Government of

Yüklə 187,38 Kb.
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Panaji, 22nd June, 1978 (Asadha 1, 1900)





Works, Education and Tourism Department

Public Works Department

Works Division 1-BuHdings (Panaji-Goal

Tender Notice No. B/8/J8-79/11

The Executive Engineer, Works Division I (Bldgs.) P. W. D. Panaji, invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed Item Rate Tenders from approved and eligible contractors upto

4.00 p. m. on 4-7-1978 for the work of:

1) Construction of Library for Government Polytechnic at Altinho, Panaji at an estimated cost of Rs. 5,99,894-84. Earnest money to be deposited is Rs. 12,000/-.

2) Beautification of Secretariat Complex, Panaji (Re­-tender) at an estimated cost of Rs. 1,31,897-15. Earnest money to be deposited is Rs. 3298/-.

Conditions 'and tender forms can be had from the above Officeupto 4.00 p. m. on 1-7-1978 during working hours. Tende'rs of contractors who do not deposit-earnest money in the prescribed fomi are liable to be rejected. The contractor must produce Income Tax Clearance Certificate before the

-.tender is sold to him.

Panaji, 12th June, 1978. -The Executive Engineer, S. Y.


Works Division III, (PHEI (Panaji -Goa)

Tender Notice No. WDill/ADM/10/78-79

The Executive Engineer, Works Division III, PWD, Panaji, Goa, invites'on behalf of the President of India, sealed item rate' tenders from eligible Suppliers upto 3.00 p. m. on

, 4-7-1978 for the "Supply of Chlorination Plants and compara­tures", estimated at Rs. 47,378.10. Earnest money Rs. 1180.00 The time limit for carrying out the supply is of 60 days. Cost of tender forms Rs. 20.00. If required by post an amount of Rs. 5.00 charged extr/'t. Conditions and tender forms can be had from his Office on any working days upto

4.00 p. m. on 3-7-1978. Tender forms will be issued only on production dif a valid Income Tax Clearance Certificate. Ten­ders of Suppliers who do not deposit earnest money in pres­cribed form are liable to be rejected.

Panaji, 17th June, 1978. -The Executive Engineer, R. G. Deo.

Works Division V-Panaji

Tender Notice No. HI/Accts/F.61/4/78-79

The Executive Engineer, Works Division V, P. W. D., Panaji-Goai invites.on behalf of the President of India, sealed rate tenders .from the approved and eligible contractors upto 23-6-78 at 2.30 p.m. for the below mentioned works:

1. .of construction of two room school building at Thrampur in Pernem T.aluka.

2. Construction of one Primary School at Deulwada, Wadawal Bicholim Taluka.

The estimated cost, earnest ITJ:Jney deposit, time

days and cost of the tender

1. Rs. 26,294.21., Rs. 657/·., .2 Rs. 37,408.33., Rs. 935/·,

Tenders will be opened at Conditions and tender forms can

3.30 p. m. on 22-6-78, on working who do not deposit earnest

are as follows: 1.50, Rs. 20/" 180, Rs. 20/~.

m. on the

Tenders of in the prescribed form

are liable to be rejected. Contractors also should produce the income-tax clearance certificate before the issue of the form.

The Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept or reject any 'or all the tenders without assigning any reasons

Panaji, 14th June, 1978. --The mxecutive Engineer, V.


Works Divis!ion XVII, IPHE) Panaji

Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVII/Accts/F'.64/2/78-79

The Executive Engineer, Works Division XVII (PHE)

P.W.D. Panaji Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed item rate tenders in form No. PWD-9, from approved and eligible contractors of CPWD and those of appropriate list of Union Territories/State PWD/MES/Rail­way, upto 15.00 hours on 3-7-'f8 for the work of Rural Water Supply Scheme to Curtorim, Supply of A.C. pipes atld C.I.D. JOints, estimated cost of Rs. 1,44,124.10; Earnest money of Rs. 3,603/-and time limit 45 days.

Tender will be opened at 15.30 110um on the same day. Earnest money against works should be deposited by ehallan in the Stat~ Bailk of India or any other scheduled bank in the form of Deposit "at Call Receipt and enclosed with tender. ConditionS and tender form can be had from this office upto

16.00 hours on 1-7-78 during working hours em payment of Rs. 30/-(non-refundable) fees in cash. If required by post, an amount of Rs. 5/-will be charged extra.

