A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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Although the guard in the above mentioned article as the attacker was old at the time and the prince young. But as the story went age did not play into this. The guard was a practitioner of an old art. He was strong, quick and sure in his attempt. The same strikes but used with different variations on armed opponents were quite effective.
For example when opponent attacks with a halberd one could utilize the slapping strike or the capturing strike these were the same movements that animals used to swing ones arm like a beast would can be effective especially the tiger or the bear. However, to swing recklessly can be hazardous and is not an act of bravery but self-preservation. When one is engaged in combat utilizing empty hands or weapons a certain amount of expertise is required to be effective.

Gain all you can in Spirit thru

Military Preparation
From the Haru Aki Kokuryoden the following is written down. Of the 25 volumes, which comprise this work, we will talk about the background as was recorded by government administrators. It should be pointed out that this was an opinion of the then government and that this rationale may or may not be agreed upon by private citizen, literary people or martial people.
However, if the above-mentioned classes were to abide by this rationale the meaning of Bubi would be that one must polish his spirit and technique/tactics especially the ones in the military. People who are trained in Bujutsu and who are a part of the military system had a better chance of learning and understanding military strategies.
The above-mentioned Kokuryoden is an important document to research. Those writings were important during the learning stages of Bubi. With so many countries embroiled in civil war this was of special import to planners and tacticians. People either studying Bu or Bun aspects of their art could gain valuable knowledge from Bubi. People who were self reliant, strong of spirit in there art know well the benefits of Bubi.
According to certain records Confucius stated that the requirement would be to join Bubi and Bunji.
This combination would lead a person to another art called Bunbu Ryodo. A person trained in Bunbu Ryodo would have the expertise to deal effectively with people as a leader.
During this time other countries were interested in this principle. The Crown Prince from Russia was one who had traveled to the ancient Province of Sei to learn this art of Bubi.
Bunbu Ryodo which was comprised of private and martial groups kept this way alive which enabled them to endure the Sengaku Jidai all the way thru to the Heiwa Jidai. During that time these individuals or groups did what they had to do to survive and maintain peace at the same time.

The premise of this way of life is the pen and the sword. This was thought the only way to live in peace and harmony.

If mankind can adhere to this principle and government and private citizen alike can live and work together for the common good a status quo can be maintained. The idea of Jisho no Seishin must be a factor in one's lifestyle. Through Bunbu Ryodo, mankind can always improve on his lifestyle and defending himself and his kingdom. In addition there must always be a continuous effort put forth in studying and mastering the basics in order for these principles to work.

Defeating Techniques
In this section we will be dealing with different techniques. A Chinese Mystic by the name of Junshi (Jap) Hsun Tse (Chi) BC 315 236 will be discussed briefly.

This individual was given an honorary title of lord. According to Mencious this was an extraordinary happening especially during the Sengaku Jidai. This was a very prestigious title to receive. Junshi was a famous character in many books and plays. Many requests for information have been received on this famous mystic. Junshi was a Confucianist studying standard norms and moral values. Junshi’s bloodline can be traced to many famous lords and princes. His forefathers were important government officials. Junshi’s exploits are well documented.

One who is so skilled and continues to have heavens gift on his side is one side of coin. On the other side we have evil. This comes from the Doctrine of the origin of man and sin. Junshi seems to be in diametrical opposition to the Doctrine of Menicous which just talks of mans innate good, but mentions nothing of evil.
At this time it appears that most people believed in one or another. For people who think that there is only good, this can be an educational eye opener. According to most theologians there is the good and there is the bad. One cannot exist without the other. Junshi had authored 20 volumes of books. Ten of the volumes dealt with discussions on Kobushi Gi.
Other volumes dealt with Kobushi Ho and it applications. Junshi was one of the people who had perfected Kobushi Gi. This can be seen in certain poems written in the Sokushi Shokusakin.
As we move on we can see that certain provinces had different specializations and applications for techniques. Some are for private people and some are for the soldier on the battlefield.
"Learn to lean to one side or the other with no mind"
A country soldier is apt to lean to far either way unless he has been properly trained. In Sei province the attacking techniques used in were known as Fu no Gi (Wind Techniques). This type of technique was used to decapitate enemies. One who specializes in these techniques could deal effectively with any opponent or opponents. Different types of hand techniques were also used on the battlefield to sow disorder amongst the enemy.
Soldiers skilled in these techniques were of critical value to a battlefield commander. 'If a command did not have soldiers of this caliber they were considered weak.
Meiji Shoin yori
In this next discussion is a writing of ten volumes, which discusses different opinions on the art of war. A man of virtue who is a descendant from heaven may be a good military commander or ruler. It all depends on his training and background. As local armed forces were expanded the virtue of their origin determined if they were to be successful or not. The more the local citizenry were involved in warfare they more variety you obtain. There were those of low ranks who rose to high ranks because of their background or their ability to excel in a certain art form.
These people were gradually integrated into the normal ranks to form an effective fighting force. Commanders were always looking for qualified people to serve.
This article on war and its scope is good resource material, which can be applied to any situation during wartime. A full time soldier can be powerful in any situation. This is based on knowledge of military strategy and tactics.
Next we read about how Karate is used to defeat an opponent skilled in Bujtsu. This can be understood in the exploits of Jakuki Chozen and his techniques on crowds and individuals. As this chapter continues we look at another individual Seicho Socho who distinguished himself in many wars. It is like the people above who have risen from the masses to become famous and have performed many meritorious deeds for their country. These types of people who excelled in the Bu and Bun arts are the greatest leaders of a nation.

Other people who were not as skilled remained foot soldiers but were still considered 'a valuable asset. One must endeavor to polish his technique and be able to deal with people effectively. By polishing your technique and sharpening your mind you will be able to think clearly and make good decisions. Soldiers vary from each province and era. For example hand picked soldiers from Wei province or the Shin Dynasty was always different in utilizing style and or technique.

