Thus, for example, a company commander has failed to deliver medicines to a village clinic, run by a “Dr Jihad”, as promised. In response, a “journalist” is commissioned to report the story for the Talatha Times. Thus

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(Transitional Words)


(Original English Journalistic Texts)

Accordingly, Thus, As a result, Therefore (因果關係)

Transitional Words and Frequency

Thus (3) + As a result (5) = 8


  1. Thus, for example, a company commander has failed to deliver medicines to a village clinic, run by a “Dr Jihad”, as promised. In response, a “journalist” is commissioned to report the story for the Talatha Times.

  2. Thus he is ready to inject limited flexibility into the labour market, but he is not pushing for a more wide-reaching overhaul.

  3. Thus, Venezuela has bought $538m of Argentine debt.

  4. As a result, few football clubs are profitable.

  5. As a result, the iced coffee that Rinaldi serves at Caffe Capri in Williamsburg is no scam.

  6. As a result, many Italian businessmen are under intense pressure, and squealing.

  7. As a result, and thanks to the introduction of a unique identifying number, government departments will be able to share information much more easily.

  8. As a result, death rates have come down from their appalling level of 2004, an outcome that did not seem likely at the start of this year.

But, By contrast, Differently, Nevertheless, However, Still, On the other hand, On the contrary, Yet, In contrast(對比關係)

Transitional Words and Frequency

But (398) + Yet (40) + By contrast (7) + Nevertheless (3) + However (15) + Still (16) + On the contrary (1) + On the other hand (2) = 482


  1. But Dixons is still nervous about the Russian investment climate, and its worries haven't been helped by recent problems at high-profile Western firms, including BP. So the firm agreed to start paying for Eldorado only in 2008.

  2. But along with red tape and corruption, companies face political and government meddling, primarily in the form of a highly unpredictable tax-enforcement policy.

  3. But since then Coca-Cola's Russian operations have grown back to profitability, Winterton says, and it currently has half of Russia's $1.9 billion carbonated soft-drink market.

  4. But Weafer cautions about the middle layer: energy and other areas that could be construed by the Kremlin as being of strategic value.

  5. But for now, Western companies seem eager to keep on buying, and it's not hard to see why.

  6. But he ought to, if he is to follow the example of the nation's top spiritual leader, the Archbishop of Canterbury.

  7. But it used to be real geopolitics.

  8. But the hard-pressed Finno-Ugric minorities in central Russian regions like Mari-El, Komi and Udmurtia are more concerned.

  9. But it is yet more bad news for the people they are trying to help.

  10. But these soldiers will live.

  11. But in the past the “insurgents” wore blue armbands to distinguish themselves, a tactic strangely shunned by America's enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  12. But most of those, in Central America, were mainly special-forces operations.

  13. But history can suggest a few solid principles for successful campaigns against insurgents; and too often, in Iraq, American troops have ignored them.

  14. But when the violence ebbed, they had the flexibility to revert to friendlier tactics.

  15. But Colonel McMaster was relatively lucky.

  16. But with his face hidden behind helmet, headset and mirrored-shades, women and children saw him and fled.

  17. But the section of the current edition of “Operations” dealing with counter-insurgency is now being revised, and a new version of the counter-insurgency manual, written with British help, was distributed as an interim draft on October 1st.

  18. But it is at the CTCs, including that bomb-blasted patch of Louisiana pine woods, that the army's effort to change its ways is most visible.

  19. But Brigadier-General Barbero says he hopes to retain enough cash for a decent number of role-players on his mock battlefield.

  20. But it points out that the French figures, unlike British and American ones, are based on polls asking people if they are fat.

  21. But in France, her fellow-citizens seem not only to be doing just that—but to have few hang-ups about it.

  22. But the comparison jars: people went down into the Tube to shelter during second-world-war air raids.

  23. But this normality is more fragile than it looks.

  24. But a second successful attack would strike a nation that is in an anxious state of mind.

  25. But it also raised a disturbing thought: that Britain now has homegrown suicide-bombers who think the Dar al-Harb, the Abode of War, can be reached by boarding a Thameslink commuter train.

  26. But that working assumption changed on examination of CCTV film from cameras at King's Cross.

  27. But the minority includes many judges, journalists and MPs and, back in March, the government had to fight to get Parliament to approve legislation to bring in control orders—a set of extra-judicial measures to deprive suspects of some of their liberties.

  28. But as The Economist went to press, it looked as if any chances of a peaceful resolution were evaporating.

  29. But Mr Bush has had a notably tough time from his own party over his nomination of John Bolton for ambassador to the UN.

  30. But public opinion is still largely unformed.

  31. But the Commission didn't settle the matter about which agency is best equipped to run spies and instead kicked it upstairs for Negroponte — who has named a CIA officer David Shedd, formerly a National Security Council detailee, as his chief of staff — to decide.

  32. But if there are enough signs that your behavior is starting to slip out of your control (see the self-test), chances are that you have a problem.

  33. But here was the saffron, white and green banner of India, there the Southern Cross of Samoa.

  34. But now, all over the world, defenders of orthodoxy and promoters of progress are fighting each other for the soul of the church.

  35. But he may give bishops more autonomy.

  36. But some bishops are crying out for more autonomy, and they want a more robust conversation.

  37. But the debate is over whether or not the government should continue to exceed its fiscal targets.

  38. But the benefits to Argentina from its declaration of financial independence are hardly clear-cut.

  39. But Mr Kirchner had made it clear that he would brook no unwelcome conditions from the Fund.

  40. But it means that governments must stand or fall purely on their own reputation for financial probity.

  41. But Mr Chirac himself, already enfeebled by the French rejection of the European Union constitution last May, has been further marginalised.

  42. But it would at least unveil their extent, and offer a way to measure progress.

  43. But the biggest obstacle remains Mr Sarkozy.

  44. But it was the other who went on to win. His name? Jacques Chirac.

  45. But the C$136m museum is already mired in a typically Canadian row over whether it presents too bellicose an image for a peaceloving country.

  46. But if the museum does not glorify war, does it sufficiently project Canada's self-proclaimed role as international peacemaker?

  47. But the medical schools have created a bottleneck.

  48. But the high school high jinks can be far more menacing.

  49. But experts are worried that hardened gang members won't be caught, partly because their victims are often too scared to turn them in and partly because some schools are more interested in avoiding bad publicity than exposing violent kids. Just ask Song.

  50. But that hasn't stopped Samsung, the South Korean consumer-electronics giant, from looking north for a celebrity to pitch its latest handsets.

