Determination of base emission for installations with permanent restrictions in their regime of operation.
DHP “SLIVEN’’ – restriction on power and termination of coal for combustion from 31.12.2007. With the transition to natural gas combustion as base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 are used the estimated emissions for heat energy production from natural gas with the available 90% mazut-driven boilers, adapted to work with natural gas, as the volume of produced heat energy from the base 2008 year is maintained and assuming there is no electricity production. The accounted heat production for 2008 is 128 379 MWh. Given the emission factor for natural gas 55.8 kg/GJ, the base emission for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 is 28,654 t CO2 (128 379 / 0.9 * 3.6 * 0.0558).
TPP “MARITSA IZTOK 2’’ – restriction on the quantity of coal for combustion. With the decrease in quantity of burned coal, as base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 are used the emissions of the plant assuming that it burns the limited quantity of coals and with Emission factor from 2008. The emissions of the plant for 2008 are 9,134,478 t CO2 and the quantity of burned coal - 13,084,473 t, (Emission factor is 0.6981 t CO2/t coal). The restriction pursuant to the IPPC Permit is 11,600,000 coal, which determines a base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 emissions quantity of 8,098,142 t CO2 (11,600,000 * 0.6981).
CHP “BIOVET” AD –During 2007 the installation was operated with heat power higher than the declared in the Greenhouse Gas Permit PG №123/2007 and №123/2009 nominal heat power of 23 MW. The base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 is estimated using the emissions of operation of the installation with nominal heat power for the duration of 8,030 h/year.
“IDEAL STANDART BULGARIA” AD – restriction in the Integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) permit of the quantity of natural gas combustion quantity. With the decrease in quantity of natural gas, as base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 is used the quantity of emissions calculated according to the Methodology2 assuming the installation operates with the limited quantity of natural gas, with Emission factor and caloricity from the year defined in Section 5 above. The emissions of the installation from natural gas combustion for 2007 are 25 816 t CO2 and the quantity of natural gas burned – 13 880 1000Nm3, of which 10 125 1000.Nm3 has been burned in those sections of the installation which fall under the scope of the IPPC Permit. The restriction of the quantity of natural gas combustion quantity for those sections, according to the IPPC Permit is 9 206 1000Nm3 natural gas, which creates as base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 emissions of 23,614 t CO2.
“KERAMAT” AD, department Vetrishte – restriction in the quantity of clay to be burned. With the decrease in quantity of clay, as base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 is used the quantity of emissions calculated according to the above mentioned Methodology, assuming the installation operates with the limited quantity of clay and with emission factor of the year, determined in Section 5 above. The emissions of the installation for burning of clay for 2007 are 3,603 t CO2, and the amount of clay used – 20,267 t The restriction according to the IPPC Permit is 17,000 t of clay which determines a base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 emissions quantity - 7,550 t CO2.
“TERA” AD – restriction in the quantity of coal for combustion. With the decrease in quantity of coal for combustion, as base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 are used the emissions of the installation calculated according to the Methodology, assuming the limited quantity of coals and with EF and caloricity from the year determined in Section 5 above. The emissions of the installation during 2007 from coal combustion are 6,154 t CO2 and the quantity of burned coals 3,415.26 t. The restriction according to the IPPC Permit is 1,084.7 t coal, which determines as base for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 emissions of 12,713 t CO2.
Installations, some sections of which have not been in operation during part of or the entire 2007 and during part of or the entire 2008, due to reconstruction and modernization for implementation of programmes for environmental protection and adherence to the norms for emissions,