Richard Ratcliffe, Esq. of Clitheroe, who died 13
Hen. VII. is said by Dr. Whitaker in the Pedi-
gree of Ratcliffe of Clitheroe to have been Master
Forester, but he was probably a Deputy.
Thomas Stanley, 4 May, 20 Hen. VII. 1505, to be
Master Forester of Penhull, Rossyngdale, Trow-
den, Blesedale, Mirescough, Blakeburnshire, and
The revenue collected by the Master Forester diminished steadily as the forests were leased in vaccaries
and pastures : 2 and 3 Hen. VI. the amount paid to the Receiver was only 21s. 9(7. , next year 40s. 8(7., but in
13 and 14 Hen. VI. it fell to 2s. 7c7., and 18 and 19 Hen. VI. to 10(7. Thenceforward the Compotus of the
Master Forester presented a deficit, which had to be met by paA'inents made by the Receiver : 31 and
34 Hen. VI. it was 31s., 36 and 37, 67s. lid., 3 and 4 Edw. IV. 41s. 11(7., 11 and 12 Eclw. IV. 64s. 6<7.,
1 and 2 Ric. III. 100s. 10(7. In the 11 and 12 Edw. IV. the total revenue was 62s. 8(7., and the expenses
were 6Z. 2s. 2c7. These expenses of course ceased when foresters ceased to be appointed. In 5 and 6 Eliz.
the revenue was 64s., nearly all new rents derived from mines. The Compotus of the Officium Magistri
forestarii de Blackburneshire was made in that year by the Receiver of Clitheroe, Richard Asheton, Esq.
as Forester.
Walter Urswyk to be Chief Forester of Bouland and
Rybburnsdale, 30 June, 46 Eclw. III. 1372. John
of Gaunt addressed him, 15 Ap.. 3 Ric. II. 1380,
as " Chief Gardein de noz Chaces de Trawden,
Rossingdale, Totyngton,
et Hodcles-
Henry deHoghton, knight, Pat. 5 Ap., 1 Hen. V. 1413,
Register, f. 4.
Thomas de Hoghton occurs in the Receiver's Com-
potus, 1 and 2, and 2 and 3 Hen. VI. 1423-4.
Thomas Tunstall, Receiver's Compotus, 3 and 4
Hen. VI. 1425.
William Assheton, Chr. was succeeded by
Richard Nevyle, Earl of Salisbury, Patent, 18 Feb.,
12 Hen. VI. 1434. Occurs in Ministers' Accounts,
36 and 37 Hen. VI. 1458. He was beheaded in 1461.
Ricljard Nevile, Earl of Warwick, with whose Deputy
in 3 and 4 Echv. IV. was
Jac. Haryngton, mil. who made the Compotus as
Master Forester in 11 and 12 Edw. 1471-2 (the
Earl of Warwick was slain at the Battle of Barnet,
14 Ap. 1471,) and in 1 and 2 Ric. III. 1484-5, as
deputy of
Richard Duke of Gloucester, Patent dated 4 July,
11 Edw. IV., 1471.
James Harryngton, "miles pro corpore nostro,"
Patent, 1(5 Feb., 2 Ric. III., 1485, to the office
of Master Forester and all the inferior offices
within the forest : see this already printed at
length in p. 333.
Edward Stanley, lent, to be " Magistcr Forestarius
forest! de Bouland et Custos sive parcarius de
pare! de Quernemore." Date 6 Dec., 10 Hen. VII.
1494. (Reg. Hen. VII. f. 20.)
Richard Tempest, "miles pro corpore nostro," to
have the same offices " immediate post mortem E.
Stanley " (who died 6 Apr. 1523). Dat. 7 June,
11 Hen. VIII. 1519, Reg. Hen. VIII. f. 4Gb, 47.)
Thomas Clifford, miles, to be " Senescallus forestari-
orum nostrorum de Bowland et Quernemore, et
Magister forestarius forestarum predictarum, et
deductus ferarum in forestis predictis, vacant, per
mortem sive forisfacturam Ric. Tempest, mil."
