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Annex 6. Action Plan for optimization of permits and implementation of one-stop-shop solutions

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Annex 6. Action Plan for optimization of permits and implementation of one-stop-shop solutions



Responsible institution


Result indicators

Source of funding








Setting unit / subdivision or persons responsible for coordinating the process of optimization of permits and implementation of one-stop solutions.

(According to Government Decision no. 122 of 18.02.2014 on public services reform program for the years 2014-2016, the State Chancellery is responsible for coordinating the reform of public services and has to create a division dedicated to this purpose. Reform of permits, which are public services, would fit perfectly in this process. Moreover, optimization of permits involves many government authorities, including ministries and could affect their institutional interests and / or require decisions related to exclusion of overlapping and application principle of proportionality of state intervention by permissive documents. Therefore it is crucial that this process be coordinated and controlled at high level, involving regular discussions within the Government. If the State Chancellery will not be prepared to undertake promptly this process, the coordination at the initial stage could be provided by the Ministry of Economy. Technical support will be provided for this purpose by the Ministry of Economy and technical assistance projects in the field of regulatory reform)

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy

February 2016

Unit / subdivision or persons responsible for coordinating the process set

Within the budget limits


Establishing the working group on the development, coordination and implementation of optimization of permits and one-stop solutions. The composition of the working group will include representatives of government authorities involved in the issuance of permits and those with a potential role in supporting implementation of one-stop-shop solutions.

(The working group would include representatives of the following institutions:
- State Chancellery
- Ministry of Economy,
- E-Governance Center,
- SE „Posta Moldovei”
- Other central public administration authorities involved in the issuance of permits that were addressed in the study in question,
- Local government authorities (can be selected representatives who created the Centers for Information and Service Provision under the USAID LGSP Project)
The working group activities can involve, as appropriate, representatives of:
- Business associations,
- Technical assistance projects,
- Civil society.
The exact composition of the working group can be dynamic and determined by the agenda and themes for each session)

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy

February 2016

Working group established

Regulation of the working group approved

Within the budget limits


Consulting and promoting the draft law on amendments to Law no. 160 of 22.07.2011 on regulating through authorization of entrepreneurial activity.

(The draft law is attached to the study on one-stop-shop. The draft comes to define clearer and in more detail principles of good regulation and introduce some new principles, which would help reduce cases of inconsistency of permissive acts with principles of good regulation and will eliminate some deficiencies that exist between Law 160 and Law 161 regarding the implementation of one-stop-shop in entrepreneurial activity. Additionally, it introduces new principles to facilitate the creation of one-stop-shop solutions. Given that the Law 160 contains the Nomenclature of permits, a new version of the Nomenclature has been proposed, which excludes from the list mainly the confirming documents, documents which are no longer applied or needed and introduces corrections to names of documents and issuing authorities. In total the new version of nomenclature eliminates about 30% of documents. It is important to note that subsequently, following the results of gradual review of permits according to the below action, the list of documents in the nomenclature may be amended so that some documents may be removed or new documents might be added from those 69 permits which are currently not being included in the nomenclature).

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy

February 2016 – April 2016

Draft law promoted and adopted

Within the budget limits


Development and promotion of amendments to normative acts related to permits to remove permits or bring them in line with principles of good regulation. This will include the following sub-actions:
- Grouping permits according to regulatory issues and determining the composition of working groups for their review;
- Examination by the public authorities of passports of permits and recommendations for their improvement and establishing the necessary amendments to the regulatory framework for elimination or optimization of permits;
- Drafting, consulting and promotion of draft amendments of the legislation, including changes in Nomenclature of permits of Law. 160 of 22.07.2011 on regulating through authorization of entrepreneurial activity;
- Developing the new version of passports for priority permits, which will describe in detail the new requirements which will be used to develop specifications for one-stop solutions.

