~.,, • Goa, 24th December, 1964 series II no

Yüklə 0,8 Mb.
ölçüsü0,8 Mb.
1   2   3
14 de Dezembro de lJ9'64. --0 Presid-ehbe, K. G. Kollyltker.







, ;"


f' OrCllr



Irr.t'exercise of powers .conf.erred by sect-on 38 of the Goa, ·Daman and \Diu lSales Tax ..Act, 1964-, t.he Government hereby mad3 on .:>,r before the 15th !December, 1964.

T. B. Nagarajan, Finance Secretary, ,Panjim, 4th [)ecember, 1964.


Read: Letter No. [)A/PA/VI/1906 daited J9th Septembe1'.

1~~S4 ~'r011l the DkectoTate of ,k~(~unls, Panjim.

Sa.ncti~on is her-eby a·cC'orded Jor the payment 'of pro'visional annual rpensi'on of Rs. '2,1'30-37'iPs. (lRt:pees ,two' ;thO'USHnd ODe hundred thirty 'ailId pa,i3& tMrity seven only) :to Shri Pocgi Gone'S Goerrca.'r re:ttred Po'Li'ce Guard Grade nr, ,by order da'ted 25th Ootober, ,1'961, published in t he, Government Gazette no.. 46/1,961, Ica~cuh1;ted :in acc01·dancc '-1,."J~th ar,ti-cle:s '4'1:5 and 447 -of 'CivH 'Servilce Regulation and tl"" HmitaUon men.ti.oned in al'ti'cle 4'50 acco;rding to the b;l.si<~ F'.Y corresp.:mding to 'the lebtc'r ,«Y» gl'anted by .Legislative' D I)loma no. 2112 dat€'d 21st Augus:t, 1,9&1, and 'Conferred tc) thE! some group by arti· cle 1 .of the De'cree no. 423:2-5 d8Jtcd ,1t,0] June, 1·959.

,2. The S'anct~'on: is subject to -the c(·r,tditi'ons :that th~ pel)· s'ooner :pays:-

I lea) An ,jndemnity of Rs. %5/-C~up{'es nine hltndred fOTity fwe only) -according to l}rtich~ 4 of the Decree\ 1):0. 4~325 dated 16th Jun'e, W5f} 'in 96 monthly :illstal· ments arrd

( (b) The penston _contribuUc·U' of Rs. 59~20 P~. (P,..up~es \ fifty n~ne' and paLse Itwenty Qr,ly) iIt -res.pect of MHi­tary 'S'erV'ice amounUng to"] 5 years, 11 months ::md 28 days ·illl '5 monthly in'st'dJmenis,

'3. ,The :expendLture: should he' debiite'd to the head of a::count «65 --.--..--..< Pens'rons and, 'Qtther \l"€/tilI"em"€'ll't t-Bnefits ._-A:1 8upeT· annuatton and retired allo.wa:nc-e.H'.

By order and in the name of the Administratol" nf tile Union Territory of Goa, Daman :.md Diu.

V. S. Srin'iva8'agopalan, Deputy SccTebuy (Finance).

Panjim, ,25th IScptembe'r, 1964.


F. III/~-7/18616/64/21:569

Read: Lette" Ncr. DA/PA/V!/1908 ,dated 19th Septem­ber, 11964 from tille Directorate O'f Accounts.

Sanction 18 hereby 'accorded f.or the jJ:l..ymcllt of provisional annual ,pensi!()n of Rs. 11.047.90 (-Rupees eleven thousand forty seven and paise ninety) and -annual complementary pension lOf Rs. 1..020/-(Rupees one thQusand tw('~rlty only) to Dr. An­toni-o Constancio de Esp-ectagao· Braz M~lscarenhas, Professor of PhysiolQgy of ,the Go-a Medical College, who has been per­oo,tted ,to retire from ser.vice under 'OTd\~r da;ted 10th Ma,rch, n964, 'calculated tin accordance with ali icles 445 and 447 of "ci'V:il 8-eTVice R:egul:aNon: and the tl1mitation menti'oned. in ,itts article 450, acc:o.rding to the Ibasic .pay corresponding to the :letter «E» of ;the-Annexure to ,the Decree 110. 40709 dated '31st July, 1956 and 'Conferred to the same group by ,a,rtic1es 1 and 9 'Of the Decree no. 42325 dated ,16th .Tune, 1959.

2. The sanotion is subj-ect ;to the condition that the pen­Moner pays ,an indemnity 'Of IRs. 2760/-(-Rupef5s tw'O thousand sev:en hundred and sixty !Only) according to article 4 of the said lDecree 110. 42325; in -96 -monthly instalments.

~ 3, The ·expenditure should tbe debited to the head of account «'65-penSlons -and ,other 'retirement ben'efits~:A.l SuperR annuation 'and retired -allowances.

00 By order and in the name of 'he Administrator of the Union 'J)erritory of Goa, Daman and Diu. o

V. $. SrinivasagopalanJ Dy. Secr~tary (Fin-an-ce).

Panjj~, '20th September, lD64.

finance Departrn o,lf

Departamento das finan~as

Porta -ia


No uso das ,faculd-ad€!:1 conferidas pelo arUgo 3-8:' do ('(Goa, n-aman and-Olu IBales Tax Act, 1964», 0 Governo detcrmina que Os requerimentos para regi~:to, pela primcLra vez, ao ,abrdgo do -referido Act, podem scr feitos atE' 15 de Dezembr:.: de rr964,.

T. B. Nagaraj(fn.~ Secretario das Finan<;;as

Pan-gim, 4 dc Dezembro de 196,~.


Ref: Nota -n." DA/PA/VI/J.9C6, de' 19 de Se-temoL) de. 1964, da Dh'e:cGao 'de' :Contabilidade, d2-Pa,'lgim.

