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Bartmiński, Jerzy 2002a. "La langue polonaise comme symbole d’identité nationale", in Mythes et symboles politiques en Europe centrale. Sur la direction de Chantal Delsol, Michel Maslowski, Joanna Nowicki, Paris: Press Universitaires de France, 519-536.
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Bartmiński, Jerzy. 2003. "Folklorystyka, etnonauka, etnolingwistyka - sytuacja w Polsce" in Slavistická folkloristika na rázcestí. Editor a vedecký redaktor: Zuzana Profantová. Bratislava: Ústav etnólogie Slovenská Akadémia Vied, 21 - 32 [Russian translation: "Fol'kloristika, etnonauka, etnolingvistika - situacija v Polše" Slavjanovedenie" 6, 89-98].
Bartmiński, Jerzy. 2003a. "Miejsce wartości w językowym obrazie świata" in Język w kręgu wartości. Studia semantyczne pod red. J.Bartmińskiego, Wyd. UMCS, 59-86.
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Bartmiński, Jerzy. 2004a. "Etnolingwistyka słowiańska - próba bilansu", Etnolingwistyka 16, Lublin 9-27.
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Bartmiński, Jerzy. 2004c. "Pol'skie los, dola i russkaja sud'ba" in Polskij jazyk sredi drugich slavjanskich jazykov. IV Suprunovskie čtenija. Minsk, 8-19.
Bartmiński, Jerzy. 2005a. Jazykovoj obraz mira: očerki po etnolingvistike. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Indrik, pp. 527.
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Bartmiński, Jerzy. 2005d. "Litewski i białoruski stereotyp Polaka (w świetle badań za pomocą dyferencjału semantycznego)" [with Ludmiła Mavrič, Swietłana Rżeutska], Etnolingwistyka 17, 187-195.
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Divjak, D. & St. Th. Gries 2006. Ways of Trying in Russian: Clustering Behavioral Profiles. In: Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 2 (1): 23-60.
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Divjak, D. & A. Kochańska (eds.). 2007. Cognitive Paths into the Slavic Domain. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter [Cognitive Linguistics Research], 463 + viii pg.
Divjak, D., A. Kochańska & L.A. Janda 2007. Why Cognitive Linguists Should Care About the Slavic Languages And Vice Versa. In: Divjak, D. & A. Kochańska (eds.) Cognitive Paths into the Slavic Domain. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter [Cognitive Linguistics Research], 1-19.
Divjak, D. 2008. On (in)frequency and (un)acceptability. In: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (ed.). Corpus Linguistics, Computer Tools and Applications - state of the art. Frankfurt a. Main: Peter Lang, 213-233. [Lodz Studies in Language].
Divjak, D. & St. Th. Gries. 2008. Clusters in the Mind? Converging evidence from near-synonymy in Russian. The Mental Lexicon, 3 (2): 188-213.
Divjak, D. & L. A. Janda. 2008. Ways of Attenuating Agency in Russian. In: Anna Siewierska (ed.). Impersonal Constructions in Grammatical Theory. A special issue of Transactions of the Philological Society, 106 (2): 1-40.
Divjak, D. & Lemmens, M. forthcoming. “Lexical Conflation Patterns in Dutch Aquamotion Verbs” in Majsak, T. & Rachilina, E.V. eds., Tipologija glagolov dviženija v vode. Moscow: Gnozis.
Divjak, Dagmar. forthcoming 2009. Mapping between domains. The aspect-modality interaction in Russian. Russian Linguistics 33 (3).
Divjak, Dagmar. (under contract). Structuring the Lexicon: a Clustered Model for Near-Synonymy. Mouton de Gruyter; Berlin – New York. [Cognitive Linguistics Research].
Divjak, Dagmar & St. Th. Gries. forthcoming. Corpus-based cognitive semantics. A contrastive study of phasal verbs in English and Russian. In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara and Katarzyna Dziwirek (eds.). Studies in Cognitive Corpus Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 273-296. [Lodz Studies in Language].
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Dobrovol’skij, Dmitrij. 2001. Lexical semantics and pragmatic conventions. In PRAGMATICS IN 2000: Selected papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference, Vol. 2. Edited by Enikö Németh. Antwerp: International Pragmatics Association, 165-173.
Добровольский, Д. О. 2003. Лексическая сочетаемость в диахронии (к динамике узуальных норм) // Русский язык сегодня. Вып. 2: Активные языковые процессы конца ХХ века. 125-138. Москва: Азбуковник.
