Compendium of acronyms october 25, 2017 index

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D - Dose
d - Density

d23 - Density at 23C
D list - Wastes considered hazardous by virtue of a characteristic: Flammability, Corrosivity, Reactivity or Toxicity
DA - Department of the Army
DA - Deputy Administrator
DA - Designated Agent
DA - Dilution Air
DAA - Deputy Assistant Administrator
DAA - Detailed analysis of Alternatives
DAB - Defense Acquisition Board
DABT - Diplomat of the American Board of Toxicology
DAC - Debutanized Aromatic Concentrate
DAC - Derived Air Concentrations
DACA - Days After Contract Award
DAF - Department of the Air Force
DAF - Device Assembly Facility
DAF - Dilution/Attenuation Factor(s)
DAF - Dissolved Air Flotation
DAFT - Dissolved Air Flotation Thickeners
DAG - Department of Agriculture
DAHS - Data Acquisition and Handling System
DAIG - Deputy Assistant Inspector General
DALE - Disability-adjusted Life Expectancy
DALY - Disability Adjusted Life Year
DAMDF - Durham Air Monitoring Demonstration Facility
DAN - Document Accountability Number
DAP - Diazinon Abatement Project
DAPD - Dual Alkali FGD Process Demonstration
DAPP - Applied Dose
DAPSS - Document and Personnel Security System
DAR - Defense Acquisition Regulations
DAR - Direct Assistance Request
DAR - Duly Authorized Representative
DARCOM - U.S. Army depot System Command
DARO - Days After Receipt of Order
DARP - Damage assessment and Restoration Program
DART - Dallas Area Rapid Transit
DART - Damage Assessment Regulations Team
DART - Days Away, Restricted or Transferred Rate
DARTAB - Dose and Risk assessment Tabulation
DAS - Data Analysis System
DASD - Direct Access Storage Drive
DASH - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
DASD - Direct Access Storage Devices
DASE - Dutch Association of Safety Experts
DAT - Data Assessment Tool
DAT - Digital Audio Tape
DB - Dry Bulb
D&B - Dunn and Bradstreet Marketing Index
dB - Decibel
DBA - Database Analyst
DBA - Data Base Administrator
DBA - Dibasic Esters
dBA - Decibels on A-weighted Scale
DBCP - Dibromochloropropane
DBE - Dibasic Ester
dbf - Database File
DBM - Bata Base Manager
DBMS - Database Management System
DBP - Disinfection By-product
DBPR - Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproduct Rule
DC - Direct Current
DC - District of Columbia
DC - Double Check Valve – Backflow Prevention Assembly
DCA - Division of Community Assistance
DCA - Document Control Assistant
DCAA - Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCE - Defense Coordinating Element
DCE - Design Construction Evaluation
DCE - Dichloroethene
DCF - Directed Credit Fund
DCGL - Derived Concentration Guideline Level
DCI - Data Call-In
DCID - Director of Central Intelligence Directive
DCIS - Data Call-In Staff
DCL - Dedicated Commuter Lane
DCL1 - Region 1 Library Document Control System
DCMA - Defense Contract Management Agency
DCMA - Dry Color Manufacturers Association
DCN - Document Control Number
DCO - Defense Coordinating Officer
DCO - Delayed Compliance Order
DCO - Discharge Cleanup Organization
DCO - Document Control Officer
DCP - 1,3-Dichloropropene
DCP - Discrimination Complaints Program
DCPA - Dimethyl Tetrachloroterephthlate (Dacthal)
DCPLs - Demonstrated Compliance Parameter Limits
DCPU - Data Center Policy and Usage
DCR - Document Control Register
DCS - Defense Courier Service
DCS - Developing Countries Staff
DCS - Director of Central Services
DCS - Distributed Control System
DCS - Region 10 Library Document Control
DCSC - Defense Construction Supply Center
DCW - Director of Civil Works
D/CW - Director of Civil Works
DD - Defense Department
DD - Deputy Director
D & D - Decontamination and Decommissioning
D/DBP - Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts
DDD - Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane
