Compendium of acronyms october 25, 2017 index

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C - Carbon

°C - Celsius
C - Exposure Concentration
C - Cyclone
CA - Carbon Absorber
CA - Citizen Act
CA - Competition Advocate
CA - Cooperative Agreements
CA - Corrective Action
Ca - Calcium
CAA - Clean Air Act (1970, amended in 1977, and again in 1990)
CAA - Combined Available Ammonia
CAA - Compliance Assurance Agreement
CAAA - Clean Air Act Amendments (of 1990)
CAAAC - Clean Air Act Advisory Committee
CAALL-OSH - Canadian Association of Administers of Labour Legislation – Occupational Safety and Health Sub-Committee
CAAP - Compliance Audit Amnesty Program
CAASE - Computer Assisted Area Source Emissions
CAB - Civil Aeronautics Board
CAB - Community Advisory Board
CAC - Command and Control
CAC - Contract Audit Coordinator
CaCl2 - Calcium Chloride
CACS - Contract Audit Closing Statements
CACW - Cumulative Allowable Cost worksheet
CAD - Characterization and Assessment Division
CAD - Computer Aided Design
CAD - Computer Aided Dispatch
CAD - Computer Aided Drafting
CAD - Confined Aquatic Disposal
CAD - Corrective Action Directive
CADD - Computer Aided Drafting and Design
CADDIS - Casual Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System
CADRE - Computer Aided Data Retrieval and Evaluation Software
CAEDYM - Computational Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics Model
CAEP - Committee on Aviation and Environmental Protection
CAER - Chemical Awareness and Emergency Response Program
CAER - Community Awareness and Emergency Response Program
CAFÉ - Corporate Average Fuel Economy
CAFF - Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna
CAFO - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation
CAFO - Concentrated Animal Feedlot
CAFO - Consent Agreement/Final Order
CAFR - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
CAG - Cancer Assessment Group
CAG - Carcinogenic Assessment Group
CAG - Community Advisory Groups
CAGE - Coating Alternatives Guideline
CAGE - Commercial and Government Entity
CAGE - Commercial and Government Entity Code
CAHs - Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
CAIR - Comprehensive Assessment Information Rule
CAIRD - Cohort Analysis of Increased Risks Deaths Model
CalDPR - California Department of Pesticide Regulation
CalEPA - California Environmental Protection Agency
CALINE - California Line Source Model
CalOSHA - California Division of Occupational Safety and Health
CALTRANS - California Department of Transportation
Cal WET - California Waste Extraction Test
CAM - Compliance Assurance Monitoring
CAM - Computer Assisted Mapping
CAM - Contract Audit Manual
CAMDS - Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System
CAMEO - Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations
CAMI - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute
CAMP - Continuous Air Monitoring Program
CAMRE - Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment
CAMS - Continuous Air Monitoring Station
CAMU - Combined Area Management Units
CAMU - Corrective Action Management Unit
CAMx - Comprehensive Air quality Model with Extensions
CAN - Common Account Number
CANAL - Love Canal & Data Handling System
Canmet - Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology
CANS - Construction Association of Nova Scotia
CAO - Contract Administration Office
CAO - Corrective Action Order
CAOO - Cincinnati Accounting Operations Office
CAP - Capacity
CAP - Capacity Assurance Plan
CAP - Civil Air Patrol
CAP - Clean Air Plan
CAP - College of American Pathologists
CAP - Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union
CAP - Compliance Advisory Panel
CAP - Compliance Audit Program
CAP - Continuing Authorities Program
CAP - Corrective Action Plan
CAP - Cost Allocation Procedure
CAP - Criteria Air Pollutant
CAPA - Critical Aquifer Protection Area
CAPCA - Carolina Air Pollution Control Association
CAPCOA - California Air Pollution Control Officers Association
CAPDET - Procedure for Design and Evaluation of TWKS
CAPI - Clean Air Power Initiative
CAPMON - Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network
CAPNLOIS - Corrective Action Plans and Loss of Interim Status
CAR - Contract administration Report
CAR - Corrective Action Report
CARA - Conservation and Reinvestment Act
CARAT - Committee to Advise on Reassessment and Transition
CARB - California Air Resources Board
CARD - Contract Laboratory Program Analytical Results Database
CARE - Clean Air Responsibility Enterprise
CARF - Corrective Action Response Form
CARMEN - Cause-effect Relation Model for Environmental Policy Negotiations
CARPOOL - Carpool System
CARPS - Computerized Accidental Release Planning System
CARS - Carcinogen System
CARS - Corrective Action Reporting System
CAS - Carbon Adsorption System
CAS - Center for Automotive Safety
CAS - Chemical Abstract Service
CAS - Correction Action Specialist
CASAC - Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee
CASEREP - Field Office Inspection Data Base
CASETRK - FIFRA and TSCA Case Tracking System
CASI - Center for AeroSpace Information

