Semi-Annual Report of Institutional Progress

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Semi-Annual Report of Institutional Progress

June 2002

Executive Summary


This report covers the period from December 2001 through June 2002. The

Report focuses on two aspects: a summary of all activities and individual
institutional progress reports. The Report assesses institutional progress within
the five TELP focus areas: curriculum and program development; student
academic and social development; management and administrative
development; staff development; and research.

The Executive Summary provides a comprehensive understanding of the

activities that have taken place since December 2001 and, as such, discusses
the strategic interventions that have taken place in order to ensure sustainable
capacity-building in the five focus areas. Each section concludes with a
discussion of recommendations to be taken in the fifth year of the project.

Similar to the December 2001 report, the June 2002 report employs a two-

pronged approach: reports from individual TELP Coordinators and reports
gathered by UNCFSP Program Managers. This includes the use of PIL semi-
annual reports and workshop, technical assistance, and milestone reports. This
data collection method continues to be the most effective method of
supplementing data collected by TCs from the institutions.

TELP Coordinators (TCs) are required to collect the necessary data in a format

that is prescribed by UNCFSP. Each institution provides the following
information for each TELP focus area: status at last reporting period; intervention
activities; results, including differences made, barriers encountered; lessons
learned; and recommendations for addressing outstanding issues.

For the most part, TELP Coordinators' reporting of institutional activities has

significantly improved since the beginning of this requirement in the December
2000 reporting period. Nonetheless, UNCFSP continues to encourage and
provide guidance for improvement of report writing skills. TELP Coordinators
are encouraged to use institutional program managers' reports, TELP committee
reports, PIL reports, and discussions and/or reports from workshop participants.
UNCFSP will provide feedback on progress report submissions during the annual
TC workshop in September 2002. During the next reporting period, TCs will be
encouraged to provide more quantitative data in their reports.


In the November 2001 TC workshop, TCs were given guidance to assist them in

soliciting broad participation in the assessment of institutional activities. As in
previous TC workshop, focus was placed on steps that can be taken to broaden
participation of TELP participants in the evaluation of activities. This process is
very important in this last year of the project where a variety of evaluations and
assessments are scheduled to take place. Thus, the September 2002 workshop
will again focus on solicitation of broad participation in these activities.

The December 2001 - June 2002 reporting period began with a series of

challenges. The most critical challenge was the death of the Program Manager
for Joint Activities. This led to a reshuffling of workshop and other critical
activities that were to have taken place by the end of May 2002. These activities
have been successfully completed and all milestones and Results have been
submitted to USAID.

Another critical challenge related to on-going policy changes within the

Department of Education. March 2001 saw the release of the National Plan for
Higher Education that caused significant changes in the approaches described in
the Year Three Workplan activities. This process continued into the Year Four
Workplan. UNCFSP continued to introduce workshops and technical assistance
that were required to ensure that HDIs responded to DoE's policy initiatives that
were scheduled to be released in January and February 2002. These will be
discussed in some detail under the sections on Curriculum Development and
Management and Administrative Development.

Since the December 2001 report, HDIs have been busy implementing the SAQA

June 2000 submissions in preparation of the June 2003 SAQA requirements.
Moreover, under management and administrative development, HDIs have been
attempting to understand the requirements of the National Plan for Higher
Education in preparation for the February 2002 release of DoE guidelines for
Three Year Rolling Plans and the approved programme mixes, also scheduled to
have been released in early 2002. These February 2002 guidelines had not
been released by the end of this reporting period.

Since the beginning of Year 4, UNCFSP has devoted considerable attention to

the new requirements that have emanated from the National Plan for Higher
Education. This process will continue as UNCFSP recognizes that this is the only
way that HDIs will realize a greater degree of sustainability in their capacity-
building activities.


I. Curriculum Development

New discussion documents have been released in 2001 - 2002 which amplify
the policy milieu established between 1995 and 2000. The two documents

  • The 'New Academic Policy for Programmes and Qualifications in
    Higher Education1*1; and

  • The Development of Level Descriptors for the National Qualifications

The Discussion Document for the 'New Academic Policy for Programmes
and Qualifications in Higher Education'
(NAP) was released for comment
in 2002. The aim of the NAP is to provide the academic planning framework
to enable the National Plan for Higher Education (DoE, 2001) to be effected.
The Discussion Document was released simultaneously with the
Development of Level Descriptors for the National Qualification
Framework published by SAQA with the intention that both documents be
considered together.

The NAP is intended to provide, inter alia:

  • A detailed framework for the development and provision of higher
    education programmes and qualifications within a single, co-ordinated
    higher education sector which gives effect to the goals for higher
    education as set out in the White Paper and in the National Plan

  • A coherent and comprehensive policy framework for the provision of
    higher education programmes and qualifications that will shape and
    supplement the policies and practices of SAQA and the CHE's HEQC with
    respect to the registration of qualifications, and the accreditation and
    evaluation of programmes (CHE, 2001:4)

When finalised and approved, the NAP will replace the existing policies,
which currently regulate higher education programmes, namely:

A Qualification Structure for Universities in South Africa: NATED Report


General Policy for Technikon Instructional Programmes: NATED Report


Formal Technikon Instructional Programmes in the RSA: NATED Report

151 (99/01)

1 A New academic policy for Programmes and Qualifications in Higher Education: Discussion
Document Council on Higher Education. December, 2001 pp 131


It is important to note that the circulation of the NAP in early 2002 occurred

some eighteen months after the interim registration of qualifications with
SAQA. The lack of a policy framework to guide the implementation of
transformed curricula has had some inherent implications that should not be
downplayed. As indeed the NAP Discussion Document points out, in the late
1990's many higher education institutions attempted to reform their curricula
congruent with the goals articulated in the NCHE Report, the White Paper
and the requirements for interim registration with SAQA. However, one of the
major constraints to this process is the continued existence of the 'old pre-
1994 academic policy frameworks' (the NATED Reports) thus, the 'progress
of reform is uneven across the higher education sector1.

