Definitie Verbul este partea de vorbire care: a exprima actiuni, procese sau stari; b are categorii gramaticale de persoanasi numar comune cu alte parti de vorbire si categoriile specifice de timp, mod, aspect si diateza

Participiul trecut (The Past Participle)

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1.18. Participiul trecut (The Past Participle)

1.18.1. Participiul trecut este forma nepersonala a verbului care denumeste actiunea ca rezultat.

Participiul trecut al verbelor regulate se formeaza de la infinitiv, la care se adauga terminatia -ed: listen -

listened, move - moved, carry - carried, stop - stopped, etc.

(Pentru particilaritatile fonetice si ortografice ale formei în -ed, vezi &1.6.3.)

Pentru forma de participiu trecut a verbelor neregulate, vezi lista principalelor verbe neregulate, pp.12 -


1.18.2. Caracteristicile verbale ale participiului trecut:

a) Participiul trecut este folosit la formarea diatezei pasive, împreuna cu verbul be: Fresh fruit and

vegetables are sold here. Aici se vând fructe si legume proaspete.

b) Participiul trecut este întrebuintat la formarea timpurilor perfecte ale verbelor, împreuna cu verbul

auxiliar have:

Present Perfect: He has read the book. El a citit cartea.

Past Perfect: He had read the book. El citise cartea.

Future Perfect: He will have read the book. El va fi citit cartea.

Past Conditional: He would have read the book. El ar fi citit cartea.

Nota: Verbul go si mai rar come pot reda idea de perfect prezent si respectiv de mai-mult-ca-perfect, cu

ajutorul verbului be la prezent sau Past Tense (în loc de auxiliarul have): The plumber is come. A sosit

instalatorul. The quest were gone. Musafirii plecasera.

1.18.3. Caracteristicile adjectivale ale participiului trecut. Participiul trecut are si caracteristici

adjectivale, putând functiona ca un adjectiv în propozitie.

Sublinierea, fie a naturii verbale a participiului trecut, fie a celei adjectivale, reiese din pozitia acestuia.

Când se accentueaza caracterul verbal, participiul urmeaza substantivul, functionând ca un înlocuitor al

unei propozitii relative: The things not wanted were given away (= which were not wanted).

Când este accentuat aspectul adjectival al participiului, el se aseaza înaintea substantivului: These are

portraits of wanted persons.

1.18.4. Atentie ! Unele verbe au forme speciale pentru participiile trecute folosite adjectival:

a) participiul unor verbe regulate (aged, beloved, learned, cursed, blessed) îsi schimba pronuntia,

adaugând un [id] silabic:

pag: 054

Participiul trecut Adjectiv din participiu:

He was aged.????

He was beloved ???? by his students.

He has learned ???? this lesson.

He is an aged ???? man.

Our beloved ???? country.

He is a learned ???? man.

b) Unele verbe neregulate au forme la participiul trecut: una folosita ca participiu, cealalta ca adjectiv

(care poate aparea fie singur, fie în anumite combinatii):

Participiu trecut: Adjectiv din participiu:

The little child was beaten by the bigger


We have drunk too much coffee.

The steel has melted.

He was dead-beat (mort de oboseala) after

the day’s work.

A drunken man is unpleasant to look at.

(folosirea atributiva a adjectivului) dar si:

He was half - drunk.

(folosirea predicativa a adjectivului)

The tree was struck by lightning.

The lawn was mown/mowed yesterday.

She has sewn/sewed a dress.

He has just shaved.

They have shourn/sheared the sheep.

The shirt has shrunk.

The ship has sunk.

He has sown/sowed the field.

He has spilt/spilled the milk.

They have spoilt/spoiled the child.

They have worked here.

Molten (atributiv), pentru

metale, dar: melted butter/snow.

He was grief stricken (folosit predicativ).

He was panic stricken (folosit predicativ).

He was terror stricken (folosit predicativ).

He was stricken with fever.

Mown grass/hay (doar atributiv)

A handsewn dress.

A cleanshaven man.

A shorn lamb.

Shrunken clothes.

Sunken eyes.

Sown seeds.

Spilt milk.

A spoilt child.

Wrought iron; wrought-up nerves.

1.18.5. Functiile sintactice ale participiului trecut. Participiul trecut îndeplineste functiile sintactice


a) atribut: There is the Lost Property Office. Acolo este biroul de obiecte gasite.

b) nume predicativ: He was, impressed by her kindness. A fost impresionat de bunatatea ei.

c) parte dintr-un complement direct complex (Acuzativ cu participiu trecut): I want it done immediately.