  51. But even with few cougars in the region, widespread paranoia has settled in.

  52. But the canvases of a little-known Kenyan painter, Richard Onyango, chronicling his obsession with a buxom Indian femme fatale, are equally romantic; what distinguishes them from reclining nudes, by Modigliani and Matisse, say, is the rage.

  53. But the case for its intervening within countries is much weaker.

  54. But it would be a lot smaller in others.

  55. But if there is to be some, it should surely be doled out nationally, because only national governments have the expertise (and the political authority) to run what has increasingly turned into a personal income-support system for one particular interest group.

  56. But that it is not what really matters.

  57. But some 67,500 tsunami victims in Indonesia are still living in tents a year into the relief effort, while another 50,000 have crowded into temporary barracks.

  58. But creating a parallel bureaucracy takes time, and is bound to provoke rivalry with the existing one.

  59. But donors have been slower to spend the money than to raise it. Of the $2 billion or so in promised aid that the government of Sri Lanka is tracking, only $1 billion has actually been handed over, and only $141m of that has been spent.

  60. But some delays are the result of simple ineptitude rather than complex planning.

  61. But neither Sri Lanka nor Indonesia produces enough locally, so it has to be imported from Australia and New Zealand.

  62. But some of these tests, which are run by the state government, may have been faulty, and perhaps even compromised by politics.

  63. But a study by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors has uncovered evidence of flawed testing in the 1982 murder and rape case of a former death-row inmate, Earl Washington.

  64. But he argues, in turn, that the media pushed him.

  65. But Mr Kilgore must tread lightly.

  66. But they have not been reassured by one of 76-year-old Mr Glazer's five sons, Joel, who will oversee day-to-day affairs at United.

  67. But it will not be easy to improve on United's existing merchandising efforts to its estimated 75m fans globally—judging by the club megastore's extensive range of replica shirts and other themed items (Manchester United curtains, anyone?).

  68. But she had the opposite reaction.

  69. But investigators are only now beginning to understand the actions and psychology of the thousands who had a chance to escape.

  70. But the range was enormous.

  71. But when nothing is normal, the rules of everyday life do not apply.

  72. But some behaviors in all three environments turn out to be remarkably similar.

  73. But it looked as if many of the Pan Am passengers had survived and would have lived if they had got up and walked off the fiery plane.

  74. But her husband Paul Heck, 65, reacted immediately.

  75. But in all serious U.S. plane accidents from 1983 to 2000, just over half the passengers lived, according to the National Transportation Safety Board.

  76. But of the 396 people on board, 326 were killed.

  77. But it turns out that that freezing behavior may be quite adaptive in certain scenarios.

  78. But once some (nontoxic) smoke started pouring into the cabin, everyone got quiet.

  79. But, like others who study disaster behavior, he is perpetually frustrated that not more is done to encourage self-reliance.

  80. But as the value of the dollar has fallen, complaints from U.S. manufacturers have grown louder that if the yuan were allowed to rise to its true value, Chinese imports wouldn't be so cheap, compared with U.S.- made products.

  81. But the Administration feels some heat needs to be put on China to ward off protectionist measures in Congress.

  82. But the question asked since their identities were revealed after the bombings continues to resonate: what motivated men reared thousands of miles from the cradles of the Muslim world, without any direct experience of oppression themselves, to bomb fellow Britons, ushering in a new chapter of terrorism.

  83. But in areas like Beeston, they say, that has also meant learning to drink, using or selling drugs and losing one's virginity at an early age.

  84. But the shop sells cigarettes, bacon and tinned pork, girlie magazines.

  85. But in the French view all this amounts to “fiscal dumping” by the new members—using low tax rates to lure jobs and investment away from western Europe, then balancing the state budget with EU cash from French and German pockets.

  86. But these accession treaties have to be ratified by all member states, including France.

  87. But that promise, given in 2003, has no timetable attached to it, and most of the countries are still a mess.

  88. But there is a chicken-and-egg problem.

  89. But other EU countries disagree.

  90. But some of those governments now find that they have frightened themselves, and many of their citizens, with the prospect of a wider and woollier Europe.

  91. But still, some industrial capacity is shifting directly from the old to the new members.

  92. But research on the impact of choice in education carried out at the Centre for Market and Public Organisation, a think-tank, offers some cautious support for the policies in the white paper.

  93. But in downstate Illinois's hard-hit regions, where many voters resent Chicago, it has not gone over well.

  94. But critics argue that the governor is better at thinking up popular ideas than at nailing down the details and implementing them.

  95. But he has used assorted fees, and fiddled the accounting for the state employees' pension fund, in order to fill gaps in his budgets.

  96. But others object strongly to illegal immigration.

  97. But this will hardly comfort Mr Pablo, who favours erectinga huge fence along the border.

  98. But 70% of the channel's $10m start-up cost comes from Venezuela's government.

  99. But now their aim is to cement an anti-American block.

  100. But if Mr Bush turns up empty-handed (CAFTA apart), Latin Americans will continue to pay court to that generous neighbour in Caracas.

  101. But that now looks unlikely.

  102. But she refused.

  103. But that kind of principled pigheadedness seems perfectly in character for a man who has spent two decades of his creative life on a single mission: a cycle of 10 linked plays, each representing one decade in the black experience in 20th century America.

  104. But Death of a Salesman with a black cast--that's not the way blacks respond to this problem.

  105. But the closing line of that play might just as well apply toa playwright ready for the next leg of his remarkable career: "You shining like new money!"

  106. But Villaraigosa, 52, once described by a fellow Democrat as having as much energy as "a hummingbird in flight," is bus y taking another call, that one from Frank McCourt, the owner of the Dodgers, who congratulates the mayor-elect and reminds him that there are seats set aside for any game he chooses to attend.

  107. But as mayor of L.A., which is 47% Latino, he is destined to become an icon of the nationally emerging Latino political class.

  108. But as far as Supreme Court terms go, Mr. Roberts served during a relatively routine one that included important cases on the First Amendment, federalism and sex discrimination, and ended with a notable affirmation of executive power.

  109. But the Rehnquist clerks did not wear their politics on their sleeves, said Robert B. Knauss, a Los Angeles lawyer who also clerked for the justice that year.

  110. But Mr. Roberts's memorandums stand out as terse, lucid and even elegant.

  111. But Mr. Roberts brought more enthusiasm than skill to the game.

  112. But by its second term, it realised that reform was needed as well as money, so it reinstated and extended reforms.

  113. But under a new system of payment by results, about 70% of its budget is tied directly to its activity, with treatments priced according to a national tariff based on average hospital costs.

  114. But the axis is now being challenged by an increasing number of pragmatists from the centre-right of American politics.

  115. But the House managed to add so much more pork—including a $2 billion giveaway to oil companies for deep-water research—to the bill that even the White House now criticises it as excessively costly.