Notwithstanding this, the Discussion Document highlights that:

SAQA has permitted over 5000 existing qualifications in the Higher
Education Band, which were lodged with SAQA in the prescribed NQF-
aligned format in mid-2000, to become interim-registered; which means
that they have registration status until mid-2003. It is clear that many of
the curriculum changes required to achieve the learning outcomes
stated for interim registration still have to be put into place; but the
interim-registration process has at least provided a basis for the quality
assurance of higher education qualifications and for the systemic
changes necessary to work towards an outcomes-based system (CHE,

The 'Development of Level Descriptors for the National Qualifications

Framework: a document for public comment1 was released by SAQA in
December 2001. The purpose of level descriptors is to describe the:

Nature of learning achievement, its complexity and relative demand at

each level of the NQF, distinguishing between the learning demands at
each level. Because the level descriptors describe learning across
domains, disciplines, fields and learning pathways, they must be broad,
generic, qualitative statements against which specific learning outcomes
within different organising fields can be compared and located (SAQA,
2001: 11).

The role of the level descriptors is, therefore, to 'serve as general reference

points for more specific curriculum decisions' (CHE, 2001: 47). A 'nested
approach' to standard setting and qualification specification has been
advocated by the CHE (2001). With this approach, descriptions of learning
move from the generic (level descriptors) to the specialised and specific
through qualification descriptors, designated variants and qualification


Whilst such descriptors allow for provider-flexibility in programme design they

are essential, for example, for guiding:

  • The writing of specific learning outcomes and assessment criteria at the
    levels of qualification, programme and module; and

  • Internal and external programme review and accreditation processes

The extended process of the development of the level descriptors has
potentially had a negative impact on the process of implementation of the
transformed curricula.

South African Universities Vice-Chanceliors Association (SAUVCA) and
the Universities

The SAUVCA established the Generic Qualification Standards Setting Project

to run from February 2001 through to June 2002. The project sought initially
to develop five generic qualifications: B. Com; LLB; BA; B.Sc; and BscEng.
In the process, overseen by a Steering Committee, convenors worked with
regionally-based core groups to develop full Standards Generating Body
(SGB) proposals together with the relevant generic qualification. The process
was loosely based on the 'designer institution' (convenor) model used by
Technikons. Comments were invited from non-participating universities, and
where appropriate, professional bodies.

After the successful registration of the five generics SAUVCA plans to extend

the process to the higher levels within the original set (Honours and Masters
level) and then to other members of the 20:80 qualification set2.

Council of Technikon Principals (CTP) and the Technikons

By July 2001 the findings from the focus areas for research (modularisation'

assessment; learner guides; level descriptors; and implications for Outcome-
based Education and Training (OBET) implementation had been proffered to
the Technikon community as a series of publications and as papers
presented at a conference. The purpose of the research was to focus on the
improvement of learning, teaching and assessment practices, and ultimately
to investigate the implications of implementing OBET.

The Committee for Tutorial Matters (CTM) National Working Group made a

series of recommendations to CTP via CTM with regard to the process that
Technikons should adopt for the registration of Technikon qualifications with
SAQA in June 2003. One recommendation was the formation of generic
qualification standards groups in line with those established by SAUVCA.
The establishment of the groups to generate the generic qualifications has not
been finalised.

2 the 20% of qualifications for which 80% of students are enrolled


General trends

The progress made by all 17 of the HDI's with the implementation of revised
curricula shows that there is a wide spectrum of practice. Progress with the
actual implementation of revised curricula is at different stages of
development both within individual institutions and across institutions, and
whilst there are exemplars of good practice, in sharp contrast, there are
instances where there is little activity or change in practice.

Overall the universities are far advanced over the technikons with the design,

development and implementation of modular programmes. This may be due
in part to differences in the conceptualisation of modularisation. The research
conducted in the technikon sector showed that fragmentation of existing
subjects into modules, with no attempt to foster integration. This is not an
acceptable approach for the realisation of curriculum transformation.

Some few years ago the technikon sector might have claimed, on the basis

that there was a nationally agreed upon process for the sector, to have made
excellent progress with the design and implementation of Outcomes-Based
Education and Training in comparison to the universities. However, evidence
from the UNCFSP evaluation conducted in Year Four indicates that the gap
has closed, and that in several cases the universities have 'leapfrogged
ahead'. This is possibly due in part to a hiatus in the unfolding of the National
CTM process over the 2001 academic year, and a subsequent lack of clear
direction for the technikon sector.