The tender of the contractor who do not deposit earnest money in the prescribed manner is liable to be rejeeted.

The contractor must produce Income 'rax clearance certi­ficate before the issue of tender.

Right to reject any or all the tenders withuut assigning any reason thereof is reserved.

Panaji, 14th June, 1978. --The Executive EU;iineer. N. V.

C. Chetty.

Industries and labour Department

Mormugao Port Trust

Notification No. MPT/IGA(137)/78

The Mormugao Port Employees' (Children

Allowance) Regulations. 1974

1. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section read with Section 124(1) & (2) of the Major Port Trusts Aot, 1963


(38 of 1963), the Board of Trustees of the Mormugao Port Trust, hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Mormugao Port Employees' (Children Education Allowance) Regulations, 1974, namely:­

1. (1) These Regulations may be called the Mormugao Port ~mployees' (Children Education Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations, 1978.

(2) They shall come into force with effect from the date on which the Central Government's approval to these regula­tions has been published in the Official Gazette.

2. ,(1) Substitute 'the following sub-regulation (i) for the existing sub-regulation (i) of reglliation 2 of the Mormugao Port Employees' (Children Education Allowance) Regulations, 1974 (Hereinafter referred to as the said regulations) namely:

"(i) All permanent and quasi-permanent employees and temporary employees, who have put in not less than one year's service, and whose pay does not exceed Rs. ·1200/­per month, will' be eligible for the grant of the allowance, subject to the fulfilment of the .conditions laid here­tinder."

(2) Delete ·the existing. note 2 appearing below sub-regula­tiCm (i) of regulation. 2 of the said regulations.

(3) Substitute the word and the figure "Rs. 1200/-" for the existing word and the figure "Rs. 389/-" in sub-regulation (li) of regulation 2 of the said regulations..
3. (1) Substitute the following sub-regulation (i) and (li) for the existing sub-regulation (i) and (ii) of regulation 3 of the said regulations .namely: ­

. "(i) TheAllowance will be admissible at the following rates: -""

Prima:r:y-classl:ls (Class IRs. 15/-p. m. per child. to V)

Secondary and Higher Se-Rs. 20/-p. m. per child. conda:r:y classes

(for class VI upto the stage of ent:r:y into 3 year's .degree class)

(ii) The total allowance admissible to an employee at any time shall not exceed Rs. 60/-per month."

Note: Prima:r:y Class do not include Kmdergarten and in­fant classes.

  1. Delete the existing sub-regulation (vi) or regulation 4 and re-number the existing sub-regulationS (vll), (viii), (ix) and (x) as sub-regulations (vi), (vii), (viii) and (ix) of regu­lation 4 of the said regulations.

  2. Substitute the word and the figure "Rs. 1200/-" for the eXisting word and figure "Rs. 389/-" in certificate number 2 prescribed in the Annexure (Form) to the said regulations.

By Order,

27th May, 1978. Secreta:r:y Mormugao (Goa). R. Jeevarathnam

V. no. 1452/1978

(2nd time)


No. MPT/H?A(1l4)/78

. The following Notification received from the Government of India, Ministry of Shipping and Transport, New Delhi is hereby republished for general information' of the public.

Mormugao, Goa, 31st May, 1978. -The Deputy Secretary,

Peter Furtado.



(Transport Wing)

No. PEG(1l)/78

New Delhi, the 23rd May, 1918


.G. S. R. -'-In exercise 'of the powers conferred by' sub­-section (l)"ofsection 124, read with, stlb"section (1). of

section 132, of the Major PorL Act, 1963 (38 oj'

the Central Government hereby npprove of the MOIJ1)Y(gao Port Employees' (Superannuatiol' alld Age of Retirement) (Amendment) Regulations, 1977 made by the Board of

Trustees of the port of Mormuga: in exercise

conferred by section 28, read with SUb-section tion 124, of the said Act and in the

and Diu Government Gazette, ed the 16th and

bruary, 1978.

(0. C. AHn~)

Under (0 the Govt. of



No. MPT/IGAI931178

The follOwing Notification .red from the Government of India, Ministry of Shipping ~cnd Transport, Wing, New Delhi, is hereby republished for mation of the public. This has reference to Notification No. IGA(93)/78 dated 21-2-78, in Official Gazette Govt. of Goa, Daman and Diu, TIl No. 48 cIt.

