The survey seeks to determine the degree to which stakeholders believe that rock-related research has contributed to the improvement of safety on South African mines and improved their ability to do their own jobs better. It also seeks to identify any shortcomings in SIMRAC research management processes, obstacles to knowledge and technology transfer, and outstanding and future research needs. The surveys were also intended to provide the International Review Panel with detailed up-to-date perceptions of stakeholders.
A questionnaire was developed to assess the perceptions of all parties interested in and affected by rock-related research (rock engineering practitioners and consultants, mine management, labour representatives, health and safety inspectors, researchers, MHSC staff, SIMRAC committee members, etc). It was soon discovered that most respondents failed to answer the questionnaire in the depth and detail needed to yield meaningful insights. It was then decided to use the questionnaire as the basis for structured interviews. The interviews were typically of three hours duration. They were transcribed by Dr Durrheim, and returned to the interviewees for editing and to ensure that their views had been accurately and comprehensively captured. The questionnaire and transcripts is listed in Appendix D, and the findings of survey are discussed in section 3.5.1 and section 4.3 of this report.
A survey of stakeholder perceptions was previously commissioned by SIMRAC (GAP 730), where more than 75 representatives of government, labour and mining companies were interviewed. This survey differs from GAP730 in that the interviewer (Dr Durrheim) was a person with an intimate knowledge of the rock-related research and the mining industry; the interviews were wide ranging and probing, with the goal of capturing insights in as detailed and “rich” a way as possible; and transcripts of the interviews are included in the published report. However, the principal findings of the GAP 730 survey and this study are generally in accord.
3Status Report: A holistic assessment of rock-related research 3.1SIMRAC (1991 – present) 3.1.1Background and mission
The Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, known as SIMRAC, was established in terms of Section 29(9)(a) of the Minerals Act (Act 50 of 1991) with the principal objective of advising the Mine Health and Safety Council on the determination of the safety risk on mines, and, on the basis of this, the need for research into safety on mines. SIMRAC, as part of the MHSC, identifies research projects, determines the cost and priorities of such projects, imposes a levy to fund such research, concludes agreements for carrying out such projects, monitors project progress, and communicates the results of research to all parties concerned. SIMRAC has been constituted on a tripartite basis since 1995, which means that employers, employees, and regulatory authorities are represented on all committees. This tripartite structure was initiated following the Leon Commission of Inquiry, held in 1994, which highlighted the fact that efforts to improve health and safety in the workplace are most effective when they take cognisance of the needs of all the affected parties.
SIMRAC articulates its mission as follows: To initiate and manage research aimed at improved understanding of significant occupational health and safety risks; the development of implementable solutions that will lead to improvements in occupational health and safety conditions and performance in the South African mining industry and to advise the Mine Health and Safety Council on matters as required by the Mine Health and Safety Act (Act No. 29 of 1996).
The scope of the research work can be analysed in many ways. SIMRAC originally categorised projects in terms of the mining sector they were related to:
Gold and platinum mines (GAP series);
Coal mines (COL series);
“Other” mines, such diamonds, base and industrial minerals (OTH series);
“Generic”, if the work applied to all sectors (GEN series); and
“Health”, if the work applied specifically to occupational diseases (HEALTH series).
Rock-related research falls into all the above categories except “Health”. Further descriptors were used to classify projects, such as fundamental, applied, strata control, pillar system design, seismicity, rockbursts, etc.
In 2003, SIMRAC introduced a new classification system consisting of nine thrusts: behavioural safety, rockfalls, rockbursts, explosions and fires, machinery and transport systems, airborne pollutants, physical hazards, occupational diseases, and special projects. The rockfall and rockburst thrusts were further divided into several sub-thrusts, with each project linked to a risk management strategy as required by Section 11(2) of the Mine Health and Safety Act (Act 29 of 1996), which states that: Every manager, after consulting the health and safety committee at the mine, must determine all measures, including changing the organisation of work and the design of safe systems of work, necessary to –
(a) eliminate any recorded risk;
(b) control the risk at source;
(c) minimise the risk; and
(d) in so far the risk remains –
provide for personal protective equipment; and
institute a programme to monitor the risk to which employees may be exposed.
