Annual general meeting at Murray Bridge Bowling Club on Sunday, May 27th, 2012

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Minutes of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held at Murray Bridge Bowling Club on Sunday, May 28th, 2017 at 1:00 pm. for Season 2016-17
Present: Wayne Lee Councillor, Chair of Eastern Region 6

Jan Kennedy Councillor,

Brian Leckie Assistant Councillor,

Gaynor Pitcher Assistant Councillor

Greg Miller Secretary / Treasurer

Geranium: Apology Gumeracha: Apology

Hahndorf: Shelly Howe Jervois: Helen Roberts & Rod Harris

Karoonda: Barb Pope & Kevin Burdett Lameroo: Sue Adamson & Lyn Walker

Lenswood: Dora Fuda & Graham Wasley Lobethal: Kaye & Colin Elsworthy

Mannum: Pam Bormann & Peter Wegener Meadows:

Meningie: Fay Blake & Glen Andrews Mt Barker: Gerald Young

Mt Pleasant: Liz & Bob Love Murray Bridge: Kay Simes & Ben Traeger

M/B RSL: Barry Goodall Murrayville:

Oakbank: Parilla: Steve Gilbertson

Pinnaroo: Tailem Bend:

Woodside: Gwyneth & Brian Hopkins Uraidla:

Lower Murray Bowling Association: Southern Mallee Bowling Association:

Jack Pitcher Keith Beellitz

Hills Bowling Association: Executive from BowlsSA:

Graham Weyland & John McBrien Board Member: Leith Gregurke

Umpires Coordinator Region 6: Beth Young


Elaine Atkins, Robyn Burdett, Barb Herbert, Dawn Lee and Ruth Miller.


The Chairman of the Eastern Region, Wayne Lee, welcomed all the delegates and observers to this Annual General Meeting of the Eastern Region for season 2016-17 with special welcome to Country Councillor Jan Kennedy, Assistant Councillors Gaynor Pitcher & Brian Leckie, Beth Young (Umpires Coordinator Region 6) and Leith Gregurke (Board Member Bowls SA)

Wayne congratulated Beth Young on recently being Awarded Life Membership of Bowls SA and to Brian Leckie for being awarded Official of the Year.
Wayne also thanked to the Murray Bridge Club for allowing us to use their facilities for this meeting.

Joy Marsh (LMBA Vice President), Di Leathers (LMBA Assist Secretary), Anne Hughes (MB RSL), Helen Lindner (Murray Bridge), Helen Jarvis (Geranuim), Geranium and Gumeracha Clubs.


Bowls SA Various Circulars to all Clubs

Nominated Events - Prestige Medley 10-11 March 2018

State Events Calendar

Tenders for Elite Events

Nominations Councillor Wayne Lee for 2 year term

Assistant Councillor Michelle (Shelly) Howe for 2 year term

Secretary/ Treasurer Greg Miller


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting for 2015-16 were distributed to each Official and Club and extra copies available for those who need them.

Accepted as read Moved Jack Pitcher Sec. Kay Simes Carried.
Business arising from the Minutes: Nil
Councillor Reports - circulated at meeting
Eastern Region 6 Chairperson Annual Report 2017
Welcome to the Bowls SA Board Member, Leith Gregurke and Beth Young, Umpires representative, club delegates and observers to this Annual General Meeting.
On behalf of the Region, congratulations to Beth on her award of BowlsSA Life Membership and to Brian Leckie for his award as Official of the Year presented at the recent BowlsSA Awards Night.

The hot topic of the moment is the governance restructure being undertaken by BowlsSA. After a bit over two years of work the end is in sight I think. The latest advice is that the final vote to implement the changes will be taken at the BowlsSA AGM in September, so nothing will change until after that AGM. Once the changes are accepted the BowlsSA Constitution will be updated. The key changes are that the Regional Councillors and the State Consultative Group will be discontinued. The BowlsSA Board will be elected by voting from the Clubs. The Board will continue to have seven elected representatives, however once the Board is elected the Board members will elect their President and Vice President. The Board will also retain the ability to appoint up to three additional Directors to fill any perceived specialist roles not covered by the elected representatives.