The Manchu's had one good soldier Seitake Shinbun. He had the temperance to deal with large army's. He always knew when to strike and when to withdraw and was not afraid to employ new techniques. He also knew the meaning of self-restraint and humility. He knew how to deal with hostile soldiers and forces alike. The Chou soldiers on the other hand were always hostile and wanted to burn everything into non existence. That is why that era was crushed and crumbled so easily when it was attacked.
A man by the name Kosho Socho was is such good shape health wise and strength wise that in order for people to know a certain technique was used he developed a hand salute to form a bond of conformity with his techniques and his followers. Lets take a look at Gigeki as it was originally written was written and was­ pronounced "ruku, and when attached with Utsu it means to strike. Also used with the last Kanji character was the Kanji Geki, which means to conquer or defeat. Utsu means to slap or strike.
In the same section of the Chinese Classic called Kancho there is reference to a term called Keihoshi, which refers to extraordinary feats of strength, which were performed by Seimin I. This mans striking techniques were very strong. Also mentioned is Ikakei I who was a very strong martial soldier who excelled in technique.
The Manchu's had a man called Shoi Eishisho. A soldier’s skill at staying alive was one of polishing his hand and foot fighting techniques. Soldiers like Benki Ki, Sekikikan, and Iryuko Shushusho.
Techniques for a soldier in battle are his mainstay for survival. Gijutsu and Kobushi Ho enabled the soldier to utilize power thru mobility when attacking, defending and or repositioning during a battle. This is how you control an opponent. This then leads to Shu Te Ashi. In Kobushi Utsu the foot is noted as the key element in staying mobile. The Chinese noted that (Ch’uan T’ou Chiao Kobushi Cho Kyaku Shuku - Kicking Techniques and Ken Tou Kyakusen (Chluan T’ou Chiao Ti = Kobushi to Tsumasaki) or fighting with the tips of the toes was also of great import. Hand and Foot Fighting Techniques are of great import.
When training with the hands and feet it must understood to train the tips of the fingers and the toes this is stressed in Kobushi­ Jutsu and Taijutsu. One must also study and train every part of the body thoroughly. More importantly one must look at Gigeki and Bujutsu, which are an important part of Kobushi Ho. Gijutsu, is vital to this art. In the soldiers volume of this art it states that proper techniques must be used to protect the upper half of the body.

The rationale behind a man of virtue is that he must rise above all others and must also possess Ishin. He must be strong and agile of limb and must possess great inner strength.
People like Shinshi Okunya Kashi Oyoya, Jakushi Shijifu, and Dashi Keiji. These were all young string leaders of the martial way. Saji Shishi and Yoya Kyoji were two exceptional people who knew how to utilize their skills and strength properly.
The man who is virtuous uses his power wisely and guides his soldiers to victory by using this cohesion.
Those who did not listen or were against usually fell by the way. Leaders who bore strong sons were able to pass these skills on thus perpetuating the line and carrying on traditions.
These leaders were always training every part of their body head, arms, legs, and torso. This training was not just for the exterior. The interior of the body was also trained. A good leader trained his troops thru good use of technique. Another reason this tact was used was that other people who observed him during these demonstrations of strength knew they were dealing with an extraordinary individual. Effective use of strength plus proper spirit or attitude was enough to deter most opponents or doubters.

Tosei Jisen Eiyaku

Jinshi yori
Sonkei Shi and Rinbukan were two others who gained popularity because they were able unify their soldiers thru strength and proper attitude. They gained their strength by unifying heaven and earth.
A man of virtue whether a soldier or leader can acquire exceptional skills thru proper training and thru this path these people could solve any problem posed.
Let’s look closer at the aspect of Gigeki Teki especially, the Hand, Arm and Elbow. The elbow joint the pivotal point for the arm and the wrist joint being the pivotal point for the hand. The wrist and elbow were not excluded from being weapons they can be formidable tools. To protect the head the hand an arm were used in a rising fashion. Both strong arm and chest muscles were required to support this defense.
In order for a person to be effective through in Kobushi Ho or Kobushi Jutsu one must utilize all parts of the body effectively. A strong body, spirit, and technique are three pre requisites for a good warrior. Posture must also be looked at. Being able to weave all these together requires exceptional skills.
The author of Jinshi Junka states that in order to understand Kobushi Jutsu one has to learn to apply impeccable technique. From this comes the phrase that was coined above "A Strong Leader Must is Always Young and Strong of Body". During the 3rd Century when the Senkoku Jidai was ongoing the used of techniques became more organized and moved forward to be integrated and refined for use with Kobushi Jutsu.
It takes a long time to understand and learn what historical and literary records have for us. However, there is more to it than just words. One must read and apply the old ways to your daily life in order to understand any of this.
Moreover, during the Senkoku Jidai the military training also included Military Encouragement, Fist Bravery, and Military Courage, along with a variety of Fistway techniques to include the Crushing Strike, Punching Strike, Military Preparedness, Gigeki, Tehikan Tomoku, and Jifu Fukuya. Most of the research data on this was gathered from the 8th thru the'5th century during the Haru Aki era. According to historians Kobushi Ho started in the rural areas then it developed thru the years in the mountain regions steeped in mystery. Kobushi Ho made many changes and advances in the 182 some odd years of its development into a traditional system. Kobushi Ho's men of talent had to have high qualifications and were only allowed to teach by government appointment. Eventually Kobushi Ho was integrated into the military system, which some people were against fearing that the art would be diluted or put completely under government, control. Many Kobushi Ho/Kobushi jutsu people were wary about being under social scrutiny. Some thought that in the distant ages to come the attitude would change. Historically Kobushi Ho/Jutsu was kept secret for many eras’.

226   206

Kigenzen 3rd Seki Shoto

Te Utsu

This was an era whose short 15 years were eradicated during the time in which the Shin Dynasty gained some fame. Historically the Shin Dai was quite famous. They built a square wall around China. The person responsible for this was Funsho Kou Jya.

From the early part of the 3rd century to early part of the 1st century


(Hand Standards) (Threatening Movements)
From before the Han Dynasty are a few examples historical facts of Shimesan. The following is also added information on Bujutsu and Kobushi Jutsu from 97 BC the following information may be of help to some.
The following are accounts of individuals who developed and used a pulling and striking method of defense. One individual was an emperor called Tei Chushiben Shoshitsu whose extraordinary technique coupled with extraordinary sight and hearing abilities made him very famous.

Only an exceptional person who possesses powerful Ki when utilizing this technique could just as fierce as the animal he copied it from when striking. It was so powerful that it could also be used to dissuade a person without physical contact who was found committing any act of unwanted violence.

This emperor was also known to make famous speeches about revolution in that he wanted to help his country. He did so by traveling from province to province making known his intentions. He was also known to have fought with a variety of fierce animals testing his skills and techniques.