The evidence required in support of the Result for Year Four substantiates

that eight HDI's have shown progress with the actual implementation of
revised curricula in the respective indicator departments require evidence of
the implementation of one or more of the following:

  • Outcomes-based learning programmes with facilitation (teaching) and
    learning practices which enable the learner to achieve;

  • Applied competence (foundational, practical and reflexive) appropriate to
    the qualification;

  • SAQA critical cross-field outcomes; and thus,

  • Exit level outcomes for the qualification;

  • Outcomes-based learning materials to support learners;

  • Outcomes-based assessment practices that promote;

  • Integrated assessment;

  • Wide-range of assessment methods;

  • Both formative and summative assessments; and

  • Relevant quality promotion and assurance processes for the ongoing
    review and evaluation of the learning programmes;

For each of the eight HDI's the evidence for actual implementation of revised
curricula in the indicator departments is provided through the following:


  • Confirmation that the relevant qualifications have been registered with
    SAQA in the interim registration process: 30 June 2001 (including the
    National Learners' Record Database Identification Number);

  • Curriculum for the learning programme leading to the qualification;

  • Handbook/calendar that documents details of the qualification and the
    Learning programme;

  • Number of students (male and female) registered for the programme;

Recommendations for Curriculum and Program Development

In Year Five, UNCFSP will continue to nurture the rich seam of experience

and capacity at the institutional level that has developed through responding
to the diverse processes inherent in curriculum change. HDIs will require
support to overcome the often-complex challenges that they are facing.
Some of the challenges that will shape the nature of the assistance given in
Year Five include inter alia:

  • Continuing the development of institutional policies and procedures to
    ensure alignment with SAQA, NQF and HEQC requirements

  • Promoting and sharing, both within and across institutions, good OBET
    teaching, learning and assessment practices and building capacity where

  • Enabling staff to cope with increased workloads and decreasing resources

  • Facilitating institutional collaboration, in particular across universities and
    technikons, to promote articulation and the transfer of credit

  • Overcoming the continuing disjuncture between the vision of senior
    managers and academic staff 'on the ground'

  • Providing a supportive environment that enables diverse role-players to
    contribute to the implementation process

  • Promoting and supporting the development, implementation and
    evaluation of high quality learning materials

In addition to the challenges facing the HDI's that are listed above there are
two significant external factors that are impeding progress of the
implementation of transformed curricula. One factor, discussed earlier in the
introduction to the Year Four Result, is the continued uncertainty with regard
to the national policy environment created by the delays in the finalisation of
crucial policy documents. The second consideration is the proposal to merge
various higher education institutions. The consequences of merger are far-
reaching and one important ramification is the effect on the process of
mergers/curriculum transformation.

Flowing out of the above, the recommendation is that the support provided by

UNCFSP: Curriculum Development in Year Five for all 17 of the HDI's is
tailored to:


  • Meet the specific institutional and departmental needs for the
    implementation of revised curricula;

  • Facilitate changes to the process of revising curricula that may stem from
    thefinalisation of the policy environment; and

  • Respond to new and unforeseen needs that emerge during merger

Achievement of Year Four Result : Eight HDIs have implemented
curricula revisions in one department within the Faculty of Science and
one other identified faculty that provides for credit accumulation and
multiple entry and exit points for learners and conforms to the current
NQF guidance.

The Eight HDi's have achieved the above result with the actual

implementation of revised curricula. It is important to note that curricula
change has taken place across the disciplines, thus in some cases, a general
statement has been provided for each of the eight institutions. Details
concerning the specific indicator departments (one in the Faculty of Science
and the other in any other Faculty) were provided in the detailed evidence
provided to USAID and is also located in the TELP Resource Center.

1. Peninsula Technikon; Radiography and Mechanical Engineering

Peninsula Technikon is doing interesting work in a variety of areas of

curriculum development with considerable institutional pressure being
applied to 'operationalise' the movement to a modularised curriculum.
Timeframes have been set to detail curriculum outputs for the year 2002.
The institution currently approaches curriculum from an integrated projects
point of view. This means that knowledge, skills and attitudes are brought
together in an integrated way.

A decision was made in 2000 that continuous assessment would be

implemented as widely as possible and a draft version of an Assessment
and Moderation Manual has been developed for this purpose. This
manual stipulates the link with the requirements of the Norms and
Standards for Educators document and stresses the importance of the
development of a culture of life-long learning.

2. Mangosuthu Technikon: Surveying and Community Extension

An institutional strategy for the implementation of Outcome-Based
Education and Training (OBET) has been slow in forthcoming; therefore,
developments across the technikon have been uneven. The process of
modularisation is the focal point for developments. A series of workshops
have sought to emphasise that the process of modularisation should not


be 'bottom-up1 (i.e. starting from existing subjects) but should be a hybrid

process of 'top-down' by starting with the exit level outcomes for the
programme and then aligning modules with the existing subjects.

3. Eastern Cape Technikon: Mechanical Engineering and Tourism

Changes have been focussed in specific departments/programmes. The

process of development has been on going since 1999 and workshops to
familiarise staff with SAQA, the philosophy and principles of OBET, and
OBET assessment practices have been held. A core group of five staff in
Mechanical Engineering has been trained in techniques of individualised
instruction. This training has been a driving force for curriculum change,
and as a result, practice is moving away from a traditional lecture-centred
approach to promoting active and student-centred learning through an
increase in project work, assignments, and self-study. Through using an
institution-wide template for learner guides, the indicator departments
have achieved uniformity of format, and the guides contain, for example,
more learner-friendly' information

4. Durban Institute of Technology: Analytical Chemistry and Biomedical

Steady progress has been made with the implementation of outcomes-

based education, and there are many exemplars of good OBET practice.
The process of developing and designing the learning programme to align
with the outcomes-based qualification specification is on-going. Manuals
and assessment processes have been developed for the four disciplines
within Biomedical Technology. The learner guides for the programme
have been revised to be OBET compliant. Interesting innovations in
materials are also being introduced and using the facilities in the Effective
Learning Centre (TELP PIL 119) for example, a card game to support
Microbiology I, and a series of booklet-style handouts that support Power
Point presentations have been developed. There have been several
innovations in assessment practices, and Senate approval has been
granted for several subjects to be assessed by continuous assessment.