Dobrovol’skij, D. O. 2004. Reguljarnaja mnogoznačnost’ v sfere idiomatiki. In Sokrovennye smysly. Slovo. Tekst. Kul’tura. Sbornik statej v čest’ N.D. Arutjunovoj. Moskva: Jazyki slavjanskoj kul’tury, 77-88.
Dobrovol'skij, D.O. 2004. Lexical Semantics and Combinatorial Profile: A Corpus-Based Approach. In Geoffrey Williams and Sandra Vessier (eds.). Proceedings of the Eleventh EURALEX International Congress, EURALEX 2004. Lorient: UBS, 787-796.
Добровольский, Д.О. 2005. Кванторные слова в сопоставительном аспекте (несколько и его немецкие эквиваленты) // Логический анализ языка. Квантификативный аспект языка / Отв. ред. Н.Д. Арутюнова. М.: Индрик, 166-185.
Dobrovol'skij, Д.О. 2005. Semantic Motivation of Lexical Functions and its Limits (The Combinatorial Profile of the Russian Degree Modifier črezvyčajno) // East West Encounter: Second international conference on Meaning-Text Theory. Ed. by Ju.D. Apresjan and L.L. Iomdin. Moscow: Slavic Culture Languages Publishing House, 110-121.
Добровольский, Д.О. 2005. Факторы сочетаемости: семантика, прагматика, узус // Русский язык в научном освещении, № 2 (10), 43-86.
Dobrovol’skij, Dmitrij & Piirainen, Elisabeth 2005. Cognitive theory of metaphor and idiom analysis. In: Jezikoslovlje 6.1-2, 7-35.
Dobrovol'skij, Dmitrij & Piirainen, Elisabeth. 2005. Figurative language: cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspectives. Amsterdam etc.: Elsevier. (Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, 13).
Добровольский, Д.О. 2006. Почему слова меняют свое значение? К проблеме комбинаторно обусловленного семантического развития. In: Symanzik, Bernhard (ed.). Festschrift für Gerhard Birkfellner zum 65. Geburtstag. Teilband 1 (=Studia Philologica Slavica: Münstersche Texte zur Slavistik; Bd. 4). Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2006, 93-106.
Добровольский, Д.О. 2006. К сопоставительному анализу культурноспецифичных концептов (на материале русского и немецкого языков) // Русский язык сегодня. Вып. 4: Проблемы языковой нормы. М.: ИРЯ РАН, 157-173.
Dobrovol’skij D. & Piirainen E. 2006. Cultural knowledge and idioms. In: International journal of English studies 6/1, 27-41 (=New Advances in Phraseological Research, ed. by Flor Mena-Martinez).
Dobrovol’skij, Dmitrij. 2007. Cognitive approaches to idiom analysis. In: Phraseologie: ein intrenationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung = Phraseology: an international handbook of contemporary research / edited by Harald Burger, Dmitrij Dobrovol’skij, Peter Kühn, Neal R. Norrick. 2. Halbband / Volume 2. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 789-818.
Добровольский, Д.О. 2007. Семантическая членимость как фактор вариативности идиомы // Язык как материя смысла. Сб. статей в честь академика Н.Ю. Шведовой / Отв. ред.: М.В. Ляпон. – М.: Азбувковник, 219-231.
Добровольский, Д.О. 2007. Пассивизация идиом (о семантической обусловленности синтаксических трансформаций во фразеологии) // ВЯ 5/2007, 39-61.
Добровольский, Д.О. Лексико-синтаксическое варьирование во фразеологии: ввод определения в структуру идиомы // Русский язык в научном освещении, 2007, № 2 (14), 18-47.
Добровольский, Д.О. 2007. Структура многозначности в различных языках (на материале глаголов движения русского и немецкого языков) // Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии: Труды международной конференции «Диалог 2007» (Бекасово, 30 мая – 3 июня 2007 г.) / Под ред. Л.Л. Иомдина, Н.И. Лауфер, А.С. Нариньяни, В.П. Селегея. – М.: Изд-во РГГУ, 2007. 658 с.: ил. – С. 162-166.
Добровольский, Д.О. 2007. Семантика усмешки // Логический анализ языка. Языковые механизмы комизма / Отв. ред. член-корр. РАН Н.Д. Арутюнова. М.: Индрик, 207-218.
Dobrovol'skij, Dmitrij. 2007. Idioms: On paradigmatic semantic relations // Gerdes, Kim / Reuther, Tilmann / Wanner, Leo (eds.). Meaning-Text Theory 2007. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory, Klagenfurt, May 20-24, 2007. Wiener slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 69. München-Wien: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2007.
