Course descriptions courses in english

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Labor Economics

This course includes the analysis of the market for labor, determinants of labor supply and demand; labor market equilibrium, wage structure, human capital, labor mobility, labor unions, industrial relations, conflict and cooperation, employment and unemployment.


Economic Thought

The course emphasizes processing of the evolution and improvement of the tools of analysis of economic phenomena up to the present day; contribution of ancient and medieval economic thought. Mercantilism as doctrine and as economic process; contribution of Physiocracy to systematic economic thought; Classical economic analysis; socialist and historicist economic thought; Neo-classical school, marginalism, partial and general equilibrium analysis; American Institutionalism; Keynesian economics; Austrian School; Modern Monetarism; Rational Expectations; Public Choice and Capture Theories.


Global Economics

This course aims to understand globalisation and basic economic model it relies on; presenting the main reasons why globalisation is promoted (nature of multinational enterprises and their role in globalisation). The concept and stages of economic blocks. Basic reasons of creating economic blocks and consequences of this development


Managerial Economics

The course deals with the application of economic theory and quantitative methods to managerial decision-making problems. Topics include demand and supply analysis, production, cost analysis, forecasting, pricing, market structures, break-even analysis and capital budgeting.


Public Finance

The course emphasizes processing of the causes of market failure and the need for government intervention in the economy analysis of public goods, externalities, decreasing cost conditions; the problem of income distribution; budget systems and cost-benefit analysis; government expenditure patterns and tax structures; unemployment problems; economic stabilization and the impact of government expenditures and taxes on the level of economic activity and income.


Research Methods

This course is an introductory course in the theory and practice of economic research. The course focuses on the design, development, and implementation of research projects. The course is centered on tools and techniques of research and their application to the development of a formal research design. The course introduces the student to some of the uses of computer resources in research methods in economics. The topics includes research process and techniques; data collection, processing and evaluation of the findings.


Economic Development

This course includes the survey of classical and contemporary theories of development; analysis of major issues and problems of economic development and structural change; analysis of development policy process; evaluation of alternative strategies of industrialization.


Turkish Economy

This course focuses on the overall structure of the economy; sources and use of income; public sector; main sectors; agriculture, industry, services; income distribution; trends in production, employment, inflation,



The course will introduce the basis of the classical linear regression model; assumptions, the problems of estimation and inference, violation of the assumptions of the model. The basic statistical concepts are also reviewed.


Industrial Organization

This course applies microeconomic theory and econometric analysis to study firms and markets. Both theoretical and empirical work is considered, and implications for business strategy and public policy are discussed. Topics include imperfect competition, pricing, advertising, entry and exit, industry evolution, cartel formation, vertical integration, mergers, antitrust, and regulation. Several real world industries are used to focus ideas, provide examples, and test theories.


Cyprus Economy

This course examines comparative micro and macro analysis of Cyprus economy vis-a-vis globalization and regionalization. Brief retrospective evaluation of economic developments are analyzed in the light of economic theories.


Monetary Theory and Policy

This course examines the basic workings of the financial system and monetary policy primarily in developing countries. There is an emphasis on understanding the issues relating to interest rates, the tools of monetary policy, and the role of the Central Bank. The general economics and structure of the financial system is also discussed.


Project Appraisal and Cost Benefit Analysis

This course focuses on the economic, social and environmental appraisal of project options. Considerable emphasis is placed on the application of cost-benefit analysis and the incorporation of multiple objectives in project appraisal in developed and developing countries. Extensive use of relevant case studies will be made throughout the course.


Environmental Economics

This course introduces ecological limits on economy and natural resources; environment and ethics; economic growth, population growth and environment; theories of environmental policy instruments, valuation of environmental goods, dynamic aspects of local and international aspects of environmental issues.


Empirical Economic Analysis

The course provides students with a grounding in basic econometric methods. The techniques learnt in this course are part of an economist's essential 'tool kit'. It will provide students with an understanding of the basic techniques of multiple regression analysis and enable them to interpret and critically evaluate the results of empirical research in economics.


Empirical Economic Analysis

The course provides students with a grounding in basic econometric methods. The techniques learnt in this course are part of an economist's essential 'tool kit'. It will provide students with an understanding of the basic techniques of multiple regression analysis and enable them to interpret and critically evaluate the results of empirical research in economics.


