Acronyme du projet/ Acronym of the project

Valorisation / Exploitation of results

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LPCPB has issued 9 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 7.2). 3 of them are already licensed to MedsQual. Besides, 8 contracts have been signed or are still alive between the LPCPB teams and industrial companies (including Sanofi-Aventis, Servier, Guerbet, Cytheris, Merck Serono, DiagnoSwiss, Fluigent, Laboratoire de Fractionnement et Biotechnologies).

2 distinct startups, Bioalliance (entered the stock market in December 2005; 65 employees) and Medsqual (set up in 2007), were issued from LPCPB within the last ten years.

For all its valorization activities, LPCPB currently relies on the CNRS superieur / Higher education

All the staff members or the research team are taking part to the teaching and education program of the students of the master "Médicament et autres produits de Santé" of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Chatenay-Malabry (University Paris-Sud). They are also taking part to the specialized lectures of the Doctoral School "Innovation Thérapeutique" created by P. Couvreur in 2000. Many students with a Master 1 Degree are spending one month research in the laboratory and, depending on the years, 2 to 4 Master 2 students are spending 6 month research under the supervision of a permanent staff member of the research team.

Staff members are also involved in the Master Nano (U. Paris XI) through courses dedicated to the application of nanotechnologies to therapeutic and diagnostic fields created by C Smadja. A practical experiment concerning the lab chip for protein analysis has been created by Myriam Taverna for that Master.

New optional courses aiming at presenting an overview on the nanobiotechnologies dedicated to therapeutical and diagnostical approaches based on nanobiotechnology recently created by C Smadja are proposed to the students of pharmacy.

PhD level: 7 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director

• Nano events: "Nanobiologies : au coeur du vivant", Large audience book, Plein Sud, n°75, 2009. C. Smadja, M. Taverna, J.M. Lourtioz / Organisation

As already mentioned before, the two teams will move early 2011 in the new « Nano-Innov » center in Saclay. This will allow new and multidisciplinary based collaborations with other partners in the field of the nanomedicine (for more details see project B). Noteworthy, the two teams will, indeed, constitute the core of the nanomedicine flagship allowing both in vitro cell culture experiments but also in vivo experiments (incl. Nanotoxicology) to be performed.

Each team already demonstrated excellence in basic sciences together with a strong commitment to applied issues. All are very active in fund raising, both from local, national and international agencies together with industrial partners. (Within the last 5 years, more than 15 contracts, including 3 with ANR, 5 with local funding agencies including C’nanoIdF, 5 EU contracts including one ERC project, 2 industrial partnerships, raising more than 5M€.

4.1.8Partenaire 8/ Partner 8 : Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay (ICMMO) UMR8182 et innovation / Research and innovation

The Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay (ICMMO) includes 170 permanent and 110 graduate students or postdoctoral fellows as part of a structure at the heart of the Faculty of Sciences d'Orsay University Paris XI. The Institute is closely linked to the CNRS as Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS-University (UMR 8182). This is one of the most important structures of academic research in chemistry in France. Its activities may be gathered along four transversal themes: (1) Chemistry and Health; (2) Chemistry for Energy; (3) Chemistry for Information; (4) Chemistry for the Environment

The "Inorganic Chemistry" team at ICMMO (ICMMO/CI; Head Pr T. Mallah) is intended to move soon to the new NanoSciences Research Center called NanoINNOV-C2N. In a few years, that center will gather in a single location ca. 30% of the scientists of the NanoSaclay LabEx. Moving those four CEA teams is thus the first step to the constitution of a strong and highly visible LabEx.

The scientific activities of ICMMO/LCI are spreading from Switchable multifunctional hybrid materials, nano magnetic photochromism and photo modular system, to the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen, iron complexes and biomimetic oxidation catalysts

It gathers 9 researchers (including 6 teaching researchers), 2 research engineers, 10 PhD students and 6 postdoctoral fellows.

Evaluation: The team was evaluated by AERES in 2008: Quotation A+

Excerpt of the report (A+): "La production scientifique est quantitativement bonne (127 articles) et la plupart des travaux publiés dans des revues internationales de très haut niveau. Le nombre de conférences invitées traduit la très bonne visibilité de l’équipe sur le plan national et international. Les travaux de recherche sont globalement originaux et de bonne qualité scientifique.

L’équipe a le souci de faire émerger de nouveaux projets pour la plupart pertinents. Le comité a particulièrement apprécié les projets présentés dans les nanosystèmes magnétiques ainsi que la photosynthèse artificielle. Le comité apprécie la prise de risque sur les systèmes à hybridation mixte tout en s’interrogeant sur l’adéquation des moyens humains qui lui sont affectés. L’équipe CI est très dynamique et très jeune (une moyenne d’âge inférieure à 40 ans). Elle est fortement impliquée dans les projets nationaux (10 ANR et 2 ACI) et européens (Magmanet, QuEMolNa, Solar-H, GenHyPEM). L’implication dans la formation (responsabilités de Master et enseignement) et l’encadrement doctoral (11 thèses) est également remarquable.

Les projets proposés sont d’une grande qualité avec des sujets en émergence et des prises de risque. La vitalité et la dynamique d’ensemble ont été fortement appréciées. Le comité a aussi apprécié l’encouragement à l’émergence de jeunes talents.

Conclusions: L’équipe a un excellent bilan sur la période des 4 dernières années. Son dynamisme et sa forte visibilité internationale la placent à un excellent niveau."

High profile scientists:
CLEMENT, René (H = 26, 2124 citations); U. Paris XI, Pr

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Science, 3 JACS, 4 Adv. Mater.
MALLAH, Talal (H = 37, 5240 citations); U. Paris XI, Pr; Head of the CI team

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Science, 1 Nature, 6 JACS, 8 Angew. Chem., 3 Adv. Mater.

Other assessment points: PEDR
RIVIERE, Eric (H = 27, 2213 citations); CNRS, Research Engineer

Major publications (IF>7): 2 JACS, 11 Angew. Chem., 1 Adv. Mater.
YU, Pei (H = 31, 3435 citations); CNRS, CR

Distinctions: Bronze Medal CNRS

Major publications (IF>7): 1 Science, 8 JACS, 6 1 Adv. Mater.
BLEUZEN, Anne (H = 18, 1115 citations); U. Paris XI, Pr

Major publications (IF>7): 6 JACS, 4 Angew. Chem., 1 Adv. Mater., 1 Coord. Chem. Rev.

Other assessment points: PEDR
Research activities: ICMMO/LCI issued 107 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 2 patents. Among those publications: 5 Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed., 3 JACS, 1 Adv. Mater., 1 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)

10 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 4 new doctors already hold a permanent position. 9 PhD theses are still under way.

Scientists from ICMMO/LCI gave ca. 20 invited lectures at national and international conferences, between 2006 and 2010. (A partial list is given in 7.2)

ICMMO/LCI teams have numerous internal and external collaborations (8 current collaborations within the Campus Paris-Saclay within distinct laboratories, many of them members of the NanoSaclay LabEx, ca. 10 collaborations with research French labs and ca 5 international active collaborations)
Equipments: ICMMO/LCI is essentially a chemistry lab specialized in molecular spintronics. Hence, besides all synthesis facilities, it holds dedicated magnetism equipment

Synthesis: fully equipped organic synthesis labs.

Microscopy: SEM-FEG electron microscope, AFM, STM

Magnetism: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectrometer, Squid magnetometer connected to a park of light sources among them a pulsed laser with an OPO for in situ irradiation

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