6.1 Researcher’s Contribution to Knowledge & Practice The contribution of this thesis is to both knowledge and practice. This is because
the findings highlight new knowledge but because that knowledge is, it is argued,
also critical for the effective practice of constitutional lawyers, judges and others in
6.1.1 Contribution to knowledge In terms of knowledge, this thesis has, through use of the key factors analysis,
demonstrated that the political system in Pakistan, though envisaged and described
as a democratic federal system, does not in fact function as one. This contributes
to assertions of a state of necessity, endorsed by the judiciary, which result in
premature dissolution of government and can be traced to the underlying disparity
in representation between the provinces. In addressing the problems caused by the
failures in democratic federalism, the thesis has considered the USA, rather than
the UK, with which Pakistan has a historical, colonial connection. Both are;
however, former colonial states and this thesis has demonstrated that, with some
adjustments and variations, a US-style presidential system could address the
problems of Pakistan by emphasising separation of powers in a way that, in
practice, has not been the case in Pakistan.
The researcher is not proposing to adopt the US model in its entirety after
discovering some flaws in that system,
Pakistan can address those flaws before
adopting that model. In any case, the system proposed is not entirely untested, the
USA has been functioning using the same model for a very long time, of course there
have been issues within the USA as well.
Pakistan will therefore have an
advantage in being able to identify and to remove any flaws that the US model may
currently have. These variations also add to the contribution to knowledge provided
by this thesis.