The present SIMRAC classification scheme is shown in Table 3 .2. All projects in the rockfall and rockburst thrusts are “rock-related” and are included in this study. They are listed in Appendix A, along with pertinent projects from the remaining thrusts, for example, remote controls for drilling machines (GAP 702), systems to locate trapped miners (GEN 502), illumination of working places (COL 451 and GAP804), and the interaction between pillar layouts and ventilation (COL 465). The scheme developed in the mind map (Figure 2.1) can also be used to categorise the projects (Table 3 .3) and has been applied in Appendix A.
Table 3.2: SIMRAC scheme to categorise rock-related research projects.
& Measuring
Example projects: primary (1) and secondary (2) links to research strategies are indicated
GAP 001
GAP 027
COL 706
OTH 411
1. Determine the optimum shape and orientation of mine openings at a variety of depths and geotechnical conditions.
2. Determine the support performance specifications and development of realistic innovative support systems for all mine openings
3. Identify and characterise all geological features that may be intersected or influenced by mining and the state of stress in the rock mass.
4. Predict accurately the rock behaviour in a given set of circumstances.
Rockburst Control
Example projects: primary (1) and secondary (2) links to research strategies are indicated
GAP 003
GAP 223
GAP 811
GAP 603
1. Determine within reasonable limits the time-space occurrence of seismic events in relation to mining operations
2. Identify the regional mining layouts that may be most suitable to reduce seismicity and also survive the effects of that seismicity and resulting rockbursts
3. Describe the damage mechanism in mine openings associated with seismicity that results in rockbursts and ways of minimising damage
4. Use seismic data integrated with numerical modelling to predict the possible seismic patterns of different mine layouts
5. Determine the stability of rock faces that are being mined by means of seismic emissions during energy input into the rock
Table 3.3: “Mind map” scheme to categorise rock-related research projects
(Only those pertinent to SIMRAC research are listed)
COL 002
Building materials
Civil infrastructure
Metals & minerals
Base minerals
Industrial minerals
Energy & chemicals
Major hazards
Slides (open cast mines)
1. Identify research needs
2. Basic science
Properties and behaviour of the rock mass and engineering materials
Geology and tectonics
(rock type, structure & stress)
Rock mechanics
(deformation, fracture & failure)
Engineering materials
(steel, timber, concrete, etc)
Computational methods
3. Engineering
Ensuring the stability of excavations
Rock mechanics & layouts
Rock support systems
Rock breaking systems
Other mining systems
Hazard assessment
4. Human factor
Cause of accidents
Training / identification of critical situations
Work organization
5. Risk Assessment
6. Technology transfer Types of outputs
Methodology / chart / procedure
Guideline / manual
Device / machine
Training materials
7. Implementation
8. Impact assessment
Original thinking
Back analysis
Laboratory studies
In-mine / field studies
| 3.1.3Review of SIMRAC processes and outputs of research needs
Research needs are annually reviewed and identified by members of SIMRAC and its various sub-committees. The Department of Minerals and Energy maintains the South African Mining-related Accident Statistical System (SAMRASS) in which it records fatalities and injuries and classifies them according to sector and major hazard (rockfalls, rockbursts, transport and machinery, explosives and fire, material handling, falling, inundation, etc). SIMRAC has used the SAMRASS database to analyse the health and safety hazards facing mineworkers in each mining sector (see Figure 1.2, for example), and to define research priorities (Figure 3.1). Rockbursts and rockfalls were identified as serious hazards, particularly in gold mines, and SIMRAC initially focused its research on these topics. SIMRAC and the Rock Engineering Technical Advisory Committee (RETAC) have used various research management tools to identify research focus areas (see, for example, Figure 3.2).
Figure 3.3 SIMRAC research portfolio (Van der Heever, 2004)
Figure 3.2 SIMRAC rock engineering strategic effort matrix 2000-2002
(Adams & Van der Heever, 2001)
The projects listed below were specifically commissioned to help the SIMRAC Rock Engineering Technical Advisory Committees (RETAC, and its predecessors GAPREAG and COLREAG) to identify research needs and set research priorities. Knowledge and technology gaps were also identified in the course of many other projects. These are flagged in the project catalogue (Appendix A).
SIM 020902: Collation of historical occupational health and accident information in the South African mining industry.
SIMRISK 401: An assessment of safety and health risks in South African mines.
Coal sector
COL 034: The development of a discussion document on the safety-related research needs of the coal industry.
COL 439: Determine the need to research the time-related stability decay of bord and pillar systems.
COL 613: Investigation into the causes of falls of roof in South African collieries.
