Bezeichnung des Diploms: DVM – Diplomveterinärmediziner (Dr. med. vet. budapestiensis)
Dauer des Studiums: 5 Jahre (davon die ersten beiden – bis zum Physikum - auf deutsch,
danach auf englisch)
Zulassungsbedingung: Auswertung des Abiturzeugnises
Kontaktperson Nr. 1.: Prof. Dr. Ferenc Hajós, Direktor der internationalen Studiengänge Erreichbarkeit:
Tel: +361-4784-180
Fax: +361-4784-224
Kontaktperson Nr. 2: Dr. Balázs Gerics, Koordinator
Tel: +361-4784-222
Fax: +361-4784-224
Additional information
Name of the unit: Office of BSc-MSc Admission, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Address: Páter K. u.1., Gödöllő, H-2103, Hungary
Phone: +3628522000/1603, 1602
Contact person: Dr. Jolánkai Márton professor
Contact info
Phone: +3628522067
Fax: +3628410804
General information:
The Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is the only agricultural faculty in Hungary which offers English language taught BSc and MSc degrees in agricultural and environmental sciences.
The BSc Programme is a general agricultural course and consists of six semesters. As part of the graduate programme one semester (8 weeks) of preliminary studies is also available to level up knowledge of the students in general sciences. Therefore, the maximum duration of the programme is 38 months. The programme is focused on lectures and practical classes, including farm practice. Thesis preparation is also requested, but the graduate thesis should be largely literature based, while limited experimental work might be also included.
Graduated students have the opportunity to continue their studies on the MSc programme at the faculty.
The MSc programme is thesis-oriented and consists of four semesters, with a maximum of 24 months for completion. The emphasis of the programme is on the lectures and the individual research possibility for each student. Students are allowed to choose the topics of their thesis according to their own interests at the end of the second semester and by the end of the fourth semester they should be ready to defend their completed thesis. Thesis work has a central role in the MSc programme. Different departments of FAES contribute to each MSc programme and, when necessary, co-operation with other universities or research institutes in Hungary can be organised.
Both BSc and MSc programmes begin once annually, namely in September, except the preliminary semester for BSc, which starts in late July. Total length of study is 36 months for the BSc, while it is 24 months for the MSc programme. Each semester lasts for 5 months (except the “0” semester of BSc, which is two months long), including both teaching and individual examination periods. The language of study is English.
Credit system:
Credits are measured in terms of the hours of work involved: one credit is equivalent to a 30-hour workload. The workload includes lectures, practice, research and self-directed scientific activities.
Admission process (application procedure, deadlines):
The basic requirement for admission to a B.Sc. course is the certificate or an attested copy of a successful final examination at a secondary school or any equivalent certificate. Candidates who intend to join to any MSc programme detailed above should have a graduate degree (BSc or equivalent) in agriculture, agronomy, animal science (or equivalent in veterinary science) or plant production relevant to the programme selected. Candidates should be well versed in mathematics and statistics.
Candidates should also have a good command of the English language.
The following documents must be attached to the APPLICATION FORM:
Final Certificate or its Attested Copy
Result in English Test or its Attested Copy
Curriculum Vitae
Recommendation Letter
Financial Support
Learning Agreement
Medical Clearance
The attached Student’s Application Form should be filled out by each student aiming for admission to the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. This document can be downloaded from the faculty home page in WinWord 6 version.
The attached Learning Agreement should be completed by each student to obtain registration to the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
This document can be downloaded from the faculty home page in WinWord 6 version.
Students who are supported by their governments, employers or other sponsors should produce a letter from their sponsors guaranteeing that their fees will be paid by the given deadline.
Applications are welcome at any time of the year, but the courses start only at the beginning of September each year.
The deadline for September courses is 30 June, but for preliminary course early application is requested by the deadline of 31 May.
Contact details for application:
Office of BSc-MSc Admission
Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
H-2103 GÖDÖLLŐ, Páter K. u. 1., Hungary
phone: 003628-522000/1603; fax: 003628-410804
Tuition fees
Tuition fee/year
3900 EUR
Registration 50 EUR
3950 EUR
4300 EUR
Registration 50 EUR
4350 EUR
Programmes offered in English
General information: BSc and MSc courses in Agricultural Sciences
Contact person: Dr Jolánkai Márton professor
Contact info: phone: +3628522067
fax: +3628410804
Undergraduate programme:
Name of diploma: BSc in Agricultural Sciences
Students can choose from 5 majors:
Freshwater Fisheries
Crop production
Animal Nutrition
International Agriculture and Quality Assurance
Length of study programme: 36 months (six semesters)
Admission criteria: Certificate or an attested copy of a successful examination at secondary school or any equivalent certificate.