Vreau ca aceasta sa fie facuta imediat.

d) parte dintr-un complement circumstantial (de timp, cauza, conditie, comparatie), deseori precedat de

conjunctiile when, if, as if/as though etc.: Struck with the emotion in his tone, she turned and looked at

him.Impresionata de emotia care se simtea în vocea lui, (ea) se întoarse si-l privi. She kept silent AS IF

puzzled by my words. Tacea ca si când cuvintele mele i-ar fi stârnit nedumerirea.

1.18.6. Traducere. Participiul trecut se traduce de obicei în limba româna printr-un participiu sau printro

propozitie subordonata: He looked at the clerk bent over the papers. Privi la functionarul aplecat peste

hârtii. The preparations for the birthday party completed, I went out to buy a birthday cook. Dupa ce am

terminat pregatirile pentru aniversare, am iesit sa cumpar un tort.

pag: 055

1.18.7. Conjugarea verbului call

Timpul Diateza activa Diateza pasiva

Aspectul simplu Aspectul


Aspectul simplu Aspectul




I call I am calling I am called I am being




I have called I have been


I have been



Past Tense I called I was calling I was called I was being


Mai mult ca


I had called I had been


I had been





I am going to


I am going to

be calling

I am going to

be called


Viitorul simplu I shall/will call I shall/ will be


I shall/will be



Viitorul perfect I shall/

will have called

I shall/will have

been calling

I shall/will have

been called


Subjonctivul I call

I should call


I be calling

I should be

calling etc.

I be called

I should be

called etc.




I should/

would call

I should/would

be calling

I should/would

be called.




I should/

would have


I should/would

have been


I should/would

have been



Imperativul Let me call !

Call !

Let me bbe

calling !

Be calling !

Let me be

called !

Be called !




call be calling be called -



have called have been


have been




prezent si


calling - being called -

Participiul si





- having been





called - called -

pag: 056

1.19. Verbele auxiliare (Auxiliary Verbs)

1.19.1. Verbele auxiliare au urmatoarele caracterisitici:

1) sunt golite de sens lexical: I shall leave after he comes. Voi pleca dupa ce vine el.

Nota: Unele verbe auxiliare (will/would, shall/should, may/might) pot fi folosite si ca verbe modale: You

should see this film. Trebuie sa vezi filmul acesta.

Alte verbe auxiliare pot fi folosite si ca verbe notionale, având un sens lexical propriu în anumite

contexte: I have a book. Am o carte. Do this translation, please, will you. Fa te rog aceasta traducere.

2) îndeplinesc functia de marca a categoriilor gramaticale de diateza, mod, timp, persoana si numar la

verbele pe care le însotesc: She was offered flowers. I s-au oferit flori.

3) înlocuiesc verbele notionale în raspunsurile scurte si întrebarile disjunctive (la fel ca si verbele

modale): A: Do you like this book ? B: Yes, I do. He has written a good composition, hasn’t he ?

4) din punct de vedere al pronuntarii si ortografiei, verbele auxiliare apar adesea sub forme reduse,

contrase, ele fiind de obicei neaccentuate în vorbire. Folosirea formelor contrase este caracteristica

vorbirii curente si exprimarii familiare în scris.

Nota: Unele forme contrase sunt caracteristice exprimarii dialectale sau vorbirii necultivate. He ain’t no

fool (= He is no fool) El nu e prost deloc.

Ele apar ca forme incorecte din punct de vedre gramatical în raport cu limba standard.

1.19.2. Forme contrase constau în scrutarea berbelor auxiliare la forma afirmativasi a negatiei not la

forma negativa: I’ve got a book. I haven’t got a book.

O forma contrasa poate avea mai multe valori: He’s come = He has come. He’s here = He is here.

Formele contrase ale verbelor auxiliare si modale (la afirmativ si la negativ cu adverbul not contras) sunt


1.19.2. Forme verbale contrase

Forma contrasa În loc de Forma contrasa În loc de

‘ve (i’ve, you’ve


‘s (he’s etc.)


‘m (I’m)

‘re (you’re etc.)

‘ll (I’ll, you’ll etc.)








