ICMMO/LCI has issued 2 patents during the last 5 years (full list in 71). 1 of them is co-owned by STMI, the other one with CEA.
For all its valorization activities, ICMMO/LCI relies on the IP pool at CNRS superieur / Higher education
Many ICMMO/LCI members are professors or assistant professors, and thus are deeply involved in higher education.
• PhD level: 5 of us have the HdR and commonly act as Thesis Director
• Master Level: T. Mallah is in charge of the Nanochemistry program within the Master "NanoSciences" at U. Paris XI
• UnderGrad level: 6 of us are regularly teaching at Undergrad level / Organisation
ICMMO is composed of nine teams scientifically and financially independent and a team made up of Common Services and General Administrative Services and a technical platform. The Administrative and General Services cover all activities necessary for the management of research (Department of Personnel, Procurement, Financial Management, Communication, Health and Safety Works ...). In their team, the researchers also receive assistance for management. The technical platform provides researchers, engineers responsible for performing the most modern instruments, and a Computer Service and Workshop for Precision Mechanics.
ICMMO/LCI is one team of ICMMO, it intends to join the NanoSciences Research Center NanoINNOV, which should open on the Campus Paris-Saclay in the end of 2011 and will be joined by IEF and LPN laboratories (C2N center). Joining that new center will undoubtedly boost ICMMO/LCI potential in the fields it has already shown remarkable knowledge: molecular spintronics (via the flagship project "Quantum and spin Electronics", and molecular switchable systems (within the flagship project "NanoPhotonics". It will raise our connections with applied science players (through the IRT "SystemX", also strongly linked to the NanoINNOV project, and the IEED projects actually in preparation within the Campus Paris-Saclay).
ICMMO/LCI already demonstrated excellence in basic sciences together with a strong commitment to applied issues. All are very active in fund raising, both from local, national and international agencies together with industrial partners. (Within the last 4 years, more than 18 contracts, including 11 with ANR, 2 with the CnanoIdF, 2 with the RTRA Triangle de la Physique, 2 EU contracts.)
4.1.9Partenaire 9/ Partner 9 : Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique (LCFIO) UMR8501 et innovation / Research and innovation
LCFIO stands for Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique. The Institut d'Optique Graduate School (IOGS) is one of the major engineering schools in France. The alumni irrigate all domains of economy, from basic research to business, from technical development to strategic marketing and industry. Its research center (LCFIO), internationally renowned, specializes in optics. It spans from very fundamental aspects (atom and quantum optics) to up-to-date applications (specific optical devices). LCFIO is a joint laboratory between IOGS, CNRS and U. Paris XI (UMR 8501). It counts ca. 180 people including ca. 50 permanent researchers around 6 research teams.
LCFIO/Nano gathers members from 3 of the 6 research teams from LCFIO, who consider NanoSaclay the best place to pursuie their activity. Those 3 groups are:
NAPHEL (NAnoPHotonics and ELectromagnetism; Heads: J-J. Greffet, P. Lalanne, H. Benisty) whose activity is internationally renowned in nanophotonics. With 21 papers quoted more than 100 times, the group made several seminal contributions including in particular light confinement in ultrasmall photonic-crystal cavities, extraordinary optical transmission, 2D photonic crystals, physics of microcavity LED emitters, image formation in near-field microscopy, thermal radiation at the nanoscale including the discovery of coherent thermal radiation.
LASBIO/MACSYBIO (Materials, Components and Systems for BioPhotonics; Head M. Canva) whose scientific expertise concerns the study of nanostructured plasmonic substrate, the realization of multidimensional plasmonic imaging systems and the study of label free biomolecular surface interactions, especially using a biochip format.
MANOLIA (Non-Linear Materials and Applications; Head G. Pauliat) investigates optical and electro-optical nonlinearities in nano-structured materials and epitaxial ferroelectric thin films. MANOLIA designs and develops novel optical functions and components for telecommunications and holographic storage
LCFIO/Nano will strongly contribute to the NanoSaclay LabEX, mainly through the flagship project "NanoPhotonics", bringing there all its knowledge in manipulating light energy at the nanoscale.