Agricultural Economics

The main purpose of this course is to use the tools of the economics discipline in order to understand the agricultural sector. This course will be focused in the use of microeconomic tools. The main topics that will be covered are: theory of consumer behavior, consumer equilibrium and market demand, measurement and interpretation of elasticity, introduction to production and market equilibrium, economics of input and product substitution, market equilibrium and product price: perfect competition and imperfect competition, natural resources, the environment and agriculture, government intervention in agriculture, impacts of macroeconomic policy actions on agriculture, why nations trade, agricultural trade policy and preferential trading arrangements.


Contemporary Issues in Economics

Research, presentation and debates about the new issues in economics. Case studies.


Educational Psychology

Psychology of education, psychological development in conjunct to physical, cognitive, emotional, social development. Theories of learning and teaching process of reflection. Factors that affect learning motivation and group dynamics. Effects of these factors to the process of teaching in the classroom.


Introduction to Educational Science

Basic concepts of education. The philosophical, social, legal, psychological, economic, political foundations of education. The development of education, educational science in 21st century, education in research methods, the Turkish National Education System, the role of teachers in the education system, features of teaching profession, teacher practices and developments in different cultures.


Material Design in Education

Major implications of learning theories as they are applied into development of instructional materials. Major types and formats of instructional media including audio, visual, audio-visual, computers, and so on. Learning skills in selection, development, and assessment of all types of instructional media and materials. Classification of purpose, goals analysis, content creation, planning, exercises and feedback in planning, assessment planning, modern educational technologies, teaching materials selection procedures, materials design and development principles. Domain-related material development.


Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri I

Dil öğreniş gereksinimleri (örn.:durumsal, nesnel, öznel ve dil), gereksinim çözümlemesi (ihtiyaç analizi), hedef yazımı, ders izlencesi tasarımı, ders planı hazırlaması; değişik ders evreleri (sunum, alıştırma ve üretme), ders planlama ve geliştirme yaklaşımları; farklı izlence türlerini ve öğrenen gereksinimlerini, öğrenen yaşını, ders hedeflerini dikkate alan uygun izlence tipi seçim kriterleri; ölçüt-temelli öğretme; yeterlilik betimlemeleri, İngilizce yeterlilik ölçütleri ve yönergeleri, Avrupa Ortak Başvuru Metni ve Avrupa Dil Gelişim Dosyası; ve kimlik.


Eğitim Teknolojileri Ve Materyal Tasarımı I

Öğretim Teknolojisi ile ilgili kavramlar, çeşitli öğretim teknolojilerinin özellikleri, öğretim teknolojilerinin öğretim sürecindeki yeri ve kullanımı, okulun ya da sınıfın teknoloji ihtiyaçlarının belirlenmesi, uygun teknoloji planlamasının yapılması ve yürütülmesi, öğretim teknolojileri yoluyla iki ve üç boyutlu materyaller geliştirilmesi öğretim gereçlerinin geliştirilmesi (çalışma yaprakları, etkinlik tasarlama, tepegöz saydamları, slaytlar, görsel medya (VCD, DVD) gereçleri, bilgisayar temelli gereçler), eğitim yazılımlarının incelenmesi, çeşitli nitelikteki öğretim gereçlerinin değerlendirilmesi, İnternet ve uzaktan eğitim, görsel tasarım ilkeleri, öğretim materyallerinin etkinlik durumuna ilişkin araştırmalar, Türkiye’de ve dünyada öğretim teknolojilerinin kullanım durumu.


Measurement and Evaluation

The concepts of measurement and evaluation as applied to behavioural sciences. How to measure outcome of the teaching-learning process in Computer Education. Cognitive, affective and psychomotor measurements. Teacher-made and standardized tests for Computer Education. Interpretation and treatment of the outcomes of the measurements. Basic descriptive statistics. Formative and summative evaluation. Alternative evaluation strategies. Using measuring tools to find desired properties (reliability, validity, usefulness). The measurement approaches based on traditional tools (written exams, short response examinations, multiple-choice tests, oral poll and homework). Measurement on multi-dimensional tools (observations, interviews, research papers, research projects, self-assessment, attitudes scales). Assessment of learning outcomes.


