interpretaciones, declaraciones, vel exposiciones earnndem, si que super liiis in posterum fuerint subsecute.
(Fol. 139.)
Sale of (he Abbey and Us Demesnes.
The letters patent of King Edward VI. by which the manor of Whalley with its
appurtenances was sold by the Crown to Richard Assheton and John Braddyll, both of
Whalley, gentlemen, (as already stated in p. 134,) is printed at length in the Chetham
Society's edition of the Coucher Book of Whalley, pp. 1175-1183, and it does not appear
necessary to repeat it entire : but its descriptive portions are here appended, more fully
and correctly than they were given by Dr. Whitaker, in fulfilment of his remark that they
are " particularised in terms extremely interesting, as they perpetuate several names
allusfve to its former state, which they who love the place and the subject would not wish
to be forgotten " :
Totum illud Dominium et Manerium nostrum de Whalley in com. nostro Lancastrie, ac totum parcum,
nostrum ac omnia terras et ten. nostra vocat. Whalley Parke 2 in dicto com. nostro Lancastrie cum suis
1 [Benedict XII. who had been a Cistercian ("Abbot of Font Froide), after several conferences with the Abbot of
Citeaux and the four principal Abbots of the order at Pont de Forgue (in the diocese of Avignon), made a constitution
in the year 1334, containing many regulations of this order. Arbois de Jubainville, Abbayes Cisterciennes, p. ix.J
2 [" There is a parke called Whalley Parke which lieth on the north-east side of the towne of Whalley, and is in
the distance from the late monestere one bow-shot, well replenished with timber and underwood, for three parts of the
same parke is covered with wood. There is very little plean ground or land within the same parke; but for that
juribus membris et pertineiitiis universis nuper Monasterio de Whalley in eodem com. Lancastr. modo
dissolut. quondam spectant. et pertinentibus ac parcell. possessionum inde existent. Ac totam capitalem
Domum et scitum dicti nuper monasterii de Whalley in Whalley in dicto coinit. Lancastrie, ac omnia domos,
edificia, horrea, stabula, columbaria, ortos, pomeria, gardina, stagna, vivaria, terrain, fundum et solum et
hereditamenta nostra quecunque infra scitum, septem, ambitum, circuitum, et procinctum dicti nuper monas-
terii existen. ac omnia ilia domos, edificia, terras, prata, pasturas, ortos, pomeria, gardina, horrea, stabula, et
hereditamenta nostra quecunque vocata seu cognita per nomen vel per nomina de Rogerashes, Gresyardes,
Sykesdongarth, le Common Stable, le Gousehouse, le Newehouse, Brodryddynge, le Geez alias Gez, 8 Helker, 3
Morehey, Catterall wypes, Wheatley, Newfelde, Westwoode, Ellker, Tunneworth hays, hyghe Tunneworthe,
Tunnewortho Ryddynge, Claycroft, Brighehay, Oxheye Wood, Portefeyld, Longley, le Intake, Roughhey,
Graves, Crowparke, le Asshes, le Fermery Garthes, le Kytchyn Garthes, le Prior's Orchard, Parry's
Orchard, Marston Orchard, Wordell Orchardes, le Abbotes Orchard, Hyll Orchard, Harwood Orchard,
Danby Orchard, Haydock et Woodcs Orchard, le Prior's Orchard, More's Orchard, le Proctor's Orchard,
Southesellcr Yard, le Impeyarde, Abbotes Kychyn Garth, le Proctor's stable de Blakborne, le Haggehouse,
le Hay Barne apud Grange, Cleyfelde, Smythes Howse, le Henne howse, le Oxe howse, le Mason's
lodge, Banno crofio, le Old stable, le Howker stable, le Bourde house juxta le Smythes forge, Lawsyng
stedcs, Barrowclough, le Foure Acre Heye et Kylne, Pyg hyll, Crabtres Oxhay, le Six landes, Clafe
Hay, le Plot of Medowe, Robert Feyldcs, Crose Feylde, Buckflatte alias Buckfoote, Castell, Hiyhe Lynge,
Kirkyng Henhurst, Hallyclyf, Brceley Close, Shepe hey, le Tiethe barne, Whitacre Orchard, Dynkley
Orchard, le Procter Stable, Standenfoldcs et Standenhey. Necnon omnia alia mesuagia, molendina,
cotagia, tofta, crofta, terras, tenementa, domos, edificia, horrea, stabula, columbaria, stagna, vivaria, ortos,
pomoria, gardina, prata, pasturas, pascuas, lesuras et hereditamenta nostra quecunque cum omnibus et
singulis eorum pcrtincntiis universis modo vcl nuper in separalibus tenuris sine occupationibus Will.
