Course descriptions courses in english

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İkinci Yabancı Dil I

Temel iletişim; basit günlük konuşma diyaloglarını ve temel okuma parçalarını anlamak ve günlük temel konuşma dilinde iletişim kurmak için gerekli olan yapılar ve sözcükler; hedef dilin kültürü ile bilgi.


İkinci Yabancı Dil II

Etkileşimsel iletişim; gazete, dergi, uzun diyalog, okuma parçaları ve kısa hikayelerde sıklıkla kullanılan dil bilgisi yapıları ve sözcükler; özgün materyaller aracılığı ile hedef dilin kültürü ile ilgili bilgi.


Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Materyal İnceleme Ve Geliştirme

İDÖ ders gereçleri tasarımı teori ve ilkeleri (örn.: gereç seçimi, uyarlanması, geliştirilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi) ve ders kitabı kullanımına taraf ve karşıt olan temel görüşler; yöntem, ideoloji ve ders kitabı yazarının arasındaki ilişki; ders gereçlerinin seçimi ile ilgili format: öğrencinin dil yeterliliği, öğrenilebilirlik, kullanım kolaylığı, kültürel içerik, iletişimsel etkileşimin uygunluğu ve dil kullanımı, öğrencilerin birbirleriyle ve öğretmenle etkileşimde bulunmasına yardımcı olan bütünce bazlı otantik, gerçek dünya bağlamında konuşlanmış gereçler; dil öğretimi için gereç uyarlaması ve geliştirilmesi, belirli öğrenme ihtiyaçlarına ve öğretim ortamlarına göre ders kitabı gereçlerinin uyarlanması, öğretmen adaylarının kendi öğretme gereçlerini ve yardımcı gereçleri uygun yönteme, öğrenci seviyesine, ihtiyaçlarına ve mevcut okul ortamına göre tasarlamaları; gereç değerlendirmesi, ders kitabının İDÖ sınıf ortamında kullanımı ile ilgili dil gereçleri ve ders kitabı değerlendirme kriterleri ve gereç tasarımı üzerine güncel İDE yöntemleri.


Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Ölçme Ve Değerlendirme

Sınıf bazlı ölçme ve değerlendirme üzerine temel kavram, ilke ve kurgular; farklı testler ve sınama biçimleri (örn.: yeterlilik, başarı, bulgulayıcı ve/veya yerleştirme amaçlı sınama, doğrudan ve dolaylı sınama, ayrık nitelikli ve bütüncül sınama, ölçün ve ölçüt temelli sınama, öznel ve nesnel sınama, iletişimsel sınama, vb.), geniş boyutlu dil ölçme amaçları için değişik soru türleri; bu tür testlerin ve mevcut diğer ölçme yöntemlerinin (örn.: gelişim dosyası, özdeğerlendirme, öğrenen günceleri) geliştirilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi; farklı yaş grupları, dil düzeyleri ve öğrenme biçemleri için dil testleri; okuma, yazma, dinleme, konuşma, kelim ve dilbilgisini test etmek için ayrık ve bütüncül biçimde sınav hazırlama teknikleri; betimlemeli çıkarımsal istatistik hesaplamaları ve sınav tasarımının altında yatan ilkeler (örn.: içerik, ölçütsel, kurgusal, görünüş geçerliliği, tutarlılık, standart ölçme hatası ve gerçek puan; kullanışlılık); test kurgulama aşamaları, madde analizi ve test puanlarının yorumlanması, ölçünleştirilmiş testlerin değerlendirilmesi (örn.: TOEFL, IELTS ve Avrupa Dil Dosyası için akredite edilmiş dil sınavları) öğretmen tarafından hazırlanan dil sınavları ve yararlı geri etki.


İkinci Yabancı Dil III

Orta/üstorta düzey dinleme, okuma, yazılı ve sözlü iletişim becerileri; değişik türlerdeki özgün metinlerdeki karmaşık dil bilgisi yapıları ve orta/üstorta düzey sözcük öbekleri; özgün materyaller aracılığı ile hedef dilin kültürü ile ilgili bilgi.


Seçmeli Ii: Uygulamalı Dilbilim

Uygulamalı Dilbilimi alanı alt disiplinlerinin (sosyolinguistic, edimbilim, psikolinguistic, söylem çözümlemesi) incelenmesi. Birey ve sosyal grupların sınıf, adli, işyeri vs. gibi çeşitli ortamlarda dil kullanımlarındaki farklılıkların analizi ve yaş ile cinsiyet gibi faktörlerin genel olarak dil kullanımı üzerindeki etkilerinin tartışılması.


Seçmeli I: Roman

Romanların Edebiyat alanındaki karakteristikleri; romanların incelenmesi ve yorumlanması, İngiliz ve Amerikan romanlarının analizi.


