Field experience and practice teaching including class observation, adjusting to classroom conditions, planning and preparation for teaching. Guided teaching practice in Computer Education and Instructional Technology. Each week students are responsible to create a daily plan and implement it. Application assessment, micro teaching and designing portfolios.
Basic concepts and principles of guidance. Psychological counselling and services offered under guidance. Guidance services, organization and personnel approach in guidance, student recognition techniques, book-teacher cooperation and guiding to do tasks.
Karşılaştırmalı Eğitim
Dersin amacı; iki veya daha fazla ülkenin eğitim sistemlerinin benzer ve farklı yönlerini ortaya koymak, gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan çeşitli ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerinin yapı, amaç ve politikalarını incelenmek ve bunları Türk eğitim sistemi ile karşılaştırmaktır.
Türk Eğitim Sistemi Ve Okul Yönetimi
Türk eğitim sisteminin amaçları ve temel ilkeleri, eğitimle ilgili yasal düzenlemeler, Türk eğitim sisteminin yapısı, yönetim kuramları ve süreçleri, okul örgütü ve yönetimi, okul yönetiminde personel, öğrenci, öğretim ve işletmecilikle ilgili işler, okula toplumsal katılım.
School Experience
Observations and discussions in school experience. How computing is taught, the practical methods and techniques used in teaching. Activities that benefit a course, course management and class control of a computer teacher. Observation of authentic teaching. Learning different aspects of teaching and the teaching profession. Structured induction into school life. The tasks and activities performed by students to observe teachers at work and get to know pupils.
Temel kavramlar, öğrenci kişilik hizmetleri, psikolojik danışma ve rehberliğin bu hizmetler içerisindeki yeri, rehberliğin ilkeleri, gelişimi, psikolojik danışma ve rehberliğin çeşitleri, servisler (hizmetler), teknikler, örgüt ve personel, alandaki yeni gelişmeler, öğrenciyi tanıma teknikleri, rehber-öğretmen işbirliği, öğretmenin yapacağı rehberlik görevleri.
Özel Eğitim
Özel eğitimin tanımı, özel eğitimle ilgili temel ilkeler, engelliliği oluşturan nedenler, erken tanı ve tedavinin önemi, engele bakışla ilgili tarihsel yaklaşım, zihinsel engelli, işitme engelli, görme engelli, bedensel engelli, dil ve iletişim bozukluğu olan, süregelen hastalığı olan, özel öğrenme güçlüğü gösteren, dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu olan, otistik ve üstün yetenekli çocukların özellikleri ve eğitimleri, farklı gelişen çocukların oyun yoluyla eğitimi, özel eğitime muhtaç çocukların ailelerinde gözlenen tepkiler, ülkemizde özel eğitimin durumu, bu amaçla kurulmuş kurum ve kuruluşlar.
Research Methods in Education
Knowledge and skills in planning, conducting and reporting a research in social sciences. The nature of scientific inquiry, phases of educational research, intellectual property rights and ethics in educational research. Forming research questions, data collection and analyses techniques and preparing a research report.
and bipolar small-signal amplifiers are discussed in depth, including differential current-source biasing. Single and multiple stage transistor amplifiers. Operational amplifiers. Feedback amplifiers, 2-port formulation, source, load, and feedback network loading. Frequency response of cascaded amplifiers, gain-bandwidth exchange, compensation, dominant pole techniques, root locus. Supply and temperature independent biasing and references. Selected applications of analogue circuits such as analogue-to-digital converters, switched capacitor filters, and comparators. The laboratory builds on the concepts presented in the lectures and provides hands-on design experience and help with the use of computer aided design tools. (Prerequisite: ENG202)
Electronic Circuits II
Introduction to digital integrated circuits. Large signal models for bipolar and MOS transistors. MOS inverters and gates. Bipolar transistor inverters and gates. Regenerative logic circuits. Comparators and Schmidt triggers. Op-amp active filters. Non-linear applications: precision rectifier, peak detector, wave-shaping and log-converter circuits. Open-loop transfer function, bandwidth, gain-bandwidth product, slew rate, rise time, offset voltages and currents, stability, frequency compensation, noise. Op-amp signal generator circuits: sin-wave oscillators, sweep generators, pulse generators. Sample-and-hold circuits. Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue converters, voltage-to-current converters, voltage-to-frequency converters and frequency-to-voltage converters. (Prerequisite: EEN301)
Circuit Theory
The First order Circuits, Step and Natural responses of of RL/RL circuits, Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis, Sinusoidal steady state power calculations. Laplece transforms in circuit analysis, trsnsfer functions (Prerequisite: ENG201)
Feedback Control Systems
Introduction to design of feedback systems. Properties and advantages of feedback systems. Time-domain and frequency-domain performance measures. Stability and degree of stability. Nyquist criterion. Frequency-domain design. Root locus method. Compensation techniques. Application to a wide variety of physical systems
Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation
Errors theory, accuracy analysis and evaluation. System of units. Standards. Measuring methods and procedures. Electromechanical instruments. Instrument transformers. Potentiometers DC and AC bridges. Oscilloscopes. Electronic and Digital instruments. Transducers and sensors.