DDE - Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene
DDE(PM) - Deputy District Engineer for Project Management
DDESB - Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board
DDPM - Deputy District Engineer for Project Management
DDT - Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
DE - Delaware
DE - Destruction Efficiency
DE - District Engineer
DE - Division Engineer
De - Department of Education
DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration
DEACT - Deactivation to Remove the Hazardous Characteristic
DEAP - District Environmental Action Plan
DEC - Department of Environmental Conservation
DEC - Department of Environmental Control
DECA - Defense Commissary Agency
DED - Data Element Dictionary
DEEP - Defense Environmental Education Program
DEEP - Dyer EEG Evoked Potential
DEF - Diethyl Fumarate
DEFENSIVE - General Counsel Defense Docket System
DEH - U.S. Army Directorate of Engineering & Housing
DEHP - Diethylhexylphthalate
DEIA - Division of Environment Information and Assessment
DEIS - Draft Environmental Impact Statement
DEL - Delivery
DelDOT - Delaware Department of Transportation
DELTA - Detection and Evaluation of Long-range Transport of Aerosols
DEM - Department of Environmental Management
DEM - Digital Elevation Model
DEM - Dynamic Estuary Model
DEMA - Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association
DEP - Department of Environmental Protection
DEP - Diethyl Phthalate
DEP - Displaced Employee Program
DEPS - Data Entry and Payment System
DEQ - Department of Environmental Quality
DER - Department of Environmental Resources
DERs - Data Evaluation Records
DERs - Discrete Emission Reductions
DERA - Defense Environmental Restoration Account
DERA - Defense Environmental Restoration Act
DERC - Discrete Emission Reduction Credits
DERP - Defense Environmental Restoration Program
DERP-FUDS - Defense Environmental Restoration Program/Formerly Used Defense Sites
DES - Department of Emergency Services
DES - Diethylstilbesterol
DESC - Defense Electronics Supply Center
DESC - Defense Energy Support Center
DESIPA - Department of Economic and Social Information Policy Analysis
DESREP - Defense Environmental Status Report
DEST - Domestic Emergency Support Team
DET - Determination of Equivalent Treatment
DETS - Directorate of Engineering and technical Services
D/F or DF - Dioxins and Furans
D/F - Dredge and Fill
DFA - Department of Food and Agriculture
D&F - Determination and Findings
DFAR - Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
DFARS - Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFAS - Defense Finance Accounting Service
DFE - Design for the Environment
DFG - Department of Fish and Game
DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Standards)
DFLOW - EPA Computer Program
DFM - Diesel Fuel Marine
DFM - Dust, Fume and Mist
DFO - Disaster Field Office
DFRM - Direct Final Rule Making
DFS - Daily Flow System
DFS - Director of Field Services
DFW - Dallas-Fort Worth
Dg - Degrees
DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System
DGSC - Defense General Supply Center
DGXI - Directorate General for the Environment
DHEW - Department of Health, Education and Welfare
DHHS - Department of Health and Human Services
DHMM - Director of Hazardous Materials Management
DHS - Department of Hazardous Substances
DHS - Department of Health Services
DHS - Department of Homeland Security
DHS - Designated Hazardous Substances
DI - Deionized
DI - Diagnostic Inspection
DI - Dry Injection
DI States - Direct Implementation States
DIAS/IDLMAS - Dynamic Information Architecture System/Integrated Dynamic Landscape Analysis and Modeling System
DID - Data Item Descriptions
DIDS - Domestic Information Display System
DIERS - Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems
DIG - Deputy Inspector General
DIL - Dilute