Seçmeli Iii: Bilgisayar Destekli Dil Eğitimi

Bilgisayar destekli dil öğretiminin tarihi, tanımı ve kaynakları, ters yüz edilmiş sınıf modeli, oyunlaştırma, dijital yerliler, yetersiz teknoloji ile dil eğitimi.


Free Elective

Should be selected from the liist announced by the department at the beginning of each semester.


Free Electice

Should be selected from the liist announced by the department at the beginning of each semester.


Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Definitions, physical properties. Hydrostatics, forces on plane and curved surfaces, buoyancy, hydrostatics in moving and rotating containers. Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, derivatives, rate of deformation, flow lines. System and control volume approach, Reynolds transport theorem, principles of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, Bernoulli equation. Dimensional analysis.


Principles of Energy Systems Engineering

This course studies energy systems which utilize various energy sources including both renewable and non-renewable fuel. System components and operations of thermal, hydropower and nuclear generating stations, as well as biofuel reactor, fuel cell, wind turbine, solar electric and solar thermal power. Sustainability of energy sources, cost-benefits and their social acceptability.


Electromechanical Energy Conversion

Electromagnetic circuits; properties of ferromagnetic materials. Single-phase and three-phase transformers. Per Unit System. Principles of electromechanical energy conversion: Linear and nonlinear systems; singly and multiply excited, translational and rotational systems. DC machines: Theory, generators, motors, speed control.


Renewable Energy Technology

The course content includes: energy technology, renewable energy in a sustainable future, the physics and science behind climate change, and why renewable energy is necessary for the future. Students will understand different types of renewable energy technology, how they work, their advantages, disadvantages, and limitations. The types of renewable energy and technology studied include: wind energy, solar (thermal and photovoltaic), hydro-electric, bio-energy, tidal power, wave energy, geothermal energy, ocean thermal, fuel cells, heat pump systems, and high voltage DC energy transport. The availability and integration of these energy types and technologies are also studied to understand how renewables can work as a compliment to and replacement for conventional technologies.


Alternative Energy Technologies

Develop an understanding of the alternative energy sources and their uses. Now more relevant than ever, Alternative Energy covers the basics of electricity, how to generate electricity from renewable resouces, how to store energy, non electrical systems, energy consumption and conservation. Learn to understand why alternative and renewable energy is so important and how to go about it.


Petroleum & Natural Gas Technologies

The course provides a comprehensive grounding in all aspects of the oil and gas industry. After a broad overview of the distribution of petroleum resources and the organisations that constitute the industry, it introduces the techniques used to detect and assess the commercial viability of deposits. Next, it looks at the extraction process and the technologies used to process, store, transport and refine oil and gas. Finally, it explores the processes of selling, trading and marketing gas and petroleum products, before finishing with a survey of environmental and geopolitical risks and opportunities, and an assessment of the industry's future.


Electrical Energy Transmission and Distribution

Overhead lines and underground cables; transformers; generators and excitation systems; transmission system steady-state operation; control of power and frequency; control of voltage and reactive power; power system faults analysis; fundamentals of power system stability; substations and protection; power system economics and management.


Graduation Project I

Students prepare projects for graduation in the final semester in the most important fields such as alternative energy sources, solar energy, power generation and control in the different fields of energy engineering.


Graduation Project II

Students prepare projects for graduation in the final semester in the most important fields such as alternative energy sources, solar energy, power generation and control in the different fields of energy engineering.


Power Electronics & Motion Control Systems

This corse examines the application of electronics to energy conversion and control. Topics covered include: modeling, analysis, and control techniques; design of power circuits including inverters, rectifiers, and DC-DC converters; analysis and design of magnetic components and filters; and characteristics of power semiconductor devices. Numerous application examples will be presented such as motion control systems, power supplies.


Energy Saving

Types, combustion in boilers, performances evaluation, analysis of losses, energy conservation opportunities. Boiler efficiency calculation, evaporation ratio and efficiency for coal, oil and gas. Steam System : Properties of steam, steam leakages, steam trapping, condensate and flash steam recovery system, identifying opportunities for energy savings. General fuel economy measures in furnaces. Induction furnace, performance evaluation of a furnace. Cogeneration : Definition, need, application. Waste Heat Recovery : Classification, advantages and applications, commercially viable waste heat recovery devices, saving potential. Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities : Electric motors, Aircompressors, reciprocating vs screw, compressor efficiency, efficient compressor operation, leakage test, factors affecting the performance and savings opportunities. Lighting System : Choice of lighting, luminance requirements, and energy conservation avenues. Energy conservation in Buildings:building envelope, insulation, lighting.


