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אנח to sigh, moan. [Aram. אֲנַח, Syr. אֲנַח, אֶתַּנַּח (= he groaned, sighed, lamented), Ugar. ’nh (= groan), Arab. ’anaḥa (= he groaned, sighed), Akka. anāhu (= to gasp, sigh). Related to bases אנהI, אנן, אנק.] — Qal אָנַח mh he sighed, moaned, groaned. — Niph. נֶאֲנַח (of s.m.). — Hith. הִתְאַנַּח, Nith. נִתְאַנַּח pbh he sighed. Derivatives: אֲנָחָה, הֵאָנְחוּת, הִתֽאַנְּחוּת.

אֲנָחָה f.n. sighing, sigh. [Formed from אנח with first suff. □ָה. cp. Aram. אֲנַחְתָּא, Ugar. a̧nh (= sighing, sigh).]

אֲנַחְנוּ pers. pron. we. [Collateral forms: נַחְנוּ and אָנוּ. Related to Phoen. אנחן, Aram. אֲנַחְנָא, נַחֽנָא, Syr. חֲנָן, Arab. naḥna, Akka. nīnu, anīnu, nīni, anīni (= we). The primitive form prob. was *niḥnū. cp. Aram. אֲנַךְ, sometimes shortened to נַךְ (= we), which developed from אֲנָא (= I), with change of the sing. suff. □א to the pl. suff. □ן.]

אַנְטְאַרְקְטִי adj. fw antarctic. [Properly ‘opposite to the north’, from Gk. anti (see אַנְטִי□) and arktos (= bear; the constellation of the Great Bear). See אַרֽקֽטִי.]

אַנְטָגוֹנִיזְם m.n. fw antagonism. [Gk. antagonisma, from antagonizesthai (= to struggle against), from anti (see אַנְטִי□) and agonizesthai (= to struggle), from agon (= assembly; contest in the games), from agein (= to lead, guide), which is cogn. with L. agere (= to set in motion, drive, lead). See ‘agent’ (adj.) in my cedel. For the ending see suff. □ִיזֽם.]

אֶנְטוֹמוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw entomology. [Compounded of Gk. entoma (= insects), and -logia (see □לוֹגְיָה). Gk. entoma lit. means ‘(animals) cut in’ (so called by Aristotle, because their body is divided into segments), neuter pl. of entomos (= cut in), from entemnein (= to cut in).]

אֲנָטוֹמִי adj. fw anatomical. [Back formation from אֲנָטוֹמֽיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֲנָטוֹמְיָה f.n. anatomy. [Ultimately from Gk. anatomia, anatome (= dissection), which is related to anatemein (= to cut up), from ana (= up, on, upon), and temein (= to cut). See אָטוