Blake Invitational 1 Kamiak nb aff

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11 Valley AJ Neg

NC Freedom/Coercion

The ability to bring conditions upon oneself is a prerequisite to moral judgement.

Wallace, R. Jay (Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley). Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments. (1994).

"To hold someone ... to be explained."

That implies the right to choose the course of one’s own life even if it is against one’s own self-interest.

Dworkin, Ronald (Professor of Law and Philosophy, New York University). Life’s Dominion: An Argument About Abortion, Euthanasia, and Individual Freedom. New York: Knopf, 1993.

"But we must ... realize that aim."

The foundation of the criminal justice system assumes the autonomy of defendants, so rejecting it makes criminal law incoherent.

Hashimoto, Erica (Professor of Law, Georgetown University). “Resurrecting Autonomy: The Criminal Defendant’s Right to Control the Case.” Boston University Law Review (2010).

"Part of the ... and during trial."

Enforcing compliance with a conception of the good on others is the foundation of oppression.

Rawls, John (Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University). Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003.

"A continuing shared ... to remain so."

In the status quo, defendants have the right to a jury trial should they wish one; the prevalence of plea bargaining is effectively a waiver of rights.

Howe, Scott (Williams Professor of Criminal Law, Chapman University). “The Value of Plea Bargaining.” Oklahoma Law Review 58 (2005).

"Trading concessions for ... the public interest."

CP (?) Withhold Racial Demographics

Prosecutors use racial profiling to determine plea bargains.

Borchetta, Jenn and Alice Fontier. “When race tips the scales in plea bargaining.” Slate, October 23, 2017.

"A new study ... plea to offer."

However, knowing the defendants race is not necessary fact for plea bargaining, so cases ought to be blinded in plea bargains.

Shima Baughman, Christopher Robertson, and Sunita Sah. “3 Professors Have a Radical Idea for How to Remove Bias from the Criminal Justice System.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 22 Oct. 2016

"Blinding cases – removing ... can be blinded."

This uniquely solves the harms of plea bargaining in the squo

Goode, Erica. “Stronger Hand for Judges in the ‘Bazaar’ of Plea Deals.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Mar. 2012,

"97 percent of ... in plea bargains"

DA Court Clog

Taking away plea bargaining means that there will be a complete overload in the court system with cases, and clogged civil courts are self-defeating- they are unsustainable and no trials receive proper attention.

(Ashely; InsideCounsel as managing editor ,"Frivolous lawsuits clogging U.S. courts, stalling economic growth",, July 22, 2011)ADS

"Americans’ litigiousness and ... of economic investment."

12 Valley KK Aff

Aff Stuttering Rage

The resolution is a question of power relations. The prosecution offers a deal to the defense for a lesser sentence. The defense decides whether to agree to the lesser sentence or to take their chances in court. Every day, I face the same decision. I am offered the option to hide my stutter in exchange for the reduced sentence of less oppression. If I accept, I lose my original voice. If I decline, I face stigma of stuttering.

The impact is psychic exhaustion. Stutterers face constant pressure to be fluent which causes constant worry about stuttering. Richter, Zach. “Austerity of voice: How ableist expectations foster self-hate and anxiety in stutterers.” Didistutter. May 18, 2015. Web.

The teachings of… modern communication architecture.


The role of the ballot is to vote for the best method to foster inclusion in debate.

Discursive exchange assumes access to the space. Boys, Jos. “challenging the 'normal': towards new conceptual frameworks”,

This shifts the… of that difference.

2. Power relations in schools discipline bodies making this space key. Erevelles, Nirmala. "Educating unruly bodies: Critical pedagogy, disability studies, and the politics of schooling." Educational theory 50.1 (2000): 25-47.

For example, critical… projects of schools.”27

I advocate stuttering rage as a method of abolishing my own plea bargaining. I refuse the deal to hide my stuttering. I demand a rejection of the oppression of stutterers. St. Pierre, Joshua pursuing his PhD in philosophy. “Where is the fury in the stuttering community?” Did I Stutter. November 3, 2014. Web.

I, like many… back our speech.

Net Benefits:

A) Survival Strategy: Rage uncovers oppression the favors the survial of oppressive groups. Ahmed, Sara. “Selfcare as Warfare.” Feministkilljoys. Web. August 25, 2014. Web.

When a whole… fighting against injustice.

B) Capitalism: Happiness is a tool of capitalism to ascribe value to certain types of personhood. Ahmed2, Sara. The promise of happiness. Duke University Press, 2010.