A good leader has to have the intellect to deal subjects properly and still be harsh when the occasion arises. One has to use his power properly lest his subjects revolt and turn on the user.
Shisenko Sanhontatsu

Fuki Shiki #1

Tokukan Shobukan yori
There were many emperors through who had power and abused it. They tried to learn certain arts and employed any method to gain this information for personal gain. Others followed him but the career they set out never really blossomed because they had bad Ki and the wrong spirit.
The hand standards and hand strikes which have the same meaning when applied to Karate or Kobushi would never have flourished under this emperor because of certain attributes being unpolished'.
According to the Haru Aki there were two emperors’ who had the requisite talent and chivalrous spirit to handle a fief and or manage and practice a martial art. They were Somatsusha Rojin and Iyurikuji Rosho.
Somatsusha's martial arts were very powerful both in technique and spirit, He was liked by all especially for his insight when leading people. These alone allowed him to standup to this enemy and still win. Some of the strikes he employed were the crushing strike, crushing side strikes, and a rubbing strike. He used a crushing strike once against a Karate expert with devastating results.
The term crushing strike as written in Kanji and

hiragana are Rosatsu or Hishigi. The only difference between he two is the way they are written.

According to the Haru Aki Zashiden, this is a volume, dealing again with the exploits of Kwanko. Apparently for whatever reason Kwanko and a man called Joko planned a murder utilizing the crushing strike in Russia to make it look like something other than a hand strike. Other people i.e., Roshoko, Ryoho, Benki, ana Ryoko also trained and used this powerful strike on a variety of occasion's. Of the group Ryoho who died at an early age was the only one to be noticed by the emperor and received a posthumous title of Wainan 0 Ryuan. A Taoist priest known as Shumukin is also noted as making comments that attribute to Ryoho's abilities with hand and foot. It was said that his strikes could actually crush bone. One must look at the physical strength with proper spirit that it would take to perform such a feat.

(A.D. 25   230)
(From early in the 1st Century to the early part of the 3rd Century)
(Kansho/Chinese Classics)
In both the Zenkan (Early Han Era) and the Gokan (Later Han Era) we have numerous historical accounts depicting many events from both eras. In each case Kansho, Shiki or the Hansho were the main references. One such reference comes from Hanko no Kansho Shimesen. This is a common reference for historical purposes. History books have recorded this account to use as precursors for new literary styles. These references are often very profound and difficult to understand. Other lessor records used as references are the Ryosho (Old Writings) which are sometimes used to authenticate older biographical records. These were also used during ancient times to gain insight to other more archaic writings or depictions. They were used to gain objectivity of certain events or happenings.
Sometimes these accounts went against what the Kansho stated during the rise and fall of the Han dynasty. However, they were limited in scope or purpose.
It should be noted that the Kansho does have validity even though accounts differ. It is a compilation of 92 years of hard work and documentation.
Its contents comprise 120 volumes, 12 emperor's accounts, 8 emperor memoirs, and 70 series of biographies. One hundred of these volumes dealt with the framework for this writing 10 other records dealt with laws and lawmakers, etiquette, music, criminal law, food allowances, and art & literature.

There are 10 other middle records, which contain more information on art & literature and popular names. Other writings talk of sages, art and crafts, poems, books dealing with military science, figure art, and method art.

Kansho really devoted a majority of its work toward arts and literature. There are many off shoot sections, which deal with a variety of lessor subjects. Chugoku Gakujitsu is also listed as source of information for further readings. The literary arts section founder claimed the key to life is based on reading. The arts and literature were required reading by all teachers. Chugoku Gakujitsu is akin to a doorway, which must be looked at objectively in order to understand its many meanings.

(Hand Strikes in Six Volumes)
Shuhaku up until now as one might ask how many times must a person strike an opponent to be effective. One must look at and understand the real meaning of the Karate or Kobushi strike. Chinese Kobushi Ho trained people during the Sengaku Jidai who were known as men of talent or virtue. Qualifications for this class of people were very strict and these people were expected to face insurmountable odds and come out victorious. During ancient times Chinese Kobushi Ho experts were socially and politically adept and were familiar with all military type affairs. In order for one to profit from all this and know how to be effective one must know that the best hand technique is like the sword, the power it takes to keep it sheathed is greater than the power of its use.
Therefore, during the Han Dai Chinese Kobushi Ho was suitable only for the virtuous. Its origins were promoted in regions which deep in civil strife.
During these times Bujutsu was also being developed who origins can also be traced back to Kobushi Ho. Once this system was observed during ancient times Kobushi Ho forms reflect a lot of what Bujutsu stands for.
This is also noted in a military section of Kansho called Geibun Shi Geibun Shi’s military science section talks of Shuhaku in (6) volumes. In the contents there is a section of military science applications for the Shuhaku.
Another volume called the Heisho, which is comprised of 16 sections, which contain 33 books. There are few books, which match this information as far as detail and formal documentation.


(AD 25   220)


(Hand Techniques in Six Volumes)

Unfortunately according to historians these records were lost. It is a shame in that those compilations could not shed more lights on hand techniques their applications and how they were developed.
During the present day there are people still trying to understand hand techniques that were used during ancient times. There are so many unanswered questions from the beginning of the Chinese historical era, which includes the In, Chou, Shin and Han Dynasties. These were the four most famous era’s. Chinese Kobushi Ho technique's system was established, known to work, and advanced in late years to heights unheard of. Even during the last thralls of the Han Dynasty the Shuhaku was used as the basis for the Kobushi Ho Kata.
Even though the contents of this information were lost the legend still lives on. There are still 53 volumes unaccounted for. If these could be found many unanswered questions could be solved. There is a unique carved seal on each volume, which was how they were identified.

Even if you were to say match up Kobushi Ho records and the Heisho records one would not be able to glean much without the original text with the carved seal. The writing's of the new age were circulated and handed down thru legend. Again in ancient times Chinese Kobushi Ho teachers trained not only virtuous men but men of nobility who the public knew well. The Chinese Bujin and their commensurate art of Bujutsu were trained to such a degree that their exploits are still read about even today. In any case the effect that Shuhaku would have had if the original documentation were available would enable its users to understand the hand strike and its applications better.