LCFIO/Nano gathers 12 scientists (including 6 teaching researchers), 2 research engineers, 8 PhD and 6 postdoctoral fellows.
Evaluation: LCFIO was evaluated by AERES in 2008. The team evaluations were A+ for MacSyBio, A for MANOLIA and A for NAPHEL (with A+ for the scientific production). It is noteworthy that JJ Greffet’s team (part of actual NAPHEL) was at Ecole Centrale Paris in 2008: the lab was ranked A+, no ranking was done at the team level
High profile scientists:
GREFFET, Jean-Jacques (H = 32, 3100 citations); IOGS; PR1
Distinctions: senior member of Institut Universitaire de France.
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Science, 2 Nature, 1 Nature Phot, 1 Surf Sci Rep, 1 Prog Surf Sci, 7 PRL
Other assessment points: Recipient of the PES every year since it was created; >400 citations/Year
LALANNE, Philippe (H = 35, 3800 citations); CNRS; DR1
Distinctions: CNRS Bronze Medal (1994). Prize Fabry de Gramont from French Optics Society (1998)
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Nature, 2 Nature Phys, 1 Nature Photon, 4 PRL
Other assessment points: Fellow of the IOP, SPIE and OSA; CarlZeiss visiting professor at Jena in 2010: > 500 citations/Year
BENISTY, Henri (H = 34, 4100 citations); IOGS; PR1
Major publications (IF>7): 1 PRL
Other assessment points: > 300 citations/Year; cofounder of the company Genewave with 30 employees, 10 papers cited over 100 times.
CANVA, Michael (H = 22, 1300 citations); CNRS; DR2; Head of MACSYBIO
Major publications (IF>7): 1 Oncogene
PAULIAT, Gilles (H = 16 > 890 citations); CNRS, DR2
Other assessment points: member of the board of directors of the European Optical Society, Member of the board of directors of the French Optical Society.
DUBREUIL, Nicolas (H = 7 > 200 citations); IOGS MCF
Other assessment points: Head of the master program: Optics, Science and Technology.
Research activities: LCFIO/Nano issued 163 publications in reviewed journals between 2006 and 2010, together with 6 patents. Among those publications: 2 Nature, 2 Nature Photon, 2 Nature Phys, 7 PRL. (see 7.2 for details)
20 PhD theses have been obtained within the same period. Among them, 10 new doctors already hold a permanent position and 10 hold a temporary position. 5 HdR were obtained during that period at LCFIO/Nano.
Scientists from LCFIO/Nano gave more than 40 invited lectures at national and international conferences. (A partial list is given in 7.2)
LCFIO/Nano teams have numerous collaborations, notably within the Campus Paris-Saclay, and many international active collaborations through their numerous funded projects
Equipments: LCFIO/Nano main activities deal with optics at the nanoscale and modelling. Its equipment goes then from lithography setups for optical devices fabrication to calculation clusters for modeling.
Modeling: Cluster for parallel computing, specialized softwares.
Fabrication: nanobeam for electronic lithography; glass processing platform; Acces to some chemical and biochemical equipment related to surface functionalization and structuration, including biochip arrayer
Optics: super-continuum source emitting at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, far -field radiation study, thermal emission in the IR and THz regime; Surface Plasmon Resonance Monosensor; 4 Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging systems; one fs/ps Ti:Sapphir laser, two synchronously pumped picosecond OPO sources for pump/probe characterization in the 1300-1700 nm range; setups allowing photonic crystals at telecommunication wavelengths characterization
Microscopy: AFM
Besides, LCFIO/Nano is partner within the R'PHOT EquipEx project, which intends to gather a high resolution Angulo Spectral Plasmonic imaging system extended to the near IR, a coupled fluorescence microscopy and multidimensional plasmonic imaging system, Raman Imaging for coupling to plasmonic imaging, using nanostructured substrates and DipPen lithography. It is also partner with the EquipEx projects TEMPOS and STRAS
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