Mormugao, Goa, 2nd June, -The Deputy

Peter Fttrtado.





(Transport Wing)

(Parivahan Paksha)

New Delhi, the 26th April, 1978

IN THE NOTIFICATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA IN THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANS­PORT (Transport Wing) G. S. R. 301, dated tIle 13th February, '1978 published on page 442 of the Gazette of India, Part TI, Section 3, sub-section (1), dated the 25th February, 1978 omit lines 1 to 10.

C. AHm.)

Linder Bec:y. to the Govt. of India

No. PIDG(3)/78

V. no. 1563/1978

Noli fication

No. MPT/IGA(27)/78

The following Notification received from the Government of India.; Ministry of Shipping and Transport, Transport Wing, New Delhi, is hereby republished for general information of the public.

Mormugao, Goa, 2nd June, 1978. ~The Dy. Secretary,

Peter Furtado.





(Transport Wing)

(Parivahan Paksha)

New Delhi, the 23rd May, 1978


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 124, read with SUb-section (1) of section 132, the

22ND JUNE) 1978 (ASADHA 1) 1900)

Major Port Trusts Act,1963 (38 of 1963), the Central Go­vernment hereby approve of the regulations entitled the Mor­rrlUgao Port Employees' (Conduct) (Amendment) Regulations, 1977 made by the Board of Trustees of the Mormugao Port in .exercise of the powers conferred by section 28, read with sub-section (2) of section 124, of the said Act and published in the Goa, Daman and Diu Government Gazette dated the 16th and 23rd February, 1978.


Under Secy. to the Govt. of India

No. PEG(14)/78

V. no. 1564/1978


No. MPT/IGA(79)/78

The following Notification received from the Gover.nment of India, Ministry of Shipping and Transport, New Delhi is hereby republished for general information of the public.

Mormugao, Goa, (R. Jeevrathnam)

1978/06/17 Secretary



(Transport Wing)

No. PEG(10)/78

New Delhi, the 2nd June, 1978


G. S. R. -In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sec­tion (1) of section 124, read with sub-section (1) of sec­tion 132, of the Major I;ort Trusts Act, 1963 (,38 of 1963) the Central Government hereby approve of the Mormugao Port Employees (Medical Attendance) (Amendment) Regulations, 1978 made by the Board of Trustees of the Port of Mormu­

gao in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28, read with sub-section (2) of section 124, of the said Act, and pu­blished in the Goa, Daman and Diu Government Gazette, dated the 16th and 23rd February, 1978.

(D. C. ARIR)

Under Secy. to the Govt. of India'

V. no. 1645/1978


No. MPT/IGA(77)/78

The following Notification received from the Government of India, Ministry of Shipping and Transport, New Delhi, is hereby republished for general .information of the public.

Mormugao, Goa, 8th June, 1978.-The Secretary, R. Jeeva­rathnam.





(Tr~nsport Wing) (Parivahan Pakslla)

New Delhi,lhe 1st June, 1978


G. s. R. -In exercise of.the powers conferred by sub­~s.ection (1) of section 124, read with sub-section (1) of section 132 of the Major Port Tl']JSts Act, 1963 (38 of 1963) the Central Government hemby PI rove of the "the Port Employees' (SupplementalY L"ave) (Am;;ndment: lations, 1977" made by the j d of Trustee;1 of ths Mormugao in exercise of the Pi lWEI'S conferred by read with SUb-section (2) of sedian 124 of the said published in the Goa, Darnan :lud Diu GOV8l'nmen) 'L( dated the 19th and 27th Janua.. ,'978.

(D. C. AllIn) Secy. to the GovL

No. PEG(9)/78

. no.

No rificd ion

No. MP'I'/IG/".('7'1)/78

The following Notification re(.:eived from the Government of India, Ministry of Shipping and Transport, New Delhi, is hereby republishe~ for general information of the public,

Mormugao, Goa., 8th June, 1978. -The Secretary.






(Transport Wing) (Parivahan Paksha)

New Delhi, the

Notifieal ion

G. S. R. -IN EXERCISE OF THE POWERS conferred by sub-section (1) of section 124, read witil sub-section (1) of section 132, of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 (38 of 1963), the Central Government hereby approve of "the Mormugao Port Employees' -(Leave) (Amendment) Regulations, 1977" made by the Board of Trustees of the Port of Mormugao in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28, read with SUb-section (2) of s~ction 124, of the said Act and published in the Goa, Daman and Diu Government· Gazette, dated the 19th and 27th January, 1978.