D/IM - Director of Information Management
DIN - Deutsches Institut fur Normung

DIN - Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen

DINT - Internal Dose
DIP - Distal Interphalangeal
DIPPR - Design Insitute for Physical Property Data
DIPS - Department of Interior Payroll System
DIR - Department of Industrial Relations
DIS - Defense Investigative Service
DIS - Draft International Standards
DISA - Draft Initial Screening of Alternatives
DISC - Disaster Information Systems Clearinghouse
DISC - Defense Industrial Supply Center
DISCO - Defense Investigative Service Cognizant Office
DIST - District
DIV - Division
DIVPRTR - EMSL-LV Expenditure System
DIY - Do-it-Yourselfer
DL - Detection Limit
DL - Direct Labor
dL - Decaliter
DL - Drivers License
DLA - Defense Logistics Agency
DLG - Digital Line Graphs
DLS - Detection Limits
DM - Demister
DM - Design Memorandum
DM - Deputy Minister
DM - Dust and Mist
DMA - Demonstrations of Methods Applicability
DMA - U.S. Defense Mapping Agency
DMAG - Depot Maintenance Activity Group
DMARS - Deposit Message Retrieval System
DMAT - Disaster Medical Assistance Team
DMB - Data Management Branch
DMCL - Dust Metals Concentration Limit
DMCS - Document Management Control System
DME - Dimethyl Ether
DMIS - Duns Marketing Identification System
DMM - Discarded Military Munitions
DMMO - Dredged Material Management Office
DMORT - Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team
DMR - Discharge Monitoring Report
DMR-QA - Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance Studies
DMRLS - Data Management and Research Liaison Office
DMRP - Dredged Material Research Program
DMS - Data Management System
DMS - Dynamic Message Sign
DMT - Dimethyl Terphthalate
DN - Department of Navy

DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DNAPL - Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquid
DNB - Dinitrobenzene
DNEL - Derived No-Effects Limit
DNFSB - Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
DNOP - Di(n)octyl phthalate
DNR - Department of Natural Resources
DNREC - Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
DNS - Domain Name System
DNT - Dinitrotoluene
DO - Delivery Order
DO - Dissolved Oxygen
DO - Duty Officer
DOA - Department of Agriculture
DOAS - Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
DOB - Date of Birth
DOC - Department of Commerce
DOC - Dissolved Organic Carbon
DOC - Documentation of Compliance
DOC - Region 4 Library Tracking System
DOCKET - Consolidated Docket of Civil Enforcement Actions
DOD - Department of Defense
DOD - Dissolved Oxygen Demand
DODAAC - Department of Defense Activity Address Code
DODEC - Department of Defense Environmental Contamination
DODI - Department of Defense Instructions
DODIG - Department of Defense Inspector General
DODS - Deep Ocean Disposal Site
DOE - Department of Ecology
DOE - Department of Energy
DOE - Department of Environment
DOH - Department of Health
DOHS - Department of Health Services
DOI - Department of the Interior
DOIG - Divisional Offices of the Inspector General
DOJ - Department of Justice
DOL - Department of Environment and Labour
DOL - Department of Labor
DOL - U.S. Army Directorate of Logistics
DOM - Disaster Operations Manual
D/O/M - Design, Operating and Maintenance Procedures
DON - Department of the Navy
DOP - Dioctyl Phthalate
DOPO - Delivery Order Project Officer
DOS - Denial of Service
DOS - Department of State
DOS - Disk Operating System
DOT - Department of Transportation
DOTS - Dredging Operations Technical Support
DOW - Defenders of Wildlife
DPA - Deepwater Ports Act
DPA - Defense Production Act
DPA - Delegation of Procurement Authority
DPAS - Defense Priority Allocation System
DPC - Desktop PC
DPC - Domestic Policy Council
DPCSD - Department of Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development