Shotylworth, Georgii Shotylworthe [and fifty-eight others*] in villis, campis, et parochiis de Whalleye et
Blackburne $c. Ac omnia terras et hereditamenta nostra vocata Whalley Parke, necnon omnes boscos et
subboscos infra eundem parcum, ac omnia terras et tenementa, prata, pasturas, et hereditamenta nostra
vocata seu cognita per nomina de Whetley (and other places already named). Tenend. de nobis, heredibus
et successoribus nostris in capite per servicium quadragesime partis unius feodi militis. Ac reddendo
annuatim nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris ut ad Ducatum nostrum Lancastrie ad manus ballivi
wapentagii de Blackborneshyre $c. et pro terra et pastura vocat. Standenhey 6s. 8d. ac de et pro septem acris
jaccntibus inter terras dominicales dicti nuper monasterii 2s. Test. 16 Junii anno regni septimo.
I i.e. notwithstanding,] there is very good pasture, and for need would be meddow; and thorrow the same parke runeth
a fair river called the water of Calder, wheirin is taken salmon, trout, with other good fish; and the harbage of the same
parke is leten for twelve pound by the year the said parke contayning about by estimation two miles and there is in
the same parke upon this vision xxx deare." Survey taken 29th June, 29 Hen. VIII. Coucher Book, (edit. 1849)
pp. 1201, 1202.]
1 [See among " the demesne lands " in the Survey or Rent-roll of the same period " a close of pasture " called
Brode[ryddynge] of six acres, and another " called the Jes " of seventeen acres, both let to Robert Low. Coucher Boole,
p. 1184.]
2 [" A medow called Houlker," containing seven acres, and several of the others that follow, will be found in the
same document.]
3 [From these Dr. Whitaker (Third Edition, p. 106) selected the names of Christopher Thornebarre, Thomas Chat-
borne, Robert Sudyll, and James Lawe, remarking that " these were poor monks who had clung to the old house like a
few surviving bees about a suffocated hive :" but though the names are the same as some of the former monks (see p.
114), they were assuredly not the same persons, nor of the number of the monks at the forfeiture, Christopher Thorn-
barre was the abbot who died in 1485 (see p. 113).]
[A Survey or Rent-roll of the possessions of the late Abbey compiled about the same
time is printed in the Coucher Book, pp. 1183 1254.
THE INVENTORYE 1 of all the gooddes belonging to the Monasterie of Whalley, taken by the Erie of Sussex
and others of the King's Counsell, the xxiv th day of Marche in the xxviij yere of the Reigne of our
Sovereigne Lorde Kyng Henry th'eighte.
Plate remaining in the Smoser's 2 Hawse.
Fyrst ij large stondinge cuppes with covers of silver
and gilte. 3
Item another cuppe gilte with a cover stondinge
vppon three lyons.
Item ij stondinge cuppes with a cover parcel gilte.
Item one salt with a cover gilte.
Item a basyn parcell gilte with a ewer of playen
Item ij stondinge pottes of silver.
Item iij plain bowels of silver.
Item a basyn parcell gilte.
Item ij sallts with one cover gilte.
Item ij nuttes harneste with silver gilt with ij covers,
thone without a knoppe. 4
Item a dosen spones.
Item another dosen spones with ragged knoppes.
Item iij drinking ale cuppes parcell gilte.
Item ij small cuppes with one cover.
Item a little stondinge cuppe with a cover plain gilt.
Item a goblet with a cover parcell gilte.
Item ij plain bowlles.
Item a little piece of silver.
Item iij spones broken and one hole.
Item a litle masar.
Item a minstrel's scochyn and a litle scochen with a
black lyon. s
It. a stondinge cuppe with a cover and an egle on the
toppe gilte.
It. another stondinge cuppe parcill gilte with a cover
and a pellican on the toppe.
It. ij white goblets.
It. one white bowl of silver.
It. ij small drinking cuppes, one gilte, thother parcill
It. one large stonding pownced 6 bowlle with a cover
parcill gilte of my Lord Mount Egle's gifte.
Plate remayniny at Cockersand.
It. there iij silver bowlls.
It- U wyne pottes waying iiij xx vj vnces as apperith by
an Indenture made betweene the abbots of Whalley
and Cockersand.