CASLP - Conference on Alternative State and Local Practices

CASR - Chemical Activities Status Report
CASRN - Chemical Abstract Services Registry Number
CASTNET - Clean Air Status and Trends Network
CASU - Cooperative Administrative Support Units
CAT - Clean Air Trust
CAT - Computerized Axial Tomography
CATC - Clean Air Technology Center
CATEX - Categorically Excluded
CATOX - Catalytic Oxidation Unit
CATS - Corrective Action Tracking System
CAU - Carbon Adsorption Unit
CAU - Command Arithmetic Unit
CAUSE - Citizens Allied and United for a Safe Environment
CAV - Constant Air Volume
CAVE - Citizens Against Virtually Everything
CB - Citizens Band Radio
CB - Continuous Bubbler
CBA - Central Business Area
CBA - Chesapeake Bay Agreement
CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis
CBB - Chesapeake Bay Basin
CBC - Canada Building Code
CBC - Complete Blood Count
CBD - Central Business District
CBD - Commerce Business Daily
CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity
CBEC - Concentration-Based Exemption Criteria
CBEP - Community Based Environmental Program
CBEP - Community Based Environmental Protection
CBER - Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
CBI - Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection
CBI - Confidential Business Information
CBNRM - Community Based Natural Resources Management
CBO - Community Based Organizations
CBO - Congressional Budget Office
CBOD - Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CBP - Chesapeake Bay Program
CBP - County Business Patterns
CBP - Customs and Border Protection
CBRA - Coastal Barrier Resources Act
CBRN - Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear
CBRNE - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive
CBRP - Community Based Restoration Program
CBT - Computer Based Training
CC - Carbon Copy
CC - Central Construction
CC - Closed Cup Method of Determining Flash Point
CC - Color Compensating
CC - Common Cause
CC - Condition Class
CC - Contract Clauses
CC - Cost Center
cc - Cubic Centimeter
CC list - Contaminant Categories for Land Disposal Restrictions
CCA - Chromated Copper Arsenate
CCA - Competition in Contracting Act
CCAA - California Clean Air Act
CCAA - Canadian Clean Air Act
CCAD - Central American Commission on Environment and Development
CCAI - Coalition for Clean Air Implementation
CCAMLR - Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
CCAP - Center for Clean Air Policy
CCAP - Climate Change Action Plan
C-CAP - Coastal Change Analysis Program
CCAS - Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Seals
CCB - Continuous Calibration Blank
CCBNET - Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program
CCC - Chlorine Chemistry Council
CCC - Cleanup Cost Cap
CCC - Coastal Coordination Council
CCC - Compromised Container Caps
CCC - Criterion Continuous Concentration
CCCF - Common Cause Correction Factor
CCD - Chemical Control Division
CCD - Convention to Combat Desertification
CCD - Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins
CCDH - Clark County Department of Health
CCDS - Case Conclusion Data Sheet
CCE - Coordinating Centre for Effects
CCEA - Conventional Combustion Environmental Assessment
CCF - Common Cause Factor
CCGT - Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CCH - Commerce Clearing House
CCH - Contested Case Hearing
CCHW - Citizens' Clearinghouse for Hazardous Wastes
CCIAD - Central American Inter-Parliamentary Commission on the Environment
CCID - Confidential Chemicals Identification System
CCJ - Campbell Centrifugal Jig
CCL - Compacted Clay Layer
CCL - Construction Completion List
CCL - Contaminant Candidate List
CCLI - Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative
CCMP - Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
CCMS - Committee on Challenges of a Modern Society
CCN - Certificate of Convenience and Necessity
CCN - Contract Change Notices
CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
CCP - Coal Combustion Product
CCP - Composite Correction Plan
CCP - Cooperative Compliance Program
CCPS - Center for Chemical Process Safety
CCR - California Code of Regulations
CCR - Cervico-collic Reflex
CCR - Consumer Confidence Report
CC/RTS - Chemical Collection/Request Tracking System
CCS - Chemical Coordination Staff
CCS - Counter Current Scrubber
CCS/RTS - Chemical Collection System
CCT - Center for Clean Technology
CCT - Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Project
CCTP - Clean Coal Technology Program
CCTV - Closed Circuit Television
CCU - Correspondence Control Unit
CCV - Continuous Calibration Verification
CCW - Concentration of Contaminant in Waste
CCWE - Concentration of Contaminant in Waste Extraction
CD - Calibration Drift
CD - Certificate of Destruction
CD - Certification Division
CD - Civil Defense
CD - Climatological Data
CD - Compact Disk
CD - Compliance Division
CD - Consent Decree
Cd - Cadmium
C & D - Construction and Demolition
CDB - Consolidated Data Base
CDB - Waste Management Data Base System
CDBA - Central Data Base Administrator
CDBG - Community Development Block Grant
CDC - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
CDD - CAMU Designated Document
CDD - Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxin
CDE - Control Device Evaluation
CDETS - Consent Decree Tracking System
CDF - Chlorinated Dibenzofuran
CDF - Confined Disposal Facility
CDFG - California Department of Fish and Game
CDHS - Comprehensive Data Handling System
CDI - Case Development Inspection
CDI - Chronic Daily Intake
CDIAC - Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
CDM - Clean Development Mechanism
CDM - Climatological Dispersion Model
CDM - Comprehensive Data Management
CDMQC - Climatological Dispersion Model with Calibration and Source Contribution
CDMS - Cost Development Management System
CDMS - Cost Documentation Monitoring System
CDNS - Climatological Data National Summary
CDOTS - Contract Delivery Order Tracking System
CDP - Census Designated Places
CDP - Common Depth Point
CDPD - Cellular Digital Packet Data
CDR - Commander
CDRG - Catastrophic Diaster Response Group
CDRL - Contract Data Requirements List
CD-ROM - Compact Disk – Read Only Memory
CDS - Compliance Data System
CDS/ISIS - CDS/Integrated Set of Information System
CE - Calibration Error
CE - Capture Efficiency
CE - Categorical Exclusion
CE - Conditionally Exempt Generator
CE - Corps of Engineers
CE - Cost Effectiveness
Ce - Cerium
CEA - Certified Environmental Auditor
CEA - Cooperative Enforcement Agreement
CEA - Cost and Economic Assessment
CEA - Council of Economic Advisors
CEALS - Corps of Engineers Automated Legal Services
CEAM - Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling
CEAM - Conceptual Exposure Assessment Model
CEAO - Corps of Engineers Audit Office