The Regional structure and the Regional events that we traditionally hold will continue under the control of Regional Event Managers, (instead of Councillors). In a new programming arrangement the Regional Event Managers will get input into the annual development of the State Bowls Program through the State Program Committee. As a result of these changes BowlsSA envisage that they will have more direct contact with the Associations. From the bottom up BowlsSA governance will be - Clubs – Associations – BowlsSA, taking out the current Regional level.
Within our Region we expect that we will continue on a local level pretty much as we are, with the Regional Councillors rolling over into the Regional Event Manager roles and retaining Regional Executive and financial management as it is now.
BowlsSA is recommending that Clubs adopt the BowlsSA Member Protection Policy and have the adoption included in their Constitutions as a formal process for dispute resolution. The Policy is on the BowlsSA Web Site under the Policies area.
Eastern Region Men had mixed results in the Country Round Robin and the Prestige Medley with good wins, close losses and a couple of more substantial losses. The Ladies finished runner up in the Prestige Medley in an excellent result for everyone involved. The State qualifying events for the men remain well supported in the Singles, Pairs and Triples, however not so well in the Fours. Because of the high number of entries we were able to get two qualifiers into the Champions Week State Singles and Pairs finals.
Murray Bridge also hosted the Region Champion of Champion Singles and Pairs events with the ladies and the men playing at the same venue on the same day for the first time. I think that is something we should continue to do. In the Men’s Shield matches, Lower Murray was able to retain the Schroeder Shield and Region 7 retained the Walker Nolan Shield.
Of note in the BowlsSA draft program for 2017-18, the Prestige Medley remains on the long weekend in March and Champions Week continues to be played at Murray Bridge in two parts, one part to be played in December over four days to add the State Mixed Pairs being played before the Christmas break this year and the State Pairs and Fours finals with the remainder of the events to be played in April.

The December Champions Week, the New Year’s long weekend, the Australia Day long weekend, the Prestige Medley being a Nominated event on the March long weekend and the early Easter, (Good Friday is 30th of March) may all impact on Association Pennant programs to some extent.

Thanks to Jan for her contribution as Councillor and to Gaynor and Brian for their work as Assistant Councillors in keeping the Region and the Regional events seamlessly ticking along and ensuring the players representing the Region could concentrate on playing their games. I would also like to thank Greg Miller for his work as Secretary for the past year, his first year in the position.
Wayne Lee
Eastern Region 6 Lady Councillor Annual Report 2017
This year has been rather difficult in many respects, with uncertainty of where and how the Region as a whole was heading. Thankfully, it seems to be resolving in a manner which will make very little difference to most members. I am looking forward to closer ties with the Associations, as they begin to take more part in the running of matters within the Region. Of course, this won’t happen tomorrow, we must wait for the wheels of governance to roll, but hopefully, by the beginning of the season, we may have a clearer idea of the future.
The down side of the year has been the loss of two ladies clubs in the Region, in the Murray Bridge RSL ladies in the Lower Murray, and the Hahndorf ladies in the Hills. Tied to this appears to be the gradual loss of the ladies from Southern Mallee, where there now appears to be only one viable Club in Lameroo. This does show an overall State decline in the number of people playing bowls in the country, of which I am sure there is no answer, or none that I can see, anyway.
I thought that the future of Regional Championship matches, now reduced to only singles and pairs between LMBA and HBA, was in doubt, but in looking around other Regions, many of whom are having the same problems, I do not think that these should be abandoned. Region 7 now has only 2 Associations, and continues to play these. I would still like to see these played on the same day as the men’s Regional finals.
State matches always seem to be a problem, the ladies also seem rather reluctant to play many, we only manage State Pairs and State Singles, and usually have to hunt for a few to make up the two Sections, and only then when they are being played in a central area. I question whether this may be because we dislike playing all the time against people that we all know so well, or do we prefer our Sundays to ourselves. Perhaps this is also a matter for further discussion.
We were unfortunate in losing the Lorna Rowley Shield to Region 7, again, this year by six points, or three games. These games are always very close, and will be going ahead this year, at least. The future, I am not too sure about.

The Pitcher Shield was also hotly contested, and was retained by Lower Murray.

Locally, I congratulated the Jervois ladies for winning the pennant for 2016/17, and in the Hills, Mt Barker Blue.