D. C. AHIR Under Secy. to the Govt. of India

NO. PFJG(9)/78

no. 1568/1978



In exercise of the powers conferred under Chapter VI of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 and with the prior sanction of the Central Government in terms of Section 52 of the said Act, the following amendments be made to the Schedule of Harbour and Railway rates published in thc Boletim Ofcia] No. 21 Series I dated 31st May, 1962 and as amended from time to time.

In the Notification No. MP'I'/3-GA(8)/Tl dated 16th November, 1977 published in the Boletim Oficial Series III No. 33 dated 17-11-1977 the following amendments be made:-

Under 'REVISED RATES'-(I) Section other char­ges, delete item No. 134 from the purview levy of 15% surcharge.

-The above amendment shall be effective from. 17

By Order,

Mormugao (Goa), (R. Jecvam.thlw/m) 6t11 June, 1978. Secretary

V no. 1561/1978


-----------------_._---._ ..

Finance Department (Revenue and Controll

Office of the Commissioner of Excise

Excise Station of Canacona .


The following. liquor confiscated in favour of the Govern­

ment will be sold in auction on 26th June 1978 at 11-00 hours

in the preinises. of Excise Station Canacona to the person

who offers the highest price. If \necessary auction for the

2nd and 3rd time will be held on 27th and 28th June 1978 .respectively:-

Case No. Quantity of liquor


Palm liquor in a quantity of 26 140 in two rubber bladders.





Palm liquor in a quantity of 26 140 in two rubber bladders.





Palm liquor in a a . plastic can.

quantity of 3'0 litres of 140



2 Earthern Pot Vessels each containing 50 litres of Jaggery wash.

Only the licensed liquor vep.dors are allowed to participate in the auction.

Acceptance' of bid is subject to the approval of the Com­missioner of Excise, Panaji.

The Government reserves the right to accept or re~ct any offe'r without assigning reasons.

For further details please contact the Excise Inspector Ca­nacona in his Office during Office hours.

Canacona, 19th May, 1978. -The Excise Inspector, U. G. Nayak.


The following liquor and goods were seized by the Excise Inspector of Canacona Taluka as abandoned on the dates and at the places mentioned below:-

Case No. Date Place Kind of goods seized




Palm liquor in a quantity of 20

qts. of 140 in a rubber blad­





Palm liquor in a quantity of 20

qts. of 140 in a rubber blad­





Palm liquor in a quantity of 20

qts. of 140 in a rubber blad­


If any person has any claim over the said liquor/goods he should establish the same by producing documentary evidence before the Excise Inspector of Canacona Taluka in his Office within thirty days after the publication/of this notice. If no claimant comes forward within the time stipufated above the liquor will be confiscated in favour ,of the Government.

Canacona, 19th May, 1978 . .L-The Excise Inspector, U. G. Nayak.


Civil Registration Office of Panaji

Santana Lopes, Village Salaria, House No. 463. -Goa­-Velha, desires to change the name of his minor son "Carlos Lucio Lopes" to "Carlos Lopes". "

Therefore any person having any objection is hereby invited to file the same in this Office as required under section 178(3) of Civil Registration Code, within 30 days from the date of ];m1:>lication~f this notice.

Panaji, 17th June, 1978. -The Civil Registrar Cum Suo Registrar, Narayan Shripad Bhende.

V. no. 1584/1978

Administration Office of


2 In accordance with and the purpose etll:ablisl1nl in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is announced that Shri Panduronga Poi Palondicar, residenl Modvolsai-Borda, Margao, has on permanent teasE' of an uncultivated and unused plot land called "Reserved No. 103", situated at Vanxem, belonging to the of Loutulim in the area of 600 mts. for the construction of a residential house. The said is bounded on the by the part of the said plot no. belonging to Shri Monteiro, on the south by plot 105 belonging to the COHtll" nidade of Loutulim, on the east Reseryed Road and west by plot No. 102 belonging Shri Lucio Marques.No. 23/1978.