CEAP - Corps of Engineers Automation Plan

CEARC - Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council

CEAS - Coastal Environmental Assessment Studies
CEAT - Contractor Evidence Audit Team
CEB - Chemical Element Balance
CEB - Commission of European Communities

CEBAF - Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility

CEBRH - Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors

CEC - California Energy Commission

CEC - Canadian Electric Code

CEC - Cation Exchange Capacity

CEC - Commission for Environmental Cooperation
CEC - Commission of European Communities (see EC, EEC)
CECATS - Chemical Screening Branch Existing Chemical Assessment Tracking System
CECC - Corps of Engineers Office of the Chief Counsel

CECG - Corps of Engineers Headquarters

CECI - Corps of Engineers Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Corporate Information

CECW - Corps of Engineers Directorate of Civil Works

CECW-A   - Corps of Engineers Civil Works Policy Division

CECW-B - Corps of Engineers Civil Works Programs Division

CECW-E - Corps of Engineers Civil Works Engineering Division

CECW-O - Corps of Engineers Civil Works Construction, Operations and Readiness Division

CECW-P - Corps of Engineers Civil Works Planning Division

CED - CERCLA Enforcement Division
CED - Criminal Enforcement Division
CEDARE - Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe
CEE - Center for Environmental Education
CEE - Central and Eastern Europe
CEE - Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation
CEEL - Community Emergency Exposure Level
CEEM - Center for Energy and Environmental Management

CEEO - Corp of Engineers Office of Equal Employment Opportunity

CEERD - Engineer Research and Development Center
CEERD-C - Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