The Round Robin team saw a dramatic rise from last year’s finish to a third placed finish, just in front of Yorke Peninsula. Well done to all ladies who took part in this. I also thank Anne Marie Kuchel who volunteered her time to come and help look after the teams.

The Prestige Medley ladies finished on top of their Section, and went on to contest the final against the very strong Metro East team. My sincere congratulation to all players in this team; to finish second against the cream of lady bowlers in SA was a great achievement.
I believe that we also have ladies trying out for the over 60’s teams, but may be corrected in this.
We must, as a small Region, rely on each other for support with ideas and events; the women in our Region are to be congratulated for the way in which they participate in Club, Association and Region competitions. I would like to acknowledge the help Gaynor, who has always been there for help and advice, Jack, for his ongoing help and Regional Secretary Greg Miller for his organisation this year.
The company and support of all has been tremendous, and I hope the future will be as good.
Carried_Guest_Speaker_Leith_Gregurke_BowlsSA_Board_Member'>Carried_Motions_Moved_Greg_Miller,_Sec_Lyn_Walker_"That_the_Capitation_fee_for_the_Region_be_increased_from_$2.00_per_member_to_$3.00_per_member"_Carried'>Carried_with_acclamation_Secretary_/_Treasurer_Report_-_circulated_at_meeting'>Jan Kennedy
Reports accepted as read Moved Barb Pope Sec. Rod Harris Carried with acclamation
Secretary / Treasurer Report - circulated at meeting
Region 6 Champion of Champions
This event was held as a combination of Women's and Men's events on the same day at Murray Bridge
Winners were as follows:
Women'' Singles Kathy Miller from Oakbank

Men's Singles John Kingston from Parilla

Women's Pairs Carolyn Edwardes and Chris Keller from Hahndorf

Men's Pairs Arthur Scott and David Moate from Oakbank

Congratulations to all winners.
State Events 2016-17
There were very good entries in some of the State Events from the Region this year.
The entries received and qualifiers who are congratulated were as follows:
Women's Singles 8 entries Joan Jackson and Kristina Kirchner, both from Murray Bridge through to Champions Week.

Men's Singles 44 entries Ray Schroeder from Murrayville and Tony Treloar from Lobethal through to Champions Week.

Women's Pairs 16 entries Ruth Miller and Ivy Kluske from Jervois and Bev Gericke and Kelly Stanbury from Lobethal through to Champions Week

Men's Pairs 32 entries Gerry Penta and Charlie DiSanto from Murray Bridge and Darren Stanbury and Neville Mansell from Lobethal through to Champions Week

Women's Triples 1 entry Sent to Metro draw

Men's Triples 16 entries Robert Millburn, Wayne Lee and Peter Manglesdorf under Woodside Club through to Champions Week

Women's Fours 2 entries Sent to Metro draw

Men's Fours 2 entries Sent to Metro draw

Mixed Pairs 1 entry Sent to Metro draw
I would like to thank all Clubs who hosted State Events for their cooperation and the high standard of hospitality afforded to all competitors. Particular thanks to the Clubs who hosted the singles for the supply of a large number of markers for the events.
The electronic registration process worked well after some minor early teething problems and makes the administrative functions for these events relatively painless. Thanks to all Clubs for meeting the deadlines.

Once again we have spent more than we received by over $2,000. This is largely due to the Region decision to pay for meals for our representatives in the Country Round Robin and Prestige Medley events. However due to careful budgeting in the past we still finish to year with a balance available of over $6,000
We have contained costs as well as we could but we will continue to have expenses in the future for Region shirt replacements and will always have expenses in relation to rings for bowls and plaques.
Due our high number of entrants in State Events our refund from Bowls SA increased by over $150, helping somewhat in the balance sheet bottom line.
If we are going to continue with our current policies of sponsoring our elite bowlers representing us, (which I consider the right thing to do), we need to increase our percapita from our members. I would recommend an increase of $1.00 this year and reassess the situation in 12 months time when we may have a different structure under which we are working.
The Balance Sheet is presented as circulated.
Special thanks to Wayne, Jan, Gaynor and Brian for their input and guidance throughout the year and to past secretary Trevor for his excellent handover package.
I have enjoyed the year and offer myself for re-election.
Greg Miller
Greg Miller moved that his report and the Balance Sheet be accepted. Sec Gaynor Pitcher Carried
Moved Greg Miller, Sec Lyn Walker "That the Capitation fee for the Region be increased from $2.00 per member to $3.00 per member" Carried
Moved Greg Miller, Sec Glen Andrews "That Region 6 approves the use of internet banking with the Treasurer being the holder of the Login Number and Password. The maximum amount of transaction to be limited to $1000.00"