5. Medical University of Southern Africa: Dentistry and Psychology

The Faculty of Dentistry made very good progress with curriculum

development and the curriculum is almost fully developed into OBET
format. Templates of the different curricula (macro and micro) are fully
developed for BDS, oral hygiene diploma and dental therapy. The revised
curriculum is being implemented at the first year level in 2002. The
revised curriculum is now fully modularised in themes, with each module
assigned a credit. The revised curriculum demands the use of student
centred learning as opposed to classical teaching. The faculty has made


a breakthrough in implementing continuous assessment and a variety of

assessment approaches and techniques such as portfolios are included in
the curriculum. The new learner guides reflect the changes made in the
curriculum including assessment criteria. The Department of Psychology
has developed a new four-year B. Psychology degree. The curriculum is
modularised into themes and each module is credit bearing.
Departmental assessment policies have been changed and the
procedures on admission have changed to accommodate recognition of
prior learning, however this is done within very strict conditions, especially
with enrolments in B. Psychology. The Learner Guides have been
adjusted to comply with the revised curricula.

6. University of the Western Cape: Mathematics and Public Administration

A new curriculum has been developed and implemented by means of

policy development. UWC is undoubtedly advanced in terms of this policy
development. Guiding templates or documents that have been developed
for modular design are now available to staff to assist them in the design
of modules and programmes. Similar guiding documents are also
available for programme design. While SAQA guidelines have informed
the processes they have not driven the implementation process. This
policy driven approach, means that the process was given substance by
the development of policy (e.g. assessment policy and RPL policy) around
areas that needed to change.

7. University of Durban-Westville: Environmental Studies and Heritage

All its existing and new programmes have been modularised in

accordance with SAQA requirements. There is evidence that innovation
has taken place in terms of curriculum development throughout the
institution. For example, in the area of giving credit to experiential
learning, there are several disciplines within the Health Sciences that have
experiential practical fieldwork modules i.e. Occupational Therapy,
Physiotherapy, Speech and Hearing Therapy, Social Work, Optometry,
Dentistry and Pharmacy. Although there is still a formal exam timetable,
the emphasis and importance placed on summative assessment has been
reduced. There is currently no institution-wide, standardised assessment
policy and assessment policies are faculty-specific with the weighting of
the year mark to the examination mark varying from faculty to faculty.

8. University of Zululand: Chemistry and Social Work

A number of far-reaching changes have been made to the curriculum at

the University of Zululand that are reflected in a number of different ways.
Although there is no campus wide initiative to start giving credit for
experiential learning, credit is given for experiential learning in some


subjects, which are orientated towards a profession. Foundation modules

have been introduced in ail faculties. Each faculty identified four modules
for use as a foundation to their studies. These were then structured into
the curriculum at different points. To assist staff in the development of
programmes, a number of documents were drawn up, including a template
for programme developers to specify modules in terms of the year of study
and also the term in which it would be taught. One of the most significant
institutional changes has been the transition to an institutional policy of
continuous assessment. There are no formal examination timetables for
four of the five faculties, and while some departments still choose an
extended final assessment, this takes place within the space of the
module time. Teaching has become more focused on small groups,
tutoring, and computer-aided learning (WebCT and other kinds of web-
based learning). Learner guides have changed in terms of the how the
outcomes for the modules are stated, more information is given to the
student, an explanation of assessment and how it happens is included,
making them more student-friendly.

II. Management and Administrative Development

UNCFSP's interventions focused on four activities: Three-Year Rolling Plans,
Human Resources Development; Gender Sensitivity; and Leadership
Development. All of these activities have particular significance to the
capacity of each institution to operate effective management and
administrative systems.

Three Year Rolling Plans

In Year 5, UNCFSP will continue to enhance institutional capacity in:

  • Three-year Rolling plans development within the higher education
    restructuring process.

  • Strategic planning implementation.

  • The development of quality assurance structures, policies and procedures.

In March 2001 the Ministry released the National Plan on Higher Education.
This Plan provided a clear implementation framework and national expected
outcomes for the transformation of the higher education system in South

As reported in the December 200I Institutional Progress Report, following the

release of the National Plan for Higher Education all institutions for Higher
education were required to submit, by the end of July 2001, a submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix. In the submission, the institutions had to
indicate their proposed mission and niches, their programme and qualification
mix for the years 2002-2006 and the projected figures for headcount


enrolments, headcount graduates and full time equivalent enrolments for

2002-2006. These submissions formed the basis of the UNCFSP strategic
interventions during Year Three.

A National Working Group (NWG) was formed in April 2001 by the Ministry to

investigate the restructuring of the higher education landscape in South
Africa. The report of the NWG was released in December 2001 and
comments from stakeholders were requested. This report of the Ministry on
restructuring was released in May 2002.

