Disagreeing in english and vietnamese

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Transcription Conventions

Overlapping speech The convention used in this paper in examples from cited sources (except for those from Merritt 1976) are mostly those developed by Jefferson, and deployed in Schenkein (1978: xi-xvi), Levinson (1983: 369-70), Atkinson & Heritage (1984: ix-xvi), and Maynard (2003: 255-56). It is adapted for the particular purpose of the paper and applied to the Vietnamese data.

  1. Left hand brackets indicate a point of overlap, and right hand brackets mark the ending:

A: Oh you do? R[eally ]

B: [Um hmmm]

Other conventions may be used in some examples:

// point at which the current utterance is overlapped by that transcribed below

* indicate the alignment of the points where over lap ceases

  1. Silence

Numbers in parentheses show elapsed time measured in tenths of seconds:

A: I’m not use ta that.


B: Yeah me neither.

  1. Missing speech

Dotted lines indicate the place where certain utterances are left out:

A: Are they?

B: Yes because…

  1. Lengthened syllables

Colon(s) indicate prolonged sounds. More colons, more stretching:

A: Ah::::

  1. Emphasis

Underscoring marks emphasis. Capital letters indicate increased stress.

A: I sex y’know WHY, becawss look

  1. Breathing (-in and -out)

‘hh’ indicates an audible out-breath, while ‘.hh’ marks an in-breath. The more “h’s”, the longer the breath.

A: You didn’t have to worry about having the .hh hhh curtains closed

  1. Explanatory material

Double parentheses indicate non-verbal actions:

A: Well ((cough)) I don’t know

  1. Uncertain material

Single parentheses mark uncertain verbal phenomena:

A: (Is that right?)

  1. Intonation

A period ‘.’ indicates a stopping fall in tone, a comma ‘,’ indicates a continuing intonation, and a question mark ‘?’ indicates a rising intonation.

A: A do:g? enna cat is different.

  1. Sound cutoff

Dashes indicate an abrupt cutoff of sound:

A: this- this is true.

  1. Latching

Equal signs indicate ‘latched’ utterances, with no gap. They also link different parts of a speaker’s utterance:

A: I am absolutely sure.=

B: =You are.

A: this is one thing [that I=

B: [Yes?

A: =really want to do

  1. Attention

Arrows draw attention to location of phenomenon of direct interest to discussion:

C: How ya doin=

=say what’r you doing?


Survey Questionnaires

This questionnaire is specially designed for research purposes. It is intended to investigate how native speakers of English express their disagreement to an assessment or evaluation. Any information you provide will be highly appreciated and confidentially treated in such a way that you will not be identified.

Thank you very much.

Please tick (√) where appropriate.

* State/ Province:

* Age: * Occupation:

* Gender: Male □ Female □

* Education: Primary □ Secondary □

College/Uni. □ Other (Please explain) ...................

* Place where you have spent most of your time:

Urban setting □ Rural setting □

* Your first language: ……………………….

- Language(s) other than your first language:

(i). ................... (ii)……………(iii)……………

- How often do you use it/them Daily □ Daily □ Daily □

Weekly □ Weekly □ Weekly □

Monthly □ Monthly □ Monthly □

Rarely □ Rarely □ Rarely □

  1. Which factor(s) from the parameters listed below do you generally consider when you disagree with someone in English? Please put them in order of importance: 01 is the most important. If the factor is of no importance please make a cross (x).

  1. Age □

  2. Length of time you have known him/her □

  3. Manner of communication (formal, informal…) □

  4. Occupation □

  5. Setting (at home, at work…) □

  6. Gender □

  7. Social status □

  8. Other (Please specify)

Order of importance □

i. None □

  1. Please read the following situations. How do you express your disagreement with the person you talk with in each of the situations (given on the next page) if you have a different evaluation? Please tick (√) the appropriate answer.

Column 1: Strongly disagree Column 3: Unsure

Column 2: Disagree Column 4: Implicitly disagree Column 5: Silent









  • He/she says his/her spouse is really nice-looking.

  • He/she keeps complimenting on his/her new hairstyle.

  • He/she is looking carefully at your new Italian shoes, saying that they appear to be second hand.

