Approval of Candidacy phase learning Programme regulations for Professional Recognition.
FET lecturer capacity in Engineering studies
Though leadership forum was hosted on the 12 April 2013 flowing from ECSA strategic objective 3:
Though leadership forum was hosted on the 12 April 2013 flowing from ECSA strategic objective 3:
Advance ECSA’s relevance in SA society through promotion of its role, Mobilisation and have influence on matters pertaining to the Engineering Profession
Eight (8) Engineering discipline groupings participated at the Forum:
Agriculture, Chemical, Electrical, Civil, Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgical and Mining
Activities and role of the different Engineering disciplines in utilisation of natural resources (Soil and water) and the impact
Activities and role of the different Engineering disciplines in utilisation of natural resources (Soil and water) and the impact
Development of an integrated multi and inter-disciplinary Engineering practices in Agriculture for contextual understanding of food security, bio-resources, Rural Development, Conservation and optimal use of natural resources.
3. Exploration of design role in Nuclear Engineering in the South African context.
3. Exploration of design role in Nuclear Engineering in the South African context.
4. Development of systematic approaches in energy efficiency