During the Manchu Dynasty period Heiho (Military Science) that comprised 1304 volumes of which there were 6,831 sections. To date about 22% of these volumes have survived. There are 288 volumes with about 2,106 sections, which are still in existence.
In reality the volumes on military science covers only about 78%. The rest are unidentified. These thick volumes are difficult at best to read let alone understand. It is regrettable that key pieces of these writings especially information on Shuhaku are missing.
From the Kansho Geibun Shi we can gather from six volumes that are lost that information on Master Sages, Poems, Military Science, Fighting Techniques and Shuhaku are missing. Heiho is an outline in 4 sections. Military Strategy War Tactics comprise 259 volumes with information on 113 families. Other areas are military form or kata, military strength. War tactics comprise 92 volumes with information form 11 advisors with 18 sections dealing with information Yin and Yan and how they apply to military science. Military systems comprise 249 volumes with information form 16 families and 10 sections on military skills and battle techniques. These comprise 199 volumes with information form 13 advisors.
The four big parts concerning military techniques which are important to know. Some of the areas concerned with Shuhaku and Heiho are listed below:
  Heigi 199 Volumes 13 Advisors  
1. Ho Shi Heiho 10 Volumes w/ One Illustrated Volume
2. Go Shi 10 Volumes w/ One Illustrated Volume
3. Kosho Shi 5 Volumes
4. Byo Shi 5 Volumes w/ One Illustrated Volume
5. Homon Shagi 2 Volumes


6. Ontsuto Shagi 11 Volumes


7. Rishogun Shagi 3 Volumes


8. Iki Shi Shagi 6 Volumes


9. Kyodo Shogun Shagi 5 Volumes


10.Boen Rendo Shagi 15 Volumes


11.Gogun Shagi 0 Ga Shasho 5 Volumes
12.Fuso Shi Kagi 4 Volumes
13. Kendo 38 Volumes
14. Shuhaku 6 Volumes
15. Zoka Heiho 59 Volumes

16 Shukyu 25 Volumes

(AD 25   220)


Shuhaku and Heiho
The two arts one should pay attention to is Kenjutsu

and Kobushi Jutsu. However, they must be looked at separately because each one though is different they share some of the same basic ideology.

Also independent from this is military science. But with this art the two above are required readings.
During the Han Dynasty one had to study Chugoku Bujutsu and master the sword, the fist way, the bow, and the spear.
Both systems were independent but users could take information from both as comparisons. One could then build their career based on one or the other.
Shuhaku Roku Hen and Chugoku Kobushi jutsu origins are written and recorded in history and legend
(Kako Shiden) One must study these records (ones that are available) in order to glean any information that may be of use. One must look deep at this information as the author may have concealed the real meaning in the written text much like "Hagakure".
I cannot stress the importance enough that one should study the Manchu and Han Dynasty's historical information carefully, especially the Sengaku Jidai. Their warlike spirit is said to be like that of "The Wind and Shadows". These eras although turbulent were written about extensively.
If we talk about things like literary matters during these era's we will be able to see the martial arts influence in these writings. Martial arts during these eras were going through their developmental stages. Many arts withered into obscurity. Many authors cataloged these styles and hid them and their information within their own literary writing style. There are numerous writings in the Shiden Sho which if they could be understood much valuable information could be gleaned about Shuhaku.

During the years before the Han Dynasty there were many scholars during the period 53 B.C. to 18 A.D. who were given elevated status's to that of national hero's for their literary efforts. There were many legends written about these scholars and their exploits with martial people. This ensured that their information that they were writing about was accurate. Most of the books were geared toward exegetics.

A lot of profound thought went into these literary writings. Some whose intellect was so deep that the writings they produced had a profound effect on their readers. Some of these writers were Taigenkei, Yoshi Higi, and Choyo Fujo. Fusho who resided at the imperial palace as an advisor verified this. It was said that Choyo Fujo had many Chinese/Japanese poems that were presented to the emperor for review. These poems emulated the spirit of justice in martial people. One is listed below.
A historical account from Emperor Kojo who used to hunt and collect varieties of fierce animals like the black bear, brown bear, tiger and leopard and one year while on a hunt near the Manchu Palace for bear the emperor found one but let it go due to the fact that he came across a rare race of people from the north that were remarkably adept in hand fighting techniques. This race was said to have demonstrated a remarkable art form. They then demonstrated their art to this emperor on the bear he let go by killing it with their bare hands. Word got back to the palace of this remarkable feat of a rare race of people capable of felling animals with their bare hands. This demonstration of life and death struggle between man and animal was magnificent to say the least. Imperial painters on canvas painted scenes of this epic. After this incident a literary artist who also depicted various poses drew up a middle book by different human subjects.
From this then people could view and pose questions and answers which helped to develop different offensive/defensive fighting techniques.
Dai Han Wa Jiten

Vol #11 Daishukan Shoten

The above individuals who were cataloged as fighting wild animals showed an uncanny resemblance to Kobushi Ho Fighting Techniques. Hand techniques had their own particular trademarks when used for self-defense or in battle. Therefore, when man and animal were locked in combat there is a certainty that one or the other will be injured or killed. It takes a high degree of skill and spirit to fell a large animal with just your bare hands, especially large predators. In the old days this type of action was suitable considering the lifestyle. Kata during this time was not important survival was.
Kobushi Ho was not just an exercise and neither was Bujutsu. When used against an opponent ones life or reputation was at stake. One must think carefully when using Kobushi Jutsu hand techniques. These days discretion is the better part of valor. However, back in ancient times one did what one had to do one always utilized the proper mind, body spirit attitude when engaged in combat.

Sankoku Jidai

(403   221)
Karate Shuhi
During the Sengaku Jidai there were three ideas of thought The Confucian, The Buddhist, and the Taoist. Also from this same era came views on Chugoku Kobushi Ho.
An emperor wrote these ideas or points of view from the ancient province of Wei who ruled from 182   226 A.D. His opinions are documented fact. This took place while writing his biography.
These comments centered on his ideas and comments from Funi Shogun Tono, Enyu Shuhi, Gyogo Hei, Yu No's Karate Nyuhakuin (Karate the Naked Sword) and Tono's Kobushi Jutsuls Hand/Elbow techniques.
There were (5) secret arts, which helped develop the upper torso, the chest, arms and shoulders. The five arts were the Bow, the Crossbow, the Katana, the Blade, and the use of heavy armor. Through the development of Karate's "Naked Sword Hand" adepts were able to capture a real sword form an opponent barehanded.
Two things must happen in unison, the mind must be in a state of "Mushin no Shin" and his "Spirit" must be pure in order to perform this technique effectively.

Tono had developed such expertise. To take away an opponent’s sword barehanded or by brute force is not the proper way. One must control the opponent. To do this you must control your opponent’s spirit and alter his state of mind accordingly. The same method is used in most martial arts at the higher levels. As is done with Kendo the same applies to open hand defense. Another point to remember is that the Katana and the Sword Hand have two edges one that can take a life and one that can spare a life. The open hand karate techniques can also be applied to defend against the spear or other weapons.

