Annual Research Institutes Reports

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Reynolds J, Cook PR, Behmoaras J, Smith J, Bhangal G, Tadros S, Tee J, Salama AD, Evans DJ, Aitman TJ, Cook HT, Pusey CD.Macrophage activation and function in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis”. Renal Association, Birmingham, June 2011
  • Reynolds J, Preston GA, Hewins P, Bunch D, Brown M, Roth A, Jennette JC, Cook HT, Pusey CD, Falk RJ. A Role for Autoantigen Complementarity in the Induction of Autoimmune Glomerulonephritis”. American Society for Nephrology, Denver, November 2010
  • Reynolds J, Weschler J, Marshall D, Shaw S, Gelinas RE, Cook HT, Pusey CD. “Effect of anti-IL6 monoclonal antibody therapy in experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis in the CD1 mouse”. Renal Association, Manchester, May 2010

    • Reynolds J. “Animal models of glomerulonephritis: What can they tell us?”

    • Reynolds J. “Role of complementary peptides in the induction of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis” Kidney Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA. November 2010

    • Spikings E, Vishnolia K, Rawson DM and Zhang T.Cryo2010 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Bristol, UK, July 2010. Paper title: Effect of methanol and chilling on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos.

    • Yang H, Nicol F, Reid MD, Ou O, Gordon MJ, Beattie JH and Zhou S. Application of proteomic techniques for the discovery of zinc status biomarkers, conference of International trace element in human and animal, July, 2011, Aberdeen University, UK .

    • Zampolla, T, Zhang T and Rawson DM. The Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual International Symposium ‘Fish and Climate Change’. Belfast, UK, July 2010. Cryoconservation and species diversity.

    • Zhang T. Invited speaker. Society of Cryobiology Annual Conference Cryo2011, Oregon, USA, 24-29 July 2011. ‘Cryopreservation of fish gametes and its applications’.

    • Zhang T. Invited speaker. Workshop on ‘Latest Development on Cryopreservation of Fish Gametes and embryos’, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (YSFRI), Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao, China , 12 Jan 2011. Latest development of cryobiology research at LIRANS.

    • Zhang T. Invited speaker. Workshop on Application of Cryopreservation of Fish Gametes in Aquaculture, State University of Maringa, Brazil, 23 Nov 2010. Cryopreservation of fish gametes – current state of the art.

    • Zhang T. Invited speaker. Workshop on Cryopreservation of Gametes and Embryos of Aquatic Species, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 11 Nov 2010. Cryopreservation of fish gametes and it’s applications in aquaculture and conservation.

    Funded research programmes

    1. Ahmed R and ZhangT (2009-2012). HEFCE ORSAS Award for PhD studentship (£17,754).

    1. Duncan AM (2010-11) British Academy Co-applicant but grant handled through Liverpool University. Actively looking for further funding.

    1. Duncan AM (2010-11) JISC grant Building Capacity £74,939.

    1. Godoy L and Zhang T (2011-2012), Science and Technology Council of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Brazil on ‘Cryopreservation of fish oocytes by vitrification’ (£15,000).

    1. Guinn BA (2010).Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, Summer Studentship Stipend.. £1,500. “Leukaemia Antigen Expression in Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia Patients”

    1. Guinn BA (2010-2011). Wessex Medical Research Innovation Fund, £19,534. “Identification of novel antigens as targets for the immunotherapy of acute lymphocytic leukaemia”

    1. Haggett BGD, Dep G, Bloxham S, Andres R (2007-2011) Johnson & Johnson £440,000. Development of biosensors for well being.

    1. Han T, Zampolla T and Zhang T (2011), University of Incheon in South Korea on ‘Preliminary study on cryopreservation of Antarctica microalgae’ (£5,000).

    1. K Pulford, Co-I: Guinn BA (2010).University Challenge Seed Fund, Isis Innovation Ltd.. £17,973. PI: “Development of DNA vaccines for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma clinical trials”

    1. Maher J, Ghaem-Maghami S, Aboagye EO, Paige AJW and Dibb NJ (2009-2012). Project Grant awarded by US Army £437,653. “Adoptive Immunotherapy for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Using T-cells Simultaneously Targeted to Tumor and Tumor-Associated Macrophages (TAM)”.

    1. Paige AJW and Brown B (2010-2011). Industry Collaboration Grant from Astra Zeneca £115,000. “Generating a gene profile predictive of clinical response to a molecularly targeted therapy”.

    1. Paige AJW, Aboagye E, McKie A, El-Bahrawy M, Gabra H (2008–2010) Project Grant awarded by Ovarian cancer action £30,000. “Constructing an Opcml/Wwox double knockout mouse as a model for ovarian cancer”.

    1. Paige AJW, Gabra H (2008–2010) Project Grant awarded by Ovarian cancer action £16,500. “The WWOX tumour suppressor gene and its role in ovarian cancer”.

    1. PI: A Banham, Co-PIs: Guinn BA, KP Pulford and FK Stevenson (2010-2012). Cancer Research U.K. Discovery Committee. £214,000. “Validation of PASD1 as an immunotherapeutic target in carcinomas”

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