The Hosiery,
It. in the chefc chamber there iij fethcr beddes, j
materes, iiij boulsters, ij coverings, iiij or blankettes
of fustian, iiij or blankettes of cloths, and vj cover-
It. in the parlor benethe, ij fethcr beddes, ij boulsters,
j pillowe of downe, j coverings, iij coverlettcs, ij
per fustians.
It. in the galary chamber, ij fether beddes, ij boul-
sters, ij coverings, ij coverlettes, ij par of blankettes.
It. in the other galary chamber, ij materes, ij boul-
sters, iiij covorlettes.
It. in the over bishoppis chambre, iij fether beddes,
iij boulsters, iij p cr blankettos, the one of fustian
1 The more complete Inventory which now follows was not seen by Dr. Whitaker. It has been edited twice since
his time, by Mr. Hulton at the close of the Coucher Book of Whalley, pp. 1255 1265, and again (without reference
to the Coucher Book) by the Rev. Mackenzie E. C. Walcott, B.D., F.S.A., in the Transactions of the Historic Society of
Lancashire and Cheshire, 1867. In the latter place, by some accident, it wants at the commencement the first thirteen
items. Some inaccuracies in both copies are now amended.
2 i.e. the Bursar.
8 The same four standing cups will be found in the subsequent Inventory, p. 189, with their weights.
4 Mentioned in the subsequent Inventory, p. 189, as Nutts for Ale.
8 The badge of a travelling minstrel, and another of some nobleman. Mr. Hulton suggests possibly the purple lion
of Lacy.
6 i.e. punched, or decorated by stamping little holes.
VOL. I. 2 B
and the other ij of clothe, iij coverings, and iij
It. in the middel bishoppis chamber, j fether bedd, j
boulster, j payer of blankettes, j coverlett, and a
covering of say.
It. in the lower bishoppis chamber, ij fether beddes,
ij boulster, iij blankettes, j covering, and iij cover-
It. in the ladis chambers, vj materes, ix coverlettes,
iij coverings, and pillowes vj.
It. in the Kinges receyvour's chamber, j fether bedd,
j boulster, j materes, another bolster, iiij or cover-
lettes, and ij paier of blankettes.
It. xx payer of lynncn shetcs.
It. x payer of canvas.
It. iij old coverings unscrvisablc.
It. iij pillowes of downe.
It. ij carpets.
It. v hangingcs unto beddes.
It. iiij or borde clothez and iij coppcborde clothez. 1
It. xxvi. quyshions.
It. x candlestikks.
The Abbott's Chamber.
It. there his owne bedd, j materesse with blankettes
and a litle covering.
It. in tlio utter chamber, j fether bedd, iij coverlettes,
ij blankettes, and a bedd for his chamberlayen.
T/ie Abbo/es Dijnynge Chamber.
It. there j cuppeborde.
It. a long settel.
It. ij chayers.
It. iij carpettes.
It. j dosen of old quiahions of verdors.
It. a hanging candlestick in the middeste of the
TJie Buttery.
It. there ij bordeclothes of diaper.
It. another bordeclothe and ij wasshing towells of
diaper. .
It. xvij napkins of diaper.
It. xiij bordeclothes for the hall.
It. viij towelles for the hall.
1 Cloths for the dining-tables and for the cupboards, i,
8 A skimming ladle.
It. xx napkins.
It. xij candelstikks.
The Brewe Howse,
It. there ij leades.
It. a meshe fatte.
It. j keling lead.
It. j. killer (i.e. a cooler).
Bake Howse.
It. there j leade.
TJie Abbotfs Kychen.
It. there iiij garnishe 3 of pewter vessell.
It. there more ij dosen of vessell.
It. xj brasse pottos.
It. x pannys.
It. ij frying pannes.
It. iv or paier of pothokes.
It. ix resting spittes.
It. ij brasse mortars w th a pestell.
It. ij brassen ladels.
It. j scommer of brasse. 3
It. j scommer of iron.
It. j grydeyron.
It. iiij drientubbes.
It. other tubbes and hogsheddes xiij.
It. ij dressying knyves.
Tlie Graungc.
It. there 1. draft oxon.
It. vj stires of iiij yeres.
It. vij steres of iij yeres.
It. xij steres of ij yeres.
It. stere of j yere.
It. cowes iiij xx .
It. hoggeshepe 4 iiij xx .
It. x swyne.
It. xij horses for the ploughe and carte.
Tlie Convent Kitchen.