Nambokucho Jidai
(North/South Dynasty Wars) Note: This book states the dates of this era to be 1336   1392. However other sources state (Jap/Eng Character Dictionary 1987 states that this era's dates were 317   589)

(Fistway Victory)
During the closing years of the Nambokucho era there was a Buddhist Priest by the name of Bodhai Daruma who was the founder of a Zen sect who went on a Journey to China. This was during Hanka (398   445) which was before the Zenkan 206 B.C.   C. AD 8). This part of the world was still unexplored and was just opening up.
According to the Ryohoden the hand spear (Open Hand Attack) was then considered a superior striking weapon in that this technique was used to evade and counterattack with devastating results. Ryoho no Shugeki or spear hand was when developed to its fullest was like an attacking sword blade all one saw was a flash of movement.
It is suggested that one should if available study carefully the records of the In, Chou, Shin and Han era's in order to gain more insight into this simple but devastating technique.
For one to be expert in this technique one must see how it was developed and how it was used and the training techniques used to enable an individual to be an expert with the hand spear.
Information on Daruma's travels and his development and organization of Kobushi Gi must also be researched in order to understand what technique is or is not. Only after exhaustive research and training will one truly understand the hand techniques of Chinese Kobushi Ho. The oldest known record of Chinese Kobushi Ho is the Kobushi Sho Shuhaku in (6) volumes. They’re those also trying to rid the country of this art and its practitioners. It was said it had been developed to such a degree that its misuse could become a danger to all men.

Section III

Dai Rokuko Doin to Chugoku Kobushi Ho Doin (An Introduction to the Great Rokuko and to Chinese Kobushi Ho)
This is an introduction into the spirit of the human body and how to develop the interior portion of the human body to include proper hygiene. There are all kinds of controls and desires within the human body or psyche. We will be talking about a breathing method for the interior and how to calm the spirit, which resides inside the body. The method is called "Shinkokyu".
This introduction will cover from ancient China and up until the Gendai or new era. What we will be covering is proper medical care of the body to include proper health care, gymnastics and hygiene. We will look at a variety of techniques from general massage to controlled massage. We will see from massage, gymnastics, breath preparation, breathing practice how to breathe properly and how to regulate breathing during exercise in order to maintain this vessel we call a body.
By combining proper breathing and medical care of the body during exercise we learn also how to build proper mind, body and spirit attitude.

An introduction into the ancient ways leads the way to learning proper basics, which will enable us to master the martial way easier.

Lets look at a few examples of ways to develop the body properly thru an introduction into Lao Tzu's way Indian Amma Ho (Massage Way), introduction to the (18) ways of Arhat (Buddhist's Who Have Achieved Enlightenment), Intro. To the Brahaman Way, which has (11) examples on the development of strength, Getals (5) bird exercises, introduction into the way of Eishu and Chinkidai’s (24) ways of Zaho.

Particular attention should be paid to Getals (5) bird spirit way. Trying to give more detail on this would take up volumes. So we leave it up to the reader to do the research. In a section of the Shoden Sei there is information Chinese Bujutsu and Rin Kobushi and Taikyoku Kobushi. In these are detailed descriptions of the above. This is suggested as a good reference guide.

The ancient Chinese ways according to certain studies was the practice of prolonged life and or perennial youth. There were also ways pertaining to personal hygiene, which was paramount for maintaining good body health and long life. This is one of the ways of Kobushi Jutsu.
From the ancient days Chinese people have believed in the natural ways which promoted long life. This then leads into a certain Taoist Wizards techniques or Shinsen Jutsu which included how to maintain a flexible body, circulation techniques for the blood, and certain breathing exercises (Kokyu Ho) a set pattern of contraction and expansion exercises which led one to develop and store energy. Tono's method for deep breathing and enhance blood circulation techniques was also important to read about to compare with the Taoist methods.
Tono's methods as recorded in ancient historical accounts are based on the breathing patterns of the common turtle Ki no Kokyu Ho’s expansion and contraction patterns. This supposedly leads one to a long life.
This then leads into Senjutsu (The Secrets of Immortality thru the Breath Way). There are two kinds of breathing methods or ways connected to Senjutsu, Taishoku Ho and Chosku Ho. These two produce different kinds of energy.
Hoso had one pupil who advanced rather rapidly in his style and breathing ways. Rososhi was teaching a form of Senjutsu, which was tied to a Taoist sect.
This way was thought to be more natural way to learn breathing techniques. This was also thought that a person could become more in tune with Inyo/Onyo by practicing this breath way along with the (5) ways of divination. The universe is constantly creating energy the same holds true from the day he is born and until he expires man creates and gives out energy which is stored and released at his center point. By developing ways to re charge oneself one could it is said liver forever. Man is like a battery without re charging yourself you eventually die.
The interior of the body it thought to hold vast amounts of energy or Ki. When one is engaged in vigorous activity one uses some of this natural energy. Over a certain time if too much is used you become weak. The body then must be re charged by exercising thus putting oneself in tune with the universe again. Another breathing technique is the womb breath way. One can store energy with this method and it can be restored thru proper exercise. Energy comes from the proper melding of mind, body and spirit.
To emit energy and restore it again is the aim to a long and successful life. To polish the spirit is to use one must polish the mind and body alike. To understand Kokyu Ho is to understand Kobushi Ho. One must also study Kenko Ho the way of hygiene. To understand Bujutsu this is very important. A clean vessel can store more energy than an unclean vessel. The impurities must first be removed from the body. Again the way to understanding Kobushi Ho is through Kokyu Ho. Through proper concentration utilizing this technique the power will flow accordingly. The power resides in the lower extremities. Polish this technique and one will eventually shine.
To mention a few other names of import made contributions toward maintaining a healthy body, Tanko, Tanchun, Nankon, Nangen, Chun, Teiki and Teitori Sukei. One must look these individuals and research the information on their demonstrations of Power and Ki.
Power and Ki generation here is attributed to the proper training and maintenance of the body and which also enables one to generate and re generate Ki thru the use of Chinese Kobushi Ho.
From ancient times in China the use of Ki was a very powerful art form especially when applied in association with Kobushi Ho. The study and utilization of Ki was usually kept secret.