  • He/she says that Miss X, your acquaintance, is getting too fat.


Material life, economic conditions

  • He/she shows you a newspaper headline: GOVERNMENT TO INCREASE INCOME TAX, saying it is a very cool idea.

  • He/she is glad that pensioners are going to get bigger pensions soon. You are sure that it is only a rumor.

  • He/she says that he/she spends too much money on clothes.

  • He/she complains that things are getting too expensive these days.


Mental life, intellectual ability, promotion, politics

  • He/she suggests that Mr. Y, who works under you, should be promoted to chief sales executive, a higher position than yours.

  • Knowing nothing about energy, he/she states that solar energy will solve all of the present energy problems.

  • He/she thinks the president was such a fool to make a controversial announcement recently.

  • He/she wants you to vote for Mr. X when you go to the General Election, as he is an excellent candidate.


Social contact

  • He/she thinks he/she is rather an expert on cars.

  • He/she uses bad words to talk about your favorite team after they have been beaten 3-0 in an international match.

  • He/she assumes that the party you both went to was very boring.

  • He/she believes that a camping trip is good for your health.

  1. Study concrete situations

    1. Situation one:

How do you state your different evaluation when one of the following persons (next page) mentions Miss X, an acquaintance of yours, saying, “She’s getting too fat”? You can choose one of the utterances provided below or you can compose your own and write it in the appropriate place.

  1. No, you’re wrong.

  2. I can’t agree with you.

  3. She’s all right, I suppose.

  4. We are very much in agreement, Madam, but…

  5. How fat is too fat?

  6. Fashions change, you know.

  7. Dozens of men are following her.

  8. I see your point, but….

  9. Is she?

  10. Really?

  11. (Silence)

12. Other (please specify)

Your co-participant

Your response

a. Your grandfather/grandmother

b. Your mother/father

c. Your close friend

d. Someone you dislike

e. Your colleague (same age, same gender)

f. Your colleague (same age, different gender)

g. Your acquaintance (younger than you)

h. Your acquaintance (older than you)

i. Your boss (younger than you)

j. Your boss (older than you)

    1. Situation two:

What do you say to express your disagreement when one of the following persons (next page) shows you a newspaper headline: GOVERNMENT TO INCREASE INCOME TAX, stating, “It’s really a very cool idea”? You can choose one of the utterances provided below or you can compose your own and write it in the appropriate place.

  1. Not me. I totally disagree.

  2. I’m afraid I disagree.

  3. Why do you think this way?

  4. There’s a lot in what you say, but…

  5. It’s pretty good.

  6. It is and it is not.

  7. Granted, but….

  8. That may be so, but….

  9. Hmm.

  10. Are you sure?

11. (Silence)

12. Other (please specify)

Your co-participant

Your response

a. Your grandfather/grandmother

b. Your mother/father

c. Your close friend

d. Someone you dislike

e. Your colleague (same age, same gender)

f. Your colleague (same age, different gender)

g. Your acquaintance (younger than you)

h. Your acquaintance (older than you)

i. Your boss (younger than you)

j. Your boss (older than you)

    1. Situation three:

What do you say if you disagree with one of the following persons when he/she comments, “That party both you and I went to was very boring”? You can choose one of the utterances provided below or you can compose your own and write it in the appropriate place.

  1. That’s nonsense.

  2. I strongly/totally disagree with you.

  3. Do you really think so?

  4. Well, I kind of like it.

  5. Sorry, I can’t say I share the same idea.

  6. No, my dear, no, no, you’re wrong.

  7. To a certain extent, yes, but….

  8. Boring people get bored.

  9. Uh-uh.

  10. Was it?

  11. (Silence)

  12. Other (please specify)

Your co-participant

Your response

a. Your grandfather/grandmother

b. Your mother/father

c. Your close friend

d. Someone you dislike

e. Your colleague (same age, same gender)

f. Your colleague (same age, different gender)

g. Your acquaintance (younger than you)

h. Your acquaintance (older than you)

i. Your boss (younger than you)

j. Your boss (older than you)

  1. Could you please consider the utterances you would use when conversing with your co-participants, define the level of politeness of your responses and tick (√) the appropriate box?