In the light of the uncertainties surrounding the restructuring of the higher

education landscape (merging of institutions), the Department of Education
decided that Three-year Rolling Plans would not be requested from
institutions in 2002 (Year 4). Three-year Rolling Plans, however, remain an
important requirement in the future because of its central role in the approval
of new programmes and in the new funding dispensation. Therefore, USAID
accepted that capacity in strategic planning would ensure capacity in Three-
year Rolling Plan development.

UNCFSP interventions during Year-Four focussed on further enhancing the

HDIs' capacity to effectively draft Three-year Rolling Institutional Plans by
concentrating on the new/additional planning challenges posed by the
National Plan for Higher Education. In order to determine the needs for
technical assistance in Year 4, a questionnaire was compiled and sent to all
17 Historical Disadvantaged Institutions (HDIs). Responses to the question
on the "needs for technical assistance", provided the basis for the delivery of
technical assistance in Year 4. Three primary needs were identified:
Strategic Planning; Quality Assurance; and Possible Merging.

Strategic Planning related to the enhancement of capacity in Three-year

Rolling Plan development and implementation. The Department of Education
has maintained that "Three-year Rolling Plans should flow from the Strategic
Plan of the institution."

Quality Assurance is a high priority item on the higher education agenda. It

becomes even more critical for TELP interventions because The Higher
Education Quality Committee will start with pilot audits of institutions in 2003
and with full-scale audits in 2004. Because Quality Assurance is so closely
related to Strategic Planning, the strategic planning process, including the
achievement of its goals and objectives, must become a focus of the Quality
Assurance activities. As such, UNCFSP consulted with the Director of the
Higher Education Committee to determine the best method for the workshop


Possible merging or restructuring of the higher education landscape is

currently being given a great deal of attention by the TELP institutions as
most of the higher education institutions will be involved in this process in
some form.

At the time of the Year 4 workshops, the Minister of Education had not

obtained approval from Cabinet on the Restructuring Plan. Therefore,
UNCFSP asked all HDIs to respond to the question, "If your institution has to
merge with another institution, how will it affect your institution and what do
you have to do in respect of the merger process?" Based on this response,
UNCFSP concluded that quality assurance and merging (restructuring) were
very relevant and thus revealed a need for capacity building. Capacity
building in Quality Assurance and Possible Merging therefore, had direct
benefits for Three-year Rolling Plan development and implementation.

Since all the HDIs already have capacity in Strategic Planning, workshops

focused on sensitising HDIs to the use of the systems approach to planning
and to the use of the balanced scorecard. By employing the General
Systems Theory (GST) or systems approach, HDIs were able to build
capacity in viewing each institution as a system and basing the strategic and
management planning on institutional analyses. The same principles were
then applied to Quality Assurance and to the merger issue. In this way, the
three broad topics were linked with a common approach, which helped the
HDIs to understand the intricate, interwoven nature of strategic planning,
quality assurance, and restructuring.

Recommendations for Year 5

  • Three-year Rolling Plans development will continue to focus on
    implementation of a systems approach to planning;

  • Strategic planning implementation will be monitored and technical
    assistance provided where necessary; and

  • Quality assurance structures, policies and procedures will be developed
    and implementation monitored.

Human Resources Development

Interventions on human resources development planning is part of a training

strategy designed to build capacity amongst HDI managers and staff to
enable them to respond more effectively to the challenges currently facing the
higher education sector. In order to determine the nature of the Year 4
interventions, UNCFSP conducted an assessment of institutional needs in
human resource development planning. This was done by way of studying
previous HR Assessment Reports and previous HR workshops reports.
Interviews were also conducted with a variety of stakeholders at the


institutions to establish their human resource development needs. Workshop

manuals were developed based on the needs expressed by the participating
institutions, including the TELP Co-ordinator, the HR Director, the Skills
Development Facilitator and the Employment Equity Officer.

The following institutions

received technical assistance:





Border Technikon

7 February

Employment Equity


University of Transkei

11 February

Employment Equity


University of Durban-Westville

21 February

Skills Development


Eastern Cape Technikon

25 February

Performance Management


ML Sultan Technikon

28 February

Strategic Planning, Diversity
Management and Change


Mangosuthu Technikon

4 March

Strategic Planning and
Diversity Management.


Technikon Northern Gauteng

7 March

Diversity Management


Vista University

11 March



University of the North

18 March

Employment Equity and
Skills Development


University of the Western

28 February

Recruitment and Selection


Technikon North West

3 April

Competency Profiling


University of North West

11 April

Performance Management
and Needs Assessment


University of Zuiuiand

16 April

Women's Empowerment


University of Fort Hare

2 May

Employment Equity


Peninsula Technikon

6 May



A total of 218 participants attended the HRD workshops.
Recommendations for Year 5

  • That any follow-up interventions take cognizance of the current reality of
    higher education institutions;

  • That the interventions are linked to an overall skills development strategy at
    the institutions to ensure that institutional needs are met;

  • That managers are instructed to attend these workshops and are made aware
    of their obligation in ensuring implementation of human resources

  • That the HDIs consider two-day workshops for foliow-up activities in order
    to ensure some degree of impact;

  • That institutions consider providing a more conducive environment for
    learning in future workshops;


• That institutions are urged to consider continuity when planning follow-up


Leadership Development

Given the current national and global challenges of leadership in higher

education and the rising need for the development of a professional academic
and administrative cadre, UNCFSP has continued to provide technical assistance
in leadership development. Senior administrators, particularly Deans and Heads
of Departments of the seventeen (17) Historically Disadvantaged Institutions
(HDI) have been targeted and have benefited from technical assistance through
workshops designed to address issues of leadership development. UNCSFP
also recognises the centrality of leadership in the transformation of Higher
Education in South Africa. Deans and Heads of Departments must play a key
role in the current national restructuring of Higher Education.