Gold and platinum sector
GAP 001: Analysis of rockburst and rockfall accidents in relation to class of stope support, regional support, energy of seismic events, and mine layout.
GAP 055: Assessment of causes and factors of accidents in gold and platinum mines.
GAP 224: Collation and analyses of rock-related accident data for mines in the Bushveld Igneous Complex.
GAP 727: Updating and maintaining the accident database.
Other mines
OTH 003: Establish the primary causes of accidents on mines other than gold, coal and platinum.
OTH 411: Review of fall of ground problems in underground diamond mines and other mines with massive ore bodies and make recommendations on research needs to reduce fall of ground casualties, particularly in the face area.
OTH 605: A baseline survey to assess health and safety research needs of smaller, previously uncontrolled mines other than gold, platinum, and coal mines employing fewer than 300 people.
SIMRAC research work initially focused on generating knowledge and technology to reduce the risk of rockfalls and rockbursts, but as time went by the recognition grew that human factors, technology transfer and training were probably as important as the “hard” sciences and engineering, and the effort was accordingly refocused to address these issues. Appreciation also grew of the impact that less dramatic hazards, such as dust and noise, have on the well being of mineworkers, and SIMRAC increased the research effort on topics such as airborne pollutants and occupational diseases.
The project SIMRISK 401 was commissioned by the SIMRAC task group on Structure, Policy, and Procedures in December 1996 to assist it in developing its research strategy for the short-, medium- and long-term. The work was carried out in 1997 at a budgeted cost of R1,179 million. The project included:
Site-specific risk assessment studies on gold, platinum, coal, manganese, diamond and copper mines; and
High-level team assessments in the fields of rock engineering, engineering, coal fires and explosions.
Unfortunately, the project was never finalised or used owing to a dispute between SIMRAC and the research suppliers. A set of draft final reports is stored in the SIMRAC archives.
It is concluded that SIMRAC has succeeded in identifying the main rock-related safety hazards and research focus areas. There are, however, some shortcomings with the available information and processes:
Industry-wide statistics produce generic findings and may gloss over serious hazards that may be local in extent, or which may have different causative mechanisms in different regions.
Accident investigations necessarily involve the apportioning of blame and the assessment of legal liability and compensation. Records of inquests and inquiries rarely enable the causal chain that led to the accident to be established unequivocally. Often the accident reports and/or statistics fail to capture vital information. For example, COL 439 sought to establish a relationship between the age of a pillar and susceptibility to failure. However, the age of pillars was not generally recorded in accident reports.
It is unacceptable that the dispute concerning SIMRISK 401 could not be resolved and the findings used to formulate research strategy. The work should be reviewed, and repeated if deemed to have value.
Stakeholders made many comments on the processes and criteria used to identify research needs and priorities. These will be discussed in section 3.5.1. research
Basic research may be defined as: “Experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular application or use in view. Basic research analyses properties, structures, and relationships with a view to formulating and testing hypotheses, theories, or laws. The results of basic research are generally not sold but are usually published in scientific journals or circulated to interested colleagues” (OECD, 1994:7). In the context of this assessment of SIMRAC rock-related research, basic research comprises investigations into the properties and behaviour of the rock mass and the engineering materials used to stabilise and support it. The development of novel computational methods is included in this category. Most of the research work carried out by SIMRAC falls into this category and “applied research” (see below). Only a few projects are listed here for illustrative purposes.
Coal sector
COL 005a: The effect of structural discontinuities on coal pillar strength as a basis for improving safety in the design of coal pillar systems.
COL 607: Predicting goafing by microseismic monitoring techniques.
COL 621: In situ stress measurements
Gold and platinum sector
GAP 017: Seismology for rockburst prevention, control and prediction.
GAP 027: Rock mass condition, behaviour and seismicity in mines of the Bushveld Igneous Complex.
GAP 846: Investigate the rock mechanics aspects of potholes in the platinum mines, their contribution to poor ground conditions, and if their proactive identification is possible.
SIMRAC’s basic research work has focused on rock properties, rock mass behaviour and mine seismology.
Rock properties: Much basic geological and geotechnical data has been acquired, both in the laboratory and in the field. For example: the strength of discontinuities in coal seams (COL 005a), and a database of Bushveld Complex rock properties (GAP 027, Appendix E).