CEERD-E - Environmental Laboratory

CEERD-G - Geotechnical Laboratory

CEERD-H - Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory

CEERD-I - Information Technology Laboratory

CEERD-R - Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

CEERD-S - Structures Laboratory
CEF - Criticality Experiments Facility
CEFIC - The European Chemistry Industry Council
CEG - Certified Engineering Geologist
CEG - Community Exposure Guidelines
CEG - Conditionally Exempt Generator
CEGS - Corps of Engineers Guide Specifications
CEI - Certified Environmental Inspector
CEI - Compliance Evaluation Inspection
CEI - Comprehensive Emissions Inventory
CEIC - Caribbean Environmental Information Center
CEIS - Computerized Emissions Inventory System
CEL - Compliance Evaluation Level
CELDS - Computer-aided Environmental Legislative Data System
CELRF - Canadian Environmental Law Research Foundation
CEM - Continuous Emission Monitor(ing)
CEM - Cooperative Environmental Management
CEM - Cumulative Effects Model
CEMP - Community Environmental Monitoring Program
CEMS - Continuous Emission Monitor(ing) System
CEMS - Continuous Emission Monitoring Subset
CEMVR - Corp of Engineers Rock Island District
CEMVS - Corp of Engineers St. Louis District
CENAB - Corp of Engineers Baltimore District
CENAD - Corp of Engineers North Atlantic Division
CENAN - Corp of Engineers New York District
CENAO - Corp of Engineers Norfolk District
CENAP - Corp of Engineers Philadelphia District
CENAU - Corp of Engineers Europe District
CENCD - Corp of Engineers North Central Division
CENCR - Corp of Engineers Rock Island District
CENED - Corp of Engineers New England District
CENR - Committee on Environmental and Natural Resources
CENSARA - Central States Air Resource Agency
CENWD - Corp of Engineers Northwestern Division
CENWD-MR - Corp of Engineers Missouri River Regional Headquarters
CENWD-NP - Corp of Engineers North Pacific Regional Headquarters
CENWK - Corp of Engineers Kansas City District
CENWO - Corp of Engineers Omaha District
CENWP - Corp of Engineers Portland District
CENWS - Corp of Engineers Seattle District
CENWW - Corp of Engineers Walla Walla District
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CEOS - Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
CEP - Council on Economic Priorities
CEPA - California Environmental Protection Agency
CEPA - Canadian Environmental Protection Act
CEPA - Conscientious Employee Protection Act
CEPA - Corp of Engineers Headquarters, Office of Public Affairs
CEPM - Corp of Engineers Office of Security and Law Enforcement
CEPOA - Corp of Engineers Alaska District
CEPOD - Corp of Engineers Pacific Ocean Division
CEPOF - Corp of Engineers Far East District
CEPOH - Corp of Engineers Honolulu District
CEPOJ - Corp of Engineers Japan Engineer District
CEPP - Chemical Emergency Preparedness Plan
CEPPO - Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office
CEPR - Corp of Engineers Headquarters, Office of the Principal Assiustant Responsible for Public Contracts
CEPRC - Chemical Emergency Planning and Response Commission
CEPS - Cluster Environmental Protection Specialist
CEQ - Council on Environmental Quality
CEQA - California Environmental Quality Act
CERB - Coastal Engineering Research Board
CERC - Coastal Engineering Research Center
CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (1980, "Superfund")
CERCLIS - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System
CERD - Corp of Engineers Headquarters, Directorate of Research and Development
CERE - Corp of Engineers Headquarters, Directorate of Real Estate
CERES - Coalition for Environmental Responsible Economies
CERFA - Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act
CERFT - Certified Repair Facility of Texas
CERI - Center for Environmental Research Information
CERIS - Center for Environmental and Regulatory Systems
CERL - Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
CERL - Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory
CERM - Corp of Engineers Headquarters, Directorate of Resource Management
CERT - Certificate of Eligibility
CERT - Community Emergency Response Team
CERTAPPL - Application for Certification
CERTT - Certified Repair Technician of Texas
CES - Certified Environmental Specialist
CES - Chemically Enhanced Solubilization
CESA - California Endangered Species Act
CESAC - Corp of Engineers Charleston District
CESAD - Corp of Engineers South Atlantic Division
CESAJ - Corp of Engineers Jacksonville District
CESAM - Corp of Engineers Mobile District
CESAS - Corp of Engineers Savannah District
CESAW - Corp of Engineers Wilmington District
CESB - Corp of Engineers Headquarters, Small Business Office
CESB - Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards
CESO - Corp of Engineers Headquarters, Safety and Occupational Health Office
CESPA - Corp of Engineers Albuquerque District
CESPD - Corp of Engineers South Pacific Division
CESPK - Corp of Engineers Sacramento District
CESPL - Corp of Engineers Los Angeles District