Prior assess-

ment by your co-participant

Your co-participant

Your response

Politeness level of your response


Non-polite (Neu-tral)


Miss X is getting

too fat.


1. She’s all right, I suppose.


2. How fat is too fat?

Colleague, same age & gender

3. Fashions change, you know.

Boss, older

4. We’re very much in agreement, but….


Tax increase – a really cool idea.


5. Not me, I totally disagree.

Someone you dislike

6. It’s pretty good.

Acquaintance, older

7. That may be so, but….

Boss, younger

8. Really?

That party was very boring.


9. No, grandpa, no, no, you’re wrong.

Close friend

10. Boring people get bored.

Colleague, same age, different gender

11. Do you really think so?

Acquaintance, younger

12. Sorry, but I think it was interesting.


C©u hái kh¶o s¸t
C©u hái kh¶o s¸t nµy phôc vô cho ®Ò tµi nghiªn cøu vÒ “C¸ch biÓu ®¹t sù bÊt ®ång ý kiÕn vÒ mét ®¸nh gi¸ trong tiÕng Anh vµ tiÕng ViÖt” cña chóng t«i. Xin quý vÞ bít chót thêi gian tr¶ lêi gióp chóng t«i nh÷ng c©u hái nµy. Chóng t«i cam ®oan sÏ kh«ng nªu danh quý vÞ trong bÊt cø tr­êng hîp nµo hoÆc d­íi bÊt kú h×nh thøc nµo.

Xin ch©n thµnh c¶m ¬n quý vÞ.
Xin quý vÞ ®¸nh dÊu () vµo nh÷ng chç phï hîp:

* TØnh/thµnh phè:

* Tuæi t¸c: * NghÒ nghiÖp:

* Giíi tÝnh: Nam □ N÷ □

* Häc vÊn: TiÓu häc □ Trung häc □

§¹i häc/cao ®¼ng □ Tr×nh ®é kh¸c (Xin gi¶i thÝch)

* N¬i sèng l©u nhÊt: Thµnh thÞ □ N«ng th«n □

* Ngo¹i ng÷ 1: ................................... Møc ®é sö dông: Hµng ngµy □

Hµng tuÇn □ Hµng th¸ng □ HiÕm khi □

* Ngo¹i ng÷ 2: ................................... Møc ®é sö dông: Hµng ngµy □

Hµng tuÇn □ Hµng th¸ng □ HiÕm khi □

* Ngo¹i ng÷ 3: ................................... Møc ®é sö dông: Hµng ngµy □

Hµng tuÇn □ Hµng th¸ng □ HiÕm khi □

    1. Quý vÞ th­êng quan t©m ®Õn yÕu tè nµo trong c¸c chØ sè liÖt kª d­íi ®©y khi quý vÞ thÓ hiÖn ý kiÕn bÊt ®ång víi ng­êi kh¸c b»ng tiÕng ViÖt. H·y xÕp theo thø tù ­u tiªn: 01 lµ c¸i quan träng nhÊt. NÕu yÕu tè ®ã kh«ng quan träng xin quý vÞ ®¸nh dÊu (x).

  1. Tuæi cña ng­êi ®èi tho¹i □

  2. Thêi gian quý vÞ quen biÕt ng­êi ®èi tho¹i □

  3. Kh«ng khÝ giao tiÕp (th©n mËt, trang träng…) □

  4. NghÒ nghiÖp cña ng­êi ®èi tho¹i □

  5. Khung c¶nh giao tiÕp (ë nhµ, n¬i lµm viÖc …) □

  6. Giíi tÝnh cña ng­êi ®èi tho¹i □

  7. §Þa vÞ x· héi cña ng­êi ®èi tho¹i □

  8. C¸c yÕu tè kh¸c (Xin h·y gi¶i thÝch)

Thø tù □

  1. Hoµn toµn kh«ng quan t©m ®Õn bÊt k× yÕu tè nµo □

    1. Quý vÞ sÏ nªu ý kiÕn tr¸i ng­îc víi ng­êi ®èi tho¹i thÕ nµo trong c¸c tr­êng hîp sau? Xin quý vÞ ®¸nh dÊu (√) vµo mét trong n¨m cét sau:

Cét 1: Nãi th¼ng, kh«ng chän tõ Cét 2: Nãi th¼ng, chän tõ thÝch hîp Cét 3: Kh«ng biÕt Cét 4: KÝn ®¸o thÓ hiÖn ý bÊt ®ång Cét 5: Kh«ng nãi g×

C¸c t×nh huèng







D¸ng vÎ bªn ngoµi:

  • Ng­êi ®ã lu«n nãi r»ng vî/chång cña m×nh ­a nh×n.