If any person has any objection against the proposed he should su,bmit his objection in vvritihg to the Administra of Salcete Comunidades, Margan, within 30 days, counted from the date of 2nd publication of this Notice Official Gazette.-

Margao, 1st .Tune, 1978 -The Sc, retary, Siuralnu Sina.i

V. no.


:3 It is hereby announced tha.t on 11th July, 1978, at

11.00 a. m. at the door of the aforesaid Office, auction will be held af an li.'1cultivated and lillused plot of land "Reserved lote no. CXXII", without special denomination", situated at Vanxem and belonging to the Comunidade of Loutulim in the are'a of 600 sq. mts; applied on permanent lease by Shri Jose D'Cruz, resident of Loutulim, for construction of a resi­dential house, being the upset price the annual lease rent of Rs. 90/-. It is bounded on the east by a portion of the said reserved lote no. 122, applied on lease bv Shri Albino D'Cruz of Loutulim, in lease. file no. 58/1976, or; the west by a strip of the said lote of 6 mts. width, reserved for a road, on the north by a strip of the said lote of 8 mts. Width, reserved for a road and on the south by a strip of the said lote of 6 mts. width, reserved f0'r a road. File no. 57/1976.

It is further announced that the cO'ntesting bidders will have to prove with necessary evidenoe that helshe was born in Goa or his/her parents were born in Goa or he/she is domiciled in Goa, for the last ten years, and has to' produce at least before the time fixed for the auctiO'n, an affidavit to establish that neither he/she nor any dependent member of his/her family owns any residential house, or a plot, or any share in it fit for a reSidence, within the Loutulim Vil­lage or within a radius of 5 kms,. from the said plot of reserved lote no. CXXII.

Margao, 13th June, 1978. ---The Secretary, Siurama Sinai Ede.

Seen: -The Administrator, B. V. D088(1,1.•

V, '10. 1509/1978

4 It is hereby announoed that on 11th .July, 1978, at

12.00 noon at the door of the aforesaid Office, a llction will he held of an uncultivated and lillused plot of land "Reserved lote no. CXXII, without special denomination" situated at Vanxem and belonging to the Comunidade of Loutulim, in the area of 600 sq. mts. applied on perm~ment lease by Smt. Angelina Gomes, resident of Loutulim, for construction of a residential house, being the upset price the annual lease rent of Rs. 90/-. It is bounded on the east by the remaining portion of the said reserved lote no. 1.22, on the west by the portion of the said reserved lote, applied on 1easeby Shri Albino D' Cruz of Loutulim, in lease file no. 58/1976, on the north by a strip of the said lote of 8 mts. width, reserved for a road and on the south by the portion of the said reserved lote no. 122. -File No. 11/1977.

It is further announced that the contesting bidden; will have to prove with necessary evidence that he/she was born in Goa or his/her parents were born in Goa or he/she is domiciled in Goa, for the last tell years, and hell: to produce at least before the time fixed for the auction, an affidavit to establish that neither he/she nor any dependent member of his/her family owns any residential house, or a plot, or

any share in it fit for a residence, within the Loutulim Vil­lage or within a radius of 5 Kms. from the said plot of reserved lote no. CXXII.

Margao, 13th June, .1978. -The Secretary, Siurama Sinai

1iJde. . .

Seen: -The Administrato'r, B. V. Dessai.

V. no. 1510/1978

5 It is hereby announced that on 11th July, 1978, at

11.30 a. m. at the door of the aforesaid Office, auction will be held of an uncultivated and unused plot of the reserved late no.. CXXII, "without special denomination", situated at ward Vanxem belQnging to. the Comunidade of Loutulim, in the area of 600 sq.mts. :applied on permanent lease by Shri Albino D'Cruz, of Loutulim, for construction of a residential house, being the upset price the annual lease rent of Rs. 90/-. It is bounded on the'east by the portion of the reserved lote no. 122, applied on lease by. Smt. Angelina Gomes of Loutulim, in lease file no. 11/1977, on the west by the portion of the said reserved lote, applied on lease by Shri Jose. D'Cruz of Lou­tulim, lin lease file no. 57/1976, on the north by a strip of the said late of 8 mts. width reserved for a road and on the south by a strip of the said lote of 6 mts. width reserved fall' a road. 'File No. 58/1976.