(Reg. Hen. VIII. f. 85.) 10 Feb., 17 Hen. VIII.
Arthur Darcy to be " Senescallus Forestarum de
Bowland et Quernemore, et Magister Forestarius,
etc." as above on the death of Clifford, and also to
be Senescall of Blackburnshire, 26 June, 35 Hen.
VIII. 1543. (Reg. f. 179.)
Thomas Talbot, succeeded by
Richard Shierburne, mil. Patent, 16 Nov., 3 and 4
Ph. and Mar. 1556. (Ministers' Accounts.) Occurs
9 and 10 Eliz. (Ibid.)
Richard Haryngton, arm. to be Senescall, Master
Forester and Master of the game in Bowland and
Quernemore and Parker of Radome. 36 Eliz.
Ric. Honghton, miles, ct Gilbertus, ar., films ejus, to
the same offices in Bowland and Quernemore, also
Master Forester and Master of the Game of Myres-
cough, Master Forester of Amounderness and
Blcascdale, and seneschal of the domains and
manors of Amounderness. 1 Jac. I. 1603-4.
Henry Brogden (Sir Gilbert Hoghton died 1647) to
be " Senescallus Forcste de Bowland et Magister
Forestarius dicte Foreste, necnon custos parci de
Radome alitcr Radham." 18 Aug. 1660.
Robert Mitton, to be Parker, 6 June, 1 Hen. V.
1413. (Regist. f. 7).
Robert Parker, Patent, 20 Oct., 13 Hen. VI. 1434.
Robert Chatburne, Pat. 1G Feb., 16 Hen. VI. 1438.
Occurs 36 and 37 Hen. VI. 1459.
Robert Haryngton, appointed by Edward IV. occurs
3 and 4 Edw. IV. 1464, and 1 and 2 Ric. III. 1485.
Edward Stanley, "unus militum pro corpore nostro,"
appointed Parker of Lathgryme and Radeham,
16 Dec., 3 Hen. VII. 1487. (Register, f. 25.)
Henry Akers, " unus garcionum promptuarii nostri,"
appointed 2 April, 14 Hen. VIII. 1523, "post
mortem Ed. Stanley, militis, domini de Montegle
modo defuncti." (Registrar, f. 62 b.)
Thomas Holcroft, miles.
Richard Sherburne, " officio custodis parci nostri de
Radome prout Tho. Holcroft, mil. defunctus
habuit." 10 Nov., 5 and 6 Phil, and Mary, 1558.
(Register, f. 18b.)
Richard Shireburne, mil. Pat. 4 Mar., 1 Eliz. 1559.
Richard Haryngton, ar. appointed 36 Eliz. 1593-4.
Henry Brogden to be " Custos parci de Radome
aliter Radham," 18 Aug. 1660.
Riclianl do Hoghton, appointed 20 Ap. 1410, con- Edward Stanley, "unus militum pro corpore nostro,"
firmed b' Jan. 1413, 1 Hen. IV. and 17 Feb., 1423, to bo Parker of Lathegryme and Radeham, 1(5
1 Hen. VI. Dec., 3 Hen. VII. 1487.
Robert Hoghton, Patent dated 21 Nov., 25 Hen. VI., Roger Bek, " unus valettorum hostiar. Camere
1446. nostre," 26 Ap., 15 Hen. VIII. 1523, post mort.
Robert Radclyff, 1 Patent dated 6 Dec., 1 Edw. IV., E. Stanley.
1461. Thomas Houghton, ar. 20 Nov., 1 and 2 Phil, and
Richard Shirbourne, Pat. 4 May, 13 Edw. IV., Mary, 1551, vac. per mort. Rog. Bek.
Latliegryme was clisparked by patent dated 2 Mar., 1556, 2-3 Phil, et Mar. (Register f. 156b.)
[CLIDEHHOWE OFFICIUM RECEPTORIS. Compotus Thome Domini Stanley Receptoris domini Regis
ibidem a festo Sancti Michaelis Anno tercio Regis Edwardi iiij 1 ' usque idem Festum Sancti Michaelis
extunc proximo sequentem Anno ejusdem Regis quarto scilicet per uniim annum integrnm. (Duchy of
Lancaster. Class xxix. Bundle 221, Honor of Clitheroe, Receiver's Account, 3 & 4 Edw. IV. 29 Sep.
