Basic law information. Definition, basic principles and divisions of Maritime Law. Maritime Labor Law. Required by law about the protection of life and property at sea. Ship, seaworthiness, port clearance, cargo certificate of fitness. Legal responsibilities in marine accidents. General average. Legal aspects of rescue and salvage. Maritime jurisdiction areas and internal waters.
Watchkeeping 2
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Maintain a safe navigational watch, watchkeeping arrangements and procedures. Guidance regarding watchkeeping in STCW Code. Roueting, Blind Pilotage Techniques. Ships Reporting Systems.
Mar.practical Studies
Passage planning and execution, watch keeping and collision avoidance practices. Practices of electronic navigation equipment in simulator. Navigation practices at different meteorological conditions and varios waterways. Fundamental knowledge and practices of ship manoeuvring (berthing-unberthing and anchorage) and effecting factors.
Onboard Training II
To know ship, equipment, bridge, deck, deck auxiliary machinery and all systems. Watchkeeping. Preparation of maneuvering and operations during maneuvering. Operations during port. Ship safety and security management system and the documents. Surveying and inspections.
Technical Ship Mngmnt
Basics of technical and commercial ship management concept, shipping market, charter party, types of charter and agreement, agency and type of agents. Repair and maintenance. Dry docking. Compliance audits. Ship operating costs. Voyage planning. Rules, regulations and preparation of ship. Ship documents and follow up. Crew, training, security, safety and supply management under technical management. Supply planning, keeping record of supply and supervision of provision and demand
Shipping Finance
Introduction to shipping business and economics, ship investments, investment decisions in shipping business, lenders' perspective on ship finance, equity financing, commercial loans, loan appraisal, feasibility assessment, types of loans, debt-equity structure. Finance function and financial statements. Financial analysis. Cash management. Financial planning. Risk and return. Cost of capital. Credit management. Ship finance and return, Voyage performance analysis.
Ship Scm
Concept of supply chain management. Components of the supply chain management. Development of the supply chain management intelligence and supply chain management appliances in the world and Turkey. Ship supply chain management and constructing of process. Risk assessesment relating to ship demand and forecasting. Planning (bunker, victualling, provision, stock etc.) relating to ship demand, purchasing order/demand and logistics integration.
Fluid Mechanics
Introduction. Unit systems. Hydrostatics. Pressure at a point. Calculation of pressure forces. Kinematics of fluids. Basic equations of one dimensional flow (continuity, energy and impuls-momentum equations). Ideal fluids. Real fluids. Potential (irrotational) flows. Boundary layer. Dimensional analyses and similarity laws.
Int. Relat.&mar.policies
Theories of International Relation, international economic and political organisations (UN, World Bank, EU, IMO, etc.), international conflict areas, public international law, comparative maritime politics, maritime power, naval and maritime power as a foreign policy tool.
Org.mngmnt & Bhv. in Mrtm
Basic concepts of management. Organisation and types of organisation. Organisations in ship and in maritime. Individuality and types of personality. Perception, attribution and learning. Job satisfaction, organisational commitment and motivation. Group, formation of group, working within different groups and team work. Leadership and its approaches. Organization change and development. Stress and stress management. Social responsibility and ethics. Introduction to shipping management and management concepts. Negotiation of charter parties. Voyage estimates. Lay time and hire statements. Profit and loss accounts. Agency.
Rsrch Meth.& Statistics
Scientific research methods. Writing up of scientific manuscripts. Fundamentals of statistics. Measures of central tendency. Measures of dispersion. The concept of probability and theorems. Bayes theorem. Random variables and probability distributions. Discrete and continuous distributions. Hypothesis testing. Practices by using multi-task statistical software.
Maritime Law 2
Introduction to Maritime Priate Law. Tort and contractual liability. Introduction to Maritime Law. Ship, registration, flag, seaworthiness. Master, seafarers. Duties, authorities and responsibilities of Master. Shipowner, disponent owner, rights and responsiblities of shipowner. Shipping contracts. Maritime casualties, collision, salvage, general average. Maritime and contractual liens. Civil liability and compensation for çivil claims resulted from marine pollution. Marine insurance, hull and machinery insurance, club insurance.