All leadership workshops have been regional and this has provided an

environment conducive to sharing. Regional workshops have been shown to be
beneficial to the participating institutions. Divergent views are debated,
participants share experiences and ideas and work on solutions to challenges
facing their respective institutions.

The objective of the workshops was to continue to provide training for senior

administrators. The workshops, designed as a follow-on to Year Three, were
intended to enhance the capacity of those individuals who are in decision making
positions and who can impart knowledge to their staff. Each institution was
requested to select three senior departmental administrators to participate in the

To assess the status of leadership development at the seventeen (17) HDIs,

each institution received a target population analysis form containing module
topics. This exercise was to enable the facilitator to assess institutional needs
and determine the structure and content of each regional workshop. The
following were priority module topics identified by institutions and forwarded to
the facilitator for consideration:

  • Challenges and issues facing departmental leadership

  • Setting direction - providing visionary leadership

  • Strategic planning

  • Building and maintaining morale and dealing with conflict

  • Building capacity through staff development

  • Managing change

The facilitation of the workshops involved several small group exercises based
on the participants' own institutional experiences. Group presentations brought


to the fore challenges and issues faced by Deans and Heads of Departments at

different institutions. These were particularly useful because they highlighted the
dynamics, differences and similarities of institutional leadership. Clearly, regions
had different priority areas but ultimately the concerns were very similar. Group
presentations also enabled participants to share successes and solutions to
problems. Sessions were supplemented by handouts from the literature on
leadership and management in higher education.

Leadership Development workshops reaffirmed the need to support institutions

through the current transformation and restructuring processes and the important
role institutional leadership will to have to play. Year Five activities will continue
to support institutions in their attempt to address the new challenges facing
higher education.

Recommendations for Year 5

Institutions recommended further technical assistance in the following issues:

  • Approaching management issues at HDIs within a historical context

  • Defining responsibilities within the institutional framework

  • Time management

  • Performance management and quality assurance

  • How id foster participatory management, i.e. regular consultation and
    communication with staff at all levels on policy matters and other important
    issues that impact on their day-to-day activities.

  • A detailed analysis of the difference between leadership and management.

Gender Mentoring

Year 4 interventions consisted of one-day workshops on gender mentoring, with

emphasis on incorporation into rolling plan development. The interventions
addressed gender equity and to consider mentoring as a mechanism for staff
development and skills development, whilst at the same time serving as a
strategy towards achieving employment equity. Therefore, UNCFSP provided
skills training for the incorporation of gender mentoring in Three-Year Rolling
plans. An assessment of institutional gender mentoring needs informed the
workshop programme and training materials.

Gender mentoring is part of a training strategy designed to build capacity among

especially women managers and staff, thus enabling them to respond more
effectively to the challenges currently facing the higher education sector and to
actively concentrate on their own career development. In order to determine the
nature of the intervention, gender-mentoring needs of the various institutions
were determined by reviewing previous Human Resources Assessment Reports
and gender mentoring workshops reports. Also interviewed were the various
administrative and academic staff and members of gender forums. Workshop
manuals were developed based on these needs expressed by the various staff


members, including, the TELP Coordinator, the HR Director, the Skills

Development Facilitator and representatives of the Gender Forum. Various
publications on mentoring and policy development in developing the training

The following institutions received technical assistance.






Border Technikon


Mentoring Policy and


University of Transkei


Developing a Mentoring Policy
and Implementation


University of Durban Westville


Gender Mentoring and gender
sensitivity training


Eastern Cape Technikon


Developing a gender Mentoring
Policy and Implementation


M L Sultan Technikon


Mentoring Policy and
Implementation, Mentoring of
women in leadership


Mangosuthu Technikon


Gender Mentoring


Technikon Northern Gauteng


Gender Mentoring Policy and


VISTA University


Developing a Gender Mentoring


University of the North


Developing a Gender Mentoring


University of Venda


Gender Mentoring as a Staff
Development Mechanism


Technikon North West


Developing a Gender Mentoring
Policy and Implementation


University of North West


Developing a Gender Mentoring
Policy and Implementation


University of Zululand


Gender Mentoring, Succession
Planning and Diversity


University of Fort Hare


Institutionalising Gender,
Gender Mentoring


Peninsula Technikon


Policy Development


University of the Western Cape


Policy Development

A total of 170 participants from 16 HDIs attended the gender mentoring
workshops. Where institutions have Gender Forums or similar structures, the
majority of the participants represented these structures.


Recommendations for Year 5

While there is still uncertainty around job security, there is a distinct sense of self-

empowerment at HDIs with participants generally re-examining themselves, their
careers and their future direction in higher education.

The issue of gender and gender stereotyping remains a serious one, and all

institutions should sensitise their staff to take gender seriously. The
misconception that gender is a women's issue should be challenged at every
level. Institutional management should also realize the potential within their
institutions, and introduce creative and cost-effective mechanisms to develop
women on their campuses so that they could competently and confidently
compete for senior positions. Gender mentoring could be but one mechanism to
achieve this goal.