£ autori'zado 0 'l}agament-o da ,pensao a!1!,a,I provisol'ia de Rps. 2-130~'3'7 Ps. (-duas mill cento ~ Itr'::nta 'I upia.s 'D-tl'intfl. e sete paise), a-o-Sr. ,po'cgr Gones Goencar, guarda da' Polich de 13.-~ e1asse, ;.g,pO'sentado :por p'onhria d'c :21) de Outubro de 1961, publicada 'r;o Boletim 0ficiaJ, -n." '46, d(~ 1931, :.calculada nos te-rmos dos a'ttigos 445:' e' 447.<> do :Esuvtuto do Fune-io­nalhsmo Ultramarino, com a limEta~ao IPrevis.ta no seu ar­ti:g::> 450.", 'conforme 0 venicimem.t'o-b-as€' c:)l']'esp'Ondente a letra -Y constante do nlploma :Leg.,sIaoti.vo n:' 2112, d-z 21 de Agos,t'O de 1,961 c atl'i-buido ao m0:illl'Q gmpo pelo 'al"ti-go 1." do Decreto ·n." 4·2325, de 16 de' Junho de Hi5£}.

2. A autori-zar;fw :0,."lta sujelta ao ,paganTento, por parte do pensibnista:

(a) Da ind-enmiz;:t~ao de' Rps. 945/-(novecentas e qua~ ,r.euta e dnco n:ptas) UlOS termos do -artigo 4." do c[.tado (I)0cre:to 'lJ." 4'23:25, de 16 de ,Junho d2 1959, em 96 pI estago'cs mensa;'s; 8

Co) Da compensaga.'o de aposentagao dE~ Hops. 59-201's. ("cinquenta e nove :l'Upi' '(~ vi:nlte paisE") r,elativ8 ao se:rvi:t;;o mi:Htar pres-tado durante '}:5 anos. lI.1 me'Ses e '28 d~us. 'om 5 pre',s,taIQoes mensaits.

3. 0 ene-argo desta pensao sc:'a sa"tisfeito pela verba, .«-65 -.~ Pensions and othc)· ret.iirement benefit.s --A.!1-Super­ann,uation 'and 'reUred aHowan~e.s».

POl' 'ordell e em nome do Administr-ado.r do tcrrit6rio da Uniao de Goa, Damao e Dio,

V. S. S1~iniva8agopala1t, Secretario adjunto (FinanQas),

Pang;;ll, -25 -de Setembro de -1,964.


)''. IlI/4-7/18618/64/26569

Rei: Nota n.o DA/PA/VI;11908, de 19 de Se~emblio de 1964, ,da DirecG8.0 de ,Conta.bilid'ade,

l!l autorizado 0 pagamento da pensii'o Ullual provi-soria de Rps. llC47.,-90Ps. (-oDze mil e' quarenta e' sate ,r.upias e noventa paise) e da pensa:o ,:1020/~ (mil e vjnte rupias) ao Dr. Ant6niQ Constancto de Especta~ao Bras Mascarenhas, rente .de Fisiologia. da Faculdade de Medi­'cina de Goa, que fo"i autorizado a apos-entar-se ,por portaria de 10 de 1\Tar~o de 1964, calculada nqs tertrnos dos artirgos 445." e 447." do Est-atuto -d'-o Funcionalismo Ultrama;:ino, _com a limita~ao prevista no seu artigo 450.°, cQ;nfarme 0 v-enC'imentow -;base correspondente a letra E dus mapas ane~,a.'o Decreto

n.° 4070B, tie 31 de J.ulho 0.'01 1958 e '3Jtriibuid'o '3'0 mesmo -grupo pelo8 'aTlUgos 1.<> C 9'." do Decreto n.0 42325, de IS: de Junho de 1959.

12. A autorizaQao esta sujeita ao pagamento, por parte do p.ensionista, da indernniza<;f~o de Rps. 27-60/-(,d"ua..'3-mil sete­centas c sessenta rupias) nos teranos do artigo 4.<> do' citado Decreto n." 42 325, em 96 presta~oes menl'iais.

3. 0 'ene-argo desta pen-sao sera 'satisfeito P21:1 verba «65··­P-enlSioITS and 'other 'retirement benefits -A,1 Sup':;::,rannua­tion and ,retired al'lowanceH».

POl' ordem e em nome do Admini:&trador do te-rrHoriQ (}a; Uniao de Goa, I>dmao e D;:o.

V. S. Srini1Jasagopdlan, Secretar1'O adjunto (ll"'inan~as).

Pangim, 20 de Setembl'o d~ 10';1.






0 , 1





F. III/4·3/HH'J/64126644

Read: Letter no. DA/PA/VI/II0{7 dated 16th May, 1964 f.rom the Directorate of Account:.;, Panjim.

Sanction is hereby accorded for the pt~yment of provisional annual pension ;of Rs. 2,673-7"8 Ps. (Rupees two tholl.sand six hundr1ed '&'eventy three :and ,paise seventy ejght rlnly) to Shri AlfredQ Genaro Francisco ::Vfachado, Postman, Grade I, who has been declared l.111f:it for fUlther t;ervice by the Re­vision Medical HeaLth B.canl. in ,its 'meeting dated 15th June, 1962, calculated 'in accordance w~th articles 4.45 'and 447 of Civil Service RJegulatton according to the 'basic rpay' 001'1'e5­pond·ing tQ letter'«T» of the annexure to the DeGree no. 41430 dated 6th December, 11957 and conferred on th·') same -group by article 1 of the Dec~ee no. '.U:~25 dated 15th ,June, :1959.

  1. The san.ctiron ;is subJect tn the condition that the pen­siQner ~p'ays an indemnity of R::. 936/-(Rupees nine hundred thirty six only) according to exticle 4 :of thro said DeGree no. 42325 in 96 monthly insta.l:nent~.

  2. 'Dhe ex:penditure may -be IH'ovisionally debitr:d to the head of account «65 -Pensions and ether re!tkement benefits ~

A. '1 Superannuation 'and r,etited allo\Vance'::l» pending 'a final decision by the Government of India in the m:3Jtter.

By order and in ,the nam(, of the Adminh,tratol' of the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

V. S. S1'inivasagopalan, Deputy SeCrl)tary (F:nance).

Panjim, 26th September, 1961,

Ordm F.III/4 -3/Ut60/64/23570

Read: Letter No. PA/VI/l ~:n dated ;Z6th 1-day, 1964 from :the Dire:cto!'ate 'of Aceo:.lnts, Panjim.

