36. Gökbilimciler, evrenin, sadece güneş ve gezegenleri içine alan yıldız sisteminden oluşmadığını belirtirler.
The astronomers suggest that the universe may not merely consist of the star system including the sun and the planets.
Astronomers point out that the universe does not consist solely of the star system which includes the sun and the planets.
As the astronomers have pointed out, the sun and the planets are a part of the star system that makes up the universe.
The star system, including the sun and the planets, is not, in the opinion of the astronomers, the sole component of the universe.
Astronomers are undecided as to whether the universe is simply compounded of the star system which includes the sun and the planets.
37. Mısır’da Rozetta denilen bir yerde 1799’da Fransızlar tarafından bulunmuş olan “Rozetta Taşı”, hem hiyerogliflerle hem de Yunanca yazılmış bir kitabeyi içeriyordu.
“The Rosetta Stone”, which was discovered in 1799 by the French at a place called Rosetta in Egypt, bore an inscription written both in hieroglyphics and in Greek.
The French found “the Rosetta Stone” in 1799 at a place called Rosetta in Egypt and there is an inscription on it written both in hieroglyphics and in Greek.
“The Rosetta Stone”, which was called after the place, Rosetta, where the French found it 1799 in Egypt, has an inscription on it both in hieroglyphics and in Greek.
The inscription on “the Rosetta Stone”, found by French in 1799 at a place called Rosetta in Egypt, makes this an important discovery as it is written both in hieroglyphics and in Greek.
“The Rosetta Stone”, with its inscription in hieroglyphics and Greek, is still to be found where the French discovered it in 1799, at Rosetta in Egypt.
38. Profesör Green, makalesinde, 1950’lerin ortasından itibaren İngiltere’de, kömür madenciliği dışında grevlerin sayısının artma eğilimi gösterdiğini vurgulamaktadır.
As Professor Green points out in his article, from the mid-1950s onwards, strikes have been on the increase in Britain, except among coal miners.
It is emphasised in Professor Green’s article that, coal mining apart, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of strikes in Britain since the mid-1950s.
In his article Professor Green has emphasised that, from the mid-1950s onwards, the number of strikes in Britain has tended to increase in all areas of mining other than coal.
What is stressed in Professor Green’s article is that in the mid-1950s the number of strikes in Britain tended to increase in all areas of mining other than coal.
In his article Professor Green makes the point that the tendency to increased striking activity from the mid -1950s onwards in Britain is limited to coal mining.
39. Anadolu’nun çeşitli yerlerinde yapılan kazılar, Hititlerin M.Ö. 1350 dolaylarında yüksek bir uygarlık düzeyine ulaştıklarını ortaya koymuştur.
Hittite settlements in Anatolia have been excavated in order to show that there was a high level of civilisation before 1350 B.C.
Excavations carried out in various parts of Anatolia suggest that the Hittite civilisation came to its highest point around 1350 B.C.
Various parts of Anatolia are being excavated so as to confirm that there was a high level of Hittite civilisation there around 1350 B.C.
Excavations suggest that the Hittites of Anatolia only reached a high level of civilisation after 1350 B.C.
Excavations carried out in various parts of Anatolia have revealed that the Hittites attained a high level of civilisation round about 1350 B.C.
40. “Kara Ölüm”, 1348-50 yıllarında Avrupa’yı baştan başa saran ve hemen hemen nüfusun yarısını silip süpüren vebaya verilen addır.
“The Black Death” is the name generally given to the plague that swept across Europe in 1348 and 1350 and caused the death of a half of the population.
The plague known as “The Black Death” swept across Europe during the years 1348-50 and killed at least half of the population.
Between 1348 and 1350 half of the population of Europe was killed by the plague generally called “The Black Death”.
“The Black Death” is the name given to the plague which swept across Europe in the years 1348-50 and wiped out almost a half of the population.
Almost half the population of Europe died when the plague known as “The Black Death” devastated Europe during the years 1348 to 1350.
41. Viyana Kongresi, Eylül 1814’ten Haziran 1815’e kadar sürmüş ve Napolyon’un yenilgisinden sonra çeşitli Avrupa devletlerinin topraklarının sınırlarını belirlemiştir.
The Vienna Congress lasted from September 1814 to June 1815 and defined the borders of the territories of various European states after the defeat of Napoleon.