It is further announced that the contesting bidde!l'S will have to prove with necessary evidence that he/she was born in Goa or his/he!l' parents were born in Goa or he/she is domiciled in Goa, fall' the last ten years, and has to produce at IEl'ast before the time fixed for the auction, an affidavit to establish that neither he/she nor any dependent member of his/hell' family owns any residential house, or a plot, or any share in it fit for a residence, within the Loutulim Vil­lage Oil' VJithin a radius of 5 Kms. from the said plot of reserved lote no. CXXII.

Margao, 13th June, 1978. -The Secretary, Siurama Sinai Ede.

Seen: -The Administrator, B. V. Dessai.

V. no. 1511/1978

(Section of MormugaoI


6 In accordance with and for the purpose established in Article 330'of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that Smt. Mary Leandra Fernandes, resident of Chicalim, has applied on permanent lease of a plot called "Uttar Dongor" belonging to Chicalim Comunidade in the area of 600 sq. mts. for the construction of a residential house. The said plot is bounded on the west by the land belonging to the Fabrica of Chicalim Church, on the North and South by the land of Comunidade of Chicalim, and on the east by a projected road by Comunidade of Chicalim. File No. 41/1976.

_ If any person has any objection against the proposed lease, he should submit his objection inwriting to the Administrator of Salcete Comunic'lades, Margao, within 30 days, cOl1nted from the date of 2nd publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.

. Margao, 19th May, 1978. -The Secretary, Siurama Sinai Ede.

V. no. 1545/1978

(Se:e~ion of Oa:n


7 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose esta­blished in article 330 of Comunidades Code still in force it is hereby announced that Shri Kushali Ganga Bandekar, alias Kuxali GaIlga Canconcar, resident of Agonda, has applied on permanent lease the plot of land "Dovorneamolla or Bailo­mala", situated at Caraxir and belonging to Canacona Comu­nidade in the area of 600 square metres for the' purpose of construction of house for residence, being the plot bounded on the east by the same plot of the Comunidade, on the west by the plot applied on lease by Kuxali Bandekar, on the nOrth also lease applied by Shri Viswas Bombo Bandekl'," and on the south also by the plot applied by Shri Data Bonu Bai1~ dekar. File no. 49/1977. . : .

If any person has any objection against this proposed lease they should submit their objection, in writing', to the A9Ini-, nistrator of Comunidades (SectioL [i ;anacona within 30 days counted from the te of second this notice in the Official Gazctt 3

Chauri, 14th December, 'I'e Secreta

P. S. Cacodcar.



8 It is hereby announced tbat on 20th

11.00 a. m. at the dOQr of the aforesaid Office, held of a hilly, uncultivated, unused and rocky plot of land med "Oulichem Galum", lot no. situated at Tivim longing to the T1vimComunidade, the area of 600 square me tres, applied for on permanent lease by Shri .~"~o""VA".Y Hipolito D'Sousa, resident of Bodiem, Tivim, for of residential house, being the upset price the annual rent of Rs. 90/-. It is bounded the east and south land of Comunidade, on the north by the plot of measured to Smt. Maria Philomena Mariquinha Pinto, No. 86/1975, and on the west the strip the Comtmidade of 2 metres width the edge of the reserved along the same road th,lt from the national Mapusa-Bicholim leads to --File No. 119/197[\.

It is further announced that contesting bidder will to prove with necessary evidence that he/she was born in or his/her parents were born G'oa or he/she is domiciled in Goa for the last 10 years, and has to produce least before the time fixed for the auction an affidavit to establish that neither he/she nor any dependent member of his/her family owns any residential house, or a plot, or any share fit for residence, within Tivim vHlage or within a radius 5 kms., from the said plot "Oulichem Galum", lot No. 401.

Mapusa, 13th June, 1978, ..-acting Secretary, Nelson

Xavier Trindade.

Seen: -The Administrator, MCI!J'lgw3,);a l'f,agoba S'inai Quenoro.

V. no. 1506/1978

9 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in force, it is hereby announced that Maruti Joti Khorate, resi­dent of Bastora, has applied on lease for construction of resi­dential house, the hilly, uncultivated and unused plot of land named "Patolechem Ran", lot No. 126, situated at Alto de Paetona and belonging to the Serula Comunidade, covering an area of 600 square metres. It is bounded on all sides by the remaining part of the said lot No. 126. File No. 164/1978.

If any person has any objection against the proposed lease, he should submit his objection in writing te the Adminis­trator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30. days from the date of second publication of this notice, in the Offidal Ga­zette.

