Location: urban / suburban / rural
Goals and challenges
Primary goal
Secondary goal
How you
help achieve these goals
Primary challenge
Secondary challenge
How you
help solve these problems
Values / fears
Primary values
Common objections during sales
An example of a persona
Source :
1.15.1 Segmentation in the Digital Age
How Digital Marketing is Redefining Customer Segmentation
According to Brondo (2015), the bases of segmentation as outlined above have to be
redefined in the age of digital marketing. In classic marketing, customers are segmented into
groups with like buying patterns. Marketers focus on trying to deliver the right message to
that group of customers and hope for the best.
In digital marketing, no two customers are exactly the same. That is the core and central
theme of personalised digital marketing. And just like how execution is the driver for
classical marketing, execution of personalized digital marketing is even more important.
Emerging digital marketing companies are developing tools, platforms, and strategies that
enable retailers and brand leaders to reach their potential customers by using mobile
technologies. Each “touch” to a potential customer is customised and based on a unique set of
preferences that can be accelerated in the moment.
Brondo (2015) has developed a new way of thinking about customer segmentation in the
digital age and identified three bases of segmentation in digital marketing which is shown
Figure 1.3 - “Segments for Digital Marketing strategies’
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