Tá Yésus quente hildoryannar: “Mauya i tulir i castar lantiéva, mal horro i quenen ter ye tulilte! 2 Qui ondo muliéva náne panyaina *os axerya, ar anes hátina mir i ear, ta náne sen arya lá tyarie i lante ero mici pityar sine!
3 Cima inde! Qui hánolya úcare, áse naitya, ar qui samis inwis, ásen apsene. 4 Ar qui lúr otso mi erya aure úcaris lyenna ar nanwenis lyenna lúr otso, quétala, 'Samin inwis!', ásen apsene!
5 Ar i aposteli quenter i Herunna: “Ámen anta amba savie!” 6 Mal i Heru quente: “Qui sámelde savie ve erde *sinapio, pollelde quete morpialda sinanna: 'Tuca ama şundulyar ar na empánina i earesse' – ar carumnes ve quetielda.
Then Jesus said to his disciples: “It is necessary [= unavoidable] that the reasons for falling come, but woe to the person that they come through! 2 If a stone of grinding [= a mill-stone] was put around his nect, and he was thrown into the sea, that was to him better than causing the fall of one among these little ones!
3 Take heed of yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he has a change of mind, forgive him. 4 And if seven times in a single day he sins against you and he returns to you seven times, saying: 'I have a change of mind!', forgive him!
5 And the apostles said to the Lord: “Give us more faith!” 6 But the Lord said: “If you had faith like a seed of mustard, you could say to this mulberry tree [morpialda for mor-pie-alda 'black-berry-tree]: 'Pull up your roots and be planted in the sea' – and it was going to do according to your saying.