  116. But his mandate may be narrow: he looks unlikely to gain the votes of much more than half of Bolivia's indigenous peoples.

  117. But these offers come with conditions.

  118. But aid accounts for a tenth of Bolivia's GDP.

  119. But when it comes to abortion, it is the Democrats who are the American exceptionalists.

  120. But this presumes that public opinion has been frozen in aspic since 1973.

  121. But for most Democrats who merely want to keep abortion legal under most circumstances, that right would be more secure if it carried democratic legitimacy.

  122. But the offence itself is not new.

  123. But it is Greenberg's link to the even more lionized Buffett that's causing the biggest stir.

  124. But if AIG intentionally created a false picture of its books and Buffett knew it, he could have legal problems.

  125. But for all the predictions of a nuclear winter once the choice was announced, the political climate so far has remained remarkably calm.

  126. But it was in class that he excelled, in a way that forced other boys and even teachers to raise their game.

  127. But Roberts is ambidextrous.

  128. But he encountered his first setback when the bid died in the Senate with Bill Clinton's victory.

  129. But it does not rank in the concerns of most people, and it comes at a time when Americans are already holding Congress in low regard.

  130. But fidelity to those standards was relaxed over time; in fact, foam fell from a PAL ramp in two early missions, including the one in June 1983 on which Sally Ride became the first American woman in space.

  131. But there were no tests of the PAL foam itself at the speeds, pressures or vibrations of ascent.

  132. But at the time, we didn't have enough data where we could technically do that and be safe.

  133. But as Michael D. Griffin, NASA's new administrator and an engineer himself, said Friday, that would have violated the old tenet about fixing what is not broken.

  134. But the tank that flew with the Discovery last week was made before the new procedures went into effect, and NASA stopped short of requiring that the ramps be redone, said a spokesman, Martin J. Jensen.

  135. But he added that the next generation of spacecraft would place cargo and crew members atop the tank and not on its side, where falling foam and ice invite disaster.

  136. But "at some point you've got to say, 'Wow, maybe the critics who say this is a really flawed design are right.' "

  137. But Ms Schyman was ousted in 2003 after a battle with alcoholism and a tax scandal.

  138. But the SDP, which has ruled Sweden for all but nine of the past 73 years, could lose votes too.

  139. But the results, announced on Tuesday, showed it had lost six of these to the centre-left opposition, including stunning defeats in Lazio, the region around Rome, and the southern region of Puglia, both of which had been strongholds of the hard right.

  140. But this week’s election defeat was, as the daily Corriere della Sera put it, “so crushing that it cannot be talked down or excused.”

  141. But the scale of his defeat has plunged his coalition into a crisis from which it will be hard to recover.

  142. But these cuts were accompanied by sly increases in indirect taxes, leaving Italians feeling no richer.

  143. But this week’s election defeats seem more likely to undermine the reforms’ chances than to spur the governing coalition into passing them.

  144. But, as with his income-tax cuts, the prime minister seems to have gained nothing from his announcement shortly before the elections that he would start bringing the troops home.

  145. But the regional-election victories mean that Mr Prodi, whose previous government collapsed in 1998 after the communists withdrew their support, looks in a strong position to make a comeback.

  146. But the Convention Against Torture makes it unlawful to transport anyone to a country where there are “substantial grounds” for believing they might be tortured.

  147. But as the “war on terror” is not classified as an international conflict, the organisation can only “offer its services” to monitor American camps—it has no right of access.

  148. But snatching people off a foreign country's streets and holding them incommunicado in an undisclosed place without charge for months, even years, without even their families' knowledge, is unlawful, whether or not torture is involved.

  149. But Andrew Stern, the head of the service employees and leader of the dissidents, also claims new tactics.

  150. But all this seems not enough for Mr Stern, and it may bump into cold reality in any case, since the federation will have $18m less in annual membership dues after the defections.

  151. But when the channel's director, whose native tongue is Arabic, walks in, the language switches seamlessly to English, interlaced with Muslim greetings.

  152. But this month's attacks on London laid bare a community that lives in limbo between Yorkshire and Pakistan, and revealed the limits to that process.

  153. But, as young British Muslims gain in sophistication, they still tend to see world politics through an Islamic prism, identifying with their co-religionists in any place where conflict is raging.

  154. But in so many important ways, I've never felt more complete.

  155. But Fonda doesn't acknowledge skeptics, and she didn't write her memoir--which reveals, among other things, that she suffered from bulimia for 30 years, how she never felt the closeness she yearned for with her father Henry and that she only recently found personal happiness, in part through a conversion to Christianity--simply to tell all.

  156. But it wasn't until 1998, when she made an unblinking 20-minute autobiographical film as a 60th-birthday present for herself, that she realized it was true.

  157. But this spring, a top German politician named Franz Muntefering likened Blackstone and other private-equity groups to "swarms of locusts" that fall on companies and devour all they can before moving on.

  158. But these days, Ostmeier is speaking out in public, trying to convince his fellow Germans that private-equity investors are not villains but heroes who are good for the nation because they increase business efficiency.

  159. But as global competition grows, European firms are under pressure to trim costs.

  160. But what's bad for the workers is good for the company's financials.

  161. But after that company merged most of its aircraft operations with a French rival in 2000, MTU was left behind, an orphan inside the huge automaker.

  162. But with time, as more and more companies on the Continent get bought and resold, he believes people will understand that private equity is a positive force.

  163. But they are also less controversial because no potential human lives are lost if the cells are destroyed.

  164. But the results were uneven after that.

  165. But when they landed in the sickened brain tissue, they appeared to know to go to work, restoring the enzyme that the babies lacked and causing affected nerve cells to regrow myelin insulation and healthy ones to keep what they had.

  166. But this year, you're going to fight back, aren't you?

  167. But my friend's experience was hardly unique; all around the city, people who were buying iced coffee were being treated like detainees at Gitmo.

  168. But don't forget to compensate for the ice!

  169. But the difference between Joe and me is that all I can do is scream, but he can actually do something about it.

  170. But if they are persuaded that the Conservatives might win, the likelihood of their getting off the sofa and going to a polling station increases.

  171. But the leak is revealing of the game the party is playing with its supporters.

  172. But this focus is not necessarily helpful.

  173. But 66% say they do not trust Mr Howard.

  174. But by the end of his reign, the world had in many ways become an even more terrifying place, and fewer people thought the Catholic church had all the answers.

  175. But in Latin America, especially, the Roman church has been losing out to Protestant evangelicals in recruiting the truly faithful—those who worship regularly and contribute to the church coffers.

  176. But in a world which expects to discover truth through open-ended discussion, the treatment of these turbulent priests made them into popular heroes.