  • Gender should be placed on the institutional agenda in order for it to be
    addressed at the highest level;

  • Sustainable objectives should be developed and interventions to address
    gender and mentoring in more depth;

  • The need for policy development, as articulated by the institutions, should be
    considered for future capacity building workshops. Not only would the
    participants gain generic policy-making skills that could be applied in other
    areas of the institution, but it would also contribute towards the sustainability
    of gender mentoring at the institutions;

  • The selection of participants to attend TELP workshops should be given
    serious consideration. The participant profile affects the focus of the
    workshop, the nature of the interaction (strategic versus operational) as well
    as the success of implementation. There is a need for decision-makers and
    managers to attend these workshops, especially when they pertain to
    planning, policy development and implementation;

  • In the spirit of the skills development legislation, acknowledge the talent,
    expertise and potential of women within the institutions, and develop human
    resource development strategies to fully optimize these, ultimately to the
    benefit of the institution as well as the workforce of the country;

  • Institutions should develop integrated and holistic human resource
    development policies and programmes that relate to each other and
    complement each other. These policies and programmes should respond to
    the institutions' Workplace Skills Plans, Employment Equity Plans,
    Succession Plans and Performance Management strategies.


Achievement of Year Four Result: Fifteen HDIs have the management,
administrative and leadership capacity to effectively draft three-year
Rolling institutional plans.

LJNCFSP in collaboration with HDIs identified the following aspects in order to

determine institutional capacity to develop three-year Rolling plans.

  • Strategic planning process;

  • Strategic Planning document;

  • Action Plans for implementation;

  • Enrolment projections;

  • Planning for restructuring;

  • Planning for Quality Assurance;

  • The Planning Office;

  • Planning Committee;

  • Coordination of Planning.

  • Planning support from Institutional Research and Management

  • Problems experienced in Planning.

  • Needs for technical assistance

The capacities of the institutions in respect of the following aspects of planning
were also considered:

  • Current capacity for Strategic Planning in the institution;

  • Current capacity to enhance institutional compliance with the requirements of
    the National Plan;

  • Current capacity for compiling the Three-year Rolling Plans to be announced
    in February 2002;

  • Current capacity for Quality Assurance;

  • Problems experienced with capacity;

The following institutions have now met the Year 4 Result to "effectively draft
Three-Year Rolling Plans.


The Eastern Cape Technikon has successfully produced Three-year Rolling

Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002, as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The Strategic Planning
document of the Technikon is in the process of being compiled and a
consultant with the appropriate know-how will be engaged. The Planning
Office is in existence with an Institutional Planner and a secretary. The
Planning Committee comprises all the Heads of the academic and
administrative departments. The Committee also involves students, staff
unions, the Institutional Forum and a Council member.



The Durban Institute of Technology has successfully produced Three-year
Rolling Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The Technikon had a
Planning Office with an Institutional Planner before its merger with Technikon
Natal on 1 April 2002. In the beginning of June no structures or plans were in
place yet for a Planning Office for the merged Durban Institute of Technology.


The Peninsula Technikon has successfully produced Three-year Rolling
Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The Technikon's 1997
Objectives form the key strategic planning document. This document sets out
five broad objectives for the institution, with various sub-objectives. Different
levels of priority have been attributed to the objectives from year to year. The
Three-year Rolling Plans and the five-year Programme and Qualification Mix
were developed in line with the overall Strategic Plan. The Planning Office
has an Institutional Planner and three other staff members. The Strategic
Planning Committee is a broad-based committee, including representatives of
the faculties, the Administration, Council, students and some special-interest


Technikon Northern Gauteng has successfully produced Three-year Rolling

Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The Technikon has
adopted a strategic planning model designed to provide guidance and
direction throughout the planning process and to produce a systematic
process for measuring the effectiveness of Technikon activities. The focus of
the Strategic Planning Process was the revision of the planning framework
and the Three-year Rolling Plans of 1999-2001 and 2000-2002 and the
development of an Academic Plan for 2001-2003 and Business Plan for
2001-2003. The Planning Office consists of one person as Institutional
Planner and a secretary. The Planning Committee consists of all Senior
Managers and the Rectorate.


The University of Durban-Westville has successfully produced Three-year

Rolling Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The University has a
Planning Office as well as a Planning Committee, which is a Senate/Council


sub-committee. There is a capable, cohesive planning team, which enjoys

strong support and leadership from the Executive Management.


The University of the North has successfully produced Three-year Rolling

Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. Action Plans were
developed at a strategic planning workshop facilitated by Deloitte and Touche
in October 1999. The position of an Institutional Planner has been advertised
and is due to be filled shortly. The University has an Academic Planning
Committee, which is a subcommittee of Senate.


The University of the North-West has successfully produced Three-year

Rolling Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The University developed
a Strategic Plan in 1999 through workshops and participants of all
stakeholders. The Strategic Plan of 1999 is currently being reviewed under
the new Vice-Chancellor. The position of the University Planner is still vacant
but the Office of the Vice Chancellor plays a major role in all strategic
planning processes.


The University of Transkei has successfully produced Three-year Rolling

Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The University has a
Strategic Plan, which was developed in 2000 with the full participation of the
different faculties, departments, units, sections and various stakeholders. An
action plan for implementation is currently being developed. The University
has a University Planner, a position which is in the Vice Chancellor's
department. The Planner works hand in hand with the Curriculum
Development Committee, the Three-year Rolling Plan Committee and the
Quality Assurance Committee.