Guest Speaker Leith Gregurke BowlsSA Board Member
Chair-person Wayne introduced Leith Gregurke to the meeting and asked him to address the meeting concerning the latest proposed changes to BowlsSA organisation.
Leith commenced by presenting Brian Leckie with his award for Official of The Year as Brian was not able to attend the awards night.
One association has now been set up for Metro to organise all pennants. This will take a lot of work away from the BowlsSA office.
Proposed changes to the administrative structure of bowls in SA will be discussed with all councillors on 14th June with a view to adopting on 3rd September. Board and Officers will be elected in accordance with the existing constitution on this date with a new constitution adopted after this meeting.
Bowls is now again on TV which is lifting our profile, however there is a cost which has to be met from within the State to support our team. Other states have pokies for support but we have to fund from sponsorships or out of members pockets.
As an indication of our costs and expenditure the following indicative figures were given
Income Members Registration $667,000

Grants $100,000

Sponsors $98,000
Expenditure Bowls Australia $200,000

Elite Athletes Costs $50 - 60,000

Wages and Salaries $450,000
From this there is not much fat that can be trimmed. Any ideas from members would be appreciated.
Chairman Wayne thanked Leith for his input his handling of the general discussion which followed.
Region 6 Officials Co-ordinator Report 2017
Some of you may be aware that I am no longer a member of the Advisory Group having retired at the end of May. This decision was not made lightly.
I hope to spend more time giving service to members in our Association and Region as well as making time for coaching school children.
Last September Gerald and I travelled to Mt Gambier in order for me to re-accredit 26 Umpires who were due and some well overdue. This was very successful for all candidates and our visit was welcomed by all. It also gave me time to speak with the members who wished to become Educators in their area but had not been prepared to travel to Adelaide for the course because they played bowls on the Saturday and could not be at the course at 9am on the Sunday. I asked them if they would make the effort to attend if Bowls SA would agree to commencing the course 1 pm on the Sunday and they all seemed keen to go along with that providing it would be possible for the Trainer(Erin)).
That was agreed to and 4 members came up and commenced the course in January along with the two representatives from Bowls Aust. On the Sunday evening at 7.30pm I received a call from Bianca who explained that Erin had taken ill and asked if I would finish the course on the Monday-whole day. Of course that was not a problem even though I was not officially a Trainer but successfully finished the course and I’m very happy to say that the South East area have now got 4 very good Educators and their Umpires are well catered for.
In March, at the Murray Bridge BC, we had a very informal meeting of our Educators in Region 6, Graham Weyland, Lyn Walker, Jim Howe and Brian Leckie, and this was also attended by the Region Chair, Wayne Lee and Jack Pitcher-Association Secretary and myself. The Educators reported that Accreditations and re-accreditations had been successfully conducted and made several very interesting points which were relevant to each Association.
1. Not always possible to get the minimum number to conduct a course (8). Agreed it was better to go ahead as some clubs were in need of an Umpire.

2. It was felt that the smaller groups proved to have more inter-action with the Educator rather than with a larger group. More time could be spent on individuals questions and discussion.

3. Better to do the re-accreditations when they become due otherwise the Official may not be accredited if they have to wait for the desired number.
These points were outlined at the next Advisory Group meeting.

It was suggested that a refresher or open information day be held prior to the start of the season to promote umpiring and marking and answer any queries.