ISauc;t~on 1:s ,he'r'e:by :accorded for the payment 'Of provJ'Sio-rual annua'l penSion of Rs. ,2,625-'23 Ps. (Rt:pees :two thousand five hundred twenty five and paL~:e :t:\venty three' 'cnQy) to ShT1: OiiSnanata Xete, Post :lTI'8,n, Gr',Lde' H, wh'o has been ,:;)[;pmiHed to Teti-re from 'servi'ce by pr-ovjsion;:t.l 'O'rder dated :20th 'Sep­tem:ber 196'3 I(,Gov:el'nment G-u',mtte no. 4'2, of 18th October, 1,963) oa:lcuiated in' 'a:ccO'rdan-ce ;\vfuh the 3JrticLs 4'45 an-d 447 of Civil Service Regulati'.:m 'according to the bal.S;:c pay CO'1'­l~csp'onding to letter «'1:» 'of the annexure ito Decree no. 41: 4'30 dalted 6th December, T9157 ano 'conferred on :t'ne sam'e-group by a'l"ti'Cie ,1 'O'f th'e [)eiC'l'~e nD. 42'325 'dated 1'6th 'June, ~1.-959.

,2. 'l1he sanction is subject 'c.C, :the' cendition that the pen­sliJ.niOr pays an In.'demn'ity of R:3. 864/-,(Rupzes eight hundlr.ed sh>lty four only) according te· :the :a-rtide 4 :of t.he said Decree no. 42'3'25 lin 96 monthly insta::ment.s.

3. The :ex,pe·nditure ·mal)' 'IF(lvi'sknally be debited to the head of ·account ,«65~" Pensions and other retirement be­nefits-A.)1 'Superannuation a.nd Iretired allowances» pend­ing a -final :de:cisi'Oll ,by rthe !G~N~rnmen.t 'of India in th'e matte-r.

By order and in the nanw of the Administrator of the Union Temtory of Goa} Daman and Diu.

V. S. Srinivasagopalan, D€pll1.y Secretary (Finance).

Panjim, ',26th September, 1964,


Read: iLetter no. DA/3{;4 dated 19th September. ,1964. fr,O'lll the Directorate of Accounts, Panjim.

Sanction is her.e-by accorded for the pa:yment of provisional annual 'pension of Rs. 1,834.32 (Rupees one thousand eight, hundred thirty four and paise thirty two only) to 'shri Ala~ racu Agi, retir,ed Police Guani, Grade. III, hy order dated 9th January. 1963, publ,ished in the Government Ga~tte no. 5/1<963, 'calculated dn 'accordance :with ,articles 445 and 447 of Civil Serv,ice Reguletion and the limitation mentioned in its article 450, -according to the 'basic pay correspending to letter '«Y» 'gran,ted by Legislative [Diploma no. 2113 dated i21st August, 1961, and 'conferred to the same ,group Iby arti­cle 11 of fthe D-ecree no. 42'325 dated 16th June, 1959.

The sancti-on is subject to the condition that ,the pensioner pays (1) an indemnity of Rs. 805./-(Rupees eight hundred and f,Lve, only) according, to article 4 of the said Decnee no. 42 325 din '96 monthly instalments and (2) the pension contribution of Rs. 34'-90' (Rupees ,thirty four and paise ninety only) in respecit of military sel'vice in 5 monthly lIlstalments.


Ei'. III/4·3/14399/64/26G44

Ref.: Nota n.O DA/PA/VI/,1047, de 16 de Maio de 1964, .cIa Direega;o de Contrebi1idad,~, de Pangim.

E autJorizado 0 pagamento da pensao ,anuaI: provisori'1 "ae Rps. 267:3-78 Ps. (duas ,mil 1:leiscentas e setenta. e: tres. rupias e setent-a .c oito paise) ao Sr. Alfredo Gena.l'Q Franci&~o Ma­chado, distr,ibuidol' de 1." classe, que -foi julg'ado !incapaz de todo :0 serv1'GQ .p.ela Junta de Revisao, £lIn sua seS33.0 ,de 15 de .Tunho de 1962, cC:a1culada no.:'> termDS do..") artigcs 445." e 447." do EstatUito do FunciQnalismo Ultramarino, confonne 0 ven­dmentO"-,base cort'?-spondente a lletra T dos offia.pas an-exoS"ao Decreto n." 411430, de S de Dezembro de 1957 e atribuido ao mesmo grupo pelo Decreto n." 42325, de 16 de Junho de !1959.

  1. A '8.ut;orizagao esta suje:ita ao pagamento, pOl' parte do pensionista, .(l.a indemni!Zagiio de Rps. 936/-(novecenta!:{ c tnnta e sels rupias) nos tertrnos 'do artjgo 4," do citado Deere-to n." 42325, em 96 prestago-cs'mens-ais.

  2. 0 'encar;go desta pensao sera prov,isoriamente sa:tisfe1to pela verba. «65 -PensiQns and iOthcl' retirement benefits-~

A.1 Superannuation and :':'etiI'ed ,alIowances», 'ate deci:sao final do Go-verno da India sobre 0 asC)unto.

Por ordem e em nome do Administradol' do territ6rio da UnHio de Goa, Dmnao e D~o.

V. S. Srillivosagopalan, S;~cr::;taric adjunto (Finangas).

Pangim, 26 de Setembt <] de 1964.


Ref: Nota n." 'PA/oVI/:l.l.27, de :26 de Maio dB 1964, da D;'rc~c~ao d:2: 'ContabiFdade, de PalIlgim.

E autoil i,ndo. '0 pagamento da p-ensao anual provis6ria dB Rps. 25-2-5--23,Es. (duM mH qu1nhentas 'e vinteo B cinC'o-rupias '\! v:rn:te 'e tn~s ,paise') ao Sr, Cris-nanalta. Xete, distributdor de :2.a ,cl:a:ssc, que foi "auto-rIz3..do a aposcntar-s'e pO'r por:taria [)'l'ovisoria. de '2.0 de Sctembro de 1<963, ,publi'cada no Boletim Oficial ,n." ~i2, 'de 18 de' Outubl'o de 1933, c:aJculada' nos termos des aTtig-os 4'45.° e 447.° do-'Est'atuto d'J. Imunci'o-naJismo Ultra­ma,rillo, conforme 0 venchnento-base corntf~p'onden:te 'a l'ctra T dos manE s 'anexos ao Deereito-n,<' 41 430, de' 6 de Dezembro de 1957: I) a:tr-ilbuido ao 1112smo g-rupo vel'o antigo .1.<> do De­creto n." 4'2'3,25, 'de: 16 «13 ~runho d'.; 19-.59.

