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Tuning in Practice

14:00 Tuning applied!

At country level. Introduction by Paul Ryan, University Galway, Ireland

How is Tuning applied at the National Level. Very important at the European level, and more than that => about 60 countries.

Bologna process implemented at the national levels. Tuning is an example of good international practices.

Two examples of how the Tuning approach has influenced the Higher Education institutions at the national level

    • The example of Spain by Javier Vidal García, General Director of Universities - Ministry of Education of Spain

How was the influence of Tuning in Spain, and what were the difficulties?

This work is done at the level of an Evaluation agency (not at the ministry level, not at the level of a university association) => please have a look on the website of ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación)

Problems of employability of curricula

Problems of tensions between people,

      • The Example of Chile by Julio Castro, Chief of Higher Education Division, Ministry of Education of Chile

Experience of the Ministry of Education.

Certification procedures for institutions and curricula

At thematic level. Introduction by Ann Katherine Isaacs, University of Pisa, Italy

Using of Tuning at the thematic level allows to make a bridge between the national levels.

    • The example of the Erasmus Thematic Network for Music ‘Polifonia’ by Martin Prchal and Evert Bisschop Boele, European Association of Conservatoires (AEC)

    • The example of Law by Loussia Penha Musse Felix (Brazil)

New approach, not yet based on theoretical knowledge, but more on specific competences, in all the social sciences in America Latina.
At university level. Introduction by Xiomara Zarur, Coordinator of Academic Programmes, Asociación Colombiana de Universidades (ASCUN)

Some examples of good practices

    • The example of the University of Groningen by Frans Zwarts, Rector Magnificus University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Implementation of Tuning, which gives the possibility to rationalise the curricula.

The objective of the University of Groningen is to have 5000 foreign students (25 % of the students) in 2010.

    • The example of the University of Costa Rica by Yamileth González García, Rector of University of Costa Rica

In quality assurance and recognition. Introduction by Alberto Dibbern, Vice- president of Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria (CONEAU), Argentina

    • The usefulness of Tuning Physics reference points for Quality Assurance by Jan Sengers, chair of the peer review committee for physics in Flanders, Institute for Physical Science & Technology, University of Maryland, USA

How to measure the competences? To study what is the future of students (each 8-years, in Flanders, a study is done, and we find to analyse how the competences which were taught have been used by the former students, once in their professional life).

In the USA, before 2000, accreditations were based on the quality of programmes, books

Since 2000, you should proof you have good results => each year, some students are interviewed 1 year, 5 years and 10 years after their left the university.

    • Using Tuning reference points in establishing a European Quality Label: The EUROBACHELOR by David Barr, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK and member of the Eurobachelor Label Committee and EUCheMS

    • Tuning and the recognition of competences by Anne Marie Mak, co-ordinator ENIC-NARIC project

Traditional methodology input-based (using Lisbon criteria) vs.

Experimental methodology outcome-based using tuning methodology

15:30 Tuning and the External Dimension of European Higher Education.

    • The Tuning approach in other world regions by Pavel Zgaga, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

D6 Bi-lateral meeting with TUNING project (17 June 2006, Brussels)

(Jean-Marc Thiriet)

A bilateral meeting was organised with Julia GONZALES and Pablo Beneito (Tuning, Deusto)

It is possible to use the tools the Tuning project has developed for the management of questionnaires

  • available for the generic competences

They can provide us one for specific competences

  • the questionnaires are free, but if we want to have statistical interpretations, it costs 2000 €uro

We should download the templates available from the Tuning website (methodology, examples, way to present the things)

  • We will prepare a book on Line 1-2 in EIE,

  • The aspects on quality assurance could see also what is going on in Line 5

D7 Minutes of the meeting of BEST –BACO in Istanbul (by Olivier Bonnaud)
The BEST-BACO meeting, annual BEST Academics and Companies Forum of the European students in Engineering association (BEST) was organized with the goal to debate on the relationships between education and companies in order to match as well as possible the curricula of the students to their future positions in the companies, including the needs of basic knowledge in physics and engineering sciences, the definition of specialities in electrical and information engineering (for what we are concerned), the skills needed by companies and the accreditation that should warranty skills and competences of the graduate engineers. This last aspect includes, the definition of credits in higher education systems that may be based on different parameters, such as student workload, learning outcomes and contact hours but also how to measure:

  • comprehension (understanding of facts and principles, interpretation of material),

  • application (solving problems, applying concepts and principles to new situations),

  • analysis (recognition of unstated assumptions or logical fallacies, ability to distinguish between facts and inferences),

  • synthesis evaluation (judging and assessing).

Several presentations were devoted to the European title of Engineer delivered by independent organism, FEANI, Fédération Européenne d’Associations Nationales d’Ingénieurs, Federation of professional engineer Associations.

One of the main goals of the presentation made by the representative member of SURVEYOR and EAEEIE association was to show the efforts made in the frame of Electrical and Information Engineering by both the thematic network and the Association about accreditation in connection with companies at master and doctoral levels.

One of the main results was to show on the base of the French Education system in the new Bologna process scheme, the importance of the student research works preparing a doctorate. The doctorate students are spending their studies and research activities:

  • for one third, full time in a company,

  • for one other third, a shared time between a research academic laboratory and a company.

At master level, more or less one fourth of the curricula is taught by engineers having a position and an experience in a company.
This event gathered about 50 European Engineering student attendants. During the meeting, more than 20 presentations were done. Fruitful discussions were engaged on these topics with the attendants.
The reference of the presentation is:

O. Bonnaud

Accreditation in Engineering Education: Connections between jobs and studies in Electrical and Information Engineering: academic and company position goals, BEST-BACo 2006, Istanbul (Turkey), 1-2 March, 2006

D8 Synergy with Women and PROMETEA (by Michel ROBERT)

One of our EIE Surveyor partners is also involved in CDEFI (Conférence des Directeurs d'Ecoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs –; in the aegis of this institutional organism, he manages a working group dedicated to "Ecoles d'Ingénieur et Société".

The CDEFI coordinated from November 2002 to October 2005 a research project in the 5th Framework Programme, included within the Specific Programme "Improving the Human Research Potential and the Socio Economic Knowledge Base": the Womng (Women in Engineering) project.

The main objectives of the Womeng ( project were:

- To establish tools and methods for comparison between the different partners’ situations.

- To approach the engineering training degrees in Europe determining how and why women are not attracted to engineering training or unsuccessful.

- To determine women’s professional positions and their problems.

- To determine the innovations in engineering training attracting women.

- To identify the interdependencies and innovations enhancing the number of women engineers

The research field of the Womeng project is not technological; it is relevant to sociology.
The Womeng project is actually continued through an other Research project funded by the European Commission in the 6th Framework Programme: “Structuring the European research area, Science and Society, area: Women and Science”; so called Prometea
The aim of PROMETEA is to develop a better understanding of gender issues in engineering and technology research settings, in order to propose effective measures and recommendations to empower women engineers careers in academic and industrial research in Europe.

This project will combine existing knowledge with new in-depth pilot studies on women engineers career progression linked to qualitative research work on the experiences of both women and men working in engineering and technology research, using cross-comparison as a research strategy and a longitudinal perspective. It will bring new perspectives on engineering and technology research in itself, with a focus on:

- Gender dynamics of male and female careers, comparisons between different fields of engineering and their interrelations, recruitment, full-time and part-time, survival curves and tenure, vertical segregation, pay gap, school to work transitions, worklife balance, double careers patterns.

- Differential effect of organisational cultures on male and female careers.

- Recognition of excellence in engineering and technology research, impact on female and male careers: the gate-keepers and gate-keeping in research funding committees, women’s and men’s success rates in research funding, analysis of scientific publishing and publicity, patents, experiences of “excellent women” at the top of technological research, prizes and awards in technology and engineering.

- Identification and evaluation of good practice.

Relationships are going to be organised between these 2 communities.

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