In the Hills Association this will happen in September and a course for new Markers/measures and National Umpires will follow towards the end of the month ,if sufficient numbers.
Our congratulations go to Brian Leckie who was named “Official of the year”—well done Brian.
Beth Young
Wayne thanked Beth for her presentation and her ongoing work throughout the year.
Election of Officers for 2017 – 2018
Male Councillor Wayne Lee Nominated by Brian Rehn Sec Greg Miller and duly elected for 2 year term.
Female Councillor Jan Kennedy 1 year of term to run
Male Assistant Councillor Brian Leckie 1 year of term to run
Female Assistant Councillor Shelly Howe Nominated by Jan Kennedy Sec Gaynor Pitcher and duly elected for 2 year term
Secretary / Treasurer Greg Miller Nominated by Rod Harris Sec Des Kluske and duly elected
Region Chair Wayne Lee Nominated by Jan Kennedy Sec Gaynor Pitcher and duly elected
Proxy Councillors: Resolved that Assistant Councillors to attend meetings when Councillors are not available
Executive Committee In accord with Regional By-Laws - Two Councillors and Two Assistant Councillors and Secretary/Treasurer
Publicity Co-ordinator: Mal Jonas (Hills). Email (subject to his approval)

Junior Bowls and Coaching Co-ordinator: Jim Freak and Ben Traeger from Murray Bridge nominated Brian Leckie Sec Jack Pitcher - Brian Leckie to discuss

Umpires Co-ordinator: Beth Young willing to carry on.
General Business
Secretary’s Honorarium: $200 plus printing. Reduction suggested by Secretary due to less work with new computerised registration system Moved Jack Pitcher Sec Graham Weyland Carried
Bank account operators Greg Miller, Wayne Lee, Brian Leckie and Jan Kennedy with any two to sign.

Moved Jack Pitcher Sec Barry Goodall Carried

Round Robin & Prestige Medley Resolved that the Region continue to pay for meals for participants and management of these events.
Councillors travelling expenses Resolved that this remain at 30c per kilometre.

Meal Charges for State Events in Region Resolved that this remain at $15.00
Gaynor Pitcher
Gaynor addressed the meeting thanking everyone for their support and companionship during her 12 years involvement in the Region as Councillor and Assistant Councillor. She has enjoyed her time in the leadership roles in the Region and wishes her successor (Shelly) well in her endeavours.
Gaynor's contribution to the Region was applauded.
Next Meeting:
Sunday 27th May 2018 at Murray Bridge Bowling Club at 1.00 pm.

Meeting was declared closed at 2.10 pm Greg Miller, Secretary, Eastern Region 6

Wayne Lee, Chair, Eastern Region 6

for SEASON 2017 - 2018
Held after AGM with 21 men present

Councillor Wayne Lee Welcomed those present and opened the meeting

Apologies Gumeracha
Minutes of Previous Meeting Taken as distributed
Business Arising Nil
Regional Selectors

LMBA Andrew Stasinowsky

Jim Freak

SMBA Ray Schroeder

Lyn Walker

HBA Tony Treloar

Peter Manglesdorf
Non Playing Manager Round Robin and Prestige

Graham Fromm

Dates of Fixtures to be held during season 2017-2018

Ken Schroeder Shield: Hills V Lower Murray V Southern Mallee B.A.

7th or 28th January 2018 depending on Region Lameroo

Nolan/Walker Shield: Eastern Region 6 V Southern Region 7

7th or 28th January Hosted by Southern Region Southern
Men's Country Carnival 5th - 12th February, 2018 Adelaide
Round Robin 13th - 16th February, 2018 Adelaide

Prestige Medley 10th & 11th March 2018 Country ?

Regional Championships Moved Kevin Burdett, Sec Jack Pitcher "That the Regional Championships for men not be held this year" Carried
This decision was communicated to the Ladies meeting.

State Events - These events will be held in the Region if 8 or more entries are received

Pairs 29th October & 5th November 2017 (Southern Mallee)

Fours 12th & 19th November 2017 (Metro)

Mixed Pairs 26th November & 3rd December 2017 (Metro)

Champions Week 1 14th - 17th December 2017 Murray Bridge

Singles 14th & 21st January 2018 (HBA)

Triples 18th & 25th February 2018 (LMBA)

C of C Singles 4th March 2018 (Metro?)

C of C Pairs 25th March 2018 (Metro?)

Champions Week 2 26th - 29th April 2018 Murray Bridge
General Business: Nil
Meeting Closed at 2.55pm
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