1463 to 29 Sep. 1464. )] 2
The Freehold and ancient Copyhold or Wapontake Rents are
Ightenhull .......
Colne . ...
Penlmlton .....
Worston ........
Chatbnrnc .....
Acryngton .......
Haselyngden .......
Perquisita Curiarum, from the pleas and perquisites in the Halmot
Courts held at Ightenhull, Colne, Chatburn, Pcnhulton,
Worston, et Acryngton .....
Wapontagium de Cliderhow .....
Officium Mag. Forestarii de Bowland. Reccptis de Jacobo Har-
rington milite, deputato Ric. Nevilc com. Warwick Mngistri
Forestarii ibidem
Officium Magistri Forestarii de Blakbournshire. De aliquibus
denarii summis receptis de Magistro Forestario ibidem
videlicet per predictum tempus hiijus anni non respondit eo
quod reprise ejusdem excedunt valorem per xlj s. xj d.
Man. de Todington [recepf de Will'mo Leylond, prepos' ibid.] .
Ballia ib'm. [Rec' de Edmundo Grenehalgh ballivo ibidem]
Ix li. iv s. iv d. ob.
xxxj li. xix d.
vj li. xi s. iij d.
vj li. ix s. iv d.
xvijli. xiiij s. ivcl. q a .
xij li. ix s. ix d. ob.
ixli. vij s. ivi d.
xl s. viij d.
Ixiij li. iij s. vij d. ob.
xxxiiij li. ij s. vj d. q a .
summa nulla.
xxxij li. iij d. q a .
xix s. ix d.
1 G July, 6 Edw. IV. 1466. Lease to Robert Radclyf Armigero, for 7 years of the pasture vocate Accornhurst
infra parcam nostram de Laythegrime, rent 13s. 4Z. Duchy of Lancaster, Class xxv. (Chancery Roll, xi. a. No. 106.)
2 [This is the document of which Dr. Whitaker gave a less complete abstract in the Addenda to his Third
Edition, pp. *523 et seq. The Lord Stanley rendered this account as Receiver of Clitheroe, not as " Master Forester
and Chief Steward" as there stated by Dr. Whitaker.]
Haneriuni de Rachedale; de receptis de Joh. Pilkington, arm.
Firmario ib'm. de firma sua .... xviij li. vj s. viij d.
Firma pasture in Blackburnshire.
De xxxix li. x s. xj d. ob. receptis de diversis personis subscripts
pro firmis certarum terrarum, pratorum et pasturarum ibidem
sicut eis ab antique demissis per annum : ' viz.
Nic. Shotilworth, pro Coppethursthey . . . . vj s. vj d. ob.
Tenentes de Padeham, pro Shapedenbanke ... ij s.
Roberto Banastre, pro iij acris prati apud Blakehey . . iij s.
Eodem Roberto pro Ric. Hargreves .... xij d.
Johaime Harclegreves de Lomeshagli pro v acris vasti juxta
Colne ....... xxij d.
De eodcm Jolianne pro v acris do vasti .... xxij d.
Roberto Blakehey . . . . . . ij s. x d.
Gilberto Legli pro una acra vasti .... iiij d.
Joli. Legli de Lyvcrode pro dirnidio acre vasti . . ij d.
Heredibus Laurcns del Eghcs pro una acra dim. vasti . . ij d.
Jo. Legli do Lyverode pro dimidia acra vasti . . ij d.
Ricardo filio Thome Radclyff Militis pro Shapedenhey (Hey-
honses) ....... Iiij s. iv d.
Eodcm Ricardo, pro xl acris terre in Parva Redelegh . . xiij s. iv d.
Win. Leylond, pro firma herbagii ct pasture do le Westclose
nuper in tenura Johannis Crokshawe . . . Cxiij s. iv d.
Eodem Will'mo, pro Highamboth nuper in tenura Will'i Cow-
hope ct Milonis Parker . . . . . vj li. xiij s. iv d.