The Vienna Congress which was held between September 1814 and 1815, defined the borders between various European states after Napoleon’s defeat.
The Vienna Congress was held between September 1814 and June 1815, following Napoleon’s defeat, in order to settle the frontiers of various European countries.
The Vienna Congress which was held from September 1814 to June 1815, after Napoleon’s defeat, aimed to restore the frontiers of European countries.
After the defeat of Napoleon, the frontiers of various European countries were redefined at the Vienna Congress, which lasted from September 1814 to June 1815.
42. Ortaçağ Avrupasında önemli bir mimari tarz olan “romanesk” mimari, önce İtalya’da gelişmiş ve daha sonra, Fransa ve Almanya başta olmak üzere, tüm Avrupa’ya yayılmıştır.
Romanesque architecture, which was the prevailing style in medieval European architecture, first flourished in Italy and only later spread to France and Germany and the rest of Europe.
Romanesque architecture, which was a major architectural style in medieval Europe, first flourished in Italy and then spread to the rest of Europe, with France and Germany in the lead.
Romanesque architecture, which had originated in Italy, soon became the prevailing style of architecture throughout medieval Europe but particularly in France and Germany.
The major architectural style of medieval Europe was the Romanesque one that originated in Italy and spread mainly to France and Germany.
The leading countries of Medieval Europe, France and Germany, together with others, adopted the Romanesque style of architecture that had flourished in Italy.
43. Bugünkü nükleer enerji üretiminin ana maddesini oluşturan uranyum, geçmişte, çeşitli bileşikler halinde, seramik ve dokuma sanayiinde kullanılıyordu.
The use of uranium is now largely limited to the production of nuclear energy but formerly compounds containing it were used in the ceramics and textile industries.
Uranium is now the chief substance used in the production of nuclear energy, but formerly the ceramics and the textile industries used it to produce various compounds.
Uranium is nowadays used mainly in the production of nuclear energy though the ceramics and the textile industries in the past used its various compounds.
Uranium, which today constitutes the main substance for the production of nuclear energy, was used in the past in the ceramics and textile industries in the form of various compounds.
The uranium compounds, which were used in the ceramics and textile industries in the past, are today used mainly as the chief substance of nuclear energy.
44. Yaptığımız çalışma, büyük kentlerin banliyölerinde yaşayanların sayısının son on yılda üç katına çıktığını göstermektedir.
The study we have carried out demonstrates that the number of those living in the suburbs of big cities tripled during the last ten years.
The research we have undertaken demonstrates that the number of people living in the suburbs of big cities tripled during the last decade.
Our study shows that, during the last ten years, there was a three-fold increase in the number of those living in the suburbs of the larger cities.
We have been informed that during the last ten years, there was a three-fold increase in the number of people living in suburbs around the larger towns.
Our research suggests that the population of the larger cities tripled during the last decade with the growth of the suburbs.
45-52 sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
45. Construction workers will go on strike next Monday ____ .
that they negotiated for over five hours and were unable to reach an agreement with the management
so long as the only solution for a settlement is an independent enquiry into their working condition
because the two sides have done their best to settle their dispute by bargaining
in case the workers were asked to compromise and accept a pay rise of 20 %
unless the management agrees to accept their claim for a 60 % pay increase
46. ____ some of America’s most innovative architects set about rebuilding it in a bold style known as the “Chicago school”.
After a great fire destroyed much of Chicago in 1871
While Chicago was soon to emerge as the literary capital of the United States
Because Chicago has traditionally been regarded as “the great laboratory of American democracy
As immigrants from many European countries had settled in ethnic enclaves in Chicago
As long as Chicago remains the gateway to the rest of the nation for food products and industrial opportunities
47. The company will need fewer office workers ____ .
since some were looking for jobs with other firms
when the computer network has been installed
as long as the sales continued to increase
in order to discuss ways of combating unemployment
even though the current economic recession is likely to continue for another six months
48. Earlier this century, Chicago acquired a reputation for colourful politicians, newspapermen and gangsters, ____ .
simply because commerce has been the key to the city’s development
just as today Chicago remains a city of close-knit ethnic neighbourhoods
even though the city has become a centre for meat products
but its cultural life was less well known then
as it is located at the conjunction of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system and surrounded by the productive farmlands of the Midwest
