2 ve acámielmet illon minyave náner astarmoli ar núroli i quetto, 3

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After these things the Lord chose seventy others and sent them forth two and two before himself, to every village that he himself would come to. 2 He said to them: “The harvest is abundant, but those who work are few. Therefore ask of the Lord of the harvest, for him to send people to gather his harvest. 3 Go out! Behold! I send you like lambs among wolves. 4 Do not carry a pouch, or a bag for food, or a pair of shoes; and do not greet anyone on the road. 5 When you come into a house, first say: 'May this house have peace!' 6 And if [there] is there a friend of peace, your peace will rest upon him. But if [there] is not one, it will return to you. 7 Therefore remain in that house, eating and drinking the things that they give you, for [he] who works is worthy of his reward. Do not move from house to house.

8 Furthermore, when you go into a city and they receive you, eat the things put before you, 9 and heal the sick ones in it, and tell them: 'God's kingdom has come near to you.' 10 But whenever you come into a city and they do not receive you, go into their broad ways and say: 11 'Also [/even] the dust which stuck to our feet [dual] from your city we shake away to you. But this thing you are to know, that God's kingdom has come near!' I tell you: To Sodom the day of judgement will be more bearable than what it will be to that city.
13 Horro lyen, Corasin! Horro lyen, Vet-Saira! An qui i taure cardar yar amartier letse martaner mi Tír ar Síron, andanéya hirnelte inwis, hámala mi *fillanne ar *litte. 14 Etta Tíren ar Síronen i namie nauva *cólima lá lent! 15 Ar elye, Capernaum, ma cé nauval ortaina menelenna? Undu Mandostonna tuluval!

16 Ye lasta lenna lasta ninna. Ar ye loita cime lé, loita cime ní. Ente, ye loita cime ní, loita cime ye ni-mentane.”

17 Tá i *otoquean nanwenner mi alasse, quétala: “Heru, yando i raucoin mauya cime canwalmar mi esselya!” 18 Tá quentes téna: “Cennen Sátan lantienwa ve íta et menello. 19 Yé! Ánien len i túre *vettien nu taluldat leucar ar *nastaror ar i quanda melehte i ñottova, ar munta pole harna le. 20 Mal áva same alasse pa turielda or i raucor, mal sama alasse pan esseldar anaier técine menelde.”
13 Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty deeds that have happened in you [dual] happened in Tyre and Sidon, long ago they found repentence, sitting in sack and ash. 14 Therefore for Tyre and to Sodom the judgement will be more bearable than for you! [dual] 15 And you, Capernaum, will you perhaps be raised up to heaven? Down to Mandos [Hades] you will come!

16 [He] who listens to you listens to me. And [he] who fails to heed you, fails to heed me. Therefore, [he] who fails to heed me, fails to heed [the one] who sent me.”

17 Then the seventy returned with [lit. in] joy, saying: “Lord, also [/even] for the demons it is necessary to heed our orders in your name!” 18 Then he said to them: “I saw Satan fallen like a flash out of heaven. 19 Behold! I have given you the power to trample under your feet serpents and scorpions and the entire might of the enemy, and nothing can wound you. But do not have joy about your control over the demons, but have joy since your names have been written in heaven.”
21 Lúme yanasse anes anvalima i Aire Feanen ar quente: “Laitan tye, Atar, Heru or menel cemenye, an unurtiel nati sine sailallon ar handallon, ar ápantiel tai lapsin. Ná, Átar, an carie sie náne mára hendulyatse. 22 Ilye nati anaier antaine olla nin lo Atarinya, ar man i Yondo ná *úquen ista hequa i Atar, ar man i Atar ná, *úquen ista hequa i Yondo, ar aiquen yen i Yondo mere apanta se.”

23 Ar apa querie inse i hildonnar quentes: “Valime nát i hendu yat yétat yar elde yétar. 24 An quetin lenna: Rimbe Erutercánoli ar aralli merner cene i nati yar elde yétar, mal ualte cenne tai, ar hlare i nati yar elde hlarir, mal ualte hlasse tai.”
21 At that time he was most happy by the Holy Spirit and said: “I praise you, Father, Lord over heaven and earth, for you have hidden these things from wise ones and from intelligent ones, and you have revealed them to babes. Yes, Father, for doing so was good in your eyes. 22 All things have been given over to me by my Father, and who the Son is nobody knows except the Father, and who the Father is, nobody knows except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”

23 And after turning [Q: turning himself] towards the disciples he said: “Happy are the eyes [dual] that behold [the things] you behold. 24 For I say to you: Numerous prophets and kings wished to see the things that you behold, but they did not see them, and hear the things that you hear, but they did not hear them.”

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