Eodem Will'mo, pro le Newland nuper in tenura Thome Haryng-
ton, arm. ....... Cvj s. viij d.
Eodcm Will'mo, pro Barleybotli nuper in tenura Roberti Banastre cxiij s. iv d.
Edmundo Parker ....... iij s. xj d.
Jacobo Walton pro eodem Edmundo .... iij s. vd.
Christofero Parker pro le Carrehey ... xx s. v d.
Jolianne Clerk pro Roberto Both ..... ij s.
Thoma Emmotz jun. ...... xxij d.
Will'mo Emmotz filio ejusdem Thome . . . . xxij d.
Tenentibus de Alden . . . . . . xvj s.
1 These articles relate to lands, not of the ancient Wapontake tenure, but demised to various tenants, at an inde-
finite period, before the date of the Compotus. The next class, comprising most of the launds and vaccaries of the
Forests, had been let out on leases for the term of seven years each, a very few years before this time; but most, if not
all of them, were already approved, and, what is remarkable, were almost all relet at reduced rents, in this year.
Rut it appears, from another item in this roll, that " plures dictarum clausuraruin de novo approvameuto incluse sunt
per Rogerum Floure nuper capitalem senescallum Ducatus Lancastrensis." This, and consequently the origin of the
Vaccaries, or inclosures, within the forests, must be ascribed to the reign of Henry VI. ; for Floure, whoever he was, is
described as " nuper Senescallus." [Roger Floure was appointed Chief Steward of the North by Patent dated 1 Dec.
1413. Reg. t. Hen. V. f. 23.] Moreover it must be observed that all these were demised at rack-rents.
Jacobo Radcliff de Radclyff, pro parco de Musbury
Et de Her's Tho' Holden, pro Ugden et Mugden l
Et 2 de civ li. xv s. iv d. receptis de diversis personis subscripts pro
firma certorum terrarum pratorum et pasturarum terris ibidem
sic eis demissis per Henr. Sotehill deputatum Ricardi comitis
Warwick Senescalli Domini Regis Ducatus sui Lancastrie,
ibidem existentem cum aliis de consilio Ducatus predict! apud
Clyderhow, mense Augusti anno xxxvij mo Regis Hen. VI li .
pro termino vij annorum, hoc anno sexto, vid.
De TV. Leylond, pro firma lierbagii et pasture de Heghamclose
nuper ad cvj s. viij d. .....
Eodem TVill'o, Ric' Robinson, Joli. Nutter et Ric. Feldyng pro
Netliirgoldsliagli et Overgoldsliagh cum lez Craggez - nuper
ad ix li. xj s. viij d. .
Joh. Pilkyngton, pro parco de Iglitenhull nuper ad xxj li. vj s. viij d.
Job. Sotebill, arm. pro le Felyclose 3 nuper ad xli. xiij s. iiij d. .
TV. Leylond, pro le Oldclaunde et Parva Blake-\vode
Barnardo Shotileswortb, pro TVhetcleycarre nuper ad cxiij s. iiij d.
Eodem TV. pro vaccaria de Overbarowforth, nuper ad c s
Eodem TV. pro Nethirbarowfortli nuper ad cxiij s. iiij d.
Eodem TV. pro iij messuagiis et pastura de Haweboth nuper ad
Iiij s. iiij d. .
Eodem TV. pro TVhitehfnveboth nuper ad Ivj s. viij d.
Jo. Redehalgh, pro Whateleyford nuper ad xvj s.
Tbo. D'no Stanley ct TVm. Layland, pro Redelegli Hulowez nuper
ad ix li. xvj s. viij d. .....
De eodem TVil. pro vac. de Berdsliaughboth 4
Eocl. TV. pro vac. de Overwicoller' et Nethirwycoller cum parcello
prati nuper pareelli de TVynewall, nuper ad vj li.
Eodem TV. pro vaccaria dc TVynewall ....
Laur. Lister, pro piscaria aque de Colnc, nnper ad iij s. iv d. 3
Ric. Barton, pro Newhalley 5 ....
