a small enterprise, where the investment in equipment is more than ten lakh rupees but does not exceed two crore rupees; or
a medium enterprise, where the investment in equipment is more than two crore rupees but does not exceed five crore rupees.
The business units owned, managed and controlled by the central government are termed as central public sector enterprises or central public enterprises or a public sector undertaking. The preference system for CPSEs in government procurement no longer exists. A list of CPSEs is available at http://dpe.nic.in.
Could India explain for which items are the BIS and BEE standards mandatory? Can these be replaced by the use of international technical standards? Could India indicate whether the use of international technical standards, where exist, could satisfy requirements from Indian contracting authorities?
Reply: The list of Indian standards for mandatory compliance under a licence from BIS is available on BIS website http://www.bis.org.in . The four products for which BEE has made standards mandatory can be checked at www.bee-india.nic.in.
The term "international technical standards" does not figure in the TBT Agreement.
WTO's Secretariat Report, page 110, paragraph 238
What is the relevant regulatory framework for the procurement of services? What are the procuring methods and the thresholds applied for the procurement of services by both central and State level procuring authorities?