Happiness becomes, then,… secure one’s happiness” (2002: 75).


Evaluate a topicality debate by determining whether this aff specifically is abusive, so no norms setting: (a-d points)

2. The AC is accessible and fair: (a-c points)

3. Prefer reasonability with a brightline of structural abuse. (analytic)

12 Valley KK Neg

PIK “The”

Plea bargaining ought to be abolished in United States criminal justice system.


The CP textually competes b/c you can’t both include the word “The” and omit the word. The CP also competes on net benefits.

Net Benefits:

“The” before “United States” perpetuates U.S. nationalism and reinforces U.S. geographic harms.

Thrift: Thrift, Nigel (Vice Chancellor of the University of Warwick). “It’s the little things” in Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought (2000).

1st few sentences… sometimes boils over.

Geopower is at the heart of the imperial nation-state which makes violence inevitable. Tuathail: Tuathil, Gearoid (Professor of Government and International Affairs at Virginia Polytechnic University). Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space. 1996.

Geography is about… Writing Global Space. 1996.


This also solves 100 of the aff because we can continue any net benefit of affirming, but we should strive to eliminate harmful discourse.

Linguistic analysis first

discourse shapes reality, so it precludes AC offense.

Hill:Hill (Cheryl Lynn Wofford Hill, "Restating International Jurisprudence in Inclusive Terms: Language as Method in Creating a Hospitable Worldview," 27 Okla. City U.L. Rev. 297, Spring, 2002, LexisNexis)

“Language is a… of human beings."

even if I lose the framing, still negate because

A) if I solve 100 of the aff this is literally the only offense in the entire round

B) I still turn the AC because oppression is bad under their framework as extemp, and

K Criminal “Justice”

The aff claims to operate in the “United States criminal justice system.” But there is no criminal justice system because it’s not just. Stuntz William. The Collapse of American Criminal Justice. Harvard University Press, November 29, 2011.

The criminal justice, in white ones.

The impact is that discourse shapes reality so calling the system “just” creates real harms. Hill (Cheryl Lynn Wofford Hill, "Restating International Jurisprudence in Inclusive Terms: Language as Method in Creating a Hospitable Worldview," 27 Okla. City U.L. Rev. 297, Spring, 2002, LexisNexis)

Language is a method… supremely important in controlling the behavior of human beings.

The alternative is to refer to the system as the criminal injustice system. This acknowledges that the system is unjust, so we can work towards change. Pitts, Leonard. “A justice system worthy of the name.” Miami Herald, July 21, 2015.

The United States… that historic blunder.

The role of the ballot is to vote for the best method to resist oppressive uses of language. Language shapes behavior and politics power so resisting oppressive language is key. Gay, William. “The language of war and peace.” Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict. Academic Press, 1999.

Third, behavior is… for their actions.

K Ableism

The aff links into the ableism K:

Government: The government forms a negative ontology of disability by excluding forms of disability that do not meet a certain definition. Campbell, Fiona Kumari. "Legislating disability: Negative ontologies and the government of legal identities." Foucault and the government of disability (2005): 108-130.

Law plays an… claims (strategies), in particular.

2. Politics: Politics assumes an autonomous able-bodied subject to have access to law so excludes disability. Breckenridge, Carol Appadurai, and Candace A. Vogler. "The critical limits of embodiment: Disability's criticism." Public Culture 13.3 (2001): 349-357.

Disability studies teaches… freely chosen expressions of

The impact is exclusion from knowledge production. Disabled bodies are excluded from producing knowledge. Engagement with real world experiences gives us a starting point on which to generate knowledge. Silvers, Anita, "Feminist Perspectives on Disability", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =

The experiences of… severely disabled persons (Francis and Silvers 2006, Silvers and Francis 2009).

The alternative is to embrace the crip killjoy. We refuse to play along with compulsory able-bodiedness that requires hiding disability. Johnson and McRuer Johnson, Merri, and Robert McRuer. "Cripistemologies: Introduction." Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 8.2 (2014): 127-148

The inter-implications… become a stealth cripistemologist.

The role of the ballot is to vote for the best methodological liberatory strategy for bodies that are disabled.

Power relations in education discipline bodies making this space key. Erevelles, Nirmala. "Educating unruly bodies: Critical pedagogy, disability studies, and the politics of schooling." Educational theory 50.1 (2000): 25-47.

For example, critical… cultural projects of schools.”27

Engagement in the round is based on who is present. Boys, Jos. “challenging the 'normal': towards new conceptual frameworks”,

This shifts the… of that difference.

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