Rock mass behaviour: Research has sought to develop a fundamental understanding of rock failure mechanisms (GAP 029, GAP 332, and GAP 601). The work has involved field and laboratory investigations and the development of advanced computer codes such as WAVE (simulation of wave propagation and the elastodynamic interactions between faults and stopes) and DIGS (simulation of large-scale assemblies of interacting cracks). While the impact of this work on actual mining practice has been limited, it could well form the platform for future advances in mining geomechanics. The Rocha Medals (awarded annually by the International Society of Rock Mechanics for the best PhD thesis in the field of rock engineering) to Drs Arno Daehnke (1999), Francois Malan (2001), and Mark Hildyard (2005) attest to the high academic standard of the work in this area.
In the coal-mining sector, investigations of rock mass behaviour have focused on issues such as the influence of horizontal stress on roof stability (COL 802), pillar loading (COL 709), and best practice for rating roof stability (COL 812).
Mine seismology: Seismic monitoring systems are installed on virtually all rockburst-prone mines in South Africa. Techniques developed for the analysis of seismograms and the interpretation of seismicity are applied daily. Work first concentrated on the quantitative description of the seismic source and seismicity (e.g. GAP 017), with attention subsequently being given to the rockburst damage mechanism (GAP 201). Much effort was initially devoted to seismic prediction (e.g. GAP 017, GAP 409), but this proved to be an extremely difficult problem to solve. The focus has since turned to the management of risk through the assessment of the seismic hazard and the creation of rockburst-resistant excavations through optimum layouts and support systems. Recent basic scientific work has focused on efforts to integrate seismic observations and numerical modelling, with the expectation that integration will lead to better simulations of rock mass behaviour (e.g. GAP 603).
The South African research and mining community has made a major contribution to the discipline of mine seismology. The contents pages of the six international symposiums on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines, held at approximately four-yearly intervals since 1982, attest to this (Ortlepp, 2005). Systems developed by ISS International, a South African company, have been installed in numerous countries. Dr Lindsay Linzer was awarded the ISRM’s Rocha Medal in 2003 for her thesis entitled “A relative moment tensor inversion technique applied to seismicity induced by mining”.
It is difficult to define precisely what SIMRAC’s contribution to mine seismology research has been, as many of the developments have been co-funded by mining companies, other collaborative research programmes, and by the research organisations themselves. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that SIMRAC’s contribution has been significant. research / engineering
Applied research may be defined as: “Original investigation undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge. It is, however, directed primarily towards a specific practical aim or objective. Applied research develops ideas into operational form. The knowledge or information derived from it is often patented but may also be kept secret” (OECD, 1994:7). Projects aimed at developing practical methodologies and technologies to improve rock-related safety on mines are included in this category. Most of the research work carried out by SIMRAC falls into this category and “basic research” (see above). Only a few projects are listed here for illustrative purposes.
GEN 109: Develop remote control systems for mining equipment
GEN 810: Development of a smart rockbolt for underground monitoring purposes
Coal sector
COL 210: Develop effective temporary supports at the face.
COL 502: Design, construction, and testing of underground seals.
COL 704: Suitable long tendon (2,5-15 m) technologies and practices.
Gold and platinum sector
GAP 030: Develop preconditioning and fault slip techniques to control rockbursts.
GAP 032: Efficient stope and gully support design.
Other mines
OTH 501b: Investigation of factors governing the stability / instability of stope panels in order to define a suitable design methodology for near surface and shallow mining operations.
Some SIMRAC projects that did not focus primarily on rockfalls and rockbursts had relevance to rock-related safety. For example:
COL 451: This project provides recommendations on illumination and visibility standards in South African coal mines. Good illumination assists in recognizing potential hangingwall instabilities.
GAP 642 & 702, GEN 109 & 501: These projects address the remote control of equipment such as drills. Reducing the time that workers spend in the face area would reduce the risk of injury due to falls of ground.
GEN 502 & HEALTH 801: These projects deal with the location of trapped workers and emergency care. Accidents resulting from a myriad causes are addressed, including rock-related accidents.
SIMRAC’s applied research work has focused on the development of new layouts and mine design criteria, better support components and systems and mining methods.
New layouts and mine design criteria: Since the early 1990s, there has been a major change in layout philosophy on gold mines. The favoured orientation of stabilising pillars has changed from strike to dip (Vieira et al., 2001). SIMRAC, together with DeepMine, has evaluated these new layouts. Regional support systems such as backfill and bracket pillars have been evaluated. Considerable work has gone into the development of reliable mine design criteria. The validity of concepts such as Energy Release Rate (ERR), Excess Shear Stress (ESS) and Volumetric ESS has been tested, the concepts expanded, and some new concepts introduced (e.g. Generalised ERR and Local Energy Release Density).
