92 Hamlet ISAXANL1 IN SE
learning Institutions of the first category *. To finance the university mainly from two sources: private tuition and the state budget providing average expenditure amount for each student. To give preferences in salaries to those faculty members who speak English.**
4°. To organize the first enrollment to the university in 1991 in four groups consisting of 15-20 students each in following subjects:
"Economics and Management", "International relations and political sciences", "Computer, Statistics and Mathematical Sciences" and "Ecology".
It is advisable to train specialists in biology, medicine and other agai
professions at the University in the future. lossi
5°. The Institute of National Economy Management at the Cabinet of of 1
Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Ministry of Education are to
solve the problems of equipment, library, laboratory of oral speech and wer
publishing. To accommodate the English Language Azerbaijan University at
the building of the Institute of National Economy Management. No>
6°. State Planning Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic and the
Ministry of Finance to solve all the problems of financing the University,
buying furniture, all type of equipment and transportation. ane
7°. The Ministry of Communication to provide the English Language Th<
Azerbaijan University with a governmental phone*** and other phones.
8°. Head Construction Company of Baku to make operational the hotel spe
type hostel of the Institute of National Economy Management in 1992 for the English Language Azerbaijan University.
9°. City Executive Committee of Baku to solve the issue of the university hit
building and provide five apartments for visiting teachers, until the end of "N
1991. • dk
Some elements of the constitution (e.g. high salaries) made it a top education Institute according to rankings of the Ministry of Education.
** The regulations that guaranteed high salaries for English speaking employees in some organizations are implied here.
**" Automatic telephone station providing special and direct communication with high rank officials and offices is meant here.
10°. Department of Science and Education of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic to take control of carrying out of this Resolution.
26. Falsification of the election results is implied here.
Once Khan gave Molla a donkey and told him to teach donkey how to speak. Molla was offered a great amount of money for this work. Molla of course agreed with Khan and asked to be given 5 years to teach the donkey. When Mollavs wife heard about this impossible work she cried and begged him to explain why he had committed such a stupid action. His answer was: "My dear wife, God is merciful. In five years, either Khan or donkey will die. Both of them are guests in this world."