  177. But both to victims of abuse and to people who observe church affairs from outside, the spate of disclosures has mocked the Vatican's claim to be a fount of moral authority and have made it harder to see why the church insists on restricting the priesthood to celibate males.

  178. But few of Europe's believers in a gentler capitalism had much liking for John Paul's social conservatism.

  179. But these are not easy times for inter-faith dialogue.

  180. But this pope was not, or at least not primarily, a political leader: he saw his mission in the light of eternity.

  181. But there were few signs of the decentralisation promised in the 1960s—and plenty of moves in the opposite direction.

  182. But its views commanded less authority when they seemed to originate from a small number of powerful (and unmarried) men.

  183. But multiple sclerosis took away most of the past 20 years.

  184. But look for steeples and stained glass, let alone crosses and altars, and you look in vain.

  185. But when he moved to Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Southern California, he realised that Baptist staples like altar calls—in which worshippers come to the front of the church and accept Jesus—would not go down well with his prosperous and laid-back congregation.

  186. But this rapid growth brings problems in its wake too—problems that usually end up forcing churches to become yet more business-like and management-obsessed.

  187. But not even Mr Blair could have hoped for such a transformation in so short a time.

  188. But one only has to ask which of the other G8 leaders would have dared to make the effort, let alone achieved as much that was tangible and worthwhile, to acknowledge Mr Blair's currently unrivalled international stature.

  189. But he was close.

  190. But there is also an element of calculation.

  191. But Mr Blair's domestic policy achievements are slighter and more fragile than hers.

  192. But the second bombing hinted, unnervingly, at a long-term campaign.

  193. But what will be the lasting effect of the bombings?

  194. But the shooting of a man mistakenly thought to be a terrorist (see article) has set some Muslim nerves on edge.

  195. But most credited Mr Hunter with the spark and the ideas, some of them outrageous, that took a mixed bag of hippies, whale-savers, Quakers and disarmers out of a Vancouver basement and into the headlines of the world's press.

  196. But Mr Hunter, as its first president from 1973 to 1977, proposed to keep it mischievous on as many fronts as possible.

  197. But with feathers and talons a major feature in traditional aboriginal dance regalia—which is popular on a competitive circuit that offers rich prizes for the best outfits—there's a hot black market for eagle parts in the U.S.

  198. But in the mid-1990s they were nearly wiped out in the lower 48 American states by chemical pesticides like DDT.

  199. But while he acknowledges that eagles have a historic place in aboriginal societies, Chang adds, "There are native Americans willing to trade in these parts."

  200. But when it was leaked that Alsop was a front runner, the seven instrumentalists on the search committee issued a statement reading, in part, "Approximately 90 percent of the orchestra musicians believe that ending the search process now, before we are sure the best candidate has been found, would be a disservice to the patrons of the BSO."

  201. But I need to know that we're a team.

  202. But differences in regulatory environments alone don't explain the South Koreans' success, as TIME's visits to Hwang's lab in early May and again last week made clear.

  203. But for Hwang, generating stem cells is more than just a scientific process.

  204. But it has been problematic.

  205. But it might take three to five years for a misaligned exchange rate to move even halfway back into line.

  206. But the non-traded bits converge much more slowly: a wage gap between countries has a “half-life” of almost 29 months.

  207. But Jia-Bin Duh, president of Cisco Systems' Chinese operations, said recently that the Californian supplier of routers for the internet currently spends 25% of its global outsourcing budget in China, and that this will rise to 40% by the end of 2006.

  208. But Mr Bush has to steer between the Charybdis of choosing somebody whom his base dislikes and the Scylla of choosing somebody who is so conservative that moderates will oppose him too.

  209. But by a 5-4 majority, the court decided to expand the meaning of “public use”: the government can seize land on behalf of private developers, so long as there is a vague “public purpose”, such as generating more tax revenues.

  210. But the one that irks conservatives most is Roe v Wade.

  211. But at least he can feel some relief from an increase in sales in 2004 and the fact that BasicNet reported profits for that year rather than losses.

  212. But there have also been disappointments—and not all were inevitable.

  213. But prevarication by Mr Yushchenko and his prime minister, Yulia Timoshenko, is more surprising.

  214. But in Donetsk, at least, resentment of Mr Yushchenko persists.

  215. But that gloomy view rests on an overly optimistic premise.

  216. But the clean-up has had unintended consequences: post-revolution bribes are said to have gone up, thanks to a risk premium added by unreconstructed mid-level officials.

  217. But Mr Yushchenko must be steelier if he is to overcome the corrupt, fractious pathologies of Ukrainian politics.

  218. But in a quiet corner of the show, a new way of clocking up air miles was to be found.

  219. But when faced with an exchange whose outcome is predictable only on average, most people prefer to avoid the risk of making a loss than to take the chance of making a gain in circumstances when the average expected outcome of the two actions would be the same.

  220. But it might be possible to see them indirectly.

  221. But they also interact via the force of gravity, and en masse that interaction could be detectable.

  222. But that could change quite fast.

  223. But besides any scientific importance, the idea of seeing a snapshot of the universe not merely as an infant, but as the cosmological equivalent of a newly fertilised egg, has a glory all of its own.

  224. But the project may prove costly.

  225. But Kable, a consultancy that has advised the government on other IT projects, believes £162 per person is closer to the mark.

  226. But no one, to Buttonwood’s knowledge, believes that higher oil prices are a net plus for economic activity.

  227. But they are an endangered species these days.

  228. But coming at a time when the price and availability of energy are looking a tad dubious, the bid has provoked an outcry in the land of the free.

  229. But analysts say that the mergers may not rid the industry of its sleazy reputation.

  230. But there has been no real consolidation in the sector, just a lot of playing with mirrors,” says Mr Rewane.

  231. But because the fiddling by many of the banks has ensured that they will survive Mr Soludo's planned consolidation, there will probably have to be another round of mergers before the central bank's target is met.

  232. But Guidant is not alone in its technical travails.

  233. But scepticism about the future of their union does not imply that Europeans want closer transatlantic ties.

  234. But the gap has narrowed, partly because the positive image of Americans has declined considerably since 2002.

  235. But in most countries, more than half think of them as greedy and violent and, in the Middle East, as immoral.

  236. But this is the fifth survey of its kind since 2000.

  237. But the Unocal deal is something new, not only because it is much bigger and more politically sensitive, but also because CNOOC has, until now, behaved like a commercial, western firm in the bidding process, rather than as an arm of the Chinese government.

  238. But “this transparent, commercial way, based on international practice, should be less sensitive for the US government.”

