P. - Sothern, Robert B. - Pales, Emil - Mikulecký, Miroslav - Tarquini, Roberto - Perfetto, Frederico - Salti, Roberto - Maggioni, Cristina - Jozsa, Rita - Konradov, Alexander A. - ValentinovnaKharlitskaya, Elena - Revilla, Miguel - Wan, Chaomin - Herold, Manfred - Vasilievna Syutkina, Elena - Viktorovich Masalov, Anatoly - Faraone, Piero - Singh, Ram Bahadur - Singh, R. K. - Kumar, Adarsh - Singh, Ranjana - Sundaram, Sasikumar - Sarabandi,Tina - Pantaleoni, Giancarlo - Watanebe, Yoshihiko - Kumagai, Yuji - Gubin, Denis - Uezono, Keiko - Olah, Andras - Borer, Katarina - Kanabrocki, Eugene A. - Bathina, Srilakshmi - Haus, Erhard - Hillman, Dewayne - Schwartzkopff, Othild - Bakken, Earl E. - Zeman, Michal: Chronoastrobiology: proposal, nine conferences heliogeomagnetics, transyears, near-weeks, near-decades, phylogenetic and ontogenetic memories
In: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. - Vol. 58 (2004), s. S150-S177
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