,2. A 'l1u;toriza<;ii'o' ,est-a sujei,ta ao pf",gamen:to, por paTte do pcnsionitS-la, c!a ,j.ndemni'Za~ao de Rps. 864/-toi,tocentas 'e s:es­sc-ntaJ 'e quatra 'lupia.-<;;) n:o.s teTmos do -arUgo 4.° do eitado Decreto n.O 423,25, em '96 :prestaGoes mensais.

3. 0 'cncar;go desta penS:l'o s2ra proYisoria-mente satisfeito pela :verba «65 --Pensions and other retirement beneflits­'A.1! ISuperannuation and retired allowances», ate decisao final do Gov('Jrno da Indj'aJ ,3'o,bre 0 a'S'gunt-o.

POl' ordem 'e em nOffi0 do Administrador do territ6rto da Uniao de Goa, Damao c Dio.

V. S. Si'iltivas'agopalan, Secretario adjunto (FinanGas).

Pangim, 26 de' Se-tembro de 19'64.



Ref: Nota n.° DA/364, de 19 de S-et-embl'o de 1964, Oa Direegao de CO':ltabHic,ade, de Pangim.

E autorizado 0 pagame-nto da pens'ao -anual pl'ov.is6ria de Rps. 1;g.34~i~2 (mil oitocentas e tl'inta e Iquatl'o l'upias e' trinta e dois ,paise) ao IS1'. 'Ala,racu lAg-i, gua-rd-a da' Policia, de 3." classe, aposentado pOl' :portar-ia de 9 de Janeiro de :1963, publicada no BoleUm .oficwl n.O 5, de 1963, calculada nos termos dos artigos 445.° ,(~ 447.° do Estatuto do FuncionaHsmo Ultramarmo, com a limitaGao 'prevista no seu ,a;rtigo 450.°" conforme 0 vencim'ento-base correspondent€-a letra Y, cons-. tante do Diploma Leg,islati.vo n.° 2113, de 2-1 de Agosto de 1961, 'e atribuido ao mesmo grupo pelo altigo 1.° dO' Decr:et9 n,O 42325, de 16 de Junho de 1959.

'A autorjza~aO' esta suj€ita ao 'pagam-ento, pOl' parte de pensionista, da indemnizaGao de Rps. 805/-(oitocen:tas e cinco :rupias), nos termos do artigo 4.° do dtado [)ecre~Q.:

n.O 4:23125, em 9-6-~re~tat;aes men.sad'g e da ,compensa~ao de a,posentaGao de R.ps. '34-90 Ps. I(trinta 'e quatro il;'upias 'e 00­venta paise) 'rels!tiv,a ao sevvU:go milita.r prestado,: em '5 'Pres.. ta~5c.ti men.sais.


24TH DECEMBER, 196~,




Th~ expendittlrl'e should be debited to the head cf account «65-IPensions and other retirement lbenef6ts--A.l Super­annuation and rehred allowances».

By order ·and -in the name o.f the Administrat-:>r of the Union Temi.tory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

1,Y. S. Srinivasagopalan. Deputy S ~t!reta.ry (Finance).

panjim. 28th September, IH64.



Rea:d: Letter no. DAjPA/Vi/2·9-36 dated 9th Odto·l>eT, 1984 f.rom the DiJrector 'Of iH.-counts, Panjtm.

Sanoti'on is hereby a1ccorde'(] for the payment of p~'OvisiJnal annual pension of Rs. '5,848-90 Ps (Rupees flv~e thousand eight h1lll'dred and forty €li!ghJt and l~1ise ntn:ety only) to Shri R.a:..'Uac:hondlra Sril1.'O'ra 'Poil, Trca..:;uTfr 1st C1,ass in t.ile D~:I\2'C­toralte of Accounts, who was ]:tenmH ted to I'ebr~e f.rom servl!zc due to hi:.s attaiwmem:t of me 'age vf compuLs:ory rcti'r01nfmt, with 'e':'fecl f;rom .1st October, 18&4, ealct:Jated in a<:-'Cordance wirbh -aIlticles 445 and 447 'of Clivi.! S<~l"V,ice Regulatio.~l and t.he Jiim~tatkm mentioned in 'artide 45(1 accolrding ,to r11:e basi.c pay 'oorre'3ponding to letter «J:"» of the .c;nnexure te:-the D2.­cre'e no. 40709 dated '3'1Sit ,.July, 1256 alr~d con-f€'rr:~~j on the \Same group :by arti'Cl-e 1 of the D:;cree n,). 42325 da:ted 1(;bh J'une, 1959.

  1. The: Banet-ilOn ,is subj~ect to t::lf <:o'!},(UHon that the pen­sione'r ,pays aill i1nd:emnity of Rs. 1J&5 3/-(BUPB'e.s one th-ou:::·::md six ,hundred and fi,flty six only), a«!c~rd;ln.g t:. artick~ 4 of ,Ure S'aild Deore:e no. 4232'5 -iln S8 m:mt:lly instaJm-ents.

  2. The "exnenmbure .is'de;b1tz;bh! .to -~he h:)ad c.f al~>~:ount «65 --Pensions -and other retirement benc1'its -A.1 Superan­nuation and -retired 'allowances».

By order and in the name (If the Admini'st:rator of the Union Territory .of Goa. Daman and Diu.

V. S. Srinivasagopalan, Deputy S(,c:retary (Financ'::!).

Panjill, Sth N'ov&'''1lber, .1St;.!.



Head: Letter no. DA/PA/VI/30.H da~2.d 26-10-19-64 fmm 1-h'e D~lrector 'C,f Accounts, Pa,ljim.

·S-a.:ncti1an :is hereby accorded fOlr ,t'r e pa;ymernt of p:rovisjrnaJ. annual pension of Rs. 6,7'68'/-(RupeBS six th:msa::ld seven hundred rund siocty ~,hri Jo-aquim Vic~ellit'e fA'­curgo da Conceiga:o Cabral, HeaJth OCicer (D-ekgado de S,::tu:1e) of Health Department, whJ :has beml -d-2d'a;'ed unfiJt f.OT ,f'urthoer service by the R-e'\ri:sdon Y[e-dical He'aJ:th Board on luth O'CIrob'er, 1.96.4, calculated :n ::V::'cordam:c'e \-vith furticl.e;s 445 'and 447 'Of Cirv:i:l S'erv:i'ce R~,gll~a,tion an'd the 'Lmitation menti-one-d in artJide 4'50, according to the .basic pay cor·res­ponding to letter «L»'1. from the eb~"rts annexed to Decree no. 40709 dated 31st July, 1956, and conferred on the same group ·by articl'e 1 of Decree no. 4e 325 dated 16th June, 1%9.

