Hatfield marine science center station bibliography

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Beasley, Thomas M.*. Vertical oceanic transport of alpha-radioactive nuclides by zooplankton fecal pellets. In: T. F. Gessel and W. M. Lowers, eds. Natural Radiation Environment III. U.S. Department of Energy. 1980. p.502-513.

Hildebrand, J.A.; Stephenson, J.M.; Hammer, P.T.C.; Zumberge, M.A.; Parker, R.L.; Fox, Christopher G. and Meis, Philip J. A seafloor and sea-gravity survey of Axial Volcano. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1990. v.95 (B8):12752-12764.

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S. , Jr. Building a small crab cooker for home use. In: OR SG. OSU Extension Marine Advisory Program. Corvallis, OR: 1981. p. 2. http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/oresu/oresug03016.pdf

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S., Jr. Fish pickling for home use. In: PNW Series. 183. University of Idaho. Cooperative Extension Service, Washington State University Cooperative Extension

Oregon State Universty. Extension Service. Corvallis, OR: 1983.

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S., Jr. Surimi: some observations on trawler production. In: Special Report. Cooperative Extension Service, Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University. Corvallis: 1986.

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S. , Jr.* Promise of profits: the Trident Seafoods experience 1986. 98.
Hilderbrand, Kenneth S. , Jr. Quick determination of water phase salt content of smoked fish. In: Special Report Oregon State University Extension Service. Corvallis, OR: 1991. 16.

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S., Jr. Home freezing of seafood. In: Extension circular / Oregon State University Extension Service. 1991.

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S., Jr. Fish smoking procedures for forced convenction smokehouses. In: Special report / Oregon State University Extension Service. Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR: 1992. 41.

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S., Jr. Hot smoked fish company HACCP plan. In: ORESU-I. Oregon State University Sea Grant Program. Corvallis, Oregon: 1997. http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/haccp/plans/hotsmk.htm

OR: http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/sgpubs/onlinepubs/i97001.html

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S., Jr. Oysters, Pacific coast, shucker with wet storage: generic HACCP plan. In: ORESU-I. Oregon State University Sea Grant Program. Corvallis, OR: 1997. http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/haccp/plans/oysteror.htm

OR: http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/sgpubs/onlinepubs/i97002.html

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S., Jr. Brand shrimp company HACCP plan: cooked and peeled shrimp. In: ORESU-I. Oregon State University Sea Grant Program. Corvallis, Oregon: 1997. http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/haccp/plans/shrimp.htm

OR: http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/sgpubs/onlinepubs/i97004.html

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S., Jr. Sanitation standard operating procedures (Lox). In: ORESU-I. Oregon State University Sea Grant Program. Corvallis, Oregon: 1997. http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/haccp/ssop/lox.htm

OR: http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/sgpubs/onlinepubs/i97003.html

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S. , Jr.*. 1999. Smoking fish at home -- safely. OSU Extension Marine Advisory Program. Corvallis, OR. no.66 rev. http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/pnw/pnwg83002.pdf

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S. , Jr.* Seafood waste management bibliography. In: ORESU-I. Oregon State University Sea Grant Program. 2001. 01-002 http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/sgpubs/onlinepubs/i01002.pdf

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S. , Jr. and Kolbe, Edward R. A Survey of Seafood Science and Engineering Problems and Opportunities and Oregon State University : a Planning Report to the OSU Sea Grant College Program. In: ORESU-Q. Oregon State University. Sea Grant College Program. Corvallis, OR: 1985. 19.

Hilderbrand, Kenneth S. , Jr.*; Price, R.J. and Olson, Robert E. 1984. Parasites in marine fishes: questions and answers for seafood retailers. Oregon State University Extension Marine Advisory Program. Corvallis, OR. no.79. http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/oresu/oresug94002.pdf

Hindle, A.G. and Horning, Markus Energetics of breath-hold hunting: Modeling the effects of aging on foraging success in the Weddell seal Journal of theoretical biology. 2010. v.264 (3):673-682. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.03.045

Hindle, A.G.; Horning, Markus; Mellish, J.A.E. and Lawler, J.M. Diving into old age: muscular senescence in a large-bodied, long-lived mammal, the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii). Journal of Experimental Biology. 2009 v.212 (6):790-796. 10.1242/jeb.025387.

Hindle, A.G.; Lawler, J.M.; Campbell, K.L. and Horning, Markus Muscle senescence in short-lived wild mammals, the soricine shrews Blarina brevicauda and Sorex palustris. Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 2009 v.311A (5):358-367.

Hindle, A.G; Lawler, J. M.; Campbell, K. L. and Horning, Markus Muscle aging and oxidative stress in wild-caught shrews. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. 2010. v.155 (4):427-434.