Tono Ho's work must also be related to other reference material on works like Katsu Kou no Hou Hoku Shi, Cho Kun Bo no Unkyu Shi Chi Sen, Shin Tenshi no, Bukiyoketsu Koutei no Keikyo Rekisei and Shinken Taitoukan. These are but a handful of people or systems associated with Tono and his way of maintaining a healthy body utilizing esoteric exercise methods.

Chinese people thought that sickness in the body came from or was attributed to inaction or lack of exercise. One who did exercise though was considered healthy and was thought to have a longer lifespan than normal. This was probably also attributed to proper diet, Chinese Herbal Medicines and a variety of esoteric breathing and body toning techniques.
- Nanko Tanren Ho  

(Methods for Forging the Hard and the Soft)
Those who have studied Kobushi Jutsu as was taught in ancient times the above is 'Indispensable reading material in that the pursuit of knowledge which helps maintain a healthy body the following should be added Yojo Jutsu (Health Techniques) and Renko (Nanko Tanren Ho) (Method for Developing the Hard & Soft). The study of Yojo Jutsu it is said if practiced properly perennial youth and longevity can be maintained. Hygiene also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body.
Utilizing Renko when practiced with Kobushi Jutsu is one way to maintain a strong a strong body. Through the study of this technique there is nothing the body cannot accomplish.
Almost all Kobushi Shugyosha who have incorporated Yojo jutsu and Renko into their exercise regime have been known to accomplish some very, remarkable feats. Therefore, with the study of Yojo Jutsu, Renko and Bugi one is developing the mind, body, and spirit.
The following is a list of arts, which may help a Shugyosha in the develonment of his art
In ancient times in China Information Doin Jutsu no Hakuga was discovered. In this era Gengaku Ho has many practical applications, which can be applied to martial study. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku no Seikodan Koshi advises that as we move forward in our lives we gather much information, which we apply to develop ourselves. If one can use this information and apply it to your training it will invaluable to you.
  Saiko no Iryo Taiso -

(Ancient Version of Proper Medical Care and Gymnastics for the Body)
  Bashutai Hanbo no Haku e kara Fukusen -
(Restoration of a cloth painting from its original state from the grave of Bashutai)
Information about Sendai who was a venerable Chinese mystic was discovered after locating and the subsequent excavating of a Han Dynasty grave of a man named Bashutai. This is important in that from the excavation a cloth painting that was uncovered and restored to its original state depicted various illustrations of ancient Chinese Medical Care Techniques and ancient Gymnastic Exercises for body maintenance. Also included was information on Physics. This information has been included as reference material in the Japanese Physics and Medicine College in Tokyo. This is a part of Tokyo's Daigaku tribute to the anniversary of Seiko Danko Shi.
Also gathered from the grave during the 8th month of the excavation (3) more graves were subsequently unearthed with information on a variety of other medical and surgical techniques, which were thought to be over 2,000 years old. This is the oldest record to date found on information of this kind.
There were forth other historical accounts unearthed which attested to the above findings validity.
The drawings on Doin Jutsu named various cases that were documented which patients with a variety of illnesses to include hip problems, elbow problems, and a variety of joint problems i.e., joint pain and or swelling. Other conditions show of problems such as numbness, general pain and various hearing problems.
In other findings there were pictorials of various animal Kata's which if practiced was thought to keep the body healthy also. In volume III of the Doin Jutsu it shows how to perform the Kata’s, and how the body is suppose to be positioned. A man called Seiko Shi had a plan to show various positions and explains about the truth about these Kata's and whether they were valid or not.
Testing a person subjected to a variety of stimuli and then logging the results did this. Over a time the person’s body was observed and examined inside and out to determine if any positive results occurred. Infra red ray scans were also done to see if any outward results could be noted aside from observations made by the unaided eye.

The subject was also tested under a variety of environments to see if any observable changes occurred.

Affects of the Inyo/Onyo manipulation was also observed along with acupuncture to see if any changes occurred within a body over a set period of time. From the volume on Doin jutsu in modern times tests were performed on people who complain of pain that might be nerve related. It was thought that if extensive exercise was performed that would eliminate the pain. However, this cure was only temporary. The central nervous system and the obstacles one encounters are usually associated with too much exercise or not related at all. Most agreed on the aforementioned. Pain is often times concealed and comes at inopportune times.
However, with proper hygiene, exercise, diet, and medical care affects can be lessened or done away with altogether. The idea of breathing techniques, proper body care, along with Chinese medical care and physics is a fairly new area of study. Nanko Tanren in connection with Kobushi Gi can have some remarkable results if performed properly in area of body maintenance. Shintai Tanren Ho is another introduction on how to maintain a healthy body. From the following (4) pages of Nanko no Renshu some important observations/questions can be raised and maybe answered depending on ones training and or background.

(5) Kin Shi Ukke to Shorin (5) Fistway's

The (5) portrait'snd Shorin's (5) Fistway
During peaceful times in the Sankoku (China/Japan and India) gymnastics and medical care were very popular, and when practiced in conjunction with Doin Jutsu or Kobushi Jutsu became a formidable and healthy art form. During the era 220   280 the (5) bird portraits were being developed then interest waned until 960   1279 they picked up again.
At the same time the Shorin (5) Fistway was also being developed. During this time medical care and gymnastics were popular among Chinese men. This coupled with the (2) fistways became a very popular art form.
During this era Cong Fu was sometimes mentioned or written about. From BC 2600 Cong Fu was noted as being a series of medical care exercises. Men of talent commonly practiced them. During this time there were many people with a variety of illnesses some of which were either life threatening or people who were dull, slow, or underdeveloped. It was thought these exercises would not just help people protect themselves but the other side of coin it was thought that these practices had therapeutic value also. For example the different breathing methods or acupuncture cured many ills right away. Others took longer because of other influences involved. When people heard that an extended life expectancy could e gained from these exercises, everyone wanted learn but few ever stayed with it. For others it was a way to learn to polish one's soul or spirit. The (5) animal portraits and the (5) Shorin Fistway techniques were the precursors to these exercises.
There were also during this time various sutras on health care, which developed from Chinese health care and medical records.
To gain popularity in ancient times some people went as far as to emulate some important person in history. This was also noted in Chinese historical records. There was a man from Wei Province by the name of Zoso who was the court physician. During this time there was a man who wanted to become a man of virtue. He tried to pattern himself after Europe's Napoleon who was a great statesman, politician, and a very exceptional military tactician. However, Zoso’s friend had a rare brain disorder, which was diagnosed as incurable. Zoso the physician wanted to try some new techniques that might cure his friend’s condition and help him attain his goal. To complicate matters the government thought Zoso’s assistant was a spy. Both were imprisoned and while in prison Zoso was able to write about and practice the (5) arts and the (5) animal styles of the tiger, deer, bear, monkey, and crane. The (5) animal styles and the (5) bird styles coupled with Iryo and Taiso if properly studied would produce an exceptional person. This man's effort toward martial arts is well noted.