Dobrovol’skij, Dmitrij. 2007. Idiom semantics from a cognitive perspective. In: Luque Durán, Juan de Dios/Pamies Bertrán, Antonio (eds.): Interculturalidad y lenguaje I: el significado cono corolario cultural. Granada: Granada Lingvistica, 2007, 37-48.
Dobrovol’skij, Dmitrij. 2008. Idiome in der Theorie des bildlichen Lexikons: semantische Effekte der inneren Form. In: Ulla Fix, Hannelore Poethe, Marianne Schröder (Hrsg.). Wort-Bildung und Wort-Schatz. Irmhild Barz zum 65. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Institut für Germanistik, 2008, 29-39.
Добровольский, Д.О. 2008. Регулярная многозначность в сопоставительном аспекте // Динамические модели: Слово. Предложение, Текст. Сборник статей в честь Е.В. Падучевой. М.: ЯСК, 2008, 280-292.
Добровольский Д.О., Падучева Е.В. 2008. Дейксис в отсутствие говорящего: о семантике немецких дейктических элементов hin и her (Deixis without speaker: towards the semantics of the German deictic elements hin and her) // Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии: По материалам ежегодной Международной конференции «Диалог». Выпуск 7 (14). – М.: РГГУ, 2008, 140-146. (=Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” Issue 7 (14).
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Janda, Laura A. 1996b. “Figure, ground, and animacy in Slavic declension,” Slavic and East European Journal 40, 325–55.
Janda, Laura A. 1996c. “Unpacking Markedness,” in Linguistics in the Redwoods: The expansion of a new paradigm in Linguistics, ed. by Eugene Casad. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 207–33.
Janda, Laura A. 1997a. “Russkie glagol´nye pristavki. Semantika i grammatika ( = translation into Russian of “The Meaning of Russian Verbal Prefixes: Semantics and Grammar”),” in Glagol´naja prefiksacija v russkom jazyke, ed. by M. Kronhauz and D. Pajdar. Moscow: Russkie slovari, 49–61.
Janda, Laura A. 1997b. “Implementation of the FIGURE-GROUND distinction in Polish,” in Lexical and syntactic constructions and the construction of meaning (Current issues in linguistic theory 150), ed. by Keedong Lee, Eve Sweetser, and Marjolijn Verspoor. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 149–63.
Janda, Laura A. 1998a. “Linguistic innovation from defunct morphology: Old dual endings in Polish and Russian,” in American Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists, ed. by Robert A. Maguire and Alan Timberlake. Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 431–43.
Janda, Laura A. 1998b. “Back matter for a Czech reader, “ Czech Language News 10, pp. 6–9.
Janda, Laura A. 1998c. “Constructing GIVE, HAVE, and TAKE in Slavic,” in The Linguistics of Giving (= Typological Studies in Language 36), ed. by John Newman. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 249–65.
Janda, Laura A. 1999a. “Whence virility? The rise of a new gender distinction in the history of Slavic,” in Slavic gender linguistics, ed. by Margaret H. Mills. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 201–28.
Janda, Laura A. 1999b. “Categorization and analogical change: The case of athematic 1sg -m in the Slavic languages,” in Issues in Cognitive Linguistics, ed. by Leon de Stadler and Christoph Eyrich. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 75-95.
Janda, Laura A. 1999c. “Peircean semiotics and cognitive linguistics: a case study of the Russian genitive,” in The Peirce Seminar Papers, ed. by Michael Shapiro. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 441–66.
Janda, Laura A. 2000a. “A cognitive model of the Russian accusative case”, in Trudy meždunarodnoj konferencii Kognitivnoe modelirovanie, No. 4, part I, ed. by R. K. Potapova, V. D. Solovev and V. N. Poljakov. Moscow: MISIS, 20-43.
Janda, Laura A. 2000b."Kognitivnaja lingvisitika", Lekcii po kognitivnym naukam”, vyp. 2. Kazan´, Russia: Unipress, 40 pp.
Janda, Laura A. 2000c. “From TORT to Tu´RT/Tru´T: Prototype patterning in the spread of Russian N(A)pl -á”, in In the Realm of Slavic Philology: To Honor the Teaching and Scholarship of Dean S. Worth From His UCLA Students, edited by Leon Ferder and John Dingley. Bloomington: Slavica, 145-61.