  1. The: sanotiJon ds subject :to the conditi',m that the r·j;n­sloneI' pays an ilndemn'ty of Rs. 2,O:LG/-(Rupees two .tlmu­sand ,and sjxteen only) according ;to artic:'_'e 4 of the said De.. .cree no. 42 325 ,in 96 ,monthly ill18ta. ne-nv;.

  2. The ex-p'e-ndi1tur-e i's debitable .to Ithe' t.ead 'Of accJunt <1:65 -PeSup~Tannua­tion a:nd ~eti!l"ed alliOwances».

By 'Order and in the name 'Of the Administrator of the Union Territory 'Of Goa, Dam:~n and Diu.

V. S. Sriniva.sagopalan, Deputy S'-''!cretary (Finance).

P-a.njim, 30th N'ovemb:e:r, HiM.



R:ea:d: La-bter no. DA/.PA/VI/308{l dad;ed 10th Nove'T'i1'bnr, 1964-, from the Directorate of Accounts, Panjim.

Sam.'Cit"oln ils hereby aiClcord'e:d for :to e -p.ayment 'of pro-v1s:~DIlal

Cfl-'DiTI..'lt3.l ;pen!Si'o-n -of Rs. 1,942-23 Ps~ (-F...'U,pee's one ibhousand nin.e hun-ar.ed -and foOr:ty .two am.d p;ai\3'e twenty t:hre~ only) to Shr1 Usman Aga, Excise Guard, :Qra,d:e II' who h2.!S been d:edared

unftt fo~ furth&r se;n'ince -by: thl} ReV'iBion MlecUc:aJ Health

, ..." .,


o '2ncargo p-ensao sera satisfeito pela verba <<"65-Pensions and other retirement benefdts -.... A. 1 Superannua­tion and l'etin~d allowances».

Por ordem e em nome do Admini-strador do te:tr1t6rio da Uniao de Goa, Dama-o e Doc..

V-. S. Sriniv(!.sagopal-an, 'Sec:retari'O adjullto ,(-H'inang-as).

Pangim, 28 :de Setembro de 1964.


J<'S/F.'3) 4-7/199g~/64/299.j6

Ref: Nota n.O D.4\./P A/VT/2f>3-G, de 9 t,e Outubro do DIrectO'T d~ Contabilli-dad.-e, de Pang:im.

J."~ autor':zado 0 pagameuto da ,pensao anu:al pT'Ovisori·a de Rps. ;5848-90 P.';. (cinco mil O:rD..'1CHltas e gun,rent:l. ~ o!ito rupia..c.; c nove:nta p-a.i:s'2) ao Sr. Rama'chom:Wa. Srid'ora Poi, l--e!c€loedor de 1.~ -class.e d:«J Di'recga;o de-'Conit'abi1-idade, que f'Oi autol'i'zado a apos-entar-se, pOl" 'ter a:tingid'o. 0 -Hmite de-id.axk~-de-aposen­rtaGao ordinar"o" com ef-e1.to a parti1r de .1 c__e Outubr:o de 196-1, caJculada nos ter1110s dos arti-gos 44-5.° e 447." do Esif..atuto do F'uncionalismo Ultramarino, ,:om a limita~ao -prevista no S'2JU artigo 450.°, conforme 0 VE'Jr!CiffioQ.nto-tase '{;,'Orresp-onde-nte a 'letJla L dos rna-pa;;; 'anex-os <1-0 Decreto 11.° 40709, d'e 31 de Julho de .1956, 0-a.tr-ibul-do ao me,sm:o gF..lP') p-eJo arti'go 1.0 do D:~C'reto n.O 1:2,'325, de 16 de Junho a€ 1950.

  1. A a,u:torjz',_wao 'csta 'sujei,ta a'Q .pa.galL-ent:o, por p3.lrte do pens~:miiSt:a, d-a jn.-demni1zag3..:0 de Rps. 1053/-(mil se",-.;e-entas e dl1 quenta e ~e':;s rupl'a3), nos :t:~lmos do amg{} 4.0 do ci>tade> D-e,~rcto n.o 42325, 'em S6 presta.glS-es m'2Hs2i.S.

  2. 0 enC3.1:,:g~ 'Ci'esta pe.nsa:o s2-'r~~ satLsfeib pela verba <65-~ Pensions and other retirement benefits --A.1 Superannua­tion and -retired allowa.nces».

l:'or orden'~ e em nome do Administ;'ador do territ61io oa UnUie> de GGa. Damao e Dio.

V. S. Srinivusagopa;:an, Secr-etario adjunto CB"'inangas).

Pm:~,gL'n, 9 d:, NovembTo de ·1£64-.


B.ef: Nota n.O DA/PA/VI/30:!4, de 2-6 de Outubro de 1964, do Di:rec:.x;r de Gontabri:l'dcAi'e, de P,angi'-l'r).

E aurto'l'j,zado 0 pagwm:2nrto da :p-ensfuo '8.n~al provis6ri-a de Rps. 13-76$/-(S(~i,<; mil seltecentats e se:ssen:t~L 'e o'Gto rupi-as) ao Sr. Jc}uquim Vi"C'C.':nte Lh:m-rgo da Gon-cel'ga;o-Cabral, delcgado cb n:uc1'e d:JS Serv-;'Q'os de Sali-1e, que fui' j-U'lgad'O in~p.az de tect.o {) servigo pel-a Junta de Revisao, ,em .sua sessao de 16 de Outv_tro d.e 19[)4" calcu'litda nos termos d'os 3Jljtilgos 445." e 447." dG E:statuto dG Func''Onalism.o Ultranradllu, com a. lim:~­otagao .previ&ta no s£;u -a;rt~go 4'oD.o, confo:_TIle '() venc~ommto­-bas,? cC'r'lresp:::,nd':mtc a letra L futl'eXo-S alo -Decreto

n.O 40709, de 31 de .Julho de W56 e atribuido 0.0 me.sm-o gru:pJ pcl0 alitigo 1." do De:xB:t;c, n.O 423;25, de 16 de Junho de 19:)9.

