A partnership where our RTO is the trusted training provider exploring innovative delivery strategies and finding complete training and workforce development solutions that may or may not involve other RTOs. Obviously a key part of this is about revenue generation but it is also about building reputation, positioning both organisations to secure tender opportunities and increasing the amount of delivery that occurs in the workplace to achieve efficiencies and most importantly superior training outcomes.
Fee for service
Fee for service / Mutual service partnerships / Vocational & community partnerships. International & domestic
Fee for service activity or other that lends itself to providing staff development and research opportunities
Fee for service arrangements where our capability is aligned with industries learning and development strategy for their workforce.
Fee for service is a main driver plus employer co-contribution with government funding arrangements dependent on the size of the organisation.
Fee for service support partnerships, i.e. both partners become stronger due to a combined offer. / Also preferred provider partnerships where we are able to offer a full service model.
Fee for service; mutual partnerships, specialised in high value areas
Increase our training consultancy activity in industry
Joint ventures
Joint ventures / service partnerships / fee for service / government contracts
Joint ventures whereby we fill a gap of services in education that supports an organisation and or Industry growth in productivity. JV's that compliment a product range deficiency to meet market demands both B2C & B2B
Mutual service partnerships
Outsourcing and consultation
Partnerships with large companies who have the resources for a total win/win long term relationship
There is no specific drive regarding the type of partnership however the reality is in the current training environment we need more fee for service partnerships due to the changing funding regimes. In addition there is a stronger focus on driving joint venture partnerships to compliment the scope we have available to unlock different opportunities as well as stretch our geographical reach.
Those that will result in job outcomes for students / Those that assist individuals that would be otherwise disengaged from training / Those that promote new business development / Those that will contribute to employment growth in future
We would like to build more mutual service, fee-for-service and government subsidised training partnerships that support regional development and our local community, industry and government sectors. Ideally, the partnerships would support Q11, No's 3,7,8,9 and 10, but without clear direction on the purpose of partnerships and a commitment to invest in them, we don't achieve the level of advantage that we should from partnering activities.
Any type of partnership that will increase to number of students that can exit as highly qualified graduates. This then supplies staff to our partners as they struggle to maintain staffing levels. there are not enough qualified staff in our industry
Currently looking at Joint ventures with Industry. An area where we are not currently involved
Employer links for employment opportunities for students / High quality employers for excellent staff work placements / Like minded RTOs where we pool resources/allocations
Fee for service
Fee for service
Fee for Service
Fee for service
Fee for service
Fee for service and mutual service / / environmental influences upon partnerships / changes to the training model / the role of people and relationships /
Fee for service if any
Fee for service partnerships
Fee for service partnerships where we customise training for the partner for the benefit of learners
Fee for service via professional certificates in key areas / Mutual partnerships with business and higher education providers
Fee-for service
Fee-for-service whereby there is a benefit to both parties.
Fee-for-service, joint ventures. Working together to develop industry/customer targeted training programs and better understand industry needs. Industry participation in assessment validation to strengthen assessment process and outcomes.
Find employers for our students and to keep up-to-date with industry for both staff and training course
I want to service large facilities with a range of staff, offering a pathway from the certificate III up to the advanced diploma. It is hard to retain staff in our field so offering career progression might keep staff in a workplace longer.
Increase mutual service and joint ventures
Joint ventures with industry
Linking with larger industries.
Mentoring of our small organisation by the bigger ones.
Mutual service partnership / Fee-for-service
Mutual service partnerships
Mutual service partnerships / joint ventures / fee-for-service
Mutual service partnerships and fee for service
Mutual service partnerships and fee for service
Mutual service partnerships, career pathway partnerships that we can support development for a business over the long term, offering a range of job ready training outcomes.
Our direction is to partner with more niche industry partnerships. The large industry partners deal with large organisations therefore our direction is more on the smaller partners that tend to need more quality students working within their organisation.
Partnering with Job active service providers and industry to provide job-ready future employees for industry
Partnerships with all industry sectors within the beauty industry
Professional businesses which value learning as an aid to increasing productivity where we can work in an equal and mutually beneficial role as a B2B partner
Professional industry bodies that we support and they support us. / We are keen to build relationships in Europe
Public sector and or corporate
Traineeship Training Contracts - User Choice state funded partnerships
We are happy with our levels of partnership. We are many partnerships with each individual small farming business. The problem is the lack of access to funding in SA as the government has closed the funding to private RTO’s in our industry for private RTO’s.
Where the employer bears 100% of the cost of the training and is committed to long-term relationships that enable them to develop training courses that are entirely relevant to their needs.
With other RTO's and industry bodies
A lot of our arrangements are where we provide the assessment processes while the industry provides the workplace training, we then gap train staff in the areas which are not covered by the on the job training
As an industry provider in a niche market area we provide industry specific training to clients, in many cases we are the only provider so we are providing a training service they can’t get elsewhere. Our links with industry are already good and we hope to expand this fee for service arrangement. / Into the future we plan to build partnerships with other RTOs to service their clients for training areas they can’t deliver. This will not be auspice or broker arrangements.
Fee for service
Fee for service
Fee for Service in particular outside of the NT - untied monies / Resource sharing partners who have valuable assets in remote locations e.g. accommodation.
Fee for Service partnerships. Customised business training is our specialty and meeting specific needs for employers is rewarding for both employee and employers.
Fee for Service, / Association service
Getting into the high schools in regional and remote areas, completing school based traineeships we already have a strong relationship with [a] senior high school but would like to branch that out.
Joint venture.
Joint ventures and partnerships that provide industry currency for our trainers and employment opportunities for our students
Joint ventures with good employment outcomes or workforce development
Mutual service partnerships (i.e. accepting outsourced training from TAFESA to deliver high demand training) / fee for service / joint ventures
Mutual service partnerships (that align with our scope of registration and support our regulatory obligations) / Fee-for-service (increasing this component of overall activity is an essential risk mitigation strategy in the current VET climate)
Mutual service partnerships / Fee-for service
Mutual service partnerships and fee-for-service
Mutual service partnerships, fee for service
Partnerships that lead to the success of both parties and students get the best training possible. A partnership that the companies want their student trained not just tick and flick and they get a certificate
Research and development of process and product.
To build our fee for service provision.
We would like to embed leading industry innovation and direction into our training capability to ensure we continue to meet industry needs and to provide our students and apprentices with opportunities to broaden their skills portfolio. Increasing partnerships or knowledge sharing with Industry would assist this area and would also ensure that we continue to address any barriers to employment in our pre-employment training. / Increased opportunities to meet industries workforce development needs through: pre-employment training, apprenticeship services (placement, training and on-hire) as well as providing assistance in skills needs analysis is an area that would be welcomed should partnership opportunities arise.
Working with industry specialist who cannot deliver accredited training but have great experience in the industry and can provide educational opportunities for students.