In paragraph 190 to sub section ii) According to the note the on role of state enterprises (other than state trading enterprises) and disinvestment, at the end of March 2010 in India 217 of the 249 Central Public Sector enterprises were functioning (Table AIII.10), of which 32 were being established and 59 were "sick" or operating at a loss. The central public sector enterprises continue to play an active role in the economy and account for a significant portion of the market in various sectors and subsectors such as oil and mining, power generation and transmission of electricity, nuclear power, heavy engineering, the aviation industry, the public storage and distribution, shipping, insurance and telecommunications.
Qn. What measures are being considered to promote competition in sectors being subjected to privatization?
Reply: The Government has made a clear commitment to empowering the CPSEs and their managements. It was recognised that public enterprises could not compete effectively with private entrepreneurs without freedom to function and operate commercially. Thus, the concept of Navratna and Mini Ratna was introduced to provide greater delegated authority, both financial and managerial and to give them greater autonomy to compete in the global market. The Government established the Maharatna status in 2009, which raises a company's investment ceiling from Rs 1,000 crore to Rs 5,000 crore. The boards of directors of public sector enterprises have been professionalised.