It. there vj pottes.
It. iiij pannys.
It. ij spyttes.
It. j brassen morter.
It. j pestell to the same.
e. sideboards. 2 A set or service.
4 Sheep two years old.
It. xxxij dishes.
It. xxij doblers. l
It. xxxiij sawsers.
A litle Chamber in Dortour. 2
It. there xv chalises with their patens all gilte.
The litle Revestury next unto the Lybrary.
It. there a large crosse of silver and gilte w th ij
imagies of Mary and John. 3
It. another crosse with the iiij Evangelistes gilte.
It. a large holy-water fatt with a sprinkelle of silver
parcell gilte.
It ij small sensairs of silver and gilte. *
It. one crowche 5 of silver and gilte with a staffe of
It. another crowche of silver and gilte sett with
saphours, without a staff.
It. ij candelstikkes of silver parcell gilte.
It. a litle shippe for fraunconsence with a spone
parcell gilte.
It. a bell of silver without a clapper .
It. a paier of crewettes of silver and gilte.
It. another paier of crewettes of silver.
It. a miter of silver and gilte, sett with safours,
emerodes, balas, and tnrkcsses, as evill as can be. 6
It. another miter made all of nedelwork.
It. a payer of knett gloves with a roose of gold
imbroydered sett with perlc and ij small safours in
eyther of them. 7
The foreseid Revestury next unto the Galary.
It. there one cope [of] Venise gold with Lord Mount
Egle's armes.
It. another of clothe of gold with the scid Lord
Mount Egle's armes.
It. another of clothe of bawdeken with an image of
Jhesus on the breste.
It. another of white damaske bawdekin with an image
of Seinte Martiue on the breste.
It. ij. other of red velvett imbroidred with flowers.
It. another of white coursse satten imbroidred with
roses of gold.
It. ij other grene velvett braunched.
It. ij other of satten of bridges 8 imbroydred with
doble vervour and ploughes.
It. ij other of redd doble sarsenett with flowers and
It. another of black velvett imbroidred with a posie
of gold letters.
It. another of velvett uppon velvett white.
It. ij other copes old of greno bawclekyne with in of
gold imbroydred on the breste of eyther of them.
It. another cope geven unto the sequestern 9 that had
the keepingc of all the sc>id copes.
It. there one vestment of red clothe of gold with an
image on a crosse on the bak with tynnacles for
a deacon and sub-deacon belonging to the same.
It. another of blewe baudekin w th a crucifix on the
bak w th all thinges thereunto belonging for deacon
and subdeacon.
It. another of blewe baudekyn in like manor with all
things thereunto belonging for deacon and sub-
It. ij baners of sarsnett, wherof one redd and thother
The Standarics 10 in the Churche.
It. there a vestment of blak velvett w th a posie of
letteres of gold imbroidered, with things thereunto
belonging for deacon and subdeacon.
It. another vestment of redd velvett with a crucifix
imbroidered, with all things thereunto belonging
for deacon and subdeacon.
It. another vestment of grene velvett with an image
of Seinte Michell imbroidred on the bak, with all
things thereunto belonging for deacon and sub-
1 Dishes of larger size. - In the Dortour cr Dormitory. .
3 Compare the description of these crosses in the Inventory of 1536, p. 189.
4 The Thuribula there mentioned. 5 There described as Bacillus pastoralis.
Pope Clement IV. had ordered that the mitre of an Abbot should be embroidered with gold only, to distinguish
it from the Bishop's. Fosbroke's Monachism. But this mitre was set with precious stones as evil (heavy) as could be.
(Note by Mr. Hulton.)
7 i.e. each glove was embroidered on the back with a jewelled rose.
8 Bruges. 9 Sacristan. l0 Chests or wardrobes.
It. another vestment of white coursse satten imbroi-
dred with an image of the Trynitie on the bak,
with all things thereunto belonging for deacon and
It. another of redd bawdekyn with a blew crosse,
with all thinges thereunto belonging for deacon
and subdeacon.
It. another old vestment of coursse redd bawdekyn,
with all things thereunto belonging for deacon and
It. another old vestment of blak velvett imbroidred,
w th all things thereunto belonging for deacon and
It. another old vestment of blewe coper tynsell, with
all things there unto belonging for deacon and
It. there be xiij other vestments of Dornyx 1 and
fustian that ar dayly occupied in the churche.
The Store House.
It. there in iron by estimacion x c. and in leade Ix
The Alley Kitchener's last Account?