1) has 2) is

1) had

2) should

3) would



1) shall

2) will

do not

does not

did not


could not

must not
















have not

had not

is not

are not

was not

were not

shall not

should not

will not

would not

dare not

need not

let us

let me

1) am not

2) is not

pag: 057

Atentie ! Formele contrase ale verbelor auxiliare la afirmativ nu pot fi folosite:

a) în raspunsurile scurte: Has he got a new bicycle ? Yes, he has.

b) în propozitii interogative: Shall we go to cinema ? Where did he go ?

c) în partea finala a întrebarilor disjunctivale: He wasn’t there, was he ?

d) când sunt accentuate, pentru subliniere: He was at the conference. I did see him there.

1.19.3. Be, was/were, been (a fi). Verbul be, Past Tense: was, were, participiul trecut been, apare în


a) aspectului continuu (be + participiul prezent):

Diateza activa Diateza pasiva

Infinitive: be reading

Present: He is reading.

Past: He was reading.

Future: He will be reading.

Conditional: He would be reading.

Infinitive Perfect: Have been reading.

Present Perfect: He had been reading.

Future Perfect: He will have been reading.

Conditional Perfect: He would have been


I is being read.

It was being read.


b) a diatezei pasive (be + participiul trecut):

Infinitive: be read. Perfect Infinitive: have been read

Gerund: being read. Perfect Gerund: having been read.

Present: It is read. Present perfect: It has been read.

Past: It was read. Past Perfect: It had been read.

Future: It will be read. Future Perfect: It will have been read.

Conditional: It would be read. Conditional Perfect: It would have been read.

1.19.4. Have, had, had (a avea). Verbul have, Past Tense: had, participiul trecut: had, apare, atât la

diateza activa, cât si la cea pasiva, în structura formelor perfecte:

Diateza activa Diateza pasiva

Perfect Infinitive: have read

Perfect Gerund: having read.

Present Perfect: He has read.

Past Perfect: He had read.

Future Perfect: He will have read.

Conditional Perfect: We would have read.

have been read

having been read

It has been read

It had been read

It will have been read

It would have been read

1.19.5. Shall, should Shall, Should apare:

a) la ambele diateze, în structura timpurilor viitoare, modul indicativ si ale timpurilor modului

conditional, la persoana I singular si plural:

Diateza activa Diateza pasiva

Future: I shall give

Future Perfect: I shall have given.

Conditional:I should give

I shall be given

I shall have been given

I should be given

Conditional Perfect: I should have given I should have been given

Nota: Should + infinitiv este folosit si ca viitor-în-trecut (Future in the Past): I said I should do it. Am

spus ca am s-o fac.

b) la toate persoanele, pentru formarea subjonctivului analitic:

It’s strange that they should be here now.

It’s strange that they should have been here.

1.19.6. Will, would intra în componenta acelorasi forme verbale ca si shall, should (viitor si

conditional), la persoanele a II-a si a III-a singular si plural, iar în vorbire, si la persoana I singular si


Diateza activa: Diateza pasiva:

Future: He will give.

Future Perfect: He will have given.

Conditional: He will give.

Conditional Perfect: He would have given.

He will be given.

He will have been given.

He would be given.

He would have been given.

Nota: Would + infinitiv este folosit si ca viitor-în-trecut: He said be would do it. A spus ca o s-o faca.

1.19.7. May, might apare în structura subjonctivului analitic, folosit mai ales în propozitiile

circumstantiale de scop: Hurry up, so that we may arrive in time. Grabeste-te ca sa ajungem la timp.

They hurried so that they might arrive in time. S-au grabit ca sa ajunga la timp.

1.19.8. Let apare în structura imperativului, persoana I si a III-a singular si plural:

Let me think !

Let us think !

Let him think !

Let them think !

1.19.9. a) Do, does, forma de Past Tense did, intra în alcatuirea formei interogative si negative a

verbelor notionale la timpul Present Simple, respectiv Past Tense Simple: Do you live in this town ?

Locuiesti în acest oras ? Does he work here ? Lucreaza aici ? Did he attend this school ? A urmat

aceastascoala ? I don’t like it. He doesn’t understand. They didn’t go.

Nota: 1. Verbul auxiliar be primeste auxiliarul do la imperativul negativ: Don’t be silly ! Nu fi prost(ut) !

2. Verbul have formeaza interogativul si negativul cu ajutorul lui do în engleza vorbita si în varianta

americana a limbii engleze: I don’t have enough time to do this. N-am destul timp ca sa fac asta.

b) Do apare în structura formei negative a modului imperativ:

Don’t listen to that nonsense.