CESPN - Corp of Engineers San Francisco District
CESQG - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators
CESS - Committee Evaluation and Support Staff
CEST - Community Environmental Service Teams
CESWD - Corp of Engineers Southwestern Division
CESWF - Corp of Engineers Fort Worth District
CESWG - Corp of Engineers Galveston District
CESWL - Corp of Engineers Little Rock District
CESWT - Corp of Engineers Tulsa District
CET - Certified Environmental Trainer
CET - Customer Event Tracking
CETA - Cleaning Equipment Trade Association
CETAC - Transatlantic Programs Center
CETC - California Environmental Technology Center
CETIS - EPA’s Duluth Laboratory’s Complex Effluent Toxicity Information Database System
CETRED - Combustion Emissions Technical Resource Document
CEU - Central European University
CEU - Continuous Education Units
CEV - Chamber Exhaust Vent
CETWRC - Water Resources Support Center
CF - Calibration Factor
CF - Conservation Foundation
CF - Conversion Factor
CF - Copy For
CF - Copy Furnished
Cf - Californium
CFA - Central Facilities Area
CFA - Consumer Federation of America
CFB - Circulating Fluid Bed
CFBC - Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor
CFC(s) - Chlorofluorocarbons
CFC - Combined Federal Campaign
CFC-11 - Trichlorofluoromethane
CFC-12 - Freon (dichlorodifluoromethane)
CFC-113 - 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
CFC-114 - 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane
CFC-115 - Chloropentafluoroethane
CFE - Contractor Furnished Equipment
CFIB - Canadian Federation of Independent Business
CFM(s) - Chlorofluoromethanes
cfm - Cubic Feet per Minute
CFMC - Cincinnati Financial Management Center
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
CFOI - Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
C/FP/IDIQ - Cost Fixed Price Indefinite Quantity
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
CFS - Command File System
cfs - Cubic Feet per Second
CFSG - Citizen Forum for Self Government
CFSII - Continuing Survey of Flood Intakes by Individuals
CFSR - Contract Funds Status Report
CFU - Colony Forming Units
CFY - Current Fiscal Year
CG - Combustible Gas
CG - Construction General
CG - Conventional Gasoline
CGA - Compressed Gas
CGA - Compressed Gas Association
CGA - Cyclinder Gas Audit
CGEIC - Canadian Global Emissions Interpretation Center
CGGICS - Construction Grants GICS
CGI - Combustible Gas Indicator
CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CGL - Comprehensive General Liability
CGP - NPDES Construction General Permit
CGPRM - Construction Grants Resource Model
CGSB - Canadian General Standards Board
CH - Clearinghouse
CH - Contact Handled
CH3D-SED - Curvilinear-grid Hydrodynamics 3D – Integrated Modeling System
CH3D-SED - Curvilinear Hydrodynamics 3D – Sediment Transport
CH4 - Methane
CHABA - Committee on Hearing and Bio-Acoustics
CHAMP - Community Health Air Monitoring Program
CHC - Critical Hazards control
CHDS - Complaint Handling Data System
ChE - Cholinesterase
CHEM - Chemical Collection Database
CHEMD - OTS Chemical Directory
CHEMNET - Chemical Industry Emergency Mutual Aid Network
CHEMTREC - Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
CHESS - Community Health and Environmental Surveillance System
CHIEF - Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emission Factors
CHIP - Chemical Hazard Information Profile
CHIPS - Chemical Hazard Information Profile System
CHLOREP - A mutual aid group of shippers and carriers of chlorine
CHLOREP - Chlorine Emergency Plan
CHMM - Certified Hazardous Materials Manager
CHO - Chemical Hygiene Officer
CHO - Chinese Hamster Ovary
CHOXD - Chemical or Electrolytic Oxidation
CHP - Certified Health Physicist
CHP - Certified Health Professional
CHP - Chemical Hygiene Plan
CHRED - Chemical Reduction
CHRIS - Chemical Hazard Response Information System
CHSP - Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan
CHST - Construction Safety and Health Technician
CHWA - Colorado Hazardous Waste Act
CHWMP - County Hazardous Waste Management Plan
CI - Chlorine Institute
CI - Compression Ignition
CI - Confidence Interval
CI - Criminal Investigator
ci - Curie
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
CIAC - Centro de Informacion Ambiental del Caribe
CIAP - Interamerican Committee of the Alliance for Progress
CIAQ - Council on Indoor Air Quality
CIAQM - Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager
CIBL - Convective Internal Boundary Layer
CIBO - Congress of Industrial Boiler Owners
CIC - Chemical Industry Council
CICA - Competition in Contracting Act
CICIS - Chemicals in Commerce Information System
CICS - Customer Information Control System
CID - Commercial Item Description
CID - Criminal Investigation Division
CIDRS - Cascade Impactor Data Reduction System
CIESIN - Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network
CIH - Certified Industrial Hygienist
CII - Criminal Investigation Index
CIIT - Chemical Industry Institute of Technology
CI/KR - Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources
CIL - Compliance Inquiry Letter
CILSS - Permanent Inter-state Committee on Drought Control
CIM - Committee on Integrity and Management Improvement
C/IM - Chief of information Management
CIMI - Committee on Integrity and Management Improvement
ci/m3/yr - Curies per cubic meter per year
CIN - Control Identification Number
CIN - Course Identification Number
CINWL - Commercial Industrial Nonhazardous Waste Landfills
CIO - Chief Information Officer
CIP - Capital Improvement Program
CIP - Capital Improvement Project
CIP - Clean In-place (methods)
CIR - Color Infrared
CIS - Chemical Information System
CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States
CIS - Contracts Information System
CISR - Chemical Inventory System
CISWI - Commercial Industrial Solid Waste Incinerator
CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
CIU - Categorical Industrial User
CIVP - Region 4 Civil Penalties System
CIWMB - California Integrated Management Board
CJE - Critical Job Element
CJO - Chief Judicial Officer
CK - Cement Kiln
CKD - Cement Kiln Dust
CKRC - Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition
CL - Ceiling Concentration
CL - Chinese Line
CL - Contingent Liabilities
Cl - Chlorine
CLC - Canada Labour Code
CLC - Canada labour Congress
CLC - Capacity Limiting Constituents
CLC - Clean Lakes Clearinghouse
CLCL - Cleans Clever Clinical Studies
CLEAN - Comprehensive Long Term Environmental Action Navy
CLEANS - Clinical Laboratory for Evaluation and Assessment of Noxious Substances
CLEVER - Clinical Laboratory for Evaluation and Validation of Epidemiological Research
CLF - Conservation Law Foundation
CLI - Consumer Labeling Initiative
CLIN - Contract Line Item Number
CLIPS - Chemical List and Information Pointer System
CLIPS - Chemical List Index and Processing System
CLOMA - Conditional Letter of Map Amendment
CLP - Chlorine-Loading Potential
CLP - Contract Laboratory Program
CLPQA - Contract Laboratory Program Quality Assurance
CLPS - Contract Lab System
CLR - Contingent Liability Report
CLS - Community Liaison Officer
CLSP - Center for Law & Social Policy
CLU-IN - EPA’s Cleanup Information Bulletin Board System
CM - Central Maintenance
CM - Corrective Measure
Cm - Curium
cm - centimeters
cm2 - Square centimeters
cm3 - Cubic centimeter
CMA - Chemical Manufacturers Association
CMA - Contract management Assistant
CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
CMAS - Cross-Media Analysis Staff
CMB - Chemical Mass Balance
CMC - Carpal-metacarpal
CMC - Crisis Management Coordinator
CMC - Criterion Maximum Concentration
CMD - Contracts Management Division
CMDA - Chemical Munitions Dumping Area
CME - Comprehensive Monitoring Evaluation
CME - Corrective Measures Evaluation
CMEL - Comprehensive Monitoring Evaluation List (Log)
CME/OAM - Comprehensive Groundwater Monitoring and Operations and maintenance Inspection
CMEP - Critical Mass Energy Project
CMHP - Contaminated Materials Handling Plan
CMI - Can Manufacturers Institute
CMI - Corrective Measures Implementation
CMI - Corrective Measures Investigation
CMO - Contract Management Office
CMP - Civil Monetary Penalties
CMP - Coastal Management Program
CMP - Corrugated Metal Pipe
CMPU - Chemical manufacturing Processing Unit
CMR - Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, or Toxic to Reproduction
CMR - Chemical Monitoring Reform
CMR - Command Management Review
CMS - Case Management System
CMS - Chemical Management System
CMS - Congestion Management System
CMS - Continuous Monitoring System
CMS - Convention on Migratory Species
CMS - Corrective Measures Study
cm/s - Centimeters per Second
CMSA - Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
CMSWLF - Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
CMTL - Construction Materials Testing Laboratory
CN - Curve Number
CN - Cyanides
CNC - Condensation Nucleus Counter
CNCC - California Natural Coordinating Council
CNE - Center Network Environment
CNE - Curve Number Equation
CNF - Cost No Fee
CNG - Coalition of Northeastern Governors
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
CNMI - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
CNMP - Conservation Nutrient Management Plan
CNO - Chief of Naval Operations
CNR - Composite Noise Rating
CNRA - Coastal Natural Resource Areas
CNS - Central Nervous System
CNS - Communications Nova Scotia
CNS - Grant Administration Division Congressional Notification
CNSOPB - Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
CNT - Contract
CO - Carbon Monoxide
CO - Change Order
CO - Commissioned Officer
CO - Consent Order
CO - Contracting Officer
CO - Custodial Officer
C/O - Carry Over Funds
Co - Cobalt
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
COA - Commissioned Officers Association
COA - Consent Order and Agreement
COA - Construction Quality Assurance
COA - Corresponding Onshore Area
COA - Course of Action
COAST - Coastal Oxidant Assessment for Southeast Texas
COB - Close of Business
COBOL - Common Business Orientated Language