Joh. Harregroves, et Gilberto Risshton pro Henhades et Frere-
Imll 6 nuper ad vj s. viij d.
Eodum TV. pro vaccaria de Cowehous 7 .
Eodem TV. pro vaccaria do Routonestall .
Eodem TV. pro vaccaria de Constabullegh, et uno clauso vocato
Okenhevedwod . . . .
viij li. x s.
xv s.
iiij li. xiij s. iiij d.
viij li. vj s. viij d.
xx li. vj s. viij d.
ixli. vj s. viij d.
Ixij s.
cvj s. viij d.
ivli. vj =. viij cl.
xlviij s. iiij d.
Ijs. viijcl.
x s.
ixli. vj s. viij d.
x li. xiij s. iv d.
Ixvjs. viijd.
vj li. xiij s. iv d.
xx d.
viij li.
iij s. iv d.
1 Musbury, Ugden, and Mugden are in Rossendale.
2 [Et les Cragges in Penhull prope Goldes que reddere solebat per annum xiij s. iiij xx s. Compotus
Collectorum lierbagii de Blakebournshire, 1 2 Hen. VI.]
8 These are within Pendle. 4 All these are within Trawden.
8 In Tottington. 6 In Eossendale. 7 Q. De Cowhope. [No : see p. 353, note.]
Ric. Barton pro vaccar. de Dedewhenclogh
Dicto Will. Leylond pro vac. de Wolfandenboth nuper ad
vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
Eodem W. pro vac. de Gamellesheved nuper ad Ixxiij s. iiij d.
Eodem W. pro vacc. de Bacopboth et Horeleyheved nuper ad
ix li. v s. iiij d. ......
Eod. W. pro vaccario de Tunsteclez cum le Settynges de Soclogli
Et de xliv li. vj s. viij d. ob. rec. de diversis personis subscriptis,
videlicet, de
Jacobo Radclyff de Radcliffo pro Hodelesden l
Hen. Grymesliagh pro Roberto Grymeshagh pro le Newhey in
Hodelesden .......
Edmuiulo Waddington pro Ikccornclmrst
W. Rillcy .... . .
Rad. Cowhope pro Nethirbalshaghfeld' .
Joli. Elston pro Overbalshaglifeld' ....
!?. u<
ij li. i s. viij d.
viij li.
iij li. xv s. viij d.
vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
vij s. viij d.
xvj s. ij d.
ij s. iv d.
vj s. iij d. q".
These are in Accrington and Rosscndalc. In this compotus Accrington is considered as part of
Rossendalc Forest, and not as a separate Forest.
Rad. Mcrsshdcn pro Croksliaghenedez ....
Eodem Rad. pro Rad. Cowhop' ....
Hcrcd' Mathci Kcnclon .....
W. Leylond pro vaccar. de Highriley
W. Rilley et Rog. Rillcy pro Fernhalgh .
Dicto W. Leylond pro vac. dc Antley.
Eodem W. pro le Ncwclaundo in Acryngton
Eodem W. pro vac. de Baxstonden
Eodem W. pro Crawshawboth ....
Eodem W. pro vac. dc Godeshagh
Eodem W. pro vac. de Luffecloch
Eodem W. pro vac. de Prymrossyko
Et Roberto Both Milite pro Rowcloscwodc
Firma Pasture de Rowland ....
Out of the particulars of which I shall only select
De Ric. Parker, sen. pro ij partibus de Broghezhohne
Et Job. Parker, sen. pro tercia parte ejusdem . .
xij d.
xxj d. q a .
vj li. iij s. iiij d.
xxxv s.
c s.
Ixxiij s. iiij d.
xxvj s. viij d.
xvj s. viij d.
CCxxxix li. xiij s.
cj li. iij d.
Ixv s. vj d.
xxxiij s.
Summa totalis omnis per Compota Ministrorum . Diiij xx li. vjs. xd.ob. q a
Either in Accrington or in the Graveship, not the Forest of Rossendale. [In these accounts Accriogton and
Huddlesden are considered as belonging to Eossendale Forest.] William Leyland, whose name is so often mentioned,
had been Deputy Steward probably by favour of Lord Stanley, whose neighbour he must have been, and had availed
himself of his situation in procuring leases of very large tracts of forest land lately converted into vaccaries.