Mapusa, 12th May, 1978,·-The acting SO( retary, Nelson

Xavier Trindade.

no. 1635/1978



10 The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an extraordinary meeting at its Meeting Hall, On 16th July next, at 10 a. m., in order to give its opinion on the file no. 131/1978, in which Severina Martha Fonseca, resident of Acoi, Mapusa, has applied on lease for construction of resi­dential house, the rocky, lmcultivated and unused plot of land named "Goulachi-Bar", reserved lot no. 191, sJtuated at Acoi, Mapusa and belonging to the above Comunidade, bounded on the east and north by the land of the same Comunidade, on the west by the national road that from Mapusa leads to Bicholim, and on the south by the plot granted for the tank of reservoir of waters, covering an area of 600 square metres.

Mapusa, 18th June, 1978, -The Clerk of Connnidade,

Vi.Sitacao Cristo Rei Socorro Pereira.

nt), Id05/1978


The details of my parents are

fo:,lows: -­





Father's name: -Nausso Sukdc Nationality: -Indian.



Mother's name: -

Sitabai l'\faussc Mulwankar.

11, Notice is hereby given that an extraordinary General Body me~ting of all the Mahajans of the above Devasthan is hereby convened on 3rd Sunday at 11 a. m., after publication of this notice in the Official Gazette in the Devasthan's usual meeting place to discuss and consider the following:­

1) To reconsider the notices already published in the Official Gazette dated 11th August, 1977 and 6th April 1978 pertaining to the property named "Dando Cantor" belonging to M/s. Caculo Bros. and which is adjacent to the Devasthan's property named "Afonso Cantor" situated at Kelossim with an area of 31,7950 ha and now who have agreed to sen the said property to the Devasthan.

2) To approve the applications received from Mahajans and Devotees for permanent Devkrityas.

As the matters are of every important nature, all the Ma­hajans are requested to attend the mee'ting.

Queula, 11th June, 1978. -The Secretary, Kashiruith G. S. KuveZkar.

Seen. -The President, Durganand R. S. Bavardekar.

V. no. 1578/;1.978

Private Advertisements


12 I, the undersigned Shri Namdeo Nausso Malwankar, married, aged about 36 years, winchman, native froni Morgim ofPernem Taluka and residing at Vasco-da-Gama, do hereby solemnly declare on oath and state as follows:-

That I have married with Smt. Premawati Namdeo Mal­wankar also known as Bebi.

That my marriage was celebrated at Morgim in the year 1966, but due to heavy circumstances I could not register my registration of marriage.

That I am known in the name of Namdeo Nausso Malwan­kar instead of Namdeo Morazkar, as registered in the Dock Labour Board, Marmagoa.

Nationality: -Indian.

As I have to produce this Affidavii in the Office the Labour Board, Marmagoa in order prove my rea.l name it was mistaken at the time of admi"ision of enrollment j II the Register of the above company.

That whatever I have stated above is true and cotrect tic best of my knowledge and belief have not misrepres)nte·1 or concealed any fact in it.


mc!eo Nausso Identified by me:

A. K. Khan

Mormugao Municipal Councillor r'd No.5 Mormugao-Goa Dated 29th May, 1978

Executive Magistrate, Mormugac Taluka, Sd/-

V. no. 1485/U17S

13 Obdulia Emilia de Souza BenL, from Morodo of Mapusu, wishes to collect from the treasury Comunidade of the sum of Rs. 143/-, of jonos of the years ,1975 to belonging to her late husband, Jose Graciano de was from Bastora and invites claims within period. v. 1413/1978

14 Pedro Hilario Irenio Tolentino Pereira, alias Pedro Pe­reira, bachelor, major, from Utorda, wishes to transfer in his name three shares ..of Utorda Comunidade nos. 3371 to 3379 of titles nos. 605-A to 607-A, respectively of late father Antonio Rosario Pereira, hailing from Utorda, so also to collect the dividends of the same shares from the treasury of the Comunidade of the years 1968 to 1975 to the tune of Rs. 73-50.

The interested parties may put up t.heir claims if any, in ,the competent Office within the legal time limit.

Y 1551/1978


GOVT. PRINTING PRESS -GOA .(Impl'ensa Nacional -Goa) PRICE -Its, 0,60 P8,
Yüklə 187,38 Kb.

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