Commercial Ship Mgmnt
Ship Insurance. Chartering. Brokerage. Sale and Purchase. Technical Support. Management of ships technical fitness, maintenance and repair management, crew, training, safety and security and bunkering management
Maritime Safety
Refreshment of STCW basic trainings. Fire fighting organization on board. Firefighting equipment maintenance. Protection from hazardous on ship. Medical first aid.
Ship Hdlng & Mneouvrng
Resistance on ship handling and manoeuvring. Engine and manoeuvre systems. Steering, turning circles and stopping distances. Effect of wind and current on ship handling. Squat, shallow water and similar effects. Proper procedures for anchoring and mooring. Navigation in traffic separation schemes, pilot embarkation-disembarkation. Ship handling in restricted waters. Berthing-unberthing, manoeuvre by tug and without tug. Dry-docking (damage-non damage). Ship handling in heavy weather and in ice. Towing. Manoeuvres for man overboard. Assistance to vessels or sea plane in distress
Graduation Project
A well-defined up-to-date problem based on theoretical and technological investigations has to be solved and the results have to be presented with visual tools.
Crg Hdling&stowage 2
Cargo handling effects on stability and stress calculation. Inadequate cargo handling, fatigue and corrosion. Timber cargoes handling. Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing. Heavy cargoes, fumigation and safety measures. Bulk cargoes, grain cargoes, IMO regulations and calculation. RO-RO transportation. Tankers (Oil, Chemical and Liquefied Gas) characteristics of cargoes, calculations and operations. Preparedness and cleaning of tank, safety procedures. Dangerous cargo (IMDG and IMSBC Code) transportation, documentation. Hazardous substances in packaged form. Effective communication.
Marine Engines
Marine engines (and machinery) and classification. Main engines; diesel engines, steam and gas turbines (including steam boilers). Marine auxiliary machinery and systems; pumps, oily water separators, lubricating oil and fuel oil separators, air compressors, refrigeration systems and HVAC, fresh water generators, sewage treatment units, incinerators, and ship piping. Introduction to deck machinery and systems. Lub oil, fuel oil and water consumptions. Introduction to ship maneuvring systems.
Ship Mngmt & Leadership
Bridge Resources Management. Bridge team working, Planning and execution of bridge team, behaviour in emergency cases. On board, workload management, organising and training. Risk assessment and management on board. Personnel management, to apply leadership and managerial skills. Decision-making techniques. Situational awareness and communication. Vessel Traffic Management. Navigating in different waterways by gained knowledge for; briefing of navigation (Planning), executing of navigation (execution) and de-briefing of navigation (Monitoring and Assessment) on the bridge simulators. IAMSAR simulator practices.
Crg Handling Simulator
Introduction to tanker transportation; Operations carried out on crude oil and chemical/product tankers; Operations carried out at crude oil / chemical terminals; National/international rules for tankers; Handling of dangerous cargoes and safety precautions. SIRE. Simulator exercises.
Meteorology & Oceanography
Synoptic maps and weather systems. Tropical cyclones. Ocean current system. Waves. Tides and current systems. Sea ice and effects on navigation.
Ship Survey Prosedures
Classification societies. Certificates to be carried on board ships. Annual, intermediate and special surveys. Survey preparations. Flag state and port state control. Corrective action of nonconformity. Record the oil and garbage record book.
Mar. Sequrity& Q M System
Safety and security. Ship Security Management System. Ship Safety Management System. Quality Management System. Risks in maritime and risk assessment. Integrated management systems, ISO 9001. Requirements of international audits.
Seafarers Hlth&safety 1
Requirements of occupational health and safety. Requirements of OHSAS 180001. Occupational Health and Safety Management System. OHSAS 18001 applications in maritime sector and risk assessment.
Seafarer's Health&safety
Requirements of occupational health and safety. Requirements of OHSAS 180001. Occupational Health and Safety Management System. OHSAS 18001 applications in maritime sector and risk assessment.