Dyvcrsc somes of money leid oute by mo Jamys More, monko and kechyner to the late Abbot of Whalley,
for and conccrnynge dy verse caitls bought by the seid Jamys of dyverse persons, as hereinafter dothe
particulcrly appire by parcells whiche came to thuse of the scid house from the last daye of December
until tlie dayc of Marche then next folowynge yn the xxviij th yere of the reign of Kynge Henry
for whiche somes of money the said Jamys asketh allowance :
First paydc to Edmmule Taillor, Fisher, for
salt salmons, spent in the
seyd late abbot's kechyn syns the tyme of his accompt ....
Itm. Paydc to the scid Edmundo for xj freshe salmons, bought of the said
Edmunde to thuse, &c. of the seid house, there spent by the seid tyme
Itm. Payde to Will'm Newbbct for fresh fisho
Itm. Payde for vj capons, bought at Fastynge even of dyverse psons
Itm. Payde for xxxv hcnncs, bought of dyverse psons
Itm. paid for eggs, butter, chcsc, bought of dyverse persons betwixt Cristmas
and Fastyngs cvyn, spent yn the seid house
Itm. Payde for mustersede ..........
Itm. Bought of William Fische viij potts hony, pric' ....
Itm. Bought of Anthony Watson vij gallons hony ......
Itm. Bought of John Colthirst ij gallons hony
Itm. Payde to Richard Jackson for xvij c sperelyngs
Sum of the payments ..... ...
Itm. The same Jamys askyth allowance of xiiij 3 , whiche the seid late abbot dyd
owe hym at the tymo of his last accompt, whiche endyd at Cristmas last
past, as yt dothe appire by the accompt of the seid Jamys More
Itm. The late abbot of Whalley dyd owe unto the seid Jamys More, for a grey
stagg that the seid late abbot dyd by of the same Jamys by the space of a
yere syns
1 Dornix, stuff made at Doornix or Tournay.
2 Communicated to this Edition by the Rev. K. N. Whitaker, Vicar.
iij 8 i
v 8
vj u
viij d
xviij d
Status Mon. beate Marie Virginia de Whalley, 1536. 1
Vasa sacrata pro vestibulo deputata.
In primis xvi Calices de arg. deaurat. et
ponderant ccclxxix.
Duo paria ThuribuP de arg. deaurat. . Ixiv.
Una navis de argento pro Chrismat.' . ix.
Unum par Phialar' de arg. deaur. . viij.
Unum par Candelabr. de arg. . . 1.
Baculus pastoralis de arg. capite deaur. . cvi.
Caput alterius Baculi de arg. deaur. . xxxii.
Una Crux de auro .... xxx.
Alia Crux de arg. deaur. . . . Ixii.
Alia Crux de arg. deaur. . . . viii.
Alia Crux ex ligno cum argento cooperta.
Una Pax de argento .... xii.
Una Mitra ornat. cum lapid' viz. Perls,
super argent.
Vasa argentea in Cellario et in Camera Abbatis.
In primis tres Salsar' de arg. deaurat. cum
n bu9 coopertoriis .... Ivi.
i Bassyn et i Ewer de arg. . . . Ixix.
iiii Bolls de arg. ..... Iviii.
ii Bolls de arg. parcel gylde . . . xxxvi.
iii Standyng Cups w th Covers deaur. . Ixxxx.
i Standyng Cupp parcel gylde . . xxiv.
A Nest of Gobletts w th a Cover . . Ix.
A Goblet with a Cover all gylde . . xxvi.
i other Goblet w th a Cover parcel gyldo . xxvi.
ii "Wyne Potts de arg. .... xlii.
iii Ale Cupps parcel gylde ... Ii.
iii letyll Ale Cups w th ii covers parcel gylde xxxviii.
i Doss. Spones all gylde . . . xxiv.
ii Doss. Spones w" 1 gylde heels . . xxxii.
i Doss. Spones ..... xii.
ii Nutts s for Ale, harnyshed w th Sylvcr.
ii Massers 4 for the Convent halle hariiyshed w th Sylvcr.
From a paper in the Augmentation Office, I am now enabled to add several particulars
to my account of this house after the attainder.
The Abbey and demesnes were immediately committed to the custody of Braddyll.
In the course of two or three weeks Richard Pollard, esq. one of the King's surveyors,
came down and let the demesnes in parcels for the first half year, or from Lady's Day to
Michaelmas. Hence it appears that all the live stock must have been already disposed of.
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