  1. A ,autorjz~~g!l;O est§. sujeilta, au pagamento, POT [lal'te do !p'2insi-c-nista, dw ind:emnilZagao de Rps. 20.J:6/-(duas miU e d'e­zass~,L:;: rupias), nos t€'!'IllOS do artiig-o 4.° do c[;tado Decreto n." 42325, 001 flfi prestag5es m-2!!l-sa;is.

  2. 0 eUca:rgo desta ,pensa'o s'erZ. s,atisfeito {::e1a verba «65-­Pensions and at-he'r re,tlrement b:enef:i'ts-A.1 Supe,ra.."1nuation and retired aD.lOW,::1.nccs:>.

Por ordem f~ em nome do Administrador do territ6lio da UnUio de Goa, Damao e Dio.

V. S. Srinivasagopalan, Secretario adjunto (FUnan~as).

Pangim, 30 de Nov-Embro de 1964.


'::-rota n." DA/PAjVlj:308-6, d~ 10 de Novembro de 1<964, do Director de ContabiUdade, de Pang:m.

m aut:J:rizado '0 pagamento da pensa;o a'!1ua:1 prov:is6ria de Rps. 194'2-23Pc (mil llI(}ve'cenf:.as e' quarenta. 'e <1uas rupias c vinte .e tres paise) f'.,0 Sr. Usman Aga, guar-da de ruxcise de ,2." 'Cl:3.sse·, que-f01' j.u-lga:do :iucapaz ,de >tOdD _0 se.rv'!·~o pe-ia ,}"UIl1't-::t. de The:vi-srJ.'o. em -sua s-essii:o de'.15 de S':;::tlOunlbro de: 1'964,

49£ SERIES II No.).52

Bc-ard ~ 15th 'September, 1964, cwl:culaiteJ in ~l,ccoJ~darrce wJth :a;r!ti.ol,es 4:~5 aJnd 447 of Ci.vi1 S'eTvic'c Rcgulatiom., and the Um;ltabi'on :in :rurticle 4!lO, ac{:c'rcbmg ;'l:!o :the l:.3;Sic pay eo.rres-­pc-ndIDg to letter «Yr» .gTa:njtc:~l by Leglsl:a-tive Di'ploma no. 2.1112 dalted 21st August, 1961, ar--d 'c::}nferred en the same group by-·itrticle 1: {;[ Deor€le :no. 42 :125 dated 16th June, 1.959.

-' 2. 'Ilhe :sa:ThCitbn is ~ubjec:t to toe' co:ndJthm :thB.:t th~ pen­

/ S':I.:::n'E;ir pays 'wn :tndemZl:Jt.y 'Of ~s. 77'0/-(Rupec's seven hundred s'8v:€.n:ty only) -acc:or.d;h1Jg to :a~ti!Jle 4 'Of :the said De:cree Ito. 42 '325 :in ·96 mronthJy tnsta'lments, and aJso 1:Jlie pens;'on contrJWti:ciIl ''Of Rs. 13&-lO}>s (Rupees ~.:..hlr;ty two and paise ten only) in l~-espect :cf his nlilitary serv,ice in six monthly itIlSta:lm'ents.

3. The .expettHlttur.e i'3 d'eb1ta!ble' ,-~o :the head of aCCowlt «85 _ Penei'o,ns am:d other 11etir:ef:l~·mit herref:Hs -A.l SupElran.nua­tbon and 'retire'd a,l'lowanccs;>. ~I

By order and lin the na~ne of the Administrator of the Union Territory of Go:t, Daman and Piu.

V. S. Srinivasagopala·n, Dy. Secretary (Finance).

Pamjil.'TI, 1il!th Deoem'D-e:r, j;!)c'4.


FS/(F'.HI/2 ):2{)7/,14/32945

Reaid: Letter no. DA/IP1~,/VI/3080 da:ted 9th November, 1'964 from ,the D[:r:ecb ~ .of AccoUJ...'t1it, p:mjim.

lSan:ctron :13 hereby HccO'rd,~d 'fOl~ the prov.:slonal .paym:ent of e1n'wl annual p'Eln3io·n of :Th':. 2,144/-(Rupe,,~s two thousand four hund'ved f.orty four only) tCr S'hri Narana Carva.;:r;c:3.ir, :baill:iff of the AdmIllisU1ation ,.:f the Concelho of Goa, who has been declav8;d UJufilt tOl' furti,.el" servji~e by :t:::e Revi:s:',on [\,I['e­di:cal HeaJ:th din ,sessilon dated '2nd M'ar,ch, 1,9G4 calculated 'in accOIrd,a,nce wi,th articles 4·15 ;1,11:1 4'17 of Oivil 8ervice ;RngU'la­tilJ:n and the Hmilt8!bi'On ID'2:nLb,ned ,in .cul1ticle 450 aiceord'ng to t!he. basIc pay "coPre.3!p.ond.i;ng it) 'lettcT «X» firom charts an:l'exed to Decre:e no.. 40 709 2,nd ,G'J afe-rred on th'e ,3:ame groUJp by a.~tIi::,le 1 of Decree n'o, 4:2,32;; ,dat('.d 13th JU1\'e, 19{i9.

2. T.he 'expend',ture wi:!] t~ shs,red by itLe' Goa Gc;.V1e-Tn­ill'ent and PanjIm MunioipalLy in following l)rO,por-'doll.s and alno.unts:

Rs. Ps.

(,a) Go.'a lGovernment .~. C.~;;30o/c 1.2'95-3,2 (bJ 'Pamj.1m i1VI:u:nkllpal~ty --0.4 70% 1148-68

Td;cal .....' 2444-00

"3. Th'e sa,tlicti-on il5' subj.ect :to the conditio:;:]: :that Ithe pen­sion.er pays the indemnr..,ty of B.s. 56-3-05 Ps, (Hup'ees five hun­sixty three and paise f~ve only) to Goa Government and Rs. 660-95 Ps. (Rupees ·six hundred six:ty and ,paise ninety five o,nJy) to Fa:nj-ilm MUll'i~ip8!l1ty :in a,ccol'dance \vi'th alt,iI~I-e' 4 of th:e said Decr1c:e: no.. <42 3:25 i,n 93 lll'cmUrly j,n2 :alments.