(First the priority permits identified in the study will be addressed, for which later one-stop-shop solutions will be developed. In case if the review of some of priority permits will exceed the terms for initiating development of one-stop-shop solutions the working group may propose to proceed with one-stop-shop solutions development for processed permits and other permits may be included at a later stage.
Packages of amendments could be drafted by authorities / areas and promoted separately, thus avoiding the risk of blocking the process as was the case with guillotine 2+ and having a more dynamic process. Moreover, such approach will create incentives for continuous work in identifying improvement opportunities for permits)

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

February 2016 – July 2016

Draft amendments to normative acts developed and approved

Technical assistance from donors


Development and approval of solutions for SE Posta Moldovei as regards to rendering services for application and obtaining of selected permits. Within this action the following will be done:
- Post offices identified for the stage of testing services
- Identified and developed the necessary changes to the regulatory framework and agreements between SE Posta Moldovei and public administration authorities, as appropriate. Approval of amendments, as appropriate.

(Information System for Managing and Issuing Permissive Documents (IS MIP) Concept provides for functionality that would allow SE Posta Moldovei to provide services for application and obtaining of selected permits. These capabilities will be developed and tested in collaboration with SE Posta Moldovei)

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy

SE Posta Moldovei

Working Group

February 2016 – July 2016

Post offices selected for the testing stage
Amendments necessary to regulatory framework and agreements for SE Posta Moldovei developed and approved

Technical assistance from donors


Revise the Concept of the Information System for Managing and Issuing Permissive Documents (IS MIP) by the public authorities involved and the development and approval of a government decision on the approval of the concept.

(The Concept of the Information System for Managing and Issuing Permissive Documents (IS MIP) is described in the report on the one-stop-shop study. The concept needs to be revised in the context of the envisioned Government public administration and public services reforms)

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

March 2016 – May 2016

Concept of the Information System for Managing and Issuing Permissive Documents approved

Technical assistance from donors


Development of new regulations and revision of existing regulations, as appropriate, regarding the one-stop mechanism for priority permissive documents. Approval of these regulations by government decisions or acts of public authorities, as appropriate.

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

May 2016 – July 2016

New regulations or amendments to existing regulations approved

Technical assistance from donors


Development of detailed technical requirements, based on the regulatory framework and revised passports of permits for the Information System for Managing and Issuing Permissive Documents and their approval by the institutions concerned

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

June 2016 – July 2016

Technical requirements developed and approved

Technical assistance from donors


Launch of the procurement for the development of the Information System for Managing and Issuing Permissive Documents (IS MIP) and selecting the implementing company

Ministry of Economy

August 2016 – October 2016

Contract for development of IS MIP signed

Technical assistance from donors


Development and implementation of IS MIP

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

November 2016 – April 2017

IS MIP developed and launched for testing

Technical assistance from donors


Development of detailed technical requirements for development of electronic registries

(Registry of phytosanitary products and fertilizers use, Registry of biological products, Registry of attestation certificates of construction and design specialists)

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

April 2016 – May 2016

Technical requirements developed and approved

Technical assistance from donors


Launching the call for proposals for developing the necessary electronic registers

Ministry of Economy

June 2016 – August 2016

Contract for development of electronic registries signed

Technical assistance from donors


Development of electronic registries for public authorities, which will ensure electronic access to IS MIP

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

September 2016 – January 2017

Electronic registries developed and launched

Technical assistance from donors


Development of web services for connection to MConnect for institutions which will use IS MIP

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

November 2016 – January 2017

Web services developed

Technical assistance from donors


Development of the regulation for the use of IS MIP and its approval by the Government

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

August 2016 – September 2016

Regulation on IS MIP developed and approved

Technical assistance from donors


Adjusting the internal regulations of public authorities (instructions on procedures and personnel) for the use of IS MIP and agreements between authorities and SE Posta Moldovei, as appropriate

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

February 2017 – April 2017

Internal regulations of public authorities adjusted

Technical assistance from donors


Training of users of IS MIP

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

May 2017 – June 2017

Users of IS MIP trained

Technical assistance from donors


Launching of IS MIP for piloting (for several permits for testing and adjusting the system)

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

May 2017 – November 2017

IS MIP system tested

Technical assistance from donors


Launching of IS MIP system

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

December 2017

IS MIP system launched

Technical assistance from donors


IS MIP system maintenance after the launch by the company that developed it

State Chancellery

Ministry of Economy Working Group

December 2017 – December 2018

Maintenance of IS MIP system ensured

Technical assistance from donors


Organize awareness campaigns for businesses and promote the principles of good regulation and one-stop-solutions.

Ministry of Economy

December 2017 – May 2018

Information campaigns organized
Seminars organized with participation of businesses

Technical assistance from donors

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