  239. But he believes that Mr Bush is privately committed to doing more on direct aid than he is prepared to say, as well as being ready to write off the debt of 32 poor countries.

  240. But, inevitably, comparisons will be made between America's stinginess and Europe's generosity.

  241. But then he never expected anything else.

  242. But conservative organisations have also created their own momentum.

  243. But it still leaves a movement that represents a minority point of view on many issues and is just as capable of over-reaching as liberal judges are.

  244. But the Bush administration, which is highly sensitive to public opinion, never quite gives the religious right what it wants.

  245. But there are also frustrations.

  246. But junior figures like his son Pat, who was defeated in a primary in Ohio shortly thereafter, are vulnerable.

  247. But there is no doubt which way it is leading American politics, especially from a liberal perspective.

  248. But the latest surge of suicide operations proves there is no scarcity of volunteers to become the most lethal weapon Iraq's insurgents have.

  249. But all the suicide candidates, he says, are expected to immerse themselves in spiritual contemplation and prayer, to free their minds of negative thoughts toward their fellow men--except Americans and their Iraqi "infidel" supporters.

  250. But this is a small regret, he says, of the kind he is determined to put out of his mind.

  251. But there is at least one aspect of the immediate future that Marwan does not want to contemplate: the collateral damage he may cause to fellow Iraqis.

  252. But if he is ordered to strap on explosives and walk to his target on a downtown street, he will do so.

  253. But then one of my friends will start singing some lyric, and I start up again.

  254. But the question asked since their identities were revealed after the bombings continues to resonate: what motivated men reared thousands of miles from the cradles of the Muslim world, without any direct experience of oppression themselves, to bomb fellow Britons, ushering in a new chapter of terrorism.

  255. But in areas like Beeston, they say, that has also meant learning to drink, using or selling drugs and losing one's virginity at an early age.

  256. But the shop sells cigarettes, bacon and tinned pork, girlie magazines.

  257. But fidelity to those standards was relaxed over time; in fact, foam fell from a PAL ramp in two early missions, including the one in June 1983 on which Sally Ride became the first American woman in space.

  258. But there were no tests of the PAL foam itself at the speeds, pressures or vibrations of ascent.

  259. But at the time, we didn't have enough data where we could technically do that and be safe.

  260. But as Michael D. Griffin, NASA's new administrator and an engineer himself, said Friday, that would have violated the old tenet about fixing what is not broken.

  261. But the tank that flew with the Discovery last week was made before the new procedures went into effect, and NASA stopped short of requiring that the ramps be redone, said a spokesman, Martin J. Jensen.

  262. But he added that the next generation of spacecraft would place cargo and crew members atop the tank and not on its side, where falling foam and ice invite disaster.

  263. But "at some point you've got to say, 'Wow, maybe the critics who say this is a really flawed design are right.' "

  264. Yet the Finno-Ugric axis in world politics seems more like a curiosity than a conspiracy.

  265. Yet viewed through the lens of Russia's uneasy relationship with its imperial history, the hostile reaction is logical.

  266. Yet each pontiff can and does put his own imprint, his own particular interpretation, on God's word, and on a few matters—sex within marriage, the priest shortage, Islam—a new pope might be able to start a new conversation or restart an old one.

  267. Yet Mr Sarkozy's success is not guaranteed.

  268. Yet, two months on, France's new prime minister seems to be working out rather better than his critics predicted.

  269. Yet if there was ever a good moment to think hard about how the budget might be better designed to advance the Union's stated aims, it ought to be now.

  270. Yet the EU gives help both to the poorest (“objective 1”) areas of the Union and, even within rich countries, to their poorer regions.

  271. Yet attitudes to Muslims are bad—particularly if they are Pakistani Muslims, the group from which the men who carried out last week's atrocities were drawn.

  272. Yet however hard she hits, Ms Topinka will have a tough time uniting Republicans behind her. Conservatives call her “Topinkojevich”: they dislike her moderate views on abortion and gay rights, and they claim she is part of the same political establishment as the governor.

  273. Yet the United States issues only 5,000 visas a year for unskilled foreigners seeking year-round work.

  274. Yet the promise of justice contains the threat of catastrophe. Unlike Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Uruguay's Tabare Vazquez, Mr Morales is not a leftist who has made peace with democracy and capitalism, offering change without upheaval.

  275. Yet any concessions to them will be opposed by the social movements.

  276. Yet there are two obvious reasons for the party to do it.

  277. Yet it was not called a “war crime” until 1995, and the ICC Act extended that general label to a range of already existing offences.

  278. Yet the real issue is that many dons think making Oxford's management more businesslike is the wrong kind of change—“an outmoded and neo-Luddite corporate mindset based on US-style managerialism” in the words of one leaflet published this week.

  279. Yet women have not closed the gaps in wages, pensions and access to health care.

  280. Yet in the nick of time, just before the last generation of Holocaust survivors dies out, the Polish-Jewish world is showing signs of flickering back to life.

  281. Yet the insurgency is already spurring change at the AFL-CIO.

  282. Yet as the American moneymen continue their advance through Europe, the grumbling seems sure to continue.

  283. Yet they seem to have great potential for battling certain illnesses.

  284. Yet replicating this success in Britain may be hard.

  285. Yet ever since the triumph of democracy in eastern Europe, the church has often appeared to the secular world to be slipping behind the train of history.

  286. Yet three things can be said in the mega-churches' defence.

  287. Yet, on reflection, that hippy-shaman figure sounded awfully like Bob Hunter himself.

  288. Yet there are plenty of awkward “soft” issues to be dealt with. Albrecht Schmidt, Mr Rampl's predecessor, now head of HVB's supervisory board, is believed to oppose a takeover that puts the Italians in charge.

  289. Yet the institution Mr Rehnquist heads is in some respects like the papacy.

  290. Yet for three decades from the early 1960s, Italy was Europe's own economic tiger.

  291. Yet nowadays the president, the secretary of state and the House speaker accept the evangelical label.

  292. Yet the right's opposition to embryonic stem-cell research is not popular.

  293. Yet the chances of passing a federal constitutional amendment look slim.

  294. Yet if the polling numbers on matters of faith carry some warnings for the Christian right, they carry many more for the Democrats.

  295. Yet once the dictator fell, he turned against the Americans. "We expected them to bring Saddam down and then leave," he says.

  296. Yet, two months on, France's new prime minister seems to be working out rather better than his critics predicted.

  297. By contrast, E*Trade emphasises banking, home-equity loans and mortgage services as well as its brokerage.

  298. By contrast, in America, abortion is a fundamental right of privacy protected by a 1973 Supreme Court judgment—Roe v Wade.

  299. By contrast, numbers in the United Steelworkers of America plunged by 100,000 between 1998 and the beginning of 2005, despite strong organising drives.