  • Ng­êi ®ã hÕt lêi khen kiÓu tãc míi cña m×nh.

  • Ng­êi ®ã nh×n kü ®«i giÇy Italia míi mua cña quý vÞ vµ nãi r»ng tr«ng chóng nh­ ®å cò.

  • Ng­êi ®ã nãi r»ng c« X, mét ng­êi quen cña quý vÞ, tr«ng qu¸ bÐo.


Cuéc sèng vËt chÊt, ®iÒu kiÖn kinh tÕ

  • Ng­êi ®ã chØ cho quý vÞ xem tiªu ®Ò bµi b¸o: nhµ n­íc sÏ t¨ng thuÕ thu nhËp vµ nãi r»ng ®ã lµ mét ý kiÕn rÊt tuyÖt.

  • Ng­êi ®ã vui v× ng­êi vÒ h­u s¾p ®­îc t¨ng tiÒn trî cÊp. Quý vÞ biÕt ch¾c r»ng ®ã chØ lµ tin ®ån.

  • Ng­êi ®ã cho r»ng ®· chi qu¸ nhiÒu cho viÖc mua s¾m quÇn ¸o.

- Ng­êi ®ã nhËn xÐt lµ gi¸ c¶ nh÷ng ngµy nµy trë nªn qu¸ ®¾t®á.


§êi sèng tinh thÇn, kh¶ n¨ng trÝ tuÖ, th¨ng tiÕn, chÝnh trÞ

  • Ng­êi ®ã cho r»ng «ng Y, mét cÊp d­íi cña quý vÞ, cÇn ®­îc ®Ò b¹t lªn Phô tr¸ch kinh doanh, mét chøc vô cao h¬n quý vÞ.

  • Kh«ng hiÓu biÕt g× vÒ n¨ng l­îng, nh­ng ng­êi ®ã l¹i nãi lµ n¨ng l­îng mÆt trêi gi¶i quyÕt ®­îc vÊn ®Ò thiÕu n¨ng l­îng hiÖn t¹i.

  • Ng­êi ®ã cho r»ng tæng thèng thiÕu thËn träng khi gÇn ®©y ®­a ra 1 lêi tuyªn bè ®Çy m©u thuÉn.

  • Ng­êi ®ã b¶o quý vÞ h·y bá phiÕu cho «ng A khi ®i bÇu quèc héi, v× «ng Êy lµ 1 øng cö viªn s¸ng gi¸.


Giao tiÕp x· héi

  • Ng­êi ®ã lu«n cho r»ng m×nh lµ chuyªn gia vÒ xe m¸y.

  • Ng­êi ®ã hÕt lêi chª b«i ®éi bãng yªu thÝch cña quý vÞ, sau khi ®éi nµy thua 3-0 trong mét trËn ®Êu quèc tÕ.

  • Ng­êi ®ã b¶o cuéc liªn hoan mµ c¶ 2 cïng tham gia rÊt tÎ nh¹t.

  • Ng­êi ®ã nãi ®i nghØ sÏ cã lîi cho søc khoÎ cña quý vÞ.

3. Nghiªn cøu c¸c tr­êng hîp cô thÓ

3.1. Tr­êng hîp 1: Quý vÞ chän c©u nµo trong nh÷ng c©u gîi ý d­íi ®©y nÕu quý vÞ bÊt ®ång ý kiÕn víi ng­êi ®èi tho¹i khi hä nhËn xÐt vÒ c« X, ng­êi quen cña quý vÞ: “C« Êy tr«ng qu¸ bÐo”? Quý vÞ còng cã thÓ viÕt c©u cña riªng m×nh vµo chç trèng thÝch hîp nÕu c¸ch nãi cña quý vÞ kh¸c víi c¸c c©u ®· gîi ý.