The breath way techniques were also important in producing a healthy body. All these techniques thought to reduce body sickness and promote a healthy mind and body. A11 the above has been studied and validated by the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Taiku Shi's studies on ancient health.

Chinese Kobushi Ho no Kata are important in that these Kata's movements were based on a variety of animal’s movements during combat. The variety of the animal movements applied in each Kata is very good self-defense techniques. But the level to which they could be used effectively took many years to learn. Once learned and displayed in a set manner a person could defend oneself in almost any situation, however, each movement did not have just one application. There was a multitude of applications for each movement. This was not readily available to the student and it took many years for the student to figure this out on his own.
The hand techniques of the five (5) animal styles are the most important especially the capture and grasping techniques.
The application of the mind, body, and spirit mind set was paramount to learn also when applying proper technique. Importantly is having developed the bone and musculature of the tiger through proper health care along with the fluidity of the deer, the gracefulness of the crane, and the agility of the monkey. All of these require proper health care, proper breathing and Kata basics along with proper spirit in order to be effective. It is a shame that this style could be transmitted in its original form in this day and age. Again without accurate records it is difficult to interpret what this style is all about. The five (5) fist way and the five (5) animal styles are closely related in that gymnastics and body movements are required in order to be effective.
Kobushi Ho no Shu Do

(Chinese Kobushi Ho Fists)
1. Ryu Kobushi (Dragon Fist)

The dragon fist uses the whole body when in action. The dragon fist also utilizes the one mind when in action. When in action the dragon fist spirit is very large which enables the user to command respect and honor. When the dragon changes strike techniques its spirit is empty so as not to attract attention of the opponent. When the dragon strikes it is with the idea of Mushin no Shin. The dragon emphasizes Sei or Shin meaning spirit.

2. Tora Kobushi (Tiger Fist)

The tiger fist also uses the whole body when in action. The striking power comes from the combination of the arms and hips. The tiger fist is defined as attacking or defending with hooked hands. The tiger utilizes Kotsu or attacking the bone.

3. Hyo Kobushi (The Leopard Fist)

The leopard fist is best exemplified by sprinting around in a circular motion using the fore knuckle strike or the open slash or grasping strike. This strike uses Ryuko or strength.

4. Hebi Kobushi (Snake Fist)
The snake’s power is a mysterious one. The snake uses the excess energy in the body to its advantage.
One also has to be completely flexible when attacking or defending in order to be useful and when using the snake strike one must use the hand and elbow to gain power. At the point of impact the power is unleashed. The snake uses Ki or strength.
5. Tsune Kobushi (Crane Fist)
The crane fist utilizes a combination of fast and slow striking techniques. The way to benefit from this technique is to have a spirit of quietude. The gentle but firm spirit is always in control. The crane uses Sei or spirit.
These five fist techniques were described were to be used a basic guide. The ideas behind these different fists depend on a certain mental attitude. One must develop these attitudes in order to benefit from these fist techniques. Some attributes form these techniques have been weaved into the modern day Kata. The basics of these fists are important to learn.
Hachi Dan Kin Doin Ho

An Introduction to the Eight (8) Honors
During the closing years of the Sung Dynasty 960 1279 and toward the beginning of the new era 1279 1368 was a very prosperous era. The introduction of the eight honors was an important way. It meant the eight honors one could attain in an art form.

During the closing years a man called Taketo who was the founder of Take Bu and the originator of Take Bu Kobushi Ho 1103   1141. He was also known as Kobushi Ho no Take Shi. He was famous for his advances in Kobusahi Ho.

This was a good time for Kobushi Ho in that a grading system was being formalized for this art. By establishing a ranking or grading system a teacher was better able to control a student’s progress and who got certified. There were two groups during this timeframe. A northern group was known as Hoku Ha and southern group as Nan Ha. Special honors were also given to those practiced and excelled in the hard aspect Bun Hachidan Nan and the soft aspect Bun Hachidan Go. There were those who practiced or excelled in one or the other, and then there were those who practiced both and were able to forge a very hard but pliable body.
The northern area groups were very strong and the southern group practiced soft aspect. Eventually both were included in the training to give the individual a more rounded education. Along with this there was training in medical care, hygiene, gymnastics and self-defense techniques. This rounded out a student training to produce a person of great virtue.
- Eki Kin Kei to Sen Kotsu Zui Kei -

Divination Muscle Sutra's and Bone Cleansing Sutra's
The idea behind Eki Kin Kei and Sen Kotsu Zui Kei came from Daruma and there probably misunderstandings about their meanings or functions which was thought to be associated with hygiene. Therefore, in the old Chinese Classics medical care and gymnastics must be properly learned and applied. Daruma who was the founder of Kobushi Ho knew these lessons to well. The two arts above are still a mystery to most scholars. These two arts are thought to be very powerful if learned and practiced with Chinese Kobushi Ho no Giho and with Shorin Kobushi Ho. The original words a written during Tang Dynasty was miswritten from the original Indian scripts and the original intent may be lost. There have been numerous scientific studies done on these two arts by Togo and a Josetsuto during the late Manchu era 1662   1912. One must look closely at the Shoden Seichin and Chugoku Bujutsu, Shorin Kobushi, Kyoku Kobushi, Eki Kin Kei and Sen Kotsu Kei.
Each one must be examined to see how they are intertwined. It is just a fabrication that these two arcane arts of Eki Kin Kei and Sen Kotsu Kei are the final two ingredients, which make Kibosh Ho so powerful? More research must be done for those who are curious.
It is an established fact that the "Great Teacher Daruma brought forth the fundamentals of one of the two arts known as Eki Kin Kei (Muscle Sutra Divination) during the first two years of the Tang Dynasty. Three fundamentals were translated from the Indian language into Chinese that were changed somewhat from their original meaning. The original documentation for words has been lost.
In the ancient Province of Wei emperor Komei during the justice and light era we find that the great teacher Daruma crossing the great bridge to the, Shorinji Temple on Soyama (Mt. So) who sat facing a Wall in deep and contemplative meditation for ten years? With him was one pupil. From that point on Daruma refused to speak until he gained enlightenment. The pupil waited to hear the one word he would speak when he gained enlightenment. Whether or not he, reached that stage no one really knows. His pupil finally accepted his fate, as did his master. Daruma sat there for 10 years in Mempaku Zazen.
He finally died. He was found dead in the very same position as when he started. His though was to have had the countenance of peace. His eyes bright and shiny even after death. He was finally interred and buried at the foot of Yuji-Yama. Even today this placed is visited and revered by all.
Over the years the wind and rain had taken its toll on his resting-place and the local priests would continually build and repair the site. They finally re-interred him to an iron coffin because they were afraid the elements would wash the great teacher’s remains away. Some time later when the box opened to perform one of the required cleansing of body and bones several well-preserved Chinese Classics were discovered. The priests then performed the bone cleansing ceremony Ken Kotsu Kei reciting the Kei Kin Kei sutra.