Support components and systems: Since the early 1990s, there has been a major change in components and systems available for local support. Pre-stressed yielding elongates have largely replaced rapid-yielding hydraulic props, and units made of synthetic materials are increasingly replacing timber packs. Thin spray-on liners have made their appearance and have been evaluated as a possible replacement for shotcrete. SIMRAC assessed many of the new units and materials. A methodology to design support systems has also been developed.
Mining methods: Preconditioning has been demonstrated to reduce the hazard of face bursting and is widely implemented. SIMRAC research has contributed significantly to the field-testing of the method.
Many methodologies, procedures, and guidelines have been produced. Some are reviews defining best practice, while others incorporate new knowledge. For example:
COL 021a: Guidelines for the design of safe and stable coal pillars that incorporates discontinuities in the method.
COL 026: Guidelines for multi-seam mining in South African collieries that provides a description of best practice.
COL 328: Design charts to determine the stability of roof strata between the bolts that incorporate surcharge loading.
COL 337: Guidelines for the design of safe and stable coal pillars that extends the Salamon and Munro method by incorporating discontinuities, surrounding strata characteristics, effects of deterioration and time.
Very few hard products such as machines, tools and instruments have been developed. Some examples are:
COL 326: Technique to measure stress in coal mines. Only the concept was developed.
COL 610: Device to test roof conditions in coal mines. The SIMRAC Acoustic Energy Meter was field-tested.
COL 816: Device to monitor local seismicity in coal mines. Only the specifications for a Counting Seismometer were developed. factor
This category includes research projects with the objective of understanding human behaviour with respect to the cause of accidents (e.g. recognising rock-related hazards) and improving training techniques.
GEN 203: Artificial intelligence and virtual reality to aid training and hazard identification
GEN 213: Improve the safety of workers by investigating the reasons why accepted safety and work standards are not complied with on mines.
GEN 511: A success factor model to establish and manage a harmonious and motivating work rnvironment, conducive to a committed and empowered work force, sustained health, safety and conformance.
SIM 020101: Safety culture in the SA mining industry (in progress).
SIM 020102: Industrial Technology, rights & politics of transformation (in progress).
Coal sector
COL 307: Identification of causes of unsafe acts or neglect resulting in roof or sidewall accidents.
Gold and platinum sector
GAP 203: Investigate the role of environmental factors in causing or contributing to underground accidents in gold and platinum mines.
GAP 420: Virtual reality simulators for rock engineering-related training.
Other mines
OTH003: Establish the primary causes of accidents on mines other than gold, coal and platinum.
SIMRAC has given increasing attention to the human factor, though outputs such as virtual reality systems have not been implemented despite testing at training centres. assessment
This category includes research projects with the objective of improving risk assessment methods.
GEN 108: Development and evaluation of a prototype decision support system for management of occupational safety risk.
GAP 225: Practical guide to the risk assessment process
The project SIMRISK 401 (An assessment of safety and health risks in South African mines) used risk-assessment techniques on a range of mines to assist SIMRAC develop its research strategy. As noted in section, the project was never finalised, which is unfortunate as it could have served as a benchmark study. of knowledge and technology
This category includes research projects aimed at transferring current best practice, research findings, knowledge, and technology from researchers to practitioners. In addition to the publications listed below, SIMRAC has organized numerous product launches, seminars, and workshops.
GEN 504: An initial investigation into the problems associated with technology transfer and recommendations for the establishment of sustainable health and safety technology transfer.
GEN 604: A strategy for the transfer of health and safety technologies.
Coal sector
COL 504: Simple user’s guide on roof support installation and evaluation.
COL 606: Rock engineering for underground coal mining. A practical guide for supervisors at all levels, mine planners and students.
COL 702: Current practice and guidelines for the safe design of water barrier pillars.
Gold and platinum sector
GAP 225: Practical guide to the risk assessment process. The booklet can be downloaded from
GAP 414: A handbook of rock engineering practice for tabular hard rock mines. Published by SIMRAC.
GAP 415 & 728: Numerical modelling of mine workings: A guidebook for rock mechanics engineers in a practical mine design environment. The two-volume guidebook can be downloaded from
GAP 513: Guideline for probability-based stope support design. The guideline can be downloaded from
GAP 630, 632 & 729: Stope Support Database. The database is available from SIMPROSS.