    1. T«i/…thÊy c« Êy hoµn toµn b×nh th­êng.

    2. Anh/… nhÇm råi. C« Êy kh«ng hÒ bÐo chót nµo.

    3. RÊt tiÕc lµ t«i/… kh«ng thÊy thÕ.

    4. Cã lÏ lµ anh/… nãi h¬i qu¸.

    1. ThÕ µ! VËy mµ t«i/… kh«ng biÕt ®Êy.

    2. Con/… nghÜ lµ mÑ/… nhÇm c« Êy víi ai th× ph¶i.

    3. Cã hµng t¸ ®µn «ng theo ®uæi c« Êy ®Êy.

    4. ThËt vËy ¹?

    5. Theo mÑ/… thÕ nµo lµ qu¸ bÐo ¹?

    6. Cßn chÞ/b¹n… th× gÇy.

    7. (Im lÆng)

Ng­êi cïng héi tho¹i víi quý vÞ

C©u ®¸p cña quý vÞ

  1. ¤ng/bµ cña quý vÞ

  1. Bè/ mÑ cña quý vÞ

  1. B¹n th©n cña quý vÞ

  1. Ng­êi quý vÞ ghÐt

  1. B¹n ®ång nghiÖp cña quý vÞ (cïng tuæi, cïng giíi tÝnh)

  1. B¹n ®ång nghiÖp cña quý vÞ (cïng tuæi, kh¸c giíi tÝnh)

  1. Ng­êi quen cña quý vÞ (kÐm tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. Ng­êi quen cña quý vÞ (h¬n tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. CÊp trªn cña quý vÞ (kÐm tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. CÊp trªn cña quý vÞ (h¬n tuæi quý vÞ)

3.2 Tr­êng hîp 2:

NÕu cã ý kiÕn tr¸i ng­îc, quý vÞ sÏ nãi thÕ nµo khi ng­êi nãi chuyÖn cïng quý vÞ chØ cho quý vÞ thÊy tiªu ®Ò bµi b¸o nhµ n­íc sÏ t¨ng thuÕ thu nhËp vµ nãi, “§©y qu¶ lµ mét ý t­ëng tuyÖt vêi”? Quý vÞ cã thÓ chän mét trong nh÷ng c©u gîi ý d­íi ®©y hoÆc ®­a ra c©u tr¶ lêi cña riªng m×nh vµ viÕt vµo phÇn ®Ó trèng thÝch hîp.

  1. ThËt ví vÈn.

  2. Con/…ch¼ng thÊy g× hÊp dÉn c¶.

  3. TuyÖt vêi thÕ nµo ¹?

  4. Theo thiÓn ý cña t«i/… viÖc nµy cÇn ph¶i c©n nh¾c kü.

  5. ThÕ µ! VËy mµ t«i/… kh«ng biÕt ®Êy.

  6. Còng cã thÓ.

  7. ThËt thÕ h¶/sao?

  8. §óng nh­ thÕ ¹?

  9. Cã lÏ nãi nh­ thÕ h¬i véi vµng ch¨ng?

  10. Hay ®Êy ¹ (, th­a xÕp/…), nh­ng….

  11. (Im lÆng).

Ng­êi cïng héi tho¹i víi quý vÞ

C©u ®¸p cña quý vÞ

  1. ¤ng/bµ cña quý vÞ

  1. Bè/ mÑ cña quý vÞ

  1. B¹n th©n cña quý vÞ

  1. Ng­êi quý vÞ ghÐt

  1. B¹n ®ång nghiÖp cña quý vÞ (cïng tuæi, cïng giíi tÝnh)

  1. B¹n ®ång nghiÖp cña quý vÞ (cïng tuæi, kh¸c giíi tÝnh)

  1. Ng­êi quen cña quý vÞ (kÐm tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. Ng­êi quen cña quý vÞ (h¬n tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. CÊp trªn cña quý vÞ (kÐm tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. CÊp trªn cña quý vÞ (h¬n tuæi quý vÞ)

3.3 Tr­êng hîp 3:

Quý vÞ chän c©u nµo trong nh÷ng c©u gîi ý phÝa d­íi ®Ó ®¸p l¹i mét trong sè nh÷ng ng­êi sau ®©y khi hä nãi: “Buæi liªn hoan mµ chóng ta cïng tham gia thËt tÎ nh¹t.” Quý vÞ cã thÓ ®­a ra c©u tr¶ lêi cña riªng m×nh vµ viÕt vµo chç trèng thÝch hîp.

