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13 William Enloe TG Aff

Aff Sexual Offenses Plan


Status quo structural inequalities are ignored because individuals distance themselves from non-directly causal effects of their actions that contribute to cycles of oppression.

Young 03: Young, Iris Marion. ~Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago~ "Political Responsibility and Structural Injustice." University of Kansas, May 5, 2003.

This, then, is what it means to me to say that structures are


than injustices, circumstances we must live with rather than try to change.

The role of the ballot is to endorse the most desirable policy option, which means that only consequences of a policy are relevant. That's key to social change: the state isn't ignorable, and pointing out problems isn't enough. Themba-Nixon

(Makani, Executive Director of The Praxis Project, a nonprofit organization helping communities use media and policy advocacy to advance health equity and justice. "Changing the Rules: What Public Policy Means for Organizing" Colorlines 3.2)

Getting It in Writing Much of the work of framing what we stand for


should be. And then we must be committed to making it so.

Policy-making paradigm is the most educational – teaches us to become more effective real world activists and actually address the issues they discuss in the real world. Keller

Keller, Whittaker, and Burke 01 ~Thomas E., Asst. professor School of Social Service Administration U. of Chicago, James K., professor of Social Work, and Tracy K., doctoral student School of Social Work, "Student debates in policy courses: promoting policy practice skills and knowledge through active learning," Journal of Social Work Education, Spr/Summer~

Policy practice encompasses social workers' "efforts to influence the development, enactment, implementation


share~s~ much in common with developing capacities for critical thinking.

Ideal theory fails – oversimplifying ethics to one theory threatens any real discussion.

Curry 14, Tommy J. Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy, Texas AandM University. December 2014. "The Cost of a Thing: A Kingian Reformulation of a Living Wage Argument in the 21st Century," JS

Despite the pronouncement of debate as an activity and intellectual exercise pointing to the real


used to currently justify the living wages in under our contemporary moral parameters.

Thus, the standard is minimizing structural violence.

Prefer consequentialism additionally:

1~ Analytic

A~ Analytic

B~ Analytic

2~ Analytic

A~ Analytic

B~ Analytic

C~ Analytic



Plea bargains allow for rapists to be convicted of a less serious offense, which adds insult to injury for victims.

Williams 10 ~Rachel Williams, freelance writer, 3-20-2010, "Fewer rape convictions because plea bargains prevail, report suggests," Guardian, JS

Hundreds of convictions gained in rape cases are actually for lesser offences, official figures


by others as a result of this charge and the subsequent pathetic sentence."

The impact is injustice for victims – plea bargains enable the defendant to avoid punishment for rape and they send a message that rape isn't a serious offense.

Martin 14 ~Tim Martin, columnist for the Times Standard, 8-2-2014, "No more plea deals for sex offenders," Times Standard, JS

A typical plea deal requires that the defendant plead guilty to a lesser charge in


a person is about as close as you can come to killing them.

Even a "win" for the prosecutor via a plea deal is insufficient for the victim, which answers Neg turns – it's a question of admittance of guilt.

Center for Research on Violence Against Women 11 ~"What percentage of rape cases gets prosecuted? What are the rates of conviction?" UK Center for Research on Violence Against Women, December 2011~ JS

Participation in prosecution, plea negotiations, and testifying in sentencing phases are difficult and


is never required to actually admit or acknowledge that he raped the survivor.


Resolved: the United States federal government should abolish plea bargaining in court cases involving sexual offenses.

Abolishing plea bargaining boost the legal system's credibility, which increases deterrence that can be used to disincentivize future sexual assaults.

Fine 87 (Ralph Adam Fine, American judge, author, and television personality who served on the Wisconsin Court of Appeals from 1988-2014, "Plea Bargaining: An Unnecessary Evil", Marquette Law Review, Volume 70, Issue 4, Summer 1987) JS

The very essence of deterrence is credibility. As I point out in Escape of


Supreme Court derisively condemned it as "a direct sale of justice."14

Plea bargains let offenders get off with minimal punishment, which increases the likelihood that they'll become repeat offenders.

Martin 12 ~Kyle Martin, Staff Writer, 2-11-2012, "Many break law again after first offender sex crime plea," Augusta Chronicle, JS

Of the 84 people given first offender status for sex crimes in the past 11


was terminated early in 2007, and he is not on the registry.

Allowing pleas that let offenders avoid admitting their guilt is detrimental to the healing processes of victims.

Molesworth 08 ~Claire L. Molesworth, OPTIO Solutions, LLC, Miller Nash Graham and Dunn LLP, Seattle Arts and Lectures, "Knowledge Versus Acknowledgment: Rethinking the Alford Plea in Sexual Assault Cases," SEATTLE JOURNAL FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 2 • 2008~ JS

Additionally, Hayner delineates the difference between trials and truth commissions based on the involvement


hearing the defendant admit the truth publicly and acknowledge the suffering he caused.

Aff Pragmatism



Beliefs are defined in terms of their practical effects – there is no distinction between 2 beliefs if they guide the same mode of action.