Signals and Systems
Understand the fundamental characteristics of signals and systems. Study time and frequency domain representation of linear systems. Overall system characteristics. To develop mathematical skills to analyze signals using transformation methods.
Electromagnetic Theory I
Maxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force law. Quasistatic forms of Maxwell’s equations. Studies of electro-quasistatic fields and their sources through solutions of Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations. Steady conduction and polarisation. Charge relaxation. Magneto-quasistatic approximation; magnetic boundary value problems, magnetisation, induction, current induced in stationary and moving conductors. Electric and magnetic forces derived from energy. Extensive use of engineering examples. (Prerequisite: PS112)
Electromagnetic Theory II
Review of Maxwell’s equations, boundary conditions, vector and scalar potentials, electromagnetic waves, and the wave equation. Plane waves in three dimensions; radiation from elementary electric dipoles, current distributions, and arrays; diffraction and interference. Waves on continuous transmission lines, periodic structures, and dielectric and metallic waveguides; propagation and evanescence. Phase and group velocity. Cylindrical and spherical waves and boundary value problems. Examples taken from the fields of quasistatics, acoustics, fibre-optics, and cavity resonators. (Prerequisite: EEN347)
Graduation Project I
Encouraging the student to do research on a subject and developing the independent study and/or practical abilities of the student.
Graduation Project II
A continuation of EEN401. Student may continue on a project title in EEN401 or a new project may be assigned, depending on the nature of the projects available. Students are required to prepare a report on the study carried out and an oral presentation session should successfully be accomplished. (Prerequisite: EEN401)
Communication Systems
Fourier series. Fourier transforms and continuous spectra. Time and frequency relations. Transmission of signals through linear system. Continuous wave modulation. Amplitude, phase and frequency modulations. Generation and detection of AM, DSB-SC, SSSB, VSB, PM and FM signals. CW modulation systems. Super-heterodyne receivers. Frequency division multiplexing systems. Sampling theory. Pulse modulation. Time-division multiplexing. Pulse-code modulation. (Prerequisite: EEN307)
Mobile Communications
This course covers the fundamentals of wireless cellular/mobile/personal communications, systems. The topics covered include: radio propagation, digital modulation, and error control; access methods: spread spectrum, FDMA and TDMA; antenna diversity, multi-input, multi-output systems.
Active Filter Design
Types of analog filters and their frequency-response specifications. Active RC, Gm-C and SC filter configurations. Electrical and physical design of active filter circuits.
Digital Integrated Circuit Design
Plot the voltage transfer curve and extract the static parameters and noise margins of a given MOS inverter, build the transistor-level logic gate realizing a given Boolean function, calculate the propagation delays and rise/fall times of a given MOS inverter or gate, design transistor-level combinational and sequential digital circuits using classical (standard CMOS) as well as alternative approaches (transmission gates, dynamic logic), determine the static and dynamic power consumption of a given MOS inverter or gate, analyze and design MOS memory cells (ROM, SRAM, DRAM)
Programmable Logic Controllers and Automation
Role of digital systems in automation. PLC as a microcomputer. Ladder diagrams and programming. PLC interfacing
Introducing the fundamentals of mechanics and control of robot manipulators. Provide the student the knowledge to model a robotics system. Teach the essential robot applications used in industrial processes
Transform Theory for Engineers
Complex variables, Cauchy Riemann conditions, contour integration and residue theory; Fourier transform; Laplace transform; sampling theory. Discrete time filters, discrete and fast Fourier transform. (Prerequisite: EEN307)
Semiconductor Electronics
Physics of solid-state electronics. Review of quantum-mechanical principles, crystal structure, lattice vibrations, band theory, electrons and holes, diffusion and drift, recombination, high-field phenomena, optical effects, device applications, (Prerequisite: EEN301)
Photonics and Optoelectronics
This course consists of the analysis of devices and systems used for photonic applications such as Telecommunications, Imaging, Sensors, Displays, Data Storage, Lighting,and Energy. Topics include Fiber Optics, LEDs, LASERs, Optical Amplifiers, Solar Cells, Photodetectors, Chip-scale Photonic Devices and Photonic Integrated Circuits.