'4. The .perusi:on am;o,unt chsJr'geal::le to Goa Gorvernme,rut iL3 debitable to the head ·~f ,aCco.unt «65 -Pen.'Oions and other .retirement ,benefits -A. 1 Sv,perar:.nuation and retired a11o­wan:(!!es» af!lJd Ithrut .amount cJl2Tgc:able to IPanj'lm ;Mullic~p.a'li,ty wm be met ,by :tJl1e :competent ijudget head of :the ;said, tr.,funi'­dlp"aUJty.

5. 'Dills san:cti:on is 1lm,ued ';n. sup2;rsessi'on of the previ'Ous prTov,isronaU a.TI'llU'a:l pensllon 3..uthoriS'2d i'TI =avoul' of said Shri Narana Owrva:rCaJr.

By order and in the Yl3Jn1e of the Administrator of the Union Territory o:e Goa, Dama:n all d Diu.

V. S. SrinivMagopalan~ Dy. Secrdal'Y (FinD.nce).

Panjim, ,nth. [),ecember, HNi4,.

O:der F'S/lF.III/4-7/20835/64/32747

.Read: Dstber lITO. iDA/IPA, . ./VI/3165 ·dated n'rd Nove...'11be'r '1'9:i\4 f.l~o.m ithe Dl1rector 'of Accounts, p.anjjm.

ISaTIi!)tion:ts 'hereby ·acco.rde'~l,for Nre payment :of provisl'o.na,l ai~U'al pensi>cm of Rs. 45-77/-(Rupezs four thousand five hU'l1dred :rund sevenlty s-e'V'em, cmQy) t:> Shril Lu's Gonza.ga 'gu­femiano XaVli.er Ferrao, 1"subchefe-lajudanite» in the Police. De­p:a:rtme:n't, who has ·belen deci,ared unfit fo·r f'Ul'the.r se:rvke by :the R:evJsiJon Il\f:edilcaa Hea.lth E'o:ard on ,2nd NOV'ember, 11£084, ,c:a:lcuJ:arDz,d in ac:C'ol"'d3,nce-with artioles '·14'5 and 447 of Oivil S"ervi'CJ2. :Regulatio.n aaid ,'~he-Hmi,tabon m0ntiio:n:e.d .in ar­tkJ'e 4'50, 8iooo!1ding to it'h~ b:1.'3i~'C: jpay cc;rre'sgJondimg to. Ith:e letter <4N» gran1t'€ld by rtl?;~ LegiL<:h;Uve Diploma no.. ,2112 druted 2'l8t August, 1961 and .conf'erred on the S8.'lne group -by ar­U,"0le 1 of the Decr€le' no. 42:3'!25 da:ted 16th J'lUl"e, 1959.

calculacla nos :tenno.s -dO.3 a>rtigo.~,; 44,5." 'e 441." do Estatuto do 'Fune:i:ona.l.i13mo ULtr.l.lYlaJrino., >com a l~milba.l.;;a:o lme.vtsta no seu artigo 450;), conf01me 0 veru~imento-base a leb11a Y 'con;sltanrte ao D.Lploma Legisl:altivo n." 21:12, de 21 de Agosto de 1'9&1 e atrjbuido ao mesm.o ,gI'lUP'O ,pe1o artigo d:> DecTeto. n," 4'23;25, de' 1'3 de' J'unho de. 1-959.

  1. A 8JutOl'l,zagao '€Sta :>'llje:1ta ao palgaunJento, por :par,te 00 perus-i'ond's-ta, da inldc'lllil'tzagao de Rps. 770/-(setec'€cnoias ~cse­teruta rupias), nO's tdo !a;rit.'-g.o 4,<> do ciitado. Decreto n." 42, 325, 'em 96 prest~~5es men.saLs da c:omp,ensagao de alp:o.senta.~5..o de Rps. 32-,LO Ps. (trilnta e duas 'rupias 'e dez pa;lls'e) , rclati:va a:.o s.&vig'<) lnHttar prestado, em 6 ,pTe'sta~6es mensaii3.

  2. 0 cne'argo desta .pendao sera. sati:.sfe~t'o pe'l:a v-e-r:ba «'65-­Pensi:Oll.':l. and olthe:r il":"etiremmt berrefi:ts --A.::t .superan;nuatil:>n alnrd 11ehl'le.'d allowRnzest>.

Por ol'dem e em nQ;n-e do. Administrador do terri,t6rio dw Uniao de GOR, Damao e Dio.

V. S. Sriniva..<;agopalan, Secretario adjunto (FinanQas).

Pal!l:gim, 11 [{Ie Dezembro de 1,964.



Ref: Nota ,n,O DA/PA/VI/3080, de 9 de' Ko.vembro de 11964, do IDirector de IContabHidade, de Pangim.

~ 'autDrizadD 0 pag8J1lleJuto. ,pl'ovisorio da :p'ensao anual defi­n'iltiva Rps. 2444/-('d-,.z,a] mU qua'oro~el1itas 'e quarenta e quatro rupia.s) a:o. ST. Na~raJTI:aJ Oa:rvarcar, 'oficia1 de di'Fgen­cia.s da Admind'Stra~ao do c:oncelho de Goa, que fooi julgado iln:ca.paz de! to-do. 0 S'8TViGo pela Junta. de Revisa:o, em sua ses­sao de :z de '}'viiargo de' 1934, callculada n!:}s term os d"os aTti­gos '4'4'5." e 447;' do 'Estatuto do. 11~u.n:('.ionaH3m'o Ultrama-ril!l.J, com a limiprevis;h m> Setu a:ntllgo 450,", ,co.nfo.Tme 0 v.en­'c"mento-b'a:sr: c'Q.r'res-p'O'nae-rte a l'etrR X {los mapias anexos a-o

Decreto n.o 40709 e atrihv.ido ao mesmo grupo peIo al'tdgo 1.'> do DecTE~to n.n 423,25, de' 1'6 de Jun:ho de 1959.

,2. 0 onc:argo desta pa:1.Sao. per~t2.nce" ao Governo. de Goa e a Camara lMun-tcilpa:l de Goa, mas seb'"U.intes propo't1.;;6es e quanrtlas:

Ups. Fa.

