A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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Treatise on Civil Life

A castle town has many fields and rice paddies. When they are being worked there is always a flurry of activity. Where there is no evil there are courts that are enforcing the laws. Society has set up rules, which protect and provide for the innocent and apprehend and deter the outlaws. Where there is no evil the stone walls within a prison are generally empty. Wiseman are always watching out for bad people and ensuring they are brought to justice. Governments usually provide valuable assistance in enforcing their laws and rules.

A brave soldier can be weighted down with personal gain or profit. That is why he must shed the tangible and live the way he was intended. The fruits of ones labors can many forms. Everyone is responsible for its natural wealth. Everyone in their own way contributes to the wealth so all may benefit from it at some time in the future. That is how economies grow and prosper. However, there are some statesmen who are greedy and try to rob honest hard working people, but the wise man is always looking out for these types. A good statesman is one who is honest and wants only the best for his people.
In addition a wise man can teach his people how to look for the bad ones. His subjects will support a wise ruler who advocates honesty and good morals. A ruler whose people show good moral character is less apt to be heavy handed when ruling.
When a ruler has to defend he can do so as required. But one who try's to over dominate will suffer the consequences.
A Translation from

The Brush Master

A good government and a good ruler result in popular sentiment and a stabilized society. A soldier and his self-interest or desires should not run or rule a government.

A soldier though with a strong spirit and good mind that thinks of others before him is the one who should rule. These types of people are more apt to seek peace before war. This is what Kanchu believes.

One good man is all it takes to run a government properly. By utilizing good techniques, proper face, and a strong spirit will the face of all be deemed a wise and just ruler?
Thusly a good government is built on peace and prosperity. There should also be in this equation a definite spiritual quality, which is dual in nature.
1. A spirit of peace and 2. A spirit of war each should be so designed that a wise ruler of good moral character and good spiritual consciousness will rise up and rule a government, as it is suppose to be. Ruling properly has two other sides one from the normal moral view and one from the Buddhist materialistic point of view. A good government provides a good livelihood for all of its subjects. Being politically sound is also a good trait to have when being a ruler. A ruler who has Shobu no Seishin can be very effective also when this type of spirit is required. The material basics for this spiritual attitude need to be discovered and practiced in order to be effective. The idea of militarism and spirit are connected to Shobu Seishin.
Kanchu is trying introduce here for us 2500 years of logic which was used in era's far less civilized then now in areas where no logic was being applied or just beginning to be introduced as a tool for rulers.


Haru Aki Sashiden
There are three works or legends of import in the Haru Aki. Of the 8 centuries in which these documents were written 5 of the 8 are considered important. During these times various accounts were recorded. One was from the Haru Aki Sashiden, Haru Aki Koden, and the Haru Aki Kokuryoden.

These three narratives dealt with a variety of literary arts or works. These were of immense value and still are. The Haru Aki Sashiden was basically a history book. Although the author was obscure in his works many are valid historical accounts. Two of these works Shimensen and Sakeimei should be looked at closely. The Haru Aki Sashiden told of Kwanko the Chinese Hero (Sai I Kigenzen 711 694). This work is about Kobushi Jutsu. It also tells of the exploits of Kwanko.

Chikuden Shojuhen

Haru Aki Sashiden yori

Next let’s look at Russia and their connection to Kwanko and his wife. Excerpts for this next piece of information are from various Buddhists transcripts. Kwanko's wife Kyoshi had a faithless love for her husband. Her destiny was to commit adultery. Kwanko was forced to flee his country and seek a new companion for himself. This was initiated because he was contemplating murdering his wife. However, to murder someone takes quite bit of fortitude especially in Kwanko's case. Details of these writings are sketchy at best. Some of the writings actually made Kwanko out to be a killer.
Therefore, in this text it states that there was three other people involved in the kidnapping and attempted murder of Kwanko's wife. However, she was warned of the attack and fled.
In this next introductory presentation we will talk of the aim of Kobushi-Ho which if understood can see possibilities of what one can do if properly trained.
Let’s look to Russia now for more on Kwanko. When one leaves his country for whatever reason he is usually followed. It is the obligation of both countries to follow people who leave under mysterious circumstances. Up unti1 now there were no safeguards in place to track people. Since that time the government took firm actions to track people who leave under less auspicious circumstances as to the reasons why, one will see in the following text.
There are historical accounts of similar happenings aside form Kwanko's that lead to certain precedents being set by other countries to prevent such occurrence’s. The Haru Aki Sashiden states that there were recorded instances of killings, which took place in other countries. The method of the killings appeared to be done by someone skilled in Kobushi Ho. Additional documents uncovered from the reign of Prince Sho B.C. 693 662 indicates that similar instances happened during his tenure.
During a 12 period in the autumn season for example 10,000 lords were ordered to hunt down and kill a certain prince named Binko. They were also ordered to make look like someone skilled in Kobushi-Ho did it. Other similar incidents happened in other provinces also. This was an attempt to bring a bad name for Kobushi Ho and its followers. This reason is only an assumption. The real reason is still a mystery.
Chikuden Shoji Hen ya

Haru Aki Sashiden yori

The next issue deals with certain hand strikes utilizing the hand, elbow or foot. This subject is also connected to a certain string of unsolved murders located at Somangukyo Bokukan Mon (Somangukyu Bokukan Gate). There is the "The Strike" and there is the "Controlled Strike" how you utilize it and when is determined by the user. The user also controls the extent of the damage done. Some strikes had immediate affect some were not felt until later. One who possesses a strong spirit or Ki and extensive knowledge of the anatomy and acupuncture points can only accomplish this.
Let’s look at excerpts from the Haru Aki Koyoden. These deal with one of the 12 feudal states, which were involved in a murder at Soman Hisaku Kyuboku Seikishi. The use of the sword hand as a crushing strike is referenced to along with the strikes utilizing the arm, elbow, and palm. These strikes if used properly could take a life or give life.
These strikes were also identified as the same ones Kwanko supposedly used when he was involved in certain supposed incidents during B.C 609 591. A certain Lord Shin was at a party once and went outside the gate on an errand. A soldier it is said was standing nearby and beckoned the Lord to demonstrate something to him. The Lord subsequently lowered his shield and was killed by a hand strike. The guard was never seen again. The shield no doubt was an important piece of hardware to have back then. It was sometimes an effective deterrent against a hand or foot attack.

Chikunai Shoyu yoku

Haru Aki Sashiden yori
The way of the shield was known best by the emperor’s elite guard but sometimes not as effective as one would think. Attacks like this were common against an opponent who was armed. Even if the attacker kills his opponent and dies he still accomplished his mission.
These incidents were taken from historical records on different types of murder and their methods. The point her is that there were highly trained individuals that were trained in had combat and knew various ways to kill or disable an opponent. It takes even more skill to kill with one strike, which was the case in several incidents.

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