October 4, 1988
The feast of St.
Francis was a man who loved animals, people, Claire, and God, perhaps not in that order. I didn't know him personally as he lived only a few hundred years ago. I feel like I do know him. Francis is said to have given up everything to follow his God. I think Francis would say he gave up nothing. Rather that he was given everything. Francis gave up Claire, a beautiful woman. Francis would say that Claire and he had a great love affair. Maybe not a love affair as you and I have love affairs, yet I think it was a real and torrid love. It must have been for Claire also is said to have e given up everything. For St. Francis and the Francis and Claire God. I think Claire would say that she gave up nothing including Francis. Claire would say of course she loved Francis until the end of their earthly life. Claire and Francis loved each other and they still loved and served their God. Perhaps theirs was not a love situation like we would think of this day but that in no way takes away from the reality of their love. Yes Francis loved animals maybe it was the fact Francis was filled with love that made him so attractive to the animal world. Maybe animals have such a simplistically whole love for God that made them so loved by Francis.
Francis loved his God and was true to his God even when the church that ruled the time tried to persuade Francis to be in conformation with the church. Francis was a maverick and no one or no body could deter him from his love of God and God's people. Francis and Claire loved their God more than they loved each other. Their love for each other was manifested in the way they loved their God and the people of their God. Nothing took the place of their God. Nothing was more important than their God.
I choose to be a little like Francis. I am no place near the saint he was. I am a man who loves and I love everything most of all my God.
Stand firm with me and hold me tight my God. I am a one word theology person and that word is Love! Love is the same word to me as God!
People always try to put a limitation on love. Human love, I agree, yes is limited. God's love is not human but unconditional and endless and all powerful. God is unlimiting and unlimited. Remember, love and God are always interchangeable. Love and God are never different or opposing.
In love, in God is all the answer there is.
Don't judge me O God, please don't. Please love forever as I know you do.
October 5, 1988
Last night a woman accused me of being evil, of trying to ruin this parish by excessive spending. She did not give her name and she did not dare do this to my face. She called our administrative coordinator and said these things to her recording machine and even said I wanted her job.
I am not evil.
I do make mistakes and I fall on my face.
She also said this parish did not need a television lay evangelist.
Could that have been c compliment?
I took a fall today. The worse fall I could have I taken and I am still here. I still believe God will not desert me.
I am tired, confused, and angry.
Put your arms around me even though I do not deserve them. Hold me anyway because I ask you to. Please stand firm with me.
This woman is neither an excuse nor a reason.
Hold me tight Lord.
October 6, 1988
Well folks, hold on to your hat. You know how worried Linda and I have been about getting our 6 months in so if anything happened to us, well, then at least we would have unemployment. Not so!
You see this Diocese elected not to cover lay personnel other than teachers and school staff for unemployment. Linda and I aren't covered.
I am angry about it, Father is too. He did not know this when he hired us. Maybe he should have but he didn't.
He thinks we should have been told just as we do. If we had known we still might have come but then we would have known and who knows. If I remember right, we didn't have a lot of choices. So what's new?
think God is just reminding me, I need to depend entirely on God. Probably haven't been doing that recently. In fact I know I haven't and I am ashamed.
Ok God, lesson noted and maybe learned. Probably not but I hope it is anyway. We're fine, stand firm with us and boy do I mean it when I say tonight, don't turn us loose. Please don't drop us. And by the way, Lord, heal my Linda ASAP. I don't like it when she doesn't feel well. Please heal her, I love her. I need her. You provided her as my keeper and lover. Please heal her and don't let her get any sicker. Please Lord!
October 7, 1988
Sometimes in the course of a week many things of seeming ultimate importance happen. This is the kind of week I have had. It was good and it was extremely busy and it was a week that everything was very important.
The axle on the car was fixed today and after looking at the old broken axle I wonder how the car managed to keep on running as long as it did. The axle that was broken was really broken. Now we need back brakes, at least it sounds like we do.
O Lord, Linda and I are wondering about going for a ride. Going to see Andy and Nikki, and of course Jamie's ears.
Jamie's ears are by far the mort important of all. Please take care of Jamie and only then if you have the time, please help us. Now I know you, O God, can do anything. I just did not want to seem greedy. Jamie is a special gift of life from you to us. Nothing is more important than your gift of loving life.
Stand firm with us and help us in all we do. Thank you for holding on tightly this week.
Let's have a good weekend Lord, you and us.
October 8, 1988
We took a ride today. We went from Defiance to South Bend, Indiana. We visited Notre Dame. It was the first time we had returned to Notre Dame since Linda and I had been there for our 10th wedding anniversary and the charismatic renewal conference.
It was still beautiful and very Catholic.
There was a scattering of color in the trees but the fall colors had not yet blossomed.
Tomorrow is the first 11th and 12th grade program. I pray it goes well. I feel out of touch and I am concerned.
Father Ed reiterated yesterday that us having no unemployment is unjust and that he knew nothing of this fact before we were hired. I feel better about him but I am still angered and Linda is worried.
You know about the camera and our pictures, Lord. You know we would like to see Nikki. Help us choose to follow the road you would have us travel. Give us actual leadership in these matters because we know enough to not trust our decisions. Yes Lord, as unreal as it must seem, Linda and I are trying to lean on you to make any and all decisions.
