5 Needham ZL Aff
Aff Afropessimism
Normalized procedurals of whiteness within the courtroom function in a guise of transparency, escaping recognition. The court privileges whiteness yet views whiteness itself as nonracial, forever foreclosing the possibility of change. The system will never be fair.
Carlin '16 (Carlin, Amanda. "The Courtroom as White Space: Racial Performance as Noncredibility." UCLA Law Review, vol. 63, no. 450, 2016, www.uclalawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Carlin-final-article-no-bleed.pdf.)
As the previous
this white space.
They continue:
The exclusion of
inside the courtroom.
Thus, the plan: plea bargaining ought to be abolished in the US criminal justice system.
Your illusions of fair negotiations are controlled by the system that encapsulates jurisprudence. The system blows up the sentences. A onetime minor drug offense is a life sentence. Mass incarceration and the rise of the prison state is fueled by civil society and political discourse. Reject the illusion of plea bargains to jam the system and force the discussion.
Alexander '12 (Alexander, Michelle. "Opinion | Go to Trial: Crash the Justice System." The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Mar. 2012, www.nytimes.com/2012/03/11/opinion/sunday/go-to-trial-crash-the-justice-system.html.)
After years as
risk our lives.
Engage with a disengagement- the systematic refusal to answer questions, yet pose them at the same time is a flipping of the script that is an epistemological rupture.
Wilderson 1 (Wilderson, Frank B. The Vengeance of Vertigo: Aphasia and Abjection in the Political Trials of Black Insurgents. Vol. 5, InTensions, 2011.)
David Gilbert and
as "anti-colonial combatants."
Turn the courtroom on its head; assume the position of the prosecutor. The trials are a key site of black spiritual hope, an exchange of the political for the spiritual.
Wilderson 2 (Wilderson, Frank B. The Vengeance of Vertigo: Aphasia and Abjection in the Political Trials of Black Insurgents. Vol. 5, InTensions, 2011.)
The guerilla war
of the gallery
The aff is a material manifestation of the "unflinching paradigmatic analysis" Wilderson alt everyone knows. The courtroom is rerepresented as a space of resistance rather than a space of defense, study the laws to create anarchy, abide by rules to break them.
Wilderson 3 (Wilderson, Frank B. The Vengeance of Vertigo: Aphasia and Abjection in the Political Trials of Black Insurgents. Vol. 5, InTensions, 2011.)
This is not
by state violence.
Black narratives are key in uniting struggles, forming a cohesive depiction of incomprehensible violence within a framework of the group as a whole, and not egotistic struggles for attention. There is no black subject to identify with precisely because of civil society's removal of the black subject from humanity. Violence cannot be articulated, the writer is clubbed by aphasia.
Wilderson 4 (Wilderson, Frank B. The Vengeance of Vertigo: Aphasia and Abjection in the Political Trials of Black Insurgents. Vol. 5, InTensions, 2011.)
Scaling downward from
comprehensive for words.
The ROTB is to commence a Gramscian struggle for the debate space, reclaiming trenches one at a time as pedagogical centers of black struggles. An overthrow of the white ideologies within the debate space, this struggle must start from the aff's war of attrition with the courtroom as white space.
Wilderson 5 (Wilderson, Frank B. The Vengeance of Vertigo: Aphasia and Abjection in the Political Trials of Black Insurgents. Vol. 5, InTensions, 2011.)
Many pacifist scholars
Balagoon and Bukhari.
5 Needham ZL Neg
K Faciality (CJS Link)
We have become facialized. The CJS is the ultimate culmination of the faciality machine where our entire identity is generalized and forced to conform to that of the criminal. The instant we walk into the courtroom we are branded.
MacCormack '04 (MacCormack, Patricia. "Facial Futures and Probe Heads: From Australia Post to Pluto." Faciality - Patricia Maccormack, 2004, archeologia.women.it/user/4thfemconf/workshops/spectacles2/patriciamaccormack.htm.)
This paper will
his own criminality.
Power operates not by exclusion but by incorporation and capture – this is a machine known as faciality: a mode of coding which includes all bodies into spheres of recognition but in wholly differential ways – the 1AC conceives of power as a scale between inclusion and noninclusion – you should instead understand it as a circle with an idealized face at the center and deviant faces along its circumference. The aff's dyadic understanding of subjecthood cannot account for the infinite proliferation of identities within the faciality machine, ensuring the reproduction of colonial domination
Saldanha '07 (Arun Saldanha, Associate Professor of Geography, Environment, and Society at University of Minnesota, Senior Lecturer of Social Sustainability at Lancaster University, 2007, "Psychedelic White: Goa Trance and the Viscosity of Race,")
My disagreement is
into the universal.
In the process of over-coding all life, reducing not just race but all identities to simple binaries, the abstract machine of faciality justifies the destruction of all life.
Deleuze and Guattari '80 (A Thousand Plateaus, pg. 173-174)
The reason is
incompetence and naivete.
The alternative is a rupture of arborescent possibilities in exchange for rhizomatic possibilities, an embrace of the probe head- this is the only way to break free of the machine, and all other modes of thought just place the white male as the strata.
MacCormack '04 (MacCormack, Patricia. "Facial Futures and Probe Heads: From Australia Post to Pluto." Faciality - Patricia Maccormack, 2004, archeologia.women.it/user/4thfemconf/workshops/spectacles2/patriciamaccormack.htm.)
Where can the
one dinosaur Christ-face
The alternative creates concrete machinic assemblages and coalitions against the state apparatus.
Cohen and Ramlow '06 (Jeffrey J. Cohen, Professor of English and Department Chair at George Washington University, Todd R. Ramlow, women's studies professor at George Washington University, "Pink Vectors of Deleuze: Queer Theory and Inhumanism," Rhizomes, Issue 11/12, Fall 2005/Spring 2006)
I owe you
just another army.
Our alternative allows us to engage in an underground, illegible form of politics outside of the knowledge and control of state surveillance.
Dillon '13 (Fugitive Life: Race, Gender, and the Rise of the Neoliberal-Carceral State, Stephen Dillon is an assistant professor of Queer Studies, holds a B.A. from the University of Iowa and a Ph.D. in American Studies with a minor in Critical Feminist and Sexuality Studies from the University of Minnesota. https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/153053/Dillon_umn_0130E_13833.pdf?sequence=1)
As law and
the dead resurrected.
The role of the ballot is to vote for the best ecosophy – or ecological philosophy.
Being is not homogenous, it is instead heterogeneous, a multiplicity that must be created through action. Ecosophy is a project of creating technical praxes that recognizes humanity as situated within ecologies that situate our being that give the possibilities of charting new horizons for becoming.
Johnson and Guattari '11 (John Johnson and Felix Guattari, 2011. "The Vertigo of Immanence" in "The Guattari Effect," edited by Eric Alliez and Andrew Goffey, Continuum International Publishing, pg 36-38. Evidence is from an interview between Johnson and Guattari, translated by Andrew Goffey.)
J.J.: You refer
so often are.
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