Hinke, J. T.; Watters, G. M.; Boehlert, George W. and Zedonis, P. Ocean habitat use in autumn by Chinook salmon in coastal waters of Oregon and California. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2005. v.285:181-192. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27358

Hirano, Y.J.; Hirano, Y.M.; Watanabe, T.; Fukuta, T. ; Anetai, Y.; Ijima, Y.; Sudo, K. and Trowbridge, Cynthia D. Opisthobranchs in Sagami Bay. In: M. Morisawa, eds. A Scientific Study to Establish a Marine Reserve for Environmental Preservation of Sagami Bay. 2003. p.181-204.

Hirst, A.G.; Peterson, William T. and Rothery, P. Errors in juvenile copepod growth rate estimates are widespread: problems with the Moult Rate method. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2005. v.296:263-279. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/26293

Hixon, M.A.; Gregory, S.V.; Robinson, W. D.; and contributing authors: Baker, C. Scott ; Batchelder, H.P.; Epps, C.; Garcia, T.S.; Haig, S.M.; Letelier, R.M.; Lytle, D.A.; Menge, B.A.; Miller, J.C.; Noakes, D.L.G.; Peterson, William T.; Rice, James M.; Rumrill, S.S.; Schreck, C.B.; Suryan, Robert M.; Sytsma, M.D. and White, A.E. Oregon's fish and wildlife in a changing climate. In: K. D. Dello and P. W. Mote. Oregon Climate Assessment Report. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR: 2010. Ch. 7, 269-361 http://occri.net/ocar

Hjalmarsson, G.H.; Park, Jae W. and Kristbergsson, K. Seasonal effects on the physiochemical characteristics of fish sauce made from capelin (Mallotus villosus). Food Chemistry. 2007. v.103 (2):495-504.

Hodak, Eleanor*. Conservation education in free-choice learning environments : the effects of animals and interpretation. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Marine Resource Management). 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/8980

Hoffman, J. and Park, Jae W. Improved torsion testing using molded surimi gels. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 2001. v.10 (2):75-84.

Hoffman, Justine D.**. Physio-chemical properties of Pacific whiting surimi as affected by various freezing/storage conditions and gel preparation methods. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University (Food Science and Technology). 2001.

Hoffman, Justine D.** and Park, Jae W. Improved Torsion Test Using Molded Surimi Gels. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 2001. v.10 (2):75-84.

Hollatz, Claudia*; Flach, L.; Baker, C. Scott and Santos, F.R. Microsatellite data reveal fine genetic structure in male Guiana dolphins ( Sotalia guianesis) in two geographically close embayments at south-eastern coast of Brazil. Marine Biology. 2011. v.158 (4):927-933. doi: 10.1007/s00227-010-1619-x.

Hollatz, Claudia*; Vilaca, S.T.; Redondo, R.A.F.; Marmontel, M.; Baker, C. Scott and Santos, F.R. The Amazon River system as an ecological barrier driving genetic differentiation of the pink dolphin ( Inia geoffrensis). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2011. v.102 (4):812-827. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01616.x.

Holm, E.; Ballestra, S.; Fukai, R. and Beasley, Thomas M.*. Particulate plutonium and americium in Mediterranean surface waters. Oceanologica Acta. 1980. v.3:157.

Holmes, D. E.; Bond, D. R.; O'Neill, R. A.; Reimers, Clare E.; Tender, L. R. and Lovley, D. R. Microbial communities associated with electrodes harvesting electricity from a variety of Aaquatic sediments. Microbial Ecology. 2004. v.48 (2):178-190.

Holmquist, J.G.; Powell, G.V.N. and Sogard, Susan M. Decapod and stomatopod communities of seagrass covered mud banks in Florida Bay interbank and intrabank hetergeneity with special reference to isolated subenvironments. Bulletin of Marine Science. 1989. v.44 (1):251-262.

Holmquist, J.G.; Powell, G.V.N. and Sogard, Susan M. Decapod and stomatopod assemblages on a system of seagrass-covered mud banks in Florida Bay. Marine Biology. 1989. v.100 (4):473-483.

Holmquist, J.G.; Sogard, Susan M. and Powell, G.V.N. Sediment, water level and water temperature characteristics of Florida Bay's grass covered mud banks. Bulletin of Marine Science. 1989. v.44 (1):348-364.

Holtby, L.B.; McMahon, Thomas E. and Scrivener, J.C. Stream temperatures and inter-annual variability in emigration timing on coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, smolts and fry and chum salmon O. keta from Carnation Creek, British Columia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1989. v.46:1396-1405.