Energy and Environment

This course explores the connections between energy and environment policy. The role that energy plays in our modern world. The basic grounding in the physical, environmental, technological, economic and political aspects of energy systems. Calculation the energy content of a wide variety of systems such as speeding cars, toasty houses and hot tubs, wind, solar illumination, gasoline, and hot dogs. We will apply these concepts to the various energy production schemes and usages found in our lives. Today's dominant energy sources, supply lifetimes, alternative energy sources, environmental impacts, and the future of energy in our world. This semi-quantitative course is meant to provide a scientific foundation for understanding the energy issues so that the student will be able to make informed decisions regarding-or even participate in-the ongoing debate surrounding this important societal issue


Wind Turbines

This course is about the principles, components and conceptual design principles of wind energy conversion systems. the The main objectives of this lecture are: (i) to outline the historical development and the state of the art in wind turbine technologies; (ii) to outline some of the ideas that shape the wind industry; (iii) to outline the main components of a modern wind turbine; (iv) to outline the main site assessment criteria and financial feasibility analysis for wind turbine projects.



Benefits of converting waste to energy, thermodynamics and steam generation. Combustion and boiler firing theory, boiler design and heat transfer. Boiler water chemistry, steam turbine plant and steam system. Characteristics of MSW (Municipal Waste Combustion) Fuel, MSW compared to fossil fuels. Mass-burn designs: Rotary combustors, combustion process, Air pollution control equipment, Ash treatment and testing; Transport and loading systems, Material recovery. Principles of plant operation; Operator training; Upset conditions; Operating procedures; Troubleshooting; Basic plant economics.


Automatic Control in Energy Systems

Pole-zero analysis, stability of feedback systems by root locus and real-frequency response methods. Design methods of Bode and Nichols. Introduction to advanced topics in automatic control theory, state variable methods. Linear Servomechanism theory and design principles. Study of control systems components and mathematical models. Amplifiers, DC servomotors, reaction mass actuators. Accelerometers, potentiometers, shaft encoders and resolvers, proximity sensors, force transducers, piezoceramic materials, gyroscopes. Experimental determination of component models and model parameters. Design problems for power systems. Advanced computer modeling and analysis of power systems. Application of modern systems and control theories.


Modern Thermodynamics for Energy Systems

Properties of pure substances, phase change, equation of state. Concepts of energy transfer by heat, work and mass. Entropy. 1st and 2nd law of Thermodynamics and their applications to common thermal devices such as heat exchangers, turbines, compressors. and nozzles. Basic power and refrigeration thermodynamic cycles: Otto, Diesel, Brayton, Rankine and vapor compression. Refrigeration cycles.


Thermodynamics II

Exergy: A Measure of Work Potential. Gas power cycles. Vapor and combined power cycles. Absorption Refrigeration Systems. Thermodynamic property relations. Gas mixtures. Gas-vapor mixtures and air conditioning. Chemical reactions. Chemical and phase equilibrium. Compressible Flow


Nuclear Energy Technology

Introduction to nuclear energy. Atomic and nuclear physics; the interaction of radiation and matter. Nuclear reactor operation; reactor components, nuclear cycles, neutron diffusion and moderation. Reactor shielding. Fuel reprocessing and waste disposal. Reactor licensing and safety. Economics and environmental concerns.


Electromagnetic Theory

Introductory electromagnetic field theory and Maxwell' s equations in integral and differential forms; uniform plane waves in linear media; boundary conditions and reflection and transmission of waves; guided waves; transmission lines and Smith chart; electrostatics.


Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

Environmental issues that are caused through energy conversion: Ozone depletion, global warming and air quality issues., infrastructure and cost impacts. Products of Combustion. Heath and Environmental Effects of the Primary Pollutants. Secondary Pollutants. Global and Regional Effects of Secondary pollutants. Global Warming. Impacts of Global Warming. Solution for Potential Global Warming. "Power" in the Environmental Protection. Acid Rain. Ozone and Environment. Evaluation the potential environmental.


Wave and Tidal Energy Conversions

Wind energy, wave energy, thermal energy, tide and ocean current energy and also sun energy; trajectories of oceanic technologies; economics of oceanic energy; sustainability attributes.


Programmable Logic Controllers

Fundamental principles of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). PLC hardware, number systems and codes, fundamentals of logic, PLC programming, wiring and ladder diagrams, programming timers, and programming counters. Program control instructions, data manipulation instructions, math instructions, sequencer and shift registers, PLC installation and troubleshooting, process control and data acquisition, computer-controlled machines and processes.


Energy Policy

Public policies related to energy, and how the energy industry responds. Topics covered will include theories of the state, monopoly and regulation, public choice, organizational behavior, international agreements, and innovation. Application these theories to major current and historical issues in energy policy, such as ethanol, climate change, energy security, the role of oil companies in the world oil market.


Project Planning and Scheduling

Study of the concepts used in planning and scheduling of projects in both industrial and construction applications. Sizing the project to get initial figures for development cost, required resourses, completion time, and production costs. Scenarios for project execution. Refining the initial estimates, determining the detailed requirements for project completion, getting buy-in from the team, establishing individual commitments, and documenting the detailed plan. Documenting the project tasks and milestones in a time-line format, tracking planned vs. actual results, and communicating plans and results throughout the project lifecycle.

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