In the former Compotus no rents are charged for Mines, but in that of the 12th Edward IV. are
these particulars :
De firma minere Carbonum maritimorum in Padyham et Brodehede in villa de Penhull sic dim' Rog'
Cokshote et sociis suis per annum xx s.
Et de firma carb. marit. in Colne ' et Trawden sic dim' Laur' Lyster ad terminum annorum vj s. viij d.
E firma minere de Sclatestones 2 apud Longfordlonghede in villa de Marcheden quo nuper dimittitur pro
xx d. per annum hoc anno non respondit eo quod nullus illud conducere voluit. Set de xx d. de firma minere
de Sclatstone apud Acryngton in dnobus locis sic dimissa hoc anno.
The following miscellaneous particulars are extracted from a later roll [Ministers' Accounts 11-12
Edw. IV.] on the same subject, dated anno 12 of the same reign :
Et de viij d. de novo redditu ij acrarum de vasto D'ni Regis jacent. super Clivacher More in Dirplegrenyng
sic dimiss. Rob'to Whiteacre de le Holmes. [From the Compotus of the Bailiffs of the Wapentake.]
In vadiis iiij or Moredrivarum, in Penhull ij, Rossendale i, Trawden i, custodiencium feras extra Chaceam
tarn in com. Ebor. quam in com. Lancast', eo quod null, exire volebant, ne per malefactoribus capiantur,
quolibet pro sept, vj d. prout allocata est in computis precedentibus, xiis.
Et in stipendio i hominis custodientis feras Dom. Regis apud Estmore x s. Rossendale iv s. ii d. et Trawden
xs. ac unius hominis apud Toddington in auxilio quatnor predict. Moredrivar' eo quod i idem Moredrivar'
non sufficiunt feras predictas (defendere) sine auxilio eorundem hominum, prout allocata est in computis pre-
cedentibus in solvac. ferine Forest' predict' xxviij s. ii d. in solvac' forme.
In denar. solut. pro sustentatione fossat. et sepium Nove Laund in Penhull per totum circuitum, xx s.
Et in sustent. vj Fald. vj s.
Et solut. forestar. de Penhull pro prostratione ramorum temp, yemali ad sustentutionem ferarum,
hoc anno iij s. iiij d.
Et Forest' de Rossendale pro cons, prostratione ramorum temp, yemali pro ferarum sustentacione
ibidem hoc anno vj s. viij d.
At three pence per diem thirty days were thus employed, which proves at once that there was much
wood and many deer. [These were customary payments, and do not vary from 1 Hen. VI.]
Venditio cropporum. Nee respondit de precio cropp. ramorum sive cortice quercuum prostratarum tarn
pro reparacione palicii, quam ventus prostravit in Penhull, Rossendale, et Trewden, eo quod null' hujus-
modi ibidem prostrat. fuerunt. Nee respondit de melle et cera silvestre ibidem hoc anno, eo quod nulhim
hujusmocli ibidem acciderat per idem tempus. Nee de suet' prisone ibidem hoc anno, eo quod null' suet'
ibidem acciderat, nee alique persone ibidem arrestate fuerunt per idem tempus.
Hence it is evident that there were gaols in the forests, to which trespassers against the forest laws were
summarily committed. [This item probably refers to the gaol of Clitheroe Castle.] The word sueta probably
was meant to express some ancient gaol fee demanded on commitment.
Another article, which respects the conveyance of rents from Clitheroe to London, is extremely curious.
One pound in every hundred was allowed to the steward as a kind of insurance. The whole was packed up
in canvas bags, and two shillings per diem were allowed for fifteen days in eundo, morando, et redeundo,
during the conveyance.
1 A coal mine was wrought at Colne in the latter end of Edward the Third's reign (Compotus of Bolton, in History
of Craven) otherwise I should have fixed this as the original date of that pursuit since become so general and so
lucrative in this district. [Colne. De x s. de carbonibus Marinis in Trahden. Compotus terrarum Henr. de Lacy,
23 24 Edw. I.)