  300. By contrast, researchers in the U.S. who want to study human embryonic stem cells are restricted to a handful of federally approved stem-cell lines--most of which, they say, are of such poor quality they cannot be used.

  301. By contrast, the civil-rights workers were outsiders.

  302. Nevertheless, in the West, those polls show an almost universal disregard for the church's teachings on birth control and premarital sex.

  303. Nevertheless, 300,000 years is not exactly an eyeblink, even in cosmological terms.

  304. Nevertheless, identity cards will probably eventually become part of the landscape.

  305. However, though the IRA statement was uncharacteristically clear, all other parties will take some convincing that its fine words will be matched in deeds—especially the DUP, which noted that recent Northern Irish history was littered with IRA statements that had been described as historic but had not been delivered on.

  306. However, even if this happens soon, the power-sharing government is unlikely to be restored for some time.

  307. However, he has never been fully cleared.

  308. However the bills are blended together, a guest-worker programme will work only if it meets two criteria.

  309. However, the defeats in the regional elections may make it much harder to hold together his governing block, which is a disparate group of regional and national parties with conflicting aims.

  310. However, the secretary of state insisted at the start of a five-day trip to Europe, that the United States “does not permit, tolerate, or condone torture under any circumstances”.

  311. However, John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope in 455 years and there is at least an even chance that the church will revert to tradition and select one of Italy's cardinals to succeed the Polish pontiff.

  312. However, since then Mr Blair has been playing at the very top of his game.

  313. However, half the time the second salesman only handed over one piece.

  314. However, in March four banks were asked to return the equivalent of around $380m because they had funded IPOs through shareholder deposits and illicit foreign money.

  315. Still the air grew colder, the clouds denser, until finally the coffin of John Paul II was carried inside the basilica.

  316. Still, the World Bank and the BRR, in a recent report on the first year of reconstruction in Indonesia, argue that work has actually proceeded quickly compared to past disasters.

  317. Still, given a few quiet years to bed down, this Union of 25 countries, due to be 27 with the entry of Romania and Bulgaria in 2007, could probably emerge little changed in its habits and workings from the Union of 15.

  318. Still, this strategy carries risks. Schwab has been criticised for losing its focus after it revolutionised the discount-broking business.

  319. Still, this stain may not wipe away easily.

  320. Still, she did recently consult a psychic.

  321. Still, once the new owners arrived, "they stimulated our performance," Schnepp says.

  322. Still, unless the central bank is prepared to stand behind the banks for ever, some will have to fall by the wayside as both foreign and bigger Nigerian banks sweep up the vast potential market for deposits and mortgages.

  323. Still, Bob Hopkins, an analyst at Lehman Brothers, reckons J&J’s acquisition will go through at the agreed price, both because of Guidant’s strong technology—despite recent troubles—and because walking away would send unwelcome signals to the market.

  324. On the contrary, BasicNet's Chinese activities may move further upstream.

  325. On the other hand, it would make football less competitive and more monopolistic—in other words, more like baseball.

  326. On the other hand, Pope John Paul would not have been true to his own deepest beliefs if he had been concerned, first and foremost, with how things seemed in the eyes of the world.

  327. By contrast, Bush's setting left nothing to chance: 24 flags behind him, four poinsettias in front, and top Cabinet members and supportive lawmakers planted in the audience.

  328. By contrast, there was plenty of coverage of Bush's four-minute chat with the handpicked seniors.

  329. But he said Bush still needs to explain why he chose to ignore the law that requires approval of a special court for domestic wiretaps.

  330. But commander in chief does not trump the Bill of Rights."

  331. But in his ruling Thursday, U.S. District Judge Frank Seay noted that the photo had been taken at a funeral attended by about 1,200 people.

  332. But other industry experts noted that traditional retailers seemed to scale back discounts after Black Friday.

  333. But the company predicted that the past few days will result in even bigger figures.

  334. But they revealed that ABN Amro's branch in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, falsified various payments processed at branches in the United States to hide the involvement of Bank Melli Iran.

  335. But the shock jock's move to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. was at the center of charges of insider trading that resulted in a guilty plea and a legal settlement yesterday.

  336. But Yun said she had not received any gifts that she needed to return.

  337. But street artists who do corporate work to pay the bills say they are doing the same creative work they did before, just in a different medium.

  338. But Martin said it would spur investment in broadband networks and that wireless and power companies will provide more choices over time.

  339. But insurers use those estimates to help set premiums for the coming year.

  340. But Randall R. Bovbjerg, of the Urban Institute, argues that the doctor-insurer side is "more correct" because underlying costs from lawsuits are in fact rising.

  341. But some financial analysts and corporate-governance experts say it is a dubious exercise nonetheless because it undermines the intent of the much-debated new rule.

  342. But it is hard to know if these are in fact the biggest option-expense avoiders.

  343. But many other firms have not disclosed the names of executives receiving accelerated options.

  344. But after a wrenching 10-year debate, the Financial Accounting Standards Board late last year approved a new rule requiring that companies deduct an amount from their earnings that reflects the estimated value of stock options.

  345. But by far the most popular argument among executives is that they accelerated only out-of-the money options.

  346. But when she fell onto the Metro tracks one day on her way to work, she knew she could no longer trust her eyes to get around.

  347. But more than 100 pages of heavily censored FBI files show the agency used secret informants and tracked the group's events for years, including an animal rights conference in Washington in July 2000.

  348. But the agency said the interviews were prompted by specific threats.

  349. But several lawmakers said that after that message was delivered privately to Bush, they have seen the White House pay more attention to congressional concerns.

  350. But the gains in the latest poll represent a larger one-time jump than on previous occasions of favorable news from Iraq.

  351. But a majority now believe the war has contributed positively to the long-term security of the country.

  352. But far fewer of those anxious to bring troops home are calling for a speedy exit.

  353. But he recommended against launching a "frontal assault" on Roe v. Wade , instead outlining a strategy to chip away at the landmark 1973 abortion rights case.

  354. But technical documents showed one significant drawback

  355. But he has no vehicle, which is a must in this sprawling, car-dependent city.

  356. But that's not true for many, said Jeffers, who spent the weeks before Christmas trying to get donated mattresses, blankets and food.

  357. But they must prove that their homes were destroyed, that they were paying rent or a mortgage when the storm hit and that they were uninsured.

  358. But he lost his starting job to Sam Hollenbach in the 2004 season finale, and Hollenbach started all but one game this season.

  359. But John Eubanks of Southern Mississippi intercepted Travis Lulay 's final pass at about the 10 and returned it 80 yards before tripping at the Red 10 as time expired.