Janda, Laura A. 2000d. "From number to gender, from dual to virile: bridging cognitive categories", in Lexical and grammatical classification: same or different?, ed. by Yishai Tobin and Ellen Contini-Morava. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 73-86.
Janda, Laura A. 2002a. “Concepts of case and time in Slavic”. Glossos. Issue 3. Spring 2002.
Janda, Laura A. 2002b. The Case Book for Russian. A coherent description of all the uses of all the cases with examples for linguists and learners. A companion CD-ROM co-authored with Steven J. Clancy. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica.
Janda, Laura A. 2002c. “Cases in collision, cases in collusion: the semantic space of case in Czech and Russian”, in Where One’s Tongue Rules Well: A Festschrift for Charles E. Townsend, ed. by Laura A. Janda, Steven Franks, and Ronald Feldstein. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica. 43-61.
Janda, Laura A. 2002d. “Form, Function, and Context”, an introduction to Where One’s Tongue Rules Well: A Festschrift for Charles E. Townsend, ed. by Laura A. Janda, Steven Franks, and Ronald Feldstein. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 8-10.
Janda, Laura A. 2002e. “Cognitive hot spots in the Russian case system”, in Michael Shapiro, ed. Peircean Semiotics: The State of the Art (=The Peirce Seminar Papers 5). New York: Berghahn Books, 165-188.
Janda, Laura A. 2002f. “The conceptualization of events and their relationship to time in Russian”, in Glossos 2, at 10pp.
Janda, Laura A. 2002g. “Umejí deti cesky?”, co-authored with Petr Sgall, František Cermák, Eva Hajicová, Jirí Hronek, Henry Kucera, Vera Schmiedtová, Jaroslav Suk, and Charles Townsend, in Ceský jazyk a literatura 9, 237-243.
Janda, Laura A. 2002h. “Sémantika pádu v ceštine”, in Setkání s ceštinou, ed. by Alena Krausová, Markéta Slezáková, and Zdenka Svobodová. Prague: Ústav pro jazyk ceský, 29-35.
Janda, Laura A. 2002i. “The Case for Competing Conceptual Systems”, in Cognitive Linguistics Today (= Lódz Studies in Language 6), ed. by Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Kamila Turewicz, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 355-374.
Janda, Laura A. 2002j. Parameters of Slavic Aspect: A Cognitive Approach, by Stephen Dickey. In General Linguistics 39 (2002 [1999]), 140-143.
Janda, Laura A. "Cognitive Linguistics", from a conference entitled The Future of Slavic Linguistics in America, available at 37pp.
Janda, Laura A. 2002-03. “A Metaphor for Aspect in Slavic”, International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, vol. 44-45, 1-13.
Janda, Laura A. 2003. “A user-friendly conceptualization of Aspect”, Slavic and East European Journal, vol. 47, no. 2, 251-281.
Janda, Laura A. 2004a. “The Dative Case in Czech: What it Means and How si Fits in”, in the published proceedings of the annual meeting of the Spolecnost pro vedy a umení 2003, published at:, 8pp.
Janda, Laura A. 2004b. “A metaphor in search of a source domain: the categories of Slavic aspect”, Cognitive Linguistics, vol. 15, no. 4, 471-527.
Janda, Laura A. 2004c. “Kognitivní lingvistika”, Cítanka textu z kognitivní lingvistiky I (Prague: Ústav ceského jayzka a teorie komunikace), 9-58.
Janda, Laura A. 2004d. "Border Zones in the Russian Case System", in Sokrovennye smysly (a festschrift for Nina D. Arutjunova), ed. by Ju. D. Apresjan. Moscow: Jazyki slavjanskoj kul'tury, 378-398.
Janda, Laura A. 2004e. “Because it’s there: How linguistic phenomena serve as cognitive opportunities”, in Times and Cases: A View of Slavic Conceptualizations, ed. by Laura A. Janda and Tore Nesset. Glossos 5.
Janda, Laura A. and George Rubinstein. 2004. Kognitivnyj analiz predmetnyx imen: semantika i sočetaemost’ [Cognitive analysis of physical names: Semantics and combinability], by Ekaterina Raxilina. Moscow: Russkie slovari, 2000. In Cognitive Linguistics 15: 3 (2004), 397-406.
Janda, Laura A. and Tore Nesset. 2004a. “Introduction”, in Times and Cases: A View of Slavic Conceptualizations, ed. by Laura A. Janda and Tore Nesset. Glossos 5.
Janda, Laura A. and Tore Nesset 2004b. Times and Cases: A View of Slavic Conceptualizations. Glossos 5.
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