Introduction to Optical Engineering
Fundamental principles of optical systems. Geometrical optics and aberration theory. Stops and apertures, prisms, and mirrors. Diffraction and interference. Optical materials and coatings. Radiometry and photometry. Basic optical devices and the human eye. The design of optical systems. Lasers, fibre optics, and holography
Digital Signal Processing
Overview of digital signals and systems. Frequency and time representation of sampling, decimation, interpolation. Z-transform: Evaluation, region of convergence (ROC) and properties. Discrete time system structures: tapped delay line and lattice structures. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Digital filter design: Finite impulse response (FIR), infinite impulse response (IIR), windowing, Hilbert transform.
Digital Communications
Block diagram description of cellular communication; digital communication; data compression; Huffman coding; source coding theorem; universal source coding; scalar and vector quantisation; digital modulation and demodulation; detection of digital data from vectors and waveforms; the Hilbert space of signals; the Chernoff and Bhattacharyya bounds; error correction coding; the Viterbi algorithm; multi-access schemes such as Time Division Multiple Accessing, Code Division Multiple Accessing, and frequency hopping. (Prerequisite: EEN441)
Satellite Systems
Introduction to satellite communication systems, transponder characteristics, modulation for non-linear satellite channels, filtering, satellite link design, link budget calculations, mobilesat - mobile terminal characteristics. Propagation characteristics of fixed and mobile satellite links, channel modelling. Digital modem design, speech codec design. Antennas, Satellite-based cellular systems. Error control codec design, multiple-access techniques
Information Theory & Applications
Information measures and their properties: entropy, divergence, mutual information, channel capacity. Shannon's fundamental theorems for data compression and coding for noisy channels. Applications in communications, statistical inference, probability, physics.
Wireless Communication & Networks
General information about wireless communication and networks telecommunication industry. Wireless communication and networks with a focus on telecommunications engineering, issues faced in industrial applications and responses to the needs of providers of wireless communications and network industry. The course includes study of path loss, fading models, digital modulation, adaptive modulation, multi-user communications
Image Processing
The course is designed to give the students all the fundamental concepts in digital image processing with emphasis in filtering, enhancement, restoration, compression, segmentation and recognition of images. A student, after successfully passing this course will be able to understand the fundamental components of image processing including image sensing, acquisition, sampling and quantization, pixel-based image operations, develop methodologies for image enhancement in spatial and frequency domains, perform conversion from one color space to the other for different applications, understand the image compression techniques and use information theory for lossy and error-free compression and use morphological operations for image processing applications.
Artificial Intelligence
This course will introduce the basic principles in artificial intelligence research. It will cover simple representation schemes, problem solving paradigms, constraint propagation, and search strategies. Areas of application such as knowledge representation, natural language processing, expert systems, vision and robotics will be explored
Power Electronics
Power Switching Theory, Devices and Applications; switching aids, stability, isolation techniques, adjustable D.C. motor speed control PWM principles and applications.
Electrical Machinery
Electromagnetic Circuits. Properties of ferromagnetic materials. Single-phase and three-phase transformers. Principles of electromechanical energy conversion. Linear and non-linear systems. Singly and multiply excited electrical machines. Electromagnetic fields created by AC electric machine windings: pulsating and rotating machines, equivalent circuit, and steady-state analysis. Synchronous machines: equivalent circuit, steady-state analysis. DC machines. (Prerequisite: EEN347)