Don’t let’s listen to that nonsense.

c) Do este întrebuintat pentru sublinierea predicatului la forma afirmativa a indicativului, timpurile

prezent si Past Tense si a imperativului, în care situatie este accentuat: She does make all her dresses

herself. Într-adevar îsi face toate rochiile singura. Do read this letter to me. Citeste-mi te rog, scrisoarea.

pag: 059

1.20. Verbele modale (Modal Verbs)

1.20.1. Verbele modale exprima atitudinea vorbitorului fata de enunt, actiunea din cadrul acestuia fiind

Vazuta ca posibila, probabila, necesara, obligatorie, de dorit etc.: It might rain later. S-a putea sa ploua

mai târziu. You must meet him at the station. Trebuie sa-l astepti la gara.

Din punct de vedere al caracteristicilor formale, verbele modale englezesti se împart în:

1) verbe notionale exprimând modalitatea (want, wish, order, oblige, advise, intend, mean, prefer, etc.)

care se comporta ca celelalte verbe notionale: He wants to see the play. Vrea sa vada piesa. Don’t oblige

him to do this. Nu-l obliga sa faca asta.

2) verbe modale defective (Defective Modal Verbs) (can/could, may/might, must, have to, shall/should,

will/would, ought to, be to, used to, need, dare), care exprima de asemenea modalitatea, dar care din

punct de vedere formal, prezinta anumite caracteristici.

Nota: Termenul de verbe modale folosit pe parcursul lucrarii se refera la verbele modale defective.

1.20.2. Caracteristicile verbelor modale. Verbele modale au urmatoarele caracterisitici:

a) sunt defective, adica le lipsesc anumite forme verbale. În consecinta, nu pot fi conjugate la toate

modurile si timpurile.

Formele pe care le au verbele modale pot fi folosite pentru redarea mai multor timpuri si moduri. Can,

may, must, need si dare, de exemplu, exprima indicativul prezent: I can help you.

Daca ele sunt însa urmate de un adverb de timp viitor, actiunea exprimata de verbul la infinitiv se refera

la un moment viitor: I can only help you next week. Am sa te pot ajuta abia saptamâna viitoare.

Formele aparent trecute ale verbelor modale au valori:

- de Past Tense, conditional si subjonctiv (could, would, might): I could skate when I was a child. stiam

sa patinez când eram copil. I could help you if you wanted me to. As putea sa te ajut daca ai dori. She

lent him the camera so that he could take photos on the trip. I-am împrumutat aparatul de fotografiat ca

sa faca fotografii în excursie.

Nota: Might poate fi folosit cu valoare de Past Tense doar în vorbirea indirecta: She said you might go.

- de conditional si subjonctiv (should): I should like to come tomorrow if you don’t mind. As dori sa vin

mâine, daca nu te deranjeaza. He demanded we should come the next day. A cerut sa venim a doua zi.

- la unele forme care le lipsesc, verbele modale sunt înlocuite de perifraze modale, de anumite constructii

cu sens modal (Modal Equivalents): can - be able to; must - have to; may - be allowed to/permitted to:

Present: You may go now. Poti / Ai voie sa pleci acum.

Past Tense: He was allowed go to. I s-a permis / dat voie sa plece.

Past Perfect: He had been allowed to go out and play before they left. I se permisese sa iasa afara sa se

joace înainte ca ei sa plece.

b) nu primesc s la persoana a III-a singular (cu exceptia lui be to si have to): He must see this play.

Trebuie sa vada aceasta piesa.

c) formeaza interogativul si negativul fara ajutorul auxiliarului do/did (cu exceptia lui have to): Must you

do this ? Trebuie sa faci asta ? She cannot swim. Nu stie sa înoate, dar: Do you have to type that report

? Trebuie sa dactilografiezi raportul ?

pag: 060

d) sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt al verbelor notionale (cu exceptia lui be to, have to, ought to):

She can cook. stie sa gateasca, dar: He has to get up early every day. Trebuie sa se scoale devreme în

fiecare zi.