COBRA - Coastal Barrier Resources Act

COC - Certificate of Completion

COC - Certificate of Compliance
COC - Chain of Custody
COC - Chemical of Concern
COC - Cleveland Open Cup
COC - Constituents of Concern
COC - Contaminant of Concern
COCA - Consent Order and Compliance Agreement
COCO - Contractor-Owned/Contractor-Operated
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand
COD - Coefficient of the Determination
CODES - Committee & Obligations Data Entry System
CODEX - Codex Alimentarius Commission
COE - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
COEMIS - Corp of Engineers Management Information System
COG - Compliance Order Guidance
COG - Council of Government
COG - Council of Governors
COH - Coefficient of Haze
COHN - Certified Occupational Health Nurse
COI - Conflict of Interest
COI - Constituent of Interest
COI - Cost of Illness
COLA - Cost of Living Adjustment
COLIWASA - Composite Liquid Waste Sampler
COM - Computer Output Microfilm
COM - Continuous Opacity Monitor
COMB - Combustion
COMECOM - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
COMEMIS - Coastal and marine Environment Management information System
COML - Communications Unit leader
COMNAP - Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs
COMPLEX - Complex Terrain Screening Model
COMPLI - Stationary Source Compliance
COMPTER - Multiple Source Air Quality Model
ComQAP - Comprehensive Quality Assurance Program
COMS - Continuous Opacity Monitoring System
CON - Control Octane Number
CON - Selected Contractor or Awardees
CONABO - National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity
COND - Condition
CONG - Congressional Committee
CONOPS - Concept of Operations
CONPLAN - Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan
CONTOP - Continuous Smelting-top Blowing
CONUS - Contiguous United States
CONUS - Continental United States
COO - Conduct of Operations
COP - Coastal Oceans Program
COP - Conference of Parties
COOP - Continuity of Operations Plan
COPC - Compound(or Chemical or Constituent or Contaminant) of Potential Concern
COPR - Chromite Ore Processing Residue
COPS - Contractors Operations and Professional Services
COR - Contracting Officer’s Representative
CORINE - Coordination of Information on the Environment
CORMIX - Cornell Mixing Zone Model
CORPS - Army Corps of Engineers
CORR - Chemicals on Reporting Rules Database
COS - Carbonyl Sulfide
COS - Clearwater Osteoarthritis Study
COS - Conservative Opportunity Society
COS - Cost Accounting System
COSS - Coastal Oil Spill Simulation System
COTR - Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
COTS - Commercial Off-the-Shelf
COWPS - Council on Wage and Price Stability
COY - Cubs-of-the-Year
CP - Cleaner Production
CP - Command Post
CP - Contingency Plan
CPA - Certified Public Accountant
CPA - Contract Property Administrator
CPA - Great Lakes Critical Programs Act of 1990
CPAC - Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
CPAF - Cost Plus Award Fee
CPAR - Construction Productivity Advancement Research
CPAS - Central Procurement accounting System
CPC - Chemical Protective Clothing
CPD - Chicago Police Department
CPDA - Chemical Producers and Distributor Association
CPDD - Control Program Development Division
CPDS - Certified Product Data Sheets
CPE - Comprehensive Performance Evaluation
CPE - Comprehensive Plant Evaluation
CPF - Cancer Potency Factor
CPF - Carcinogenic Potency Factor
CPFF - Cost Plus Fixed Fee
CPG - Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
CPG 1-3 - Federal Assistance Handbook: Emergency Management and Planning
CPG 1-8 - Guide for Development of State and Local Emergency Operations Plans
CPG 1-8A - FEMA Planning Guide for State and Local Emergency Operations Plans
CPI - Chemical Process Industries
CPI - Consumer Price Index
CPIF - Cost Plus Incentive Fee
CPK - Creatine Phosphokinase
CPL - Chemistry and Physics Laboratory
CPL - Compliance Directive
CPL - Contractors Pollution Liability
CPL - Contractors Pollution Liability Insurance
CP&L - Carolina Power and Light
CPM - Continuous Particle Monitor
cpm - Counts per Minute
CPM - Critical Path Method
CPN - Contract Payment Notice
CPN - Critical Path Network
CPO - Certified Project Officer
CPOC - Civilian Personnel Operations Center
CPP - Compliance Policy and Planning
CPP - Continuing Planning Process
CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPR - Center for Public Resources
CPR - Coalition for Pesticide Reform
CPRC - Carcinogenicity Peer Review Committee
CPS - Compliance Program and Schedule
CPS - Contract Payment System
CPSA - Consumer Product Safety Act
CPSC - Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSD - Contingency Planning and Support Division
CPSDAA - Compliance and Program Staff to the Deputy Assistant
CPT - Comprehensive Performance Test
CPT - Cone Penetrometer Test
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CPWR - Center to Protect Workers’ Rights
CQA - Construction Quality Assurance
CQAP - Construction Quality Assurance Plan
CQC - Contractor Quality Control
CQCSM - Construction Quality Control Systems Manager
CQM - Contractor Quality Management
CR - Case Report Number
CR - Community Relations
CR - Contact Recreation
CR - Continuous Radon Monitoring
CR - Cost Reimbursable