49. Though the term “human rights” is of recent origin, ____ .
there are certain actions that are never permissible and certain freedoms that should never be invaded
after 1933 the Western world realised that it was living in an age of totalitarian dictatorship far worse than old monarchic absolutism
natural rights can be seen in their origins as claims that everyone naturally makes
some politicians claim that any doctrine of human rights must be in some sense a doctrine of natural rights
the idea itself can be traced back through John Locke in the seventeenth century to the great philosophers of classical antiquity
50. As unemployment is currently a major social issue, ____ .
the strikes have really crippled the industry and, consequently, the export of manufactured goods has come to a standstill
the measures introduced had little effect on the improvement of the country’s economic performance
its worst economic effects have been partly softened by the government’s introduction of unemployment compensation
the economic prospect was far from encouraging
people are not working as hard as their belief in the work ethic indicates that they should be
51. When a firm wants to fill a vacancy, ____ .
there are always staff who want to leave for various reasons
the candidates have all been required to write an essay on the current economic situation in Europe
the applicants were invited for an interview before a committee of specialists
it is essential that future managers must be trained as thoroughly as possible
it usually puts an advertisement in a newspaper
52. ____ , he refuses to accept any of their suggestions.
Even though the committee members had approved the plan in full
While the speaker considers politics to be the art of persuasion
Since he is so prejudiced in this matter
Because the discussions at the conference would have included a wide range of issues
if they told him that he had to make up his mind as soon as possible
53-58 sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.
53. My father has agreed to pay this month’s instalment but warned me that he wouldn’t make a practice of doing so.
This month the instalment will be met by my father, but he more or less said he wouldn’t do it again.
If my father doesn’t pay the instalment this month, I don’t know what I’m going to do.
My father has agreed to pay the instalment this month, but I won’t ask him to do so again.
So long as my father pays this month’s instalment I shall have no problem paying the others.
It’s only with this month’s instalment that I need help from my father, I won’t need it again.
54. They were fully within their rights when they dismissed him, but now they wish they hadn’t done so.
What they did may have been legal, but it was still unfair to dismiss him in that way.
Their dismissal of him was perfectly legal but now they regret their action.
If they hadn’t dismissed him they would be in a better position now.
Though their dismissal of him was barely legal the outcome has been fortunate.
They had the right to dismiss him and don’t deserve this unpleasant turn of events.
55. It is not for me to say whether or not the lecture was a good one as it was way outside my field and I hardly understood any of it.
I can’t understand why he felt the need to limit the scope of his lecture in such a way.
I might have followed the lecture better if I had been familiar with the field.
The subject of his lecture promised to be interesting, but his treatment of it seemed to me to lack of something.
I don’t feel qualified to comment on his treatment of the subject as his approach is so different from mine.
Since I couldn’t follow the lecture as I knew nothing about the subject matter, I really can’t give an opinion on it.
56. Though he knows I’m determined to make Marsden the new manager, he’s constantly seeking to bring him down in my estimation.
Since I’m fully determined to make Marsden manager I absolutely refuse to listen to all this criticism of him.
Even if Marsden weren’t likely to prove a good manager that man has no right to criticise him to me in such a manner.
Though he is fully aware of the fact that I’m set on making Marsden the new manager, he still persists in trying to influence me against him.
Once Mersden takes on the job of manager all this unfair criticism of him is sure to stop.
His opinion of Marsden will surely change once he sees what a capable manager he really is.
57. They found only two survivors, but it was a week before they gave up their search for the others.
At the end of the week the two survivors joined in the search for the others.
They were only able to save two people though rescue work continued for a full week.
By the end of the first week there was little hope of finding the missing two.
Once those two were rescued at the end of the week, they abandoned the search for the others.
Rescue-workers found two more victims after the search for them had lasted a week.
58. If I’d known that he wanted to discuss with me I would never have given him an appointment.
I never did understand why he wanted us to meet and discuss the matter.
He talked about us meeting but never explained why.
Had I realised what he wanted to talk to me about I would not have agreed to a meeting.
I agreed to meet in order to discuss the matter thoroughly.
I realised there was something to be discussed but didn’t know exactly what.
59-64 sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
59. What is soul? From Plato onwards, many answers have been given to this question, but no one answer has ever been found to be adequate. ____ . Presumably we must mean something by it.