Peirce ~Charles S. American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist known as "the father of pragmatism"; educated as a chemist and employed as a scientist for 30 years. "How to Make Our Ideas Clear," Popular Science Monthly 12 (January 1878), 286-302.. JS

The principles set forth in the first part of this essay lead, at once


conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object.

Scientific experimentation is necessary to evaluate those beliefs without subjectivity.

Peirce 2 ~Charles S. American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist known as "the father of pragmatism"; educated as a chemist and employed as a scientist for 30 years. November 1877. "The Fixation of Belief," Popular Science Monthly 12 (November 1877), 1-15. JS

To satisfy our doubts, therefore, it is necessary that a method should be


anybody with a living doubt upon the subject, let him consider it.

Thus, the standard is consistency with pragmatic experimental decision procedure.

Impact Calc

Pragmatism is procedural – actions are contingent on intentions, while intentions only matter if they induce actions, so impacts that link back to either consequences or intentions independently don't link to my framework.

Boncompagni summarizing Pierce ~Anna Boncompagni, University of Florence, Italy, "Wittgenstein and Pragmatism: On Certainty in the Light of Peirce and James," History of Analytic Philosophy, December 30, 2016~ JS

In the following years, Peirce would specify that pragmaticism could not identify action,


habit without intentionality is blind, and intentionality without habit is empty.46


The truth of information can only be evaluated through inquiry – even if your framework is true, we don't know unless we subject it to pragmatic inquiry.

Dewey ~John Dewey, American philosopher and educator who was a founder of the philosophical movement known as pragmatism, a pioneer in functional psychology, and a leader of the progressive movement in education in the United States. Edited by Jo Ann Boydston. "The Problem of Logical Subject Matter." 1938 From Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. The Essential Dewey: Ethics, Logic, Psychology. Volume 2. Indian University Press. 157-169.~ JS

The word knowledge is also a suitable term to designate the objective and close of


such a way as not to be subject to revision in further inquiry.

Institutional questions/decision procedure always outweigh on the util question when we properly frame the form of conflict.

Rawls, John, 1955, "Two Concepts of Rules", Philosophical Review, 64(1): 3–32.

Try to imagine, then, an institution (which we may call "telishment


into the institutional practice makes the justification much less likely to go through.

Additional Impacts:

A~ Analytic

B~ Analytic

C~ Analytic

Contention – Experimentation

I affirm the resolution as a general principle. I am willing to clarify and specify further if asked in CX.

Plea bargaining disproportionately harms minorities—something must be done. Borchetta and Fontier 10-23:

Jenn Rolnick Borchetta and Alice Fontier, 10-23-2017, "New Research Finds That Prosecutors Give White Defendants Better Deals Than Black Defendants," Slate Magazine, RE

Countless people like this young man face tremendous pressure to accept a prosecutor's plea offer


process continues to destroy communities of color and further erode its own legitimacy.

Attempts at abolition are shot down by those in power who are lazy and want to maintain the status quo—proves the aff is a valuable form of experimentation. Fine 87:

Ralph Adam Fine, ~Judge, Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin~ "Plea Bargaining: An Unnecessary Evil" Marquette Law Review Vol. 70 Issue 4 Summer 1987 RE

Plea bargaining exists only because it is thought to be essential to the efficient functioning


for me, and I tell you, it would work for anybody.

The aff is a radical experiment that ruptures the status quo of mass incarceration and forces change to occur—this impact turns court clog and efficiency arguments. Alexander 12:

Michelle Alexander ~author of "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness."~ "Go to Trial: Crash the Justice System" NY Times,, 3-10-12 RE

AFTER years as a civil rights lawyer, I rarely find myself speechless. But


end this system, some of us will have to risk our lives."

Experimentation with controversial policies is key to adequately revise moral beliefs and helps us implement policies better in the future. Dewey 31:

John Dewey ~American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform~, "Social Science and Social Control" 1931, The Essential Dewey Volume I: Pragmatism, Education, Democracy, Edited by Larry A. Hickman and Thomas M. Alexander, Indiana University Press, 1998, RE

Wherever purposes are employed deliberately and systematically for the sake of certain desired social results


then control on a larger scale by the application of what was learned.

1AR K of Condo

The link is that they read a PIC and didn't defend it unconditionally

Several impacts

1~ White cooptation – Analytic

2~ Liberatory politics – Analytic

3~ Argumentative responsibility – they can say awful things and just kick it when called out for it.

Solt: Solt, Roger ~Professor of debate at University of Kentucky and all around great guy~ "The Disposition of Counterplans and Permutations: The case for Logical, Limited Conditionality" Mental Health Policies. 2003. RP

This ethical sense that conditionality is sleazy segues into the second major argument against conditionality


renew the Holocaust" counterplan (also claiming a domestic Malthus net benefit).

The implication: That's is a voting issue and comes first

Their discourse matters and they should lose. Cross apply their Vincent '13 evidence

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