Contact person: Márton Jolánkai professor
Contact info:
phone: +3628522067
fax: +3628410804
Graduate programmes
M.Sc. courses
Name of diploma: M.Sc. Diploma in Agricultural Sciences
Students can choose from 9 majors:
1. Animal Science
2. Plant Science
3. Horticulture
4. Biotechnology and Microbiological Sciences
5. Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management
6. Environmental Sciences
7. Fishery and Fish Culture
8. Hydrology-Hydrogeology and Geological Exploration
9. Soil Sciences and Land Use
Length of study programme: 24 month (four semesters)
Admission criteria:
Candidates who intend to join any MSc Programme detailed above, should have a first degree (BSc or equivalent) in agriculture, agronomy, animal science (or equivalent in veterinary science) or plant production, relevant to the programme selected. Candidates should be well versed in mathematics and statistics. Candidates should also have a good command of English.
Contact person: Dr. Tibor KISPÁL, assoc. prof.
Contact info
Phone: +3628522082
Fax: +3628410804
Postgraduate programmes:
Animal Husbandry PhD School
Name of diploma: Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Husbandry Science
Biology of reproduction and development
Animal biotechnology, molecular genetics in animal husbandry
Animal nutrition, food toxicology
Animal physiology
Improvement and production of farmed ruminants
Improvement and production of hog stocks
Poultry farming
Meat production
Wildlife biology and management
Fish biology and fish farming
Length of study programme: 3 years
Admission criteria: M.Sc. diploma, scientific record
Contact person: Prof. Dr. László Horváth D.Sc.,
Phone: 36-28-522-000/1649
Address: Department of Fish Culture, SZIE, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2103
Biological Sciences Ph.D School
Name of diploma: Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Science
Agricultural biotechnology
Applied microbiology
Theoretical basis of tropical and subtropical agricultural systems
Zoology and animal ecology
Length of study programme: 3 years
Admission criteria: M.Sc. diploma, scientific record
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Zoltán Tuba D.Sc.
Phone: 36-28-522-075
Address: Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, SZIE, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2103
Crop Sciences Ph.D School
Name of diploma: Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture and Crop Science
Majors: Plant protection
Plant genetics, breeding and biotechnology
Crop production
Length of study programme: 3 years
Admission criteria: M.Sc., diploma, scientific record
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Ferenc Virányi DSc, Phone: 36-28-522-000/1785
Address: Department of Plant Protection, SZIE, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2103
Agricultural Engineering Ph.D School
Name of diploma: Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Majors: Energetics of agriculture and environmental management
Basic and applied research in agricultural engineering
Length of study programme: 3 years
Admission criteria: M.Sc. diploma, scientific record
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Péter Szendrő D.Sc.
Phone: 36-28-410-799
Address: Department of Agriculture Machine Engineering, SZIE, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2103
Environmental Sciences Ph.D School
Name of diploma: Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
Majors: Soil science, agro-chemistry, environmental chemistry
Ecological agriculture
Environmental management and protection
Agricultural and environmental microbiology
Landscape ecology, nature and landscape protection
Length of study programme: 3 years
Admission criteria: M.Sc. diploma, scientific record
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Zoltán Menyhért D.Sc.
Phone: 36-28-522-000/1678
Address: Institute of Environmental Management, SZIE, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2103
Management and Business Administration Ph.D School
Name of diploma: Doctor of Philosophy in Management and Business Administration Science
Majors: Macro-economics of food economy
Management of agricultural enterprises
Management Science
Rural development
Length of study programme: 3 years
Admission criteria: M.Sc. diploma, scientific record
Contact person: Prof. Dr. István Szűcs D.Sc.
Phone: 36-28-522-902
Address: Institute of Econometrics, SZIE, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2103
Veterinary Sciences Ph.D School
Name of diploma: Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science
Majors: -
Length of study programme: 3 years
Admission criteria: M.Sc. diploma, scientific record
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Péter Rudas D.Sc.
Phone: 36-1-478-4229
Address: Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, SZIE, István u. 2., Budapest, H-1078
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