Cr - Chromium

Cr+6 - Hexavalent chromium

Cr, total - Total Chromium
CRA - Civil Rights Act
CRA - Classification Review Area
CRA - Community Relations Agreement
CRA - Continuing Resolution Authority
CRADA - Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CRAVE - Cancer Risk Assessment Verification Endeavor
CRBOH - Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists
CRC - Coastal Resource Coordinator
CRC - Community Relations Coordinator
CRC - Contamination Reduction Corridor
CRC - Cooperative Research Center
CRCL - DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
CRD - Community Relations Division
CRDL - Contract-Required Detection Limit
CREM - Council for Regulatory Environmental Modeling
CREP - Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
CRF - Central Receiving Facility
CRF - Combustion Research Facility
CRG - Community Resource Group
CRGS - Chemical Regulations and Guideline System
CRIB - Criteria Reference Information Bank
CRIMDOCK - Criminal Docket System
CRIS - Commanders Resource Integration System
CRISP - Comprehensive Risk Information Structure Project
CRL - Central Regional Laboratory
CRL - Central Regional Library
CRL - Certified Reporting Limit
CRM - Crop Residue Management
CRO - Community Response Organization
CROET - Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology
CROP - Consolidated Rules of Practice
CRP - Child Resistant Packaging
CRP - Clean Rivers Program
CRP - Community Relations Plan
CRP - Conservation Reserve Program
CRP - Core Resource Person
CRQL - Contract-Required Quantitation Limit
CRR - Center for Renewable Resources
CRREL - Cold Regions Engineering and Research Laboratory
CRS - Certified Remediation Specialist
CRS - Community Relations Staff
CRS - Congressional Research Service
CRSI - Concrete Reinforcement Steel Institute
CRSP - Canadian Registered Safety Professional
CRSTER - Single Source Dispersion Model
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
CRTK - Community Right-to-Know
CRU - Climatic Research Unit
CRWQCB - California Regional Water Quality Control Board
CRZ - Contamination Reduction Zone
CS - Caustic Scrubber
CS - Central Services
CS - Colloidal Suspension
CS - Compliance Staff
CS - Contract Specialist
CS - Cost Share
Cs - Cesium
C & S - Certified and Segregated
CSA - Campus Safety Association
CSA - Canadian Standards Association
CSA - Chemical Safety Assessment
CSA - Chemical Safety Audit
CSA - Cognizant Security Authority
CSB - Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
CSB - Chemical Species Balance
CSB/ECAD - Chemical Screening Branch/Existing Chemical Assessment Division
CSC - Car Sealed Closed
CSC - Coastal Service Center
CSCOR - Coastal Ocean Research
CSCT - Committee for Site Characterization
CSCT - Consortium for Site Characterization Technology
CSD - Commission on Sustainable Development
CSD - Contaminated Soil and Debris
CSD - Criteria and Standards Division
CSE - TNRCC Follow-up Inspection
CSEE - Corporate Systems Engineering Environment
CSF - Carcinogenic(or Cancer) Slope Factors
CSF - Complete sample Delivery Group File
CSFI - Inhalation Cancer Slope Factor
CSFII - Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals
CSFM - California State Fire Marshall
CSG - Council of State Governments
CSG - Counterterrorism Security Group
CSGWPP - Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Program
CSHEM - Conference of State Health and Environmental Managers
CSHEMA - Campus Safety, Health and Environmental Management Association
CSHO - Compliance Safety and Health Officer
CSI - Chemical Substances Inventory
CSI - Clean Sites, Inc.
CSI - Common Sense Initiative
CSI - Compliance Sampling Inspection
CSI - Common Sense Initiative
CSI - Construction Specifications Institute
CSIN - Chemical Substances Information Network
CSM - Certified Safety Manager
CSM - Conceptual Site Model
CSM - Continuous Stack Monitoring
CSMA - Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association
CSMoS - Center for Subsurface Modeling Support
CSO - Car Sealed Open
CSO - Combined Sewer Overflow
CSP - Certified Safety Professional
CSP - Competitive Sealed Proposal
CSP - Conservation Security Program
CSPA - Council of State Planning Agencies
CSPD - Chemicals and Statistical Policy Division
CSPI - Center for Science in the Public Interest
CSR - Chemical Safety Report
CSRA - Civil Rights Reform Act
CSREES - Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
CSRL - Center for the Study of Responsive Law
CSRS - Civil Service Retirement System
CSS - Clerical Support Staff
CSSD - Computer Services and Systems Division
CSSE - Canadian Society of Safety Engineering
CSSE - Conference on State Sanitary Engineers
CSST - Commission de la Sante et de la Securite du Travail
CST = Capillary Suction Time
cSt - centi-Stoke
CST - Combined Statistical and Technology Based MACT Floor Procedure
CSTR - Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor
CSU - Corporate Service Unit
CSV - Unspeciated Chromatographical Semivoliates
CSWMP - County Solid Waste Management Plan
CT - Chimney Tray
CT - Computed Tomography
CT - Contact Time
C(t) - Exposure Concentration as a Function of Time
CTA - Comprehensive Technical Assistance
CTARC - Chemical Testing and Assessment Research Commission
CTB - Cement Treated Base
CTC - Carbon Tetrachloride
CTC - Control Technology Center
CTD - Control Technology Document
CTD - Cumulative Trauma Disorder
CTG - Composite Theme Grid
CTG - Control Techniques Guidelines
CTG - Control Techniques Guidance
CTG - Control Technology Guideline
CTGD - Control Techniques Guideline Document
CTIC - Center for Technology Information Center
CTM - Complex Terrain Data Base
CTMP - Chemical, Thermal, Mechanical Process for Producing Pulp
CTO - Control Technology Office
CTOS - Counter Terrorism Operations Support
CTP - Carpal Tunnel Pressure
C-TPAT - Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
CTS - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
CTS - Certified Testing Specialist
CTS - Commitment Tracking System
CTS - Correspondence Tracking System
CTSA - Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment
CTT - Chronic Toxicity Test
CU - Catalog Units
Cu - Copper
CUBP - Coincidental Unavoidable By-product
CUE - Critical Use Exemption
CUHWC - College and University Hazardous Waste Conference
CUL - Cost Unit Leader
CULP - Estimating Water Treatment Costs
cu.m. - Cubic Meter
CUPE - Canadian Union of Public Employees
CUR - Carbon Usage Rate
CURE - Chemical Unit Record Estimates Data Base
CUS - Chemical Update System
CV - Chemical Vocabulary
CVAA - Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption
CVFM - Cincinnati CORV Financial Management
CVLB - Cincinnati CORV Library Circulation System
CVM - Contingent Valuation Method
CVPM - Cincinnati CORV Personnel Management
CVR - Closure Verification Report
CVRS - Casing Vapor Recovery System
CVS - Cardiovascular System
CVS - Clearance Verification System
CVS - Constant Volume Sampler
CW - Civil Works
CW - Congress Watch
CW - Continuous Working-level Monitoring
CWA - Clean Water Act (1977 - FWPCA of 1972)
CWAP - Clean Water Action Project
CWC - Chemical Weapons Convention (International Treaty)
CWCCIS - Civil works Construction Cost Index System
CWMB - California Waste Management Board
CWDB - Certified Waste Data Base
CWDB/LMS - Certified Waste Data Base /Load Management System
CWF - Combined Waste Stream Formula
CWIS - Civil Works Information System
CWP - Common Work Practice
CWRT - Center Waste Reduction Technologies
CWS - Community Water System
CWSRF - Clean Water State Revolving Fund
CWSS - Community Water Supply Study
CWS - Compressed Work Schedule
CWT - Centralized Waste Treatment
CWTC - Chemical Waste Transportation Council
CWTS - CERCLA Wastewater Treatment System
CY - Calendar Year
cy - Cubic Yard
CY - Current Year
CZARA - Costal Zone Management Act Reauthorization Amendments
CZM - Coastal Zone Management
CZMA - Coastal Zone Management Act (1972)
CZMP - Coastal Zone Management Plan

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