DPD - Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine
DPD - Method of Measuring Chlorine Residual in Water
DPF - Digital Photographic Facility
DPM - Defense Priority Model
DPM - Digital Panel Meter
DPM - Disintegrations per Minute
DPMU - Disaster/Deployable Portable Morgue Unit
DPO - Deputy Project Officer
DPOT - Potential Dose
DPR - Department of Pesticide Regulation
DPR - Department of Parks and Recreation
DPR - Detailed Project Report
DPS - Detailed Project Study
DPS - Texas Department of Public Safety
DPSIR - Driving Forces Pressures State Impact Response Framework
DPT - Direct Push Technology
DQA - Data Quality Assessment
DQO - Data Quality Objectives
DRA - Deputy Regional Administrator
DRAS - Delisting Risk Assessment Software
DRBC - Delaware River Basin Commission
DRC - Deputy Regional Counsel
DRC - Disaster Recovery Center (Unit)
DRE - Destruction/Removal Efficiency
DREC - Deputy Regional Emergency Coordinator
DRES - Dietary Risk Evaluation System
DRF - Disaster Relief Fund
DRG - Digital Raster Graphic
DRG - Disaster Readiness Group
DRI - Desert Research Institute
DRI - Direct Reading Instruments
DRM - Disaster Recovery Manager
DRMO - Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
DRMS - Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
DRPA - Delaware River Port Authority
DRPH - Diesel Range Petroleum Hydrocarbons
DRR - Data Review Record
DRR - Dose Relationship Response
DRSE - DOD Relocation Services for Employees
DS - Dichotomous Sampler
DSA - Dimensionally Stable
DSAP - Data Self Auditing Program
DSAT - DHS Situational Awareness Team
DSC - Division Safety Coordinator
DSCA - Defense Support of Civilian Authorities
dscf - Dry Standard Cubic Feet
dscfm - Dry Standard Cubic Feet per Minute
dscm - Dry Standard Cubic Meter
DSE - Domestic Sewage Exclusion
DSEN - Drug Enforcement Agency Sensitive
DSITMS - Direct Sampling Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
DSL/NDSL - Canada’s National Chemical Inventory
DSM - Demand Side Management
DSO - Dam Safety Officer
DSO - Disaster Safety Officer
DSR - Document Summary Record
DSS - Data Systems Staff
DSS - Decision Support System
DSS - Department of Social Services
DSS - Domestic Sewage Study
DSTRC - Destruction Technology (e.g.., CHOXD, CHRED, BIODG or INCIN)
DSW - Definition of Solid Waste
DT - Declaration of Taking
DT - Detectors (radon) Damaged or Lost
DT - Detention Time
DT - Development Team
DTD - Dated
DT&E - Demonstration, Testing and Evaluation
DTO - Data for Testifying Officers
DPTW - Department of Transportation and Public Works
DTRIM - Domestic Threat Response and Incident Management
DTRIM-PCC - Domestic Threat Response and Incident Management Policy Coordination Committee
DTSC - Department of Toxic Substances Control
DU - Decision Unit
DU - Ducks Unlimited
DU - Dobson Unit
DU - Dwelling Unit
DUC - Decision Unit Coordinator
DUL - Documentation Unit Leader
DUR - Driving Under Revocation
DUS - Driving Under Suspension
DV - Domestic Violence
DVD - Digital Versatile Disk
DVD - Digital Video Disk
DVF - Drum Venting Facility
DVM - Digital Volt Meter
DVMT - Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled
DVO - Diffuse Viewing Only
DW - Drinking Water
DW - Drinking Water Consumption, assumed to be 2 L/d
DW - Dry Weight of Soil or Plant/Animal Tissue
DWC - Drinking Water Committee
DWCD’s - Drinking Water Criteria Documents
DWEC’s - Estimated Concentrations in Drinking Water
DWEL - Drinking Water Equivalent Level
DWI - Drinking Water Intake
DWLOCs - Drinking Water Levels of Concern
DWM - Diagnostic Wind Model
DWPL - Drinking Water Priority List
DWR - Department of Water Resources
DWS - Drinking Water Standard
DWSRF - Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Dy - Dysprosium
DYNHYD4 - Htdrodynamic Model
DYNTOX - Dynamic Toxics Model

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