(a) Governn de. Goa --0;530 por cento ....... .. 1295-32

(b) Clm,a.:raMunilcipaJl deGoa--0,470,p'O,rcento 1148-68
To;tal ....

-3. A autori,za(;,fuo ~e:s.ta sujeUa ao pagmmento, pOl' :parte: do pensiIJ.nisbl,., da 'i'ndemn1zaga:o -d8 &ps. '56"3-05 P.s. (qu~,;nhentas e 1'::,e3'£!;oI1lJ.ta :e tres 11upi',as Ie d!U:co ;pai.se), aJO IO:>ve;rno de Goa e de Rps..(%0-95 Ps. (se.ts:::enta:s 'C S€tS3enta rup;'as e ,noventa e duc:!) p-a~;s:~) it Cama'ra Mlunicil,;Ja~ d:~ -G'OB-, nos Iterm:>s do ar­Ulgo. 4." 0.:> c1tadc Decreto 11.<> 4'2 325, eL.'11 96 presta<;oes mens-ai'S.

4. 0 :enca.:ngo pertencente >8;0. Governo de Goa, sera sa-b:sfeHo pe;la ver:l'.;l. di5 --Pen:s:1IJn~: a.nj ather .retlremenit :ben2fits-­

A.1 Supeo-.·annu.8,tion and retired 'allowances» 0' 0-en:ca.rgo pertencente it Cl.mara Munioipal de Goa, sera satisfeito pela comp:ete'nb~ verba octal me,sma Cam.1:ra.

5. A pI es:;-nte auto;r:'lza~~a'o e em sub.'ltiituil.;;ao oa pen:sao anual provis6rla auto...""'izacta anteriormente ao dito 'Sr. Na­ran'a Ca~ Valf.OaT.

POl' ol'dem e em nome do Administrador do territ6rio da UnHio de Goa, Dam;lo e Dio.

V. S. S1'inivasagopalan, Secretario adjunto (Finanl.;;as).

Panglm, ~l de Dezemovo de 1964.


0..~S/F.TH/4-7/120835/64/3274 7

Ref: 1\~',ota. n." DA/PA/VU:j3155, d'~ 23 de' Novembro de :L9()4, do Direc.tO'r dE' :Contabihlj2Jde, pa,n.gitm.

:It autotlzad::> '0 paga1menlto da pen'sao ·anuM pTov:i;s6ria de Rp3. 4:5'1'1/-(qua.tro mirl quirnhen,tas c setenta -e-sete' rupias) ao Sr. Luis Gonzaga Eufellliano Xa.v.:-e-r F~rrao,'subchefe-aju·· da,n;be 'da Polic-ira {joe Goa, que' foi julgado '~ncapaz de to-do D ~,2.;:r;vlro ,pe'!a. Jurnta :de' Revh::aO', em sua lS'essao., de 2 de No.ve.m-t bl'O :die 1,964, 'c:a1culad"a ;nolS' ,te'rmo:s dos a:t'itigos 1-45," eo 447." do Esta;twb do. ij"'unciouali::mo. Ultramarino, :com;a ,lim~tal.;;a:o pl1'e:vislbru ;n'o s-eu a.:digo 450.°, 'c'o.nform-e' '0 vencim'eIlto-hase COT­res.po·ndentp; a 1'80t:ra N C',)ll'stanlte-diO Diploma: Legis:JatiV'(}I~

n.O 01.l:2, de ,21 d!~ Ag::;,sto de '19,61, 'e a,tT,~bufdQ 'wo mesmo gl'Up"O pe10 arbLgo I." d"O Deer,etto. n." 42 '32'5, de' j,B de' ..YllJl"ho. de 1959.

• ( \ 24T.1l DECEMBER, 1964

'2. iile san:cti'cm .is subjeot to the ::.)nlj"ition that t i1:e Pel:l­s'li:>ll;er ,pays a.n indemni,ty of Rs. 1'B80; -(Rupe'es oue thousand thre'e hundred and eighity only) accOJding to article ,~: of the said Decree no. 423-25 in 96 monthl:.'-Ln.'3talm:ents, and also, the pens-ilOn 'C'ontributi'on of R-s. 50~5.') P5.. \Rupees fi ety and pa.ise fifty fi;ve 'Only) ;in lrespect :of 1:1:) nu11tary serv:.ce ren­

dered. (.3,:~Th;e 'B.x:pendi.ture ·is debitable to :t.{) Itfad 'Of account «65 -Pensi;ons alIld other retiret.eneHts --A.1 Superan­nuatilon and: retired al'l"Owaillces~.

By 'Order and in the name of tte AdministratoI' of the Union Territory 'Of (k)a, Dam~,n and. pill.

V. S. Sriniva.sagopalan, Depu;:y Secretary (Finance:

Panjihn. '11th December. 196·1.


6-C1(}/64/iF.~/328 ,:!

Shrt Alvaro ArtalD.asi'o Mal'li:a Sa.ntanD. 'Pin·ho, Deputy Di:reoto:r of Accounts ~!S .gr8.iTh'red €larn!e!d lea.,V'e C.icEJnga di'Scipltnar) for ¥ C 30 day;' icn--·respoot of the .ca:l:e;nda:r year 19-6"3 ito be 01liJo:yed

duoog 'the year 1-96'4, subJect :to 'exigecJ.ci'e.'5 'of public servIce.

iBy order .and ,in the name of tf.e Adm~istrator of the Union Twmtory of Goa, Daman and DIU.

V. 8. Srinivasagopalan, Depu:1;y Scc'."!!t3.ry (Finance).

Panjim, 7th Decemb:er, 1,964.



In exer:cise of the powers C'onfe'rnd by .sub~.s:ection (1) of section 42 of the Goa, Daman &':l.d Diu IDxci.'3€ Duty Ax~t, '1964, the .Governm'ent heoreby :exempts from the licence fee, the

sale of liquor to be made during 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 18th

D:ece:nrb'e:r 1964, by ilia MediiC'al Stud(.'l:"l'ts during the-Medical iPhaT1uacy Students Welek, proc'eeds :):: which is destined to the. ·«Lac1;.a;ri'O:».

By orde.r and in the name of the I..i.eutenant Governor of Goa, Daman [..nd Diu.

T. B. Nagarajan, Finance Secretal y. Panj-im, 14th December, 1>964.

_ ---6-.----

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