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SECTION 25.2E.(b) This section becomes effective January 1, 2013.

SECTION 25.3. The Faculty Recruiting and Retention Fund under the Office of the President of The University of North Carolina is reestablished for the 2012 2013 fiscal year. Allocations from the fund shall be made for salary increases at the discretion of the President of The University of North Carolina only for the purpose of recruiting and retaining faculty members as necessary at constituent institutions.

teacher salary schedules

SECTION 25.6.(a) Section 3(a) of S.L. 2012 13 is repealed.

SECTION 25.6.(b) The following monthly salary schedules shall apply for the 2012 2013 fiscal year to certified personnel of the public schools who are classified as teachers. The schedules contain 36 steps, with each step corresponding to one year of teaching experience. Public school employees paid according to this salary schedule and receiving NBPTS certification or obtaining a master's degree shall not be prohibited from receiving the appropriate increase in salary. Provided, however, teachers employed during the 2011 2012 school year who did not work the required number of months to acquire an additional year of experience shall not receive a decrease in salary as otherwise would be required by the salary schedule below.

2012 2013 Monthly Salary Schedule

"A" Teachers

Years of Experience "A" Teachers NBPTS Certification

0 2 $3,080 N/A

3 4 $3,080 $3,450

5 $3,122 $3,497

6 $3,167 $3,547

7 $3,303 $3,699

8 $3,445 $3,858

9 $3,580 $4,010

10 $3,711 $4,156

11 $3,816 $4,274

12 $3,865 $4,329

13 $3,914 $4,384

14 $3,965 $4,441

15 $4,015 $4,497

16 $4,066 $4,554

17 $4,118 $4,612

18 $4,171 $4,672

19 $4,226 $4,733

20 $4,282 $4,796

21 $4,337 $4,857

22 $4,397 $4,925

23 $4,456 $4,991

24 $4,515 $5,057

25 $4,577 $5,126

26 $4,639 $5,196

27 $4,706 $5,271

28 $4,771 $5,344

29 $4,836 $5,416

30 $4,903 $5,491

31 $4,972 $5,569

32 $5,044 $5,649

33 $5,116 $5,730

34 $5,215 $5,841

35+ $5,318 $5,956

2012 2013 Monthly Salary Schedule

"M" Teachers

Years of Experience "M" Teachers NBPTS Certification

0 2 $3,388 N/A

3 4 $3,388 $3,795

5 $3,434 $3,846

6 $3,484 $3,902

7 $3,633 $4,069

8 $3,790 $4,245

9 $3,938 $4,411

10 $4,082 $4,572

11 $4,198 $4,702

12 $4,252 $4,762

13 $4,305 $4,822

14 $4,362 $4,885

15 $4,417 $4,947

16 $4,473 $5,010

17 $4,530 $5,074

18 $4,588 $5,139

19 $4,649 $5,207

20 $4,710 $5,275

21 $4,771 $5,344

22 $4,837 $5,417

23 $4,902 $5,490

24 $4,967 $5,563

25 $5,035 $5,639

26 $5,103 $5,715

27 $5,177 $5,798

28 $5,248 $5,878

29 $5,320 $5,958

30 $5,393 $6,040

31 $5,469 $6,125

32 $5,548 $6,214

33 $5,628 $6,303

34 $5,737 $6,425

35+ $5,850 $6,552


SECTION 25.7.(a) Section 4(a) of S.L. 2012 13 is repealed.

SECTION 25.7.(b) The following base salary schedule for school based administrators shall apply only to principals and assistant principals. This base salary schedule shall apply for the 2012 2013 fiscal year, commencing July 1, 2012. Provided, however, school based administrators (i) employed during the 2011 2012 school year who did not work the required number of months to acquire an additional year of experience and (ii) employed during the 2012 2013 school year in the same classification shall not receive a decrease in salary as otherwise would be required by the salary schedule below.
2012 2013 Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Schedules


Years of Exp Assistant Prin I Prin II Prin III Prin IV

Principal (0 10) (11 21) (22 32) (33 43)

0 8 $3,828         

9 $3,977        

10 $4,123        

11 $4,240        

12 $4,295 $4,295      

13 $4,348 $4,348      

14 $4,406 $4,406 $4,461    

15 $4,461 $4,461 $4,518    

16 $4,518 $4,518 $4,575 $4,634  

17 $4,575 $4,575 $4,634 $4,695 $4,757

18 $4,634 $4,634 $4,695 $4,757 $4,819

19 $4,695 $4,695 $4,757 $4,819 $4,885

20 $4,757 $4,757 $4,819 $4,885 $4,951

21 $4,819 $4,819 $4,885 $4,951 $5,017

22 $4,885 $4,885 $4,951 $5,017 $5,085

23 $4,951 $4,951 $5,017 $5,085 $5,154

24 $5,017 $5,017 $5,085 $5,154 $5,229

25 $5,085 $5,085 $5,154 $5,229 $5,300

26 $5,154 $5,154 $5,229 $5,300 $5,373

27 $5,229 $5,229 $5,300 $5,373 $5,447

28 $5,300 $5,300 $5,373 $5,447 $5,524

29 $5,373 $5,373 $5,447 $5,524 $5,603

30 $5,447 $5,447 $5,524 $5,603 $5,684

31 $5,524 $5,524 $5,603 $5,684 $5,794

32 $5,603 $5,603 $5,684 $5,794 $5,909

33 $5,684 $5,684 $5,794 $5,909 $6,027

34 $5,794 $5,794 $5,909 $6,027 $6,148

35 $5,909 $5,909 $6,027 $6,148 $6,271

36   $6,027 $6,148 $6,271 $6,396

37     $6,271 $6,396 $6,524

38     $6,396 $6,524 $6,654

39       $6,654 $6,787

40       $6,787 $6,923

41         $7,061

2012 2013 Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Schedules


Years of Exp Prin V Prin VI Prin VII Prin VIII

(44 54) (55 65) (66 100) (101+)

0 18 $4,885      

19 $4,951      

20 $5,017 $5,085    

21 $5,085 $5,154 $5,300  

22 $5,154 $5,229 $5,373 $5,447

23 $5,229 $5,300 $5,447 $5,524

24 $5,300 $5,373 $5,524 $5,603

25 $5,373 $5,447 $5,603 $5,684

26 $5,447 $5,524 $5,684 $5,794

27 $5,524 $5,603 $5,794 $5,909

28 $5,603 $5,684 $5,909 $6,027

29 $5,684 $5,794 $6,027 $6,148

30 $5,794 $5,909 $6,148 $6,271

31 $5,909 $6,027 $6,271 $6,396

32 $6,027 $6,148 $6,396 $6,524

33 $6,148 $6,271 $6,524 $6,654

34 $6,271 $6,396 $6,654 $6,787

35 $6,396 $6,524 $6,787 $6,923

36 $6,524 $6,654 $6,923 $7,061

37 $6,654 $6,787 $7,061 $7,202

38 $6,787 $6,923 $7,202 $7,346

39 $6,923 $7,061 $7,346 $7,493

40 $7,061 $7,202 $7,493 $7,643

41 $7,202 $7,346 $7,643 $7,796

42 $7,346 $7,493 $7,796 $7,952

43   $7,643 $7,952 $8,111

44   $7,796 $8,111 $8,273

45+     $8,273 $8,438

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