His definition, quite understandably, soon returned to favour
Even so, the word is still in constant use
At a still later period soul and character were equated
If there had been further developments in this line they may have proved significant
The next step would then have been to differentiate between soul and body
60. The Japanese have a strong aesthetic sense; they beautify, adorn and decorate everything they touch. ____ . It is cut into an artistic shape and given a colour scheme with carefully placed pieces of tomato and herbs.
Presumably they get a great deal of satisfaction out of such elegant displays
The art of flower arrangement is particularly well developed in Japan.
Many of these arrangements consist of merely two or three flowers and a spring of green.
Naturally this is especially true of the women of that country
A sandwich in Japan is not a sandwich. It is a work of art, designed to appeal not just to the palate but also to the eye.
61. ____ . Composers such as Schubert, Schumann, Listz, and Berlioz sought a new freedom in musical expression. Form became of less importance than content; and that content often had literary connections.
Wordsworth is one of the best-known of all the English Romantic poets.
Mendelssohn and Brahms are the two most typical representative composers of the Romantic era.
The Romantic movement, which began around the year 1800 in literature, also had its counterpart in music.
In fact, the Romantic movement itself did not last very long.
Among the Romantic composers, Brahms has generally been the most popular.
62. Just how the Alzheimer disease ravages the brain isn’t understood, but a protein molecule is thought to be involved. ____ . On the theory that the protein causes the disorder by travelling from other tissues to the brain, researchers may now seek to devise drugs that would block the protein and stop it getting there.
If this is confirmed it may lead to a break-through in the treatment of the disease.
In fact it hardly seems worthwhile to carry out further research into the Alzheimer disease.
Much research has already been carried out to discover the causes of the disease.
Once the molecule had been isolated it was possible to cure the condition.
The Alzheimer disease is just one of the many incurable illnesses that inflict people in the developed countries.
63. Underdeveloped countries are those in which economic structure and development are held back. The causes of the condition of underdevelopment are complex, but two opposing sets of theories dominates discussion. ____ . On the other hand there are the theories that ascribe underdevelopment directly to the distortions of economic structure and the exploitation involved in the relations between the developed and the underdeveloped countries.
In other words, development and underdevelopment are mutually interdependent.
This view implies that the state and process of underdevelopment in certain countries is inevitable.
On the one hand there are those theories that attribute underdevelopment to the internal characteristics of the underdeveloped countries themselves.
Accordingly, such countries are responsible for their own underdevelopment.
However, no country in the world is completely isolated from the current monetary policies.
64. The purpose of a novel varies with its type. Anthony Trollope’s statement has a fundamental validity: “the object of a novel should be to instruct in morals while it amuses.” At one extreme, some novels are expressly meant to teach, such as some children’s novels and social novels. ____ . However, one can say that the aim of most novels is to reveal and stimulate thought about aspects of human behaviour both individually and in personal and social relationships.
Hence, fantasy has become increasingly popular, especially in the form of science fiction.
Therefore, a novel is a fictitious prose narrative, usually of more than fifty thousand words in length.
On the whole, Daniel Defoe is regarded as the first notable English novelist.
At the other, some novels are meant simply as entertainment, such as detective stories and much science fiction.
At the same time, the reading public has increased in numbers, especially among the educated.
65-70 sorularda, anlam bakımından hangi cümlenin parçaya uymadığını bulunuz.
65. (I) In 1965 when Mrs Indira Gandhi became the prime minister of India, she faced serious political problems in the country. (II) For instance, she followed a pro-Soviet foreign policy and, hence, did not react against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. (III) In the first place, she had to consolidate her authority in the Congress Party against the opposition from the Party’s old guard. (IV) Also she had to deal with the terrorist activities in various parts of the country. (V) However, she took courageous steps in her rule and won a landslide election victory in 1971.
66. (I) To understand the British system of government it is essential to appreciate the importance of the party system. (II) Naturally, parties exist to form governments, and in Britain the path to this goal lies in the House of Commons, for the party which obtains a majority of seats has the right to form the government. (III) Since the 17th century, two parties have usually been predominant in British politics. (IV) Until the 1920s these were the Tories (the Conservatives) and the Whigs (the Liberals), and since the 1930s the Conservatives and the Labour. (V) So far many reforms have been introduced to improve the local election system.