Hooff, Rian C.* and Bollens, S. M. Functional response and potential predatory impact of Tortanus dextrilobatus, a carnivorous copepod recently introduced to the San Francisco estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2004. v.277:167-179.

Hooff, Rian C.* and Peterson, William T. Copepod biodiversity as an indicator of changes in ocean and climate conditions of the northern California current ecosystem. Limnology and oceanography. 2006. v.51 (6):2607-2620.

Hooft, E.E.; Patel, H.; Wilcock, W.; Becker, K.; Butterfield, D.; Davis, E.; Dziak, Robert P.; Inderbitzen, K.; Lilley, M.; McGill, P. ; Toomey, D. and Stakes, D. A seismic swarm and regional hydrothermal and hydrologic perturbations: the northern Endeavour segment, February 2005. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2010. v.11 (12):Art. No. Q12015. doi:10.1029/2010GC003264.

Hoover Krutzikowsky, Vicki*. Bycatch in the ocean shrimp Pandalus jordani fishery. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University (Fisheries Science). 2001.

Horning, Markus. Hot iron branding of seals and sea lions [letter to the editor]. Australian Veterinary Journal. 2008. v.86 (4):113.

Horning, Markus; Haulena, M.; Tuomi, P.A. and Mellish, J.A.E. Intraperitoneal implantation of life-long telemetry transmitters in otariids. BMC Veterinary Research. 2008. v.4:51. 51

10.1186/1746-6148-4-51. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=2621145&blobtype=pdf

Horning, Markus and Mellish, J.E. Spatially explicit detection of predation on individual pinnipeds from implanted post-mortem satellite data transmitters. Endangered Species Research. 2009. v.10:135-143. 10.3354/esr00220. http://www.int-res.com/articles/esr2010/10/n010p135.pdf

Horning, Markus ; Mellish, J.E.; Fritz, L.; Towell, R. and Hill, R., eds. 2009. The life history transmitter: spatially explicit detection of mortality and predation in a marine mammal. Held September 22-26, 2008. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. (C. M. [Council Meeting]). ICES CM 2008/P11. http://www.ices.dk/products/CMdocs/CM-2008/P/P1108.pdf

Hosack, G. R. and Eldridge, Peter M. Do microbial processes regulate the stability of a coral atoll's enclosed pelagic ecosystem? Ecological Modelling. 2009. v.220 (20):2665-2682. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.07.006.

House, Marcia L.*. Transmission of disseminated neoplasia in the soft shell clam, Mya arenaria. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Microbiology). 1997.

House, Marcia L.*; Kim, C.H. and Reno, Paul W. Soft shell clams Mya arenaria with disseminated neoplasia demonstrate reverse transcriptase activity. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 1998. v.34 (3):187-192.

House, Marcia L.* and Reno, Paul W., eds. 1994. Dose dependent transplantation of disseminated neoplasia to Mya arenaria [abstract]. Held Sep. 4-8, 1994. Seattle, WA. University of California, School of Veterinary Medicine. W-9,1.

Howe, J. R.; Hamann, D. D.; Lanier, T. C. and Park, Jae W. Fracture of Alaska pollock gels in water: Effects of minced muscle processing and test temperature. Journal of Food Science. 1994. v.59 (4):777-780.

Howell, Kate A.; Achterberg, Eric P.; Tappin, Alan D. and Worsfold, Paul J. Colloidal metals in the Tamar Estuary and their influence on metal fractionation by membrane filtration. Environmental Chemistry. 2006. v.3 (3):199-207. http://www.publish.csiro.au/?act=view_file&file_id=EN06004.pdf

Hsu, Cheng-Kuang**; Kolbe, Edward R.; Morrissey, Michael T. and Chung, Yun-Chin**. Protein denaturation of frozen Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) fillets. Journal of Food Science. 1993. v.58 (5):1055-1056, 1075.

Hsu, Cheng-Kuang**; Kolbe, Edward R.; Morrissey, Michael T.; Wang, De Qian* and MacDonald, Grant A.*. Comparison of physical, thermal and chemical methods to measure protein denaturation in frozen Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus ). Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 1993. v.2 (2):31-50.

Huang, Lihan**; Chen, Ying and Morrissey, Michael T. Coagulation of fish proteins from frozen fish mince wash water by ohmic heating. Journal of Food Process Engineering. 1997. v.20:285-300.

Huang, Lihan** and Morrissey, Michael T. Fouling of membranes during microfiltration of surimi wash water: Roles of pore blocking and surface cake formation. Journal of Membrane Science. 1998. v.144 (1/2):113-123.

Hulston, J. R. and
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