  360. But the hospital said he was breathing on his own and responding well to treatment in the intensive care unit.

  361. But Sunday, on the Washington Redskins' first defensive play of the game, the ball caromed high off defensive end Phillip Daniels's hand and hung in the air near teammate Cornelius Griffin.

  362. But in the Washington-New York game on Oct. 30, Barber took his first carry 57 yards and rambled through missed assignments and sloppy tackles the entire game.

  363. But simply placing multiple teams in the tournament can deliver national credibility, increased local interest and a seven-figure payout for lesser-known conferences such as the CAA…

  364. But he was not defensive or offended by the questioning of the play-calling.

  365. But a week later, in the first half against the Cardinals, the Redskins regressed.

  366. But majorities in both houses of Congress concluded that some money should be set aside to help.

  367. But it is continuing to appeal the ruling in E.U. courts.

  368. But it also faces litigation in South Korea, where government antitrust enforcers have ordered that it unbundle its instant-messaging program from Windows.

  369. But RIM is up against a tight deadline.

  370. But many of them can't be saved for later viewing, unless you purchase Quicktime Pro ($30, ).

  371. But the basic settings allow for a one-click conversion, and copying the file to the PSP is relatively simple.

  372. But the Sheys ignored their son's advice and bought a Windows-based computer.

  373. But not everyone rejoices at these new employment opportunities.

  374. But these characteristics might be more amplified by people who work in the BPO sector."

  375. But Pundir, the daughter of mango farmers, earns about $20,000 annually.

  376. But council Chairman Linda W. Cropp (D), who complied with the mayor's request, said she does not expect to schedule a vote until after Jan. 3.

  377. But some council members said the mayor had failed to line up the seven votes necessary to have the lease approved by the 13-member body.

  378. But Brown said before the vote was delayed that he was leaning against the deal.

  379. But in many ways Williams was outflanked by stadium opponents, a collection of activists involved in schools.

  380. But now the Energy Information Administration, one of two government agencies that tracks climate statistics (the Environmental Protection Agency is the other) has released its 2004 numbers.

  381. But just one lost his bid for reelection, and his defeat was mostly unrelated to backing Mr. Warner.

  382. But Mr. Bolling won against a weak Democratic candidate, and Mr. McDonnell -- better-known and better-financed than his opponent -- barely won at all; his victory margin of 323 votes, out of some 1.94 million cast, could be reversed in a recount scheduled for next week.

  383. But now Chad's government wants to relax the restrictions on how it spends its petrodollars.

  384. But the new attitude from Chad's government threatens this progress.

  385. But in a world of high oil prices, petrodollars are a more important lever on Chad's rulers than aid flows, so Exxon Mobil needs to use its influence.

  386. But the government rightly sought input from the people whose region had been devastated, consulting them on building design and location and attempting to clarify disputes over land title before construction went ahead

  387. But the attention of Western governments to Eastern Europe has slackened in recent months while Mr. Putin has stayed focused.

  388. But sentiment in Congress is shifting.

  389. But swift passage of the Patriot Act suggests that the legislature would not have ignored a pressing problem with intelligence collection.

  390. But they also understand that due process can be infringed only so much before the injury becomes irreparable.

  391. But there is a reason the CIA and the NSA are not supposed to operate domestically: The tools of foreign intelligence are not consistent with a democratic society. Americans interact with their own government through the enforcement of law.

  392. But FISA has a number of emergency procedures for exigent circumstances.

  393. But it may also be true that technology and globalization are contributing to wage stagnation; if workers can be replaced by machines or foreigners, they have limited bargaining power.

  394. But so far there's no clear evidence that the corner has been turned.

  395. But the increasing rewards for education underline the importance of the Bush administration's efforts to improve public schools…

  396. But do you see the possibility that if the press dedicates too much time to the president's popularity, it could deprive the public of coverage of real issues - coverage that the public would need to form opinions of the president in the first place?

  397. But many federal employees are in it to make a difference in the lives of Americans, to further programs that they believe in, not just for the job security or the benefits.

  398. But we still can show them that toenail ad- that will make them talk, and fast..

  399. But a majority of Americans answer yes to both (and a majority of Americans before the war thought we should go in only with U.N. support).

  400. But it's a fact that the primary reasons the administration gave for invading Iraq (before the war) was the threat of WMDs that might endanger America.

  401. But it goes without saying that every newspaper, including the Post, decides not to include thousands of incidents, thousands of items, and millions of words in its edition each day.

  402. But everyone acts like the non-defense agencies took a big hit in the passbacks over Thanksgiving and that budgets will be very tight in the next cycle.

  403. But given the damage that has already been created I do not believe that one more secret set of rules is the answer.

  404. But if what we do to terrorists is no worse than basic training, or SERE training, which we do to our own troops, then aren't you really arguing that we shouldn't train our military to be battle-hardened?

  405. But if you spend a short amount of time using and configuring the limited account, you can kiss most of your other security concerns goodbye for the most part.

  406. But when it's a question of responding to a charge by a senator, I would say, either give me something for the record or I'll just say the White House had no comment.

  407. But I know that myself, and most of the people in my AP classes, only took AP classes for the additional weight.

  408. But if you know of a school in such a neighborhood that has licked the dropout problem, let me know.

  409. But I do see where Trent Lott misses few opportunities to second guess him.

  410. But this issue is not going away and fuller explanations will emerge, sooner or later.

  411. But both find that the constituents who hear about what they're doing are supportive of their effort to make the House once again a place where people can talk to each other

  412. But there is something more important about this failure.

  413. But it took until this moment in 2005 for Republicans themselves to realize (even if many won't acknowledge it yet) that the help-the-wealthy, damn-the-deficits approach doesn't hold together, either as policy or politics.

  414. But the generally positive response to Sunday's speech suggests that when Bush shows he is listening to them, others can hear him much better.

  415. But a reasonable stretching of the law in this respect becomes mighty suspect and somewhat scary when everything else is brought to mind.

  416. But every American felt the same way after Sept. 11 as the president and his Cabinet did.

  417. But the year ends with yet another round of demagoguery.

  418. But there are right and wrong ways to defeat terrorists, and that is a distinction this administration has never seemed to accept.

  419. But there is something more important about this failure.

  420. But the generally positive response to Sunday's speech suggests that when Bush shows he is listening to them, others can hear him much better.

  421. But every American felt the same way after Sept. 11 as the president and his Cabinet did.

  422. But if they do nothing else, Democrats have to stop being defensive in the face of Republican attacks.

  423. But equating evolution with ID is like comparing a mighty fortress to a line in the sand.

  424. But Congress, if asked, almost certainly would have made such modifications of law as the president's plans required.