The University of Venda has successfully produced Three-year Rolling Plans

for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on Programme
and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The Strategic Plan 2001 - 2005 of the
University has been completed. The document contains action plans that
indicate action deadlines and responsible executors. The University does not
have a Planner but planning is the responsibility of a committee made up of
convenors of commissions and an Oversight Committee. Planning is co-
ordinated by the Strategic Planning Oversight Committee, which is made up


of members of the Rectorate, senior academic and administrative staff and

chaired by the Vice-chancellor.


The University of the Western Cape has successfully produced Three-year

Rolling Plans for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on
Programme and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The University has
developed a Strategic Plan for 2001 to 2005, based on various existing
documents, with some revisions to resolve inconsistencies and incompatible
proposals. The internal and external factors outlined in the plan were
articulated in the course of rigorous commentary on these documents. The
Planning Office is staffed by an Institutional Planner, a Head responsible for
Management Information and Quality Assurance and other support staff. The
Planning Office is located in the Office of the Rector. Several specialist
planning committees have been established. These include the Academic
Planning Committee of Senate, a Senate Enrolment Management Committee,
respective Finance and Audit committees of Council and a Physical Planning


Border Technikon has successfully produced Three-year Rolling Plans for

1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on Programme and
Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. A fully functional Planning Office with a
Director level position is in place since 1997. A Planning Committee is also in
place since early 1998. Co-ordination of planning activities is going on
smoothly. The Institutional Strategic Plan of Border Technikon is being
constructed under TELP funding from the Linkage grant with the University of
Maryland Eastern Shore. The Director, Strategic Planning, is fully equipped
to develop the Three-year Rolling Plan according to the Guidelines, which
were to be announced by the Ministry. There are, however, still some
problems with data provision.


Mangosuthu Technikon has successfully produced Three-year Rolling Plans

for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on Programme
and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. The various stakeholders were
extensively consulted before the Council of the Technikon approved the
Strategic Plan of the institution. The Strategic Plan has been circulated
extensively throughout the institution and all staff members are familiar with
its contents. The Technikon has a Planner who is responsible for co-
ordinating the planning activities of the institution and who is Head of the
Planning Office. A Planning Committee, which is a sub committee of Council
also exists. The processes used for compiling the Submission on Programme


and Qualification Mix will be used to produce the next Three-year Rolling



Technikon North-West has successfully produced Three-year Rolling Plans

for 1999 - 2001 and 2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on Programme
and Qualification Mix for 2002 - 2006. Strategic Plans for 2003 have been
completed but action plans are yet to be developed. There is a Planning
Committee established, but the lack of a dedicated planning officer has
impacted on its effectiveness.


The University of Fort Hare did not submit a Three-year Rolling Plan at the

time of the previous round but capacity was sufficient to generate the
Programme and Qualification Mix. This puts the institution in a good position
to be able to produce Three-year Rolling Plans. After a period of very intense
strategic planning the University's SP2000 Strategic Plan was launched in
2000. This Strategic Plan has been fully implemented by means of a carefully
structured Implementation Plan. An Acting University Planner has been in
place since May 2001. An Assistant Planner is also employed. The Acting
Planner is a member of a considerable range of key committees, including the
Finance Committee of Council, the deans' Forum and the Executive
Management Forum.


Vista University has produced Three-year Rolling Plans for 1999 - 2001 and

2000 - 2002 as well as the Submission on Programme and Qualification Mix
for 2002 - 2006. During 2001 the newly appointed Vice Chancellor embarked
on a process of strategic planning based on stakeholder consultations. This
resulted in a Strategic Planning document which was openly and intensely
debated and adopted as the new strategic plan of the University with a new
vision and mission. An academic Planner has been appointed. The
University has had an Academic Planning Committee, which deals essentially
with the planning and implementation of academic programmes. There is
however a need to revamp it and re-orient it to tackle the overall planning
needs of the institution. Based on the experience of compiling the two
previous Three-year Rolling Plans, the offices of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor:
Academic, Chief University Administrator, the Departments of Management
Information and Academic Administration will be able to prepare these plans,
taking into account the guidelines which will be announced.


III. Student Academic Development

UNCFSP interventions for student academic and social development are
being conducted by the Desmond Tutu Educational Trust (DTET), located in
Cape Town. Year Four activities demanded a clear progression from the
Year Three that required institutions to participate with 50% placement level
of students tested. From a developmental perspective, Year Four was seen
as a follow through from Years One and Two where the foundations of the
programme were laid. DTET, in collaboration with the participating HDI's,
played a seminal role in preparing the groundwork for Years Three and Four.
In Year Three there was a shift in focus to implementation. The Year Four
Result showed qualitative and quantitative growth as well as a shift in focus
towards consolidating the work clone in Year Three. This was demonstrated
by the participating institutions on different levels.

Qualitatively, there has been a greater emphasis on test validation, the

integration of testing as part of institutional culture and the relationship
between the SAT's, placement and curriculum design. On a quantitative level
there has been an increase in the number of participating institutions from 8
(Year Three) to 10 (Year Four) fully participating and 3 partially participating
(Year Four). Secondly, there has also been an increase in the placement
percentage of tested students into compensatory (bridging) programmes.

The increase in the number of institutions brought about an increase in the

number of participating students. A comparison of the number of students
tested in Years Three and Four is illustrated in figure 1 below.

FIGURE 1: Graphic comparison of Year 3 and 4 total number of students


A further analysis of institutional data for Year 4 is provided in Section 2. This

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