Stand firm with us and please do not turn us loose. We love you and very much need your help. We accept your love O Lord.
October 9, 1988
Well Lord, the confirmation and senior high classes got started this day. I was not at the confirmation group because that was Linda's group. Father Dan Dickman was the senior high speaker and mass celebrant. He was late and I had just started talking when he got there. I cut myself short and he took over. He was nitty gritty down to earth and plain spoken. He was great. It went well as far as I am concerned.
Maybe Nikki is pregnant also.
Lord take care of Nikki, I love her so much and I miss her so.
I do not want to have my daughter married to people I cannot stand. I want to love my daughter's husband.
Why did they have to do what they did? Linda and I did not deserve to be so hurt.
Maybe we did.
In any case we are simply and totally at your service Lord. What you want from us is what we also want of us. We are determined somehow to be your servants and we are trying. Maybe not as good as we would like, but Lord, we are trying and we beg you, do not turn us loose. Stand firm with us and hold us close.
And, thanks Lord for helping Linda and me with this day. We really needed help.
We love you.
October 10, 1988
Sometimes I wonder.
Who am I? I mean I really want to know. Am I really a man who is filled with love or am I a man who just makes up God as I go? If really were filled with love would I not live my life in love? Maybe I do. I know there are times I am aware of really trying to be a loving good man and then there are times I am caught up in fantasy. I am caught up in a fantasy world of wanting to be so good, I invent my. Goodness. Then I am sad for in wanting so much to be God's good man I am filled with evil. Evil then has turned my heart which wanted to do and be good into something else completely. What do I do about this? Can I do anything at all about this? Is there any chance I will ever turn loose of evil and allow God's love which is my core to shine totally forth? Sometimes I think not. If that is true however it would mean that evil can control that which is inherently good and change good into evil. This is not possible. God's good. God's love overcomes all that is and that includes all that is evil. Love is more powerful than anything and God is unlimited and unconditional love. So there is hope but sometimes I wonder if even God must get discouraged. Then I know clearly that God is never discouraged but indeed is always overjoyed at what God hath created and I am what God created.
Stand firm with me and hold me up. I love you Lord and I am so glad you love me.
October 11, 1988
You reach out
And I am touched.
Your spirit lifts me.
I love you so much.
From inside you leap forth.
A new being is born.
Even when I am not ready,
You fill my being.
Anger surprise gives way.
I am filled with you
Joy, happiness, exhilaration.
A being is born
Love overcoming all odds.
Unconditionally risking
Knowing I am not used to such: love.
Filling my soul, my being.
Risking rejection, coming anyway.
My new being is born.
I know not how to handle this.
I never prepared myself to be loved.
I know now I was created from love.
Your being renews me.
Now I see how special I must be.
I know what it is to be loved!
Two entities becoming one.
Yet three are now present.
All three are present in one.
Yet I am still one.
Love is unlimiting, unlimited, unconditional.
All life comes from love.
October 12, 1988
Do you know what today is?
Perhaps it is an anniversary for some, possibly it is your birthday. Shucks today might be just about anything, it might even be the start of something new.
Suppose you knew what today was, would you change what you had planned?
Would you even delay for a moment doing the things that are taking place this day?
Would it make any difference if you new what today was?
How much importance do you place on this day?
I know, it's just one more day in your life.
That's it you see, just one more day in life.
Since life is the most important of gifts, today might just be the most important day of your life.
How can today be more than tomorrow or as good as yesterday?
Is it possible one day is more than any other day?
Does the quality of life change from day to day?
It is simple to say who knows, simple and too easy.
Life is more than living, life is being alive.
How alive were you this day, or tomorrow, or yesterday?
Are you more alive at certain moments than others?
Does that mean you are less alive even dead at other times?
If that is true every day becomes different and special.
Perhaps the purpose of this day is to be fully alive.
October 13, 1988
Wow! What a day! 6:00 AM – I had a meeting with Father Ed and 2 parish council members to work out parish council functions. 10 AM Father Ed got on me about something I had said about Linda Miller. 11:30 while getting my hair cut, the barber thanked me for doing a good job with scouts. He previously had criticized me. At 12 PM, I lost my temper in the school while being, I felt, unduly delayed in getting Jamie from class in order to take her to her hearing test in Bowling Green. At 2 PM after Jamie's hearing test, Linda, Jamie, and I gave great thanks and praise to our God. Jamie's hearing loss does not seem to be progressive and her test was hugely better than we had previously been led to believe. At 6 PM I met with the maintenance committee – It was a good meeting. At 10:30 PM Father Ed gave Linda, Jamie, and me big genuine hugs and said have a good trip…he'd have a different set of problems for
us to solve when we got back, and so here we are on the throughway – 90 miles from Defiance at midnight.
Stand firm with us O Lord
We love you, we need you.
Today I tried not to let them see.
Today my true self tried to hide behind the mask and the mask I hid behind, was the mask of life.
It hurts more than I can say not to be loved.
It hurts even more when the reason is who you are.
When you love and act in love and are rejected, you are reminded of the Christ who loved all and was killed.
I know I am not the Christ, not even close.
Yet there is a part of me that the Christ lives in.
It is that part that loves and is rejected.
It is that part that hurts so very much right now.
Today I really tried to be Christ and it worked.
The part of me that hurts so much was hidden.
The part of me that loves so much became apparent again.
Stand firm with me my Lord.