  425. But the inescapable corollary of this need is the danger of arbitrary power.

  426. But conservatives' wholesome wariness of presidential power has been a casualty of conservative presidents winning seven of the past 10 elections.

  427. But I do not fear the emergence of a vast, radical Islamic empire stretching from Granada to Jakarta, and neither do I believe that toppling Hussein dealt a blow to terrorists or made the United States one iota safer.

  428. But if we are going to stay in Iraq -- if additional Americans are going to be asked to die -- then Bush, Cheney and others should avoid emotionally compelling, but intellectually fatuous, arguments.

  429. But, the cynicism of "Syriana" is out of time and place, a homage to John le Carre, who himself is dated.

  430. But the attorney general might have to tell the president he might well not be able to get that warrant.

  431. But to engage in demagogic rhetoric about "imperial" presidents and "monarchic" pretensions, with no evidence that the president has abused his discretion, is foolish and irresponsible.

  432. But combined with other market reforms, it provides a significant economic boost.

  433. But such criticism is hard to take seriously coming from leaders who preside over economies saddled with high unemployment and anemic growth.

  434. But tax reform in Eastern Europe is a clear success, and the United States can learn from what other nations have accomplished.

  435. But the evidence from Eastern Europe strongly suggests that a flat tax would strengthen our economy, improve tax compliance and reduce political corruption.

  436. But both sides seemed to be going through the motions as they traded bumper-sticker slogans.

  437. But many were from hyperventilating, overcaffeinated, often hysterical people, who cursed, tossed epithets and threw hissy fits about anything that deviated from their world view.

  438. But who wants to spend a whole day trolling through years of old e-mails for that stuff!

  439. But some entertainers say that doesn't begin to explain his evolution as the mainstream media's edgiest funnyman.

  440. But the Long Island native bounced back, scoring not only in syndication but with a best-selling book and popular movie, "Private Parts."

  441. But he rejects the notion that he is jumping to satellite just to be filthier.

  442. But Michael Harrison, editor and publisher of the magazine Talkers, says Stern "is to satellite radio what Milton Berle was to television, the big star who becomes a focal point for a new medium.”

  443. But last night, in the wake of Al-Arian's acquittal, it was a different story.

  444. But the dispute reflects a pretty basic split.

  445. But commentators on the right are in no mood to wait.

  446. But that growth has failed to trickle down to most Americans.

  447. But, we could finally get rid of Lieberman and we'd stand a good chance of replacing him with a better Democrat, one who isn't typecast as the go-to Democrat for Fox News and the Wall Street Journal when they need a Democrat to bash other Democrats."

  448. But the anger charge can always be fired at the other side, as former Clinton White House staffer Bruce Reed observes in Slate:

  449. But what gets left out of this narrative is the heroism of daily life, of changing institutions and compelling society to live up to its ideals.

  450. But Luskin insists that special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald "will ultimately conclude that 'Karl didn't do anything wrong' because Rove has 'the virtue of being innocent.' "

  451. But a top presidential aide continued to negotiate a deal on Tuesday that would offer covert officers some protection from prosecution, administration and Senate officials said. . . .

  452. But he skipped the White House conference -- making him the first president not to speak to delegates in the event's half-century history.

  453. But it seemed particularly at odds given Bush's repeated insistence that his obligation not to prejudice a criminal investigation or trial resoundingly trumps the public's right to hear what he thinks or knows about the role of senior White House officials in the outing of a CIA operative's identity.

  454. But the president said he believes that DeLay is not guilty -- weeks before his trial is expected to begin."

  455. But in the interview on Wednesday, Mr. Bush waded into perhaps the most politically charged of a series of cases in which prominent Republicans have come under scrutiny."

  456. But Janet Kornblum points out that she had a story about the conference in USA Today on Monday, where she noted that Bush was not planning to attend.

  457. But it really is all just "hints" until Bush clearly defines what he means by torture.

  458. But rather than probe the group's expertise or even respond to its concerns, Bush is just using it as a backdrop.

  459. But he's not likely to encounter any undiplomatic behavior from this dignified crowd, either.

  460. But White House spokesman Scott McClellan said on Friday that Bush would likely "focus more on some of the economic and reconstruction side of things" in his next speech.

  461. But White House aides believe another big reason is the reality that many front-line workers aren't fully participating in the economy's gains, because of rising health-care costs and high energy prices, as well as continued dislocations among old-line manufacturers.

  462. But a tax-cutting call that was once readily heeded on Capitol Hill is now facing stiff resistance from lawmakers of both parties, who maintain that efforts to rein in the deficit cannot rely solely on cuts to programs for the poor."

  463. But Wolfowitz said the military shared his fear that weapons of mass destruction could be used against U.S. troops.

  1. Still, FISA has been the law of the land for 2 1/2 decades.

  2. Still, if it is going to say anything, then it ought to say something smart and timely.

  3. Still, a network fact sheet notes that the tapes include 93 porn stars, 33 women spanked by Stern and 1,000 pairs of breasts exposed.

  4. Still, Bush offered it without qualification, in effect accepting it as a reasonable approximation. . . .

  5. Still, total online retail sales from Nov. 1 through Wednesday, the last day for which data were available, were about $17.48 billion, a 24 percent increase over last year.

  6. Still, it may be too late to win back many who have lost faith.

  7. Still, entering last weekend, the scheduling philosophy had helped MVC teams achieve a combined record of 67-22 in nonconference games, with all 10 teams at or above .500.

  8. However, the international arm of the Transport Workers Union said it does not support the strike.

  9. However, Wizards forward Antawn Jamison said he fully expects to get the Lakers' best shot.

  10. However, Brown won't get an extra cold reception from Arenas, with whom Brown had differences last season.

  11. However, Phoenix answered with a three-pointer by guard James Jones.

  12. However, among the older group, those age 65 and older, 34 percent of men are online, compared with 21 percent of women.

  13. Yet on one important measure, the economic news hasn't been as good.

  14. Yet, as Israel told me, he and Johnson discovered from their conversations in the gym that "we could have really interesting arguments about the issues -- and still remain civil -- while we'd go up to the floor and hear our colleagues screaming insults at each other."

  15. Yet, during War World II, Americans and Europeans saw their intervention in clear, altruistic terms.

  16. Yet it is becoming increasingly clear that the White House's problems are of its own making.

  17. Yet for all the passionate words in his text, the president's delivery was muted.

  18. Yet the Web will undoubtedly continue to change the news business.

  19. Yet as he signaled deference to their sincerity, he made clear he saw their approach as disastrous to the nation and he further drew a distinction "between honest critics who recognize what is wrong and defeatists who refuse to see that anything is right."

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