GAP 633: A textbook on rock mechanics for tabular hard rock mines. Published by SIMRAC.
GAP 641: Workshops around the pillar system design computer program produced in GAP 334.
Other mines
OTH 002: Guidelines for the design of pillar systems for shallow and intermediate depth, tabular, hard rock mines and a methodology for assessing hangingwall stability and support requirements for the panels between pillars
OTH 602: Best practice rock engineering handbook for “other” mines.
In addition to the reports available on CD and the website, SIMRAC has produced a small library of textbooks and guidelines that are intended to disseminate rock engineering knowledge in general, and the findings of the research projects in particular. Most of the publications are free of charge. Unfortunately several of the publications are out of print.
Butcher, R., W.C. Joughin and T.R. Stacey, 2000, A booklet on methods of combating mudrushes in diamond and base metal mines, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg.
Hagan, T.O. and A.J. Banning, 2004, Facilitator’s booklet: strata control bridging course for illiterate mine team workers, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg, 11 pp.
Jager, A.J. and J.A. Ryder (editors), 1999, A handbook on rock engineering practice for tabular hard rock mines, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg, 369 pp.
Johnson, R., G.B. Quaye and M.K.C. Roberts, 2000, Stability and support for stope backs in the shallow depth mining of steeply dipping vein/tabular deposits: A handbook, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg, 35 pp.
Leach, A., K. Naidoo, T. Rangasamy and D. Spencer, 2002, A booklet on practices accounting for anomalous geotechnical areas in platinum and gold mine stopes, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg.
Leach, A., K. Naidoo and D. Spencer, 2001, A booklet on guidelines for stope gully stability in platinum and gold mines, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg.
Malan, D.F., 2003, Guidelines for measuring and analysing continuous stope closure behaviour in deep tabular excavations, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg, 67 pp.
Mendecki, A.J. (editor), 1997, Seismic monitoring in mines, Chapman and Hall, London, 262 pp.
Rangasamy, T., A. Leach and A. Cook, 2001, A booklet on the hydraulic design of coal barrier pillars, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg.
Ryder, J.A. and A.J. Jager (editors), 2002, A textbook on rock mechanics for tabular hard rock mines, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg, 489 pp.
Stacey, T.R. and A.H. Swart, 2001, Booklet: Practical rock engineering practice for shallow and opencast mines, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg, 66 pp. Includes a CD containing a simple interactive computer-based Geotechnical Risk Assessment system.
Toper, A.Z. and A. Janse van Rensburg, 2003, Preconditioning guidelines, Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee, Johannesburg, 10 pp.
Van der Merwe, J.N. and Madden, B.J., 2002, Rock engineering for underground coal mining: a practical guide for supervisors at all levels, Mine Planners and Students. South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Special Publications series 7, 223 pp.
The project GEN 604 (A strategy for the transfer of health and safety technologies) was commissioned by SIMRAC in 1999 at a cost of R1,05 million. The draft final report was delivered in August 2000. Unfortunately, the project was never finalised and applied owing to a dispute between SIMRAC and the research suppliers. A draft final report is stored in the SIMRAC archives. Project GAP 817 (Integrated technology transfer programme in rockfalls thrust) was never started.
This category includes research projects directed at supporting the industry-wide implementation of research findings and new technology.
GAP 442: Problems associated with the use of Rapid Yielding Hydraulic Props.
GAP 609a: Effective Training Methods in Strata Control for Underground Workers.
GAP 609b: Technology Transfer and Human Interface in the Gold and Platinum Sector.
GAP 712: Implementation of state-of-art mining knowledge and technologies in design and operation of a safe and efficient deep gold mine stope for 21st Century
GAP 723: Enhancements to the Support Design Analysis (SDA II) software.
GAP 851: Trial training in strata control for underground workers.
The Support Design Analysis software (SDA) has been quite widely applied and used in formulating Codes of Practice to combat Rockfall and Rockburst Accidents. the impact of research
This category includes research projects directed at assessing the impact of research work.
GAP 730: The effectiveness and profile of the SIMRAC research effort in improving safety in gold and platinum sectors.
GAP 816a: Review of past research areas: Stope and Gully Support.
GAP 816b: Review of past research areas: Seismology and Mine Layout Design.
Relatively little effort has been devoted to the assessment of the impact of research.
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