  1. Anh/… nhÇm råi ¹. Nã ®©u cã tÎ nh¹t.

  2. §©u cã. T«i/… thÊy rÊt vui.

  3. Cã thÓ lµ bè/… ®ßi hái h¬i cao.

  4. Víi t«i/… th× kh«ng ph¶i thÕ.

  5. Sao cËu/… l¹i nghÜ vËy?

  6. Xin lçi, nh­ng t«i/...thÊy nã rÊt tuyÖt.

  7. ThÕ ¹/sao/h¶…?

  8. Em/… thÊy nã còng kh«ng thËt hÊp dÉn l¾m, xÕp/… ¹.

  9. Ng­êi buån th× c¶nh còng ch¼ng vui.

  10. TÎ thÕ nµo c¬?

  11. (Im lÆng)

Ng­êi cïng héi tho¹i víi quý vÞ

C©u ®¸p cña quý vÞ

  1. ¤ng/bµ cña quý vÞ

  1. Bè/ mÑ cña quý vÞ

  1. B¹n th©n cña quý vÞ

  1. Ng­êi quý vÞ ghÐt

  1. B¹n ®ång nghiÖp cña quý vÞ (cïng tuæi, cïng giíi tÝnh)

  1. B¹n ®ång nghiÖp cña quý vÞ (cïng tuæi, kh¸c giíi tÝnh)

  1. Ng­êi quen cña quý vÞ (kÐm tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. Ng­êi quen cña quý vÞ (h¬n tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. CÊp trªn cña quý vÞ (kÐm tuæi quý vÞ)

  1. CÊp trªn cña quý vÞ (h¬n tuæi quý vÞ)

4. Xin quý vÞ c©n nh¾c nh÷ng ph¸t ng«n sau vµ ®¸nh gi¸ møc ®é lÞch sù cña tõng ph¸t ng«n theo c©c cÊp ®é: LÞch sù – B×nh th­êng – BÊt lÞch sù. Xin ®¸nh dÊu () vµo « thÝch hîp.

NhËn xÐt cña ng­êi ®èi tho¹i víi quý vÞ ‎

Ng­êi ®èi tho¹i víi quý vÞ

C©u ®¸p cña quý vÞ

Møc ®é lÞch sù cña c©u ®¸p

LÞch sù

B×nh th­êng

BÊt lÞch sù


C« X ®Êy



  1. Ch¸u thÊy c« Êy b×nh th­êng.

  1. MÑ cho thÕ nµo lµ qu¸ bÐo ¹?

§ång nghiÖp, cïng tuæi & giíi tÝnh

  1. Mèt ®æi råi.

CÊp trªn, h¬n tuæi

  1. V©ng, nh­ng….

2.T¨ng thuÕ thu nhËp - Mét ý t­ëng tuyÖt vêi.

  1. Kh«ng, con hoµn toµn ph¶n ®èi.

Ng­êi ghÐt

  1. C¸i ®ã kh¸ hay ®Êy.

Ng­êi quen, h¬n tuæi

  1. Còng cã thÓ nh­ thÕ ®Êy ¹, nh­ng….

CÊp trªn, kÐm tuæi

  1. ThËt thÕ sao?


Buæi liªn hoan ®ã thËt tÎ nh¹t.


  1. Kh«ng, «ng ¬i, kh«ng, kh«ng, «ng nhÇm råi ¹.

B¹n th©n

  1. Ng­êi buån thÊy g× ch¼ng tÎ.

§ång nghiÖp, cïng tuæi, kh¸c giíi tÝnh

  1. CËu nghÜ thÕ thËt µ?

Ng­êi quen, kÐm tuæi

  1. Xin lçi, nh­ng t«i/… thÊy nã hay.

Xin ch©n thµnh c¶m ¬n sù gióp ®ì cña quý VÞ

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