Când sunt urmate de infinitivul prezent, verbele modaqle se refera la o actiune prezenta sau viitoare: He

might be there now. S-ar putea ca el sa fie acolo acum. She might come later. Ea s-ar putea sa vina mai


Când sunt urmate de infinitivul prezent, verbele modale se refera la o acftiune prezenta sau viitoare: He

might be there now. S-ar putea ca el sa fie acolo acum. She might come later. ea s-ar putea sa vina mai


Când sunt urmate de infinitivul perfect, actiunea exprimata de verbul notional are un caracter trecut, de

anterioritate: He might have been here before we arrived. S-ar putea sa fi fost aici înainte sa sosim noi.

e) pe plan sintactic, verbele modale defective alcatuiesc un predicat verbal compus împreuna cu un alt

verb la infinitiv: You can buy a TV-set in instalments. Poti sa cumperi un televizor în rate.

În cadrul predicatului verbal compus, verbele modale îndeplinesc o functie dubla:

- functia gramaticala de marca a timpului: He can skate now. stie sa patineze acum. He could skate

when he was a child. stia sa patineze când era copil.

- functia lexicala de exprimare a modalitatii: She can type. stie sa bata la masina. You needn’t type this.

Nu este nevoie sa bati asta la masina.

1.20.3. CAN / COULD. Can este folosit pentru toate persoanele la indicativ prezent.

Could este folosit pentru toate persoanele la Past Tense si subjonctiv-conditional.

Can/could poate exprima:

1) capacitatea (fizica sau intelectuala) de efectuare a unei actiuni: Tom can speak three foreign

languages. Tom stie trei limbi straine. I could run faster than you last year. Puteam sa alerg mai repede

decât tine anul trecut.

Nota: Can urmat de un verb de perceptie senzoriala (see, hear etc,) corespunde aspectului continuu al

verbului respectiv: I can see the car now. I can hear footsteps.

Can exprimând capacitatea fizica sau intelectuala (ability) este înlocuit de be able to/be capable of/know

how to:

Prezent: I can ski now/I am able to ski now. (mai putin frecvent)

Past Tense: I could skate when I was a child. stiam sa patinez când eram copil. (capacitatea de a patina

în general). Although it was very cold yesterday, we were able to skate for an hour. Desi a fost foarte

frig ieri, am reusit sa patinam o ora. (capacitatea de a patina - manifestata în anumite conditii, în special


Viitor: I’ll be able to skate next year.

Conditional: Would you be able to manage by yourself if it was necessary ?

Could you manage by yourself if it was necessary ?

Te-ai putea descurca singur daca ar fi nevoie ?

Atentie ! Diferenta de sens între could si was/were able to se pierde la negativ sau cu verbe de perceptie:

I couldn’t ski yesterday as the weather was very bad.

I wasn’t able to ski yesterday as the weather was very bad.

I couldn’t see him in the dark.

I wasn’t able to see him in the dark.

pag: 061

2) Can este folosit pentru a exprima permisiunea, ca o alternativa a lui many în exprimarea familiara: A:

Can I borrow your umbrella ? B: Of course you can. Pot sa iau umbrela ta ? Desigur.

Could este folosit pentru a exprima permisiunea în trecut: On Sundays we could stay in bed until ten

o’clock. Duminica aveam voie sa stam în pat pâna la ora 10.

În acest sens, can/could poate fi înlocuit de be allowed to, be permitted to: On Sundays we were allowed

to stay in bed until ten o’clock.

3) Posibilitatea datorita circumstantelor se exprima astfel:

Prezent: You can ski at Predeal now. There is enough snow.

Past Tense: We could ski at Predeal last year. There was enough snow.


It will be possible for you to ski at Predeal, there will be plenty of snow in December.

You will be able to ski at Predeal, there will be plenty of snow in December.

Forme de conditional: It’s foggy. The airport could be closed. If he had enough money he could buy a


4) Can/could sunt folosite pentru a exprima: o cerere, rugaminte politicoasa: Can you wait a few

moments ?

Could este mai politicos decât can.

5) Could + infinitivul perfect este folosit pentru a exprima capacitatea nerealizata de efectuare a unei

actiuni în trecut: She could have helped me. (But she didn’t). Ar fi putut sa ma ajute.

6) Can’t/couldn’t + infinitivul prezent al verbului be exprima o deductie negativa despre un eveniment

prezent: A: I’m hungry. B: You can’t be hungry. You’ve just had your dinner.

Can’t/Couldn’t + infinitivul perfect exprima o deductie negativa despre un eveniment trecut: A: Did Ann

type the report ?

B: She can’t/couldn’t have typed it. She hasn’t learned to type yet.

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