Edu 209

This course aims at introducing the basic issues in teaching, learning and teaching principles, the importance of planning in teaching, planning teaching,(unit-based yearly plans, daily plans, and examples of activities), learning and teaching strategies, instructional methods and techniques and their applications, instructional tools, tasks and responsibilities of teachers in improving quality of teaching and teacher efficacy.


Instructional Design

Principles of instructional design. Analysis of content, learner, and resources. Selecting instructional objectives and sequencing instruction. Instructional treatments. The conditions of instructional events and selection of instructional media. Evaluation of instruction. The importance of instructional modelling and training design models. Problem analysis and task analysis, priorities and conditions to determine training objectives. Goal-content and media selection for teaching material development. Education design theories and models, implementation and evaluation of teaching design.


Trends, Problems and Comparisons of Educational Systems

The course is a factual, descriptive, and analytical study of systems of formal education or schooling. Educational trends, along with curriculum reform and restructuring are emphasized in political, economic, and cultural contexts. This course examines education in group of countrıes by usıng data and insights drawn from practices and situation in these countries. The course also intends to analyze and compare field-specific implementations in the world comparing the Turkish education system with others.


Distance Education

Remote access to education and historical development of distance education. Definition of distance education and technologies used within distance education: TV, VCR, radio, printed materials, smart phones, computers and the Internet. Typology of distance education teaching systems. Techniques and methods used in planning, development, and implementation of distance education teaching systems. Online education analysis, virtual classrooms, e-learning and mobile learning, recent innovations in distance learning technologies.


Ölçme Ve Değerlendirme

Eğitimde ölçme ve değerlendirmenin yeri ve önemi, ölçme ve değerlendirme ile ilgili temel kavramlar, ölçme araçlarında bulunması istenen nitelikler (güvenirlik, geçerlik, kullanışlılık), eğitimde kullanılan ölçme araçları ve özellikleri, geleneksel yaklaşımlara dayalı olan araçlar (yazılı sınavlar, kısa yanıtlı sınavlar, doğru-yanlış tipi testler, çoktan seçmeli testler, eşleştirmeli testler, sözlü yoklamalar, ödevler), öğrenciyi çok yönlü tanımaya dönük araçlar (gözlem, görüşme, performans değerlendirme, öğrenci ürün dosyası, araştırma kağıtları, araştırma projeleri, akran değerlendirme, özdeğerlendirme, tutum ölçekleri), ölçme sonuçları üzerinde yapılan temel istatistiksel işlemler, öğrenme çıktılarını değerlendirme, not verme, alanı ile ilgili ölçme aracı geliştirme.


Classroom Management

Classroom management and the basic concepts of managing a class. Classroom communication and interaction. The class environment and its influence to classroom. Outer factors that affect classroom management. Classroom management models, development and management of classroom rules. The effects of editing the physical structure of classroom. Managing unwanted behaviours in the classroom. Classroom time management and organising a class. Approaches and examples used for creating an effective learning environment.


Special Teaching Methods I

Concepts of method and teaching strategies. Different methods of instruction and teaching as applied to computer education. Special emphasis on computer education at secondary education and special teaching methods using technology. The general purpose of teaching space, reviewing appropriate equipments and materials (achievements, theme, unit, activity, etc.) on computer education.


Special Teaching Methods II

Teaching methods and learning processes in computer education and instructional technology, application of general teaching methods to specific content area, critical examination of textbooks and establishing their relations to teaching methods and strategies in computer education and instructional technology, microteaching applications, evaluation of classroom teaching. Field-specific applications (remote control systems, laboratory studies, etc.). Laboratory examination and evaluation of computer media, computer measurement and evaluation in education: creating portfolio, observation forms, etc.


Special Education

The definition of special education, learning the importance of disability reasons. Special learning difficulties of mentally handicapped, hearing impaired, visually impaired and physically disabled people. Communicating language and communication disordered people. Learning difficulties of hyperactivity disordered people. Special education of gifted children. Learning through playing and training. Approaches and methods used in special education, the purpose of institutions and organizations in special education.


Turkish Edu.system and School Mgmt

The aim of Turkish education system and its fundamental principles. Legal regulations related to education, the structure of Turkish education system. School organization and management, educational institutions and business-related work.

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