A group of professional bone washers were present and pleased to see that this art had not died out. Many were noted to have fallen during the ceremony and went into a state of spiritual possession. This was considered a good sign as the spirit of the person is supposed to reside in the bone marrow. They group continued with their ceremony cleansing not only bone but the (5) viscera (Bowels), (6) reasoning viscera, the (4) limbs, and over 100 other bones were cleansed.

This technique was considered secret and one person held the knowledge. But finally this knowledge became known too more and more people. The group wanted the whole world to know and what the benefits were. From this time forward this legend was held at the Shorin-Ji temple and passed on to those who were chosen as being worthy.
Some time later though the information was leaked out and was available to most all people that when performing this art it is said that to those who believe the truth you seek will be revealed.
Many famous Shorin-Ji monks practiced this art as a part of their required training.
Many monks who traveled within their country spread the word of this art, which was now in the open. Many it was said attained their goals by practicing this arcane art. Many thought that if they practiced art enough the universal truth would be revealed to them. This though is far from the truth. It is said in legend that if one meditates and trains in the old way for 300 days they were apt to find truths that they sought.
A monk’s aim is to be pure of heart. He must gain insight or wisdom through meditation and proper training. Once he attains this level information will flow to him like a well stream. He must always practice the sacred precincts. One who dedicates himself to his art and to his meditation and gains or understands the idea of the one he will have attained his goal.
The ideographs for the art of bone washing have changed throughout the ages from Daruma's original manuscripts. People who speak from the heart and have gained the wisdom of the one are said to have a special aura. Those who were committed to justice and good for all were exceptional people.
Another aim of bone washing was that people thought they could rid themselves of their own sins by cleanse their soul. This institute of the body must always be maintained thru proper training of the mind, body and spirit. By keeping the mind, body and spirit flexible yet strong the one will always be free. However, thru disuse the body tends to shrivel and die
There are various publications out on the subject of Eki Kin Kei. The oldest documents date as far back as 628 by the author Risei that is mentioned in the preface, which may give the reader additional, research material for reading at greater length. This article seems absurd at times when one first reads it. There were many forgeries long ago, but most have been identified and discounted.

The existence and origin of Eki Kin Kei and Sen Kotsu Kei are still a mystery to most historians. Even people who actively pursue information on Shorin Kobushi Ho find that accurate information on this art is scant also. One must always keep looking for accurate information (historians) or others if they desire to leave no stone unturned.

The writings on Chinese Kobushi Ho are numerous and easily verifiable and contain many useful references; such as breathing methods, strength, medical care, Hygiene etc., etc. Most of the writings are accurate which were written either by Daruma, Togo, or Jotetsu the last two besides being martial artists were famous literary experts from ancient times.
The great author Daruma who wrote much about Chinese Kobushi Ho was the originator of the writings as translated from Indian test/lore on Eki Kin Kei and Sen Kotsu Kei. Some believe that some of the information was taken to substantiate Shorin Kobushi; others believe they were one in the same art. But that’s a matter for historians to work out.
The idea or intent here is related to Chinese Kobushi Ho and its sub elements and how they can help a person maintain his body and expand his lifespan. Much can be learned form this information provided here on Eki Kin Kei i.e., the rub, slap, or strike. Depending on how it is applied the outcome to the person can vary.

The purification techniques of bone washing can also benefit man it performed properly. The Chinese classics I think stress one point from all of this training and this is "Spiritual Purification".

Notes Section:
Chui #1 Bodai Daruma Bodhidharma
The Birth and Death Records/Dates are obscure on this topic
The above named man had two titles given him he was referred to as a Nanten Jiku or Hashikoku no Hito. The first term refers translates to a southern sky bamboo and the second term translates out to a wave riding person.
The Mahayana Buddhist monks were a very spiritually minded group whose roots are traced back some 520 years to the Northern Province of Wei to a mountain area called Su Yama or Mt. Su.
There way was that of god’s way in that they preached that man should be innately wise and always doing well for all mankind. Those who were like this were granted sanction into this sect. The monks revered their founder as a god as did all people.
One has to appreciate this man Daruma his writings and works. This sect started to spread fast during the Toshu Jidai. This era was used as a basis for his biography as most of his work was performed during this time. There have been many historical accounts written about this man during this era, which has been verified by many historians. Often times Daruma would speak of the wise and innate good in man and the bridges one must cross to reach the true path of understanding life and man's complex nature. There had been written many volumes of information on this man two of which were written in his honor, which was based on intellectual reasoning, and conduct.
There are four sections, which are of import in these writings, 1) False Actions, 2) Mercy in Conjunction with Proper Conduct, 3) The Empty Place, and 4) The Name Way. These should be investigated thoroughly. Daruma taught mainly in the northern province of Wei. He taught in the areas of nobility and government authority.
The last area he lectured on was not a lecture per se but a questioning of the way government did business. This was almost unheard of during this era; questioning government authority?
Training in the monastery centered of course on Buddhism teaching students to forget what they know about the real world become the empty vessel to be able to receive information on a new way of thinking. Mind conduct was practiced constantly with emphasis on Bukyo no Shidosha.
There were many foreign monks who lived at the monastery and it was difficult for them in within this melting pot of people you had so many different ideologies, which had to be re molded.
From the beginning of the Tang Dynasty into the Sung Dynasty there were many stories about this Zen sect founder Daruma different story lines.
According to literary records the Japanese even had a version of his life, which supposedly chronicled his birth all the way to his death leaving out no details. This was unheard of especially with the scant information already on hand. As was said before most facts about this enigmatic man are obscure and at best most of his life is assumed.
Asia Rekishi Jiten yori

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