Effective Communicatn
Management psychology and basic subjectareas, The effects of living conditions on ship to individual psychology and performance, Understanding human behavior models, Loneliness impulse, stress and coping techniques, Communication psychology, Self-recognition and improve methods, Causes of conflict in ships environment and ways of solution, Psychological approaches to the factors that affectte amperformance / perspective, Case studyandanalysis, Decision-making and behavior in a crisis, sychological harassment in ship environment and copingmethods.
Port Management
Port management and operation related terminology and fundamentals. Types of terminals and operations. Port economics, port authority, berthing and un-berthing procedures. Port management and operations related international treaties, port information systems and automation. General overview on the ports in Turkey.
Managerial Behavior & Performance in Maritme
Introduction to shipping management and management concepts. Negotiation of charter parties. Voyage estimates. Lay time and hire statements. Profit and loss accounts. Agency
Marine Accidents and Safety Culture
Definition of marine accidents. Effects of marine accidents and models developed to prevent accidents. Human error and ergonomics. Near Miss situation. Legislations related to prevent accidents. Organization Climate and Culture. Safety Culture. Maritime safety culture.
Intro. to Maritime Traffic Engineering
General concepts of maritime traffic. Basic information for examination of maritime traffic. Maritime traffic and maneuvering of collision avoidance. Assessment process of maritime traffic condition. Basic studies for modeling of maritime traffic and planning of navigationable maritime traffic lines. Basic information about vessel traffic management services.
Cargo Pumps
Cargo pumps and types. Cargo pumps and components in LNG, LPG, chemical and oil tankers. Pump application on tankers. Efficiency and power calculation of pumps. Maintenance, troubles and remedies of cargo pumps.
Deck Machinery
Deck crane and davits. Capstan and windlass. Steering gear. Hatch covers. Ramps, covers and vehicles lifts on Ro-Ro ships. Bow-stern thruster. Cargo pumps. Valves.
Sea Ice
Antarctic and Arctic: Ocean-atmosphere-ice interaction, sea ice formation, physical and biological features, sea ice differences between North Pole and South Pole, influencing the navigation, sea ice extent per season, new routes declared by IMO providing navigation at North Pole, Sea ice observation techniques (ASPeCt observations) from the ship.
Elective Group 1
DPR283 or DPR289
Elective Group 2
DPR281 or DPR285 or DPR287
Elective Group 3
DPR282 or DPR284 or DPR286 or DPR288
Elective Group 4
DPR381 or DPR383 or DPR385 or DPR387 or DPR389
Elective Group 5
DPR481 or DPR483 or DPR485
Elective Group 6
DPR482 or DPR484 or DPR486 or DPR488 or DPR490
İletişime Giriş
İletişim olgusunu tanıtmaya yönelik ders boyunca iletişim olgu ve kavramlarını tanıtmak ve iletişim bakış açısıyla güncel olayları analiz vs gibi konular işlenecektir. Ders kapsamında, iletişim kavramı ve tanımı, iletişim süreci ve öğeleri, iletişim sürecinde sistem yaklaşımı, iletişim türleri, iletişim modellerine genel bir bakış, kitle iletişimi kavramı, kitle iletişim araçlarının işlevleri ve etkileri bağlamında karşılaştırılması, kitle iletişim kuramlarına genel bir bakış ve yeni kuramsal çalışmalar/yaklaşımlar ele alınacaktır.
İletişim Tarihi
Bu derste, kültür ve iletişim ilişkisi kurularak, iletişimin tarihçesi üzerinde durulacaktır. Kitle iletişiminin özellikler irdelenerek, tarihsel süreç içerisinde kurumsallaşma, yabancılaşma, tekelleşme, küreselleşme ve kimlik konuları incelenecektir.
İşletme Yönetimine Giriş I
İşletme biriminin temel kavramları, amaçları, türleri, hukuki yapıları, yönetim, üretim, pazarlama, finansman, personel, muhasebe, halkla ilişkiler ve araştırma-geliştirme fonskiyonları ile ilgili genel bilgiler bu ders kapsamında yer alıyor.
İşletme Yönetimine Giriş II
İşletme biriminin temel kavramları, amaçları, türleri, hukuki yapıları, yönetim, üretim, pazarlama, finansman, personel, muhasebe, halkla ilişkiler ve araştırma-geliştirme fonskiyonları bu ders kapsamında yer alıyor.