2 Shitestones were now evidently beginning to supersede the primitive covering of thatch.
VOL. I. 3 A
Solut. Abb'ti de Salley, pro quadam lampade ardente coram summo Altare in Ecclesia de Salley de
Elemosina Johannis Lacy, vjs. viijd. 1
The last extract which I shall produce from these rolls will prove that great improvements in Clitheroe
Castle and in the manor houses, &c. within Blackburnshire, took place under the active reign of Richard
the Third (anno regni 2.)
In diversis custubus (costs) et expensis factis per ipsum Computantem hoc anno factis et appositis super
reparacionem et cmendacionem diversarum domorum et camerarum infra Castrum de Clyderhowe,
xxivl. vis. viijd. Maneriorum de Ightenhull, xxxs. ijd. Whytewell et parcorum, logiorum et paliceorum
eorundem, &c. S. tot. cxijl. ivs. vd.
Another document relating to the Forests, as it is extremely curious in itself, will satisfactorily explain
the subject of Future Rents within those districts.
To oure right trustie and well-beloved Father the Erie of Derbie, George Stanley, Knt. Lord Strange,
Sir Henrie Halsall, Knt. Sir Jhon Towneley, Sir Ric. Sherburne, Knt. &c.
Whereas of okle use and custome the Forsters and Kepers of oure Forests of Penhull, Rossingdale,
Accrington, and Trawdcn, have hadde of verie right and dutie at certayne tymes and daies meate and
drinke 2 of the tenants therin and adjoining, the which is now called Future, otherwise Forster Fee, as is sett
forth in a boke, in which boke it also apperith, that for divers displesours and annoyances that y e seide
Forsters comitted agaynst y e seide tenants, ther wyves, and servaunts, y e seide tenaunts made complaynt to
our progenitors Dukes of Lancaster, wherupon y e seide tenauuts bounde themselves, their heyres, and
tenures, to our progenitours, to pay for tyme being yerely xijl. xiijs. ivd. to seide Forsters towards ther
wages, and in recompence of ther meat and drinke called Forster Fee; y e which was paid * o y e 1st yeare of
King Edward IVth, in which yere, by lab r and meanes made w th hym, y e seide Future was putt in respite,
soe that cxixl. vis. viijd. is now in respite, w ch , if it shold be longer delayed, would turn to our disherison,
and y e utter destruction of oure For st , for lack of kepyng : wherfor wee will and desire, and nathless charge
youe, and anie five of youe, to call before youe as well our tenauuts nowe in being within y e seide Forests,
as other most ancient persons adjoining as ye in your discretioun shall think most convenient, and enquire
which of y e seide tenaunts ought to pay y e seide Duties, and what some every one of y m , after y e old usage
and custome ther, and therupon to compel them, and every of them, to paye y e seide some, and for default
to distreyu them and ther tenures, and for utter refusing therof to seaze on ther tenures imediately, and
aclmyt sucli other persons as will bee content to paye y e s d Duties.
This Commission, which is strongly tinctured by the avarice and severity of Henry VII. is followed by
a certificate that the tenants of Bowland were accustomed to pay a Future of xxil. xd. per annum, which
was regularly continued to 2d of Richard III. and that the whole sum respited and due amounted to
ccclvijl. xiijs. ijd. too large an amount to be overlooked by his successor. Dated March 9, a r
H. VII. 17".
1 [Annuitas. Et in aim. redd, solut. Henrico Darci militi ut pro redditu per progenitorem domine Regine
concess. Abbati et Conventui de Salley pro lampade coram summo Altare et postea Ant. Darcy et heredibus suis
dat. per pat. 28 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. . . . vi s. viij d. Receiver's Account, 9-10 Eliz.]
2 [These services of meat and drink are paralleled by the coyne and livery and other exactions which were very
customary in Ireland: upon which see a copious memoir in The Topographer and Genealogist, vol. iii. 1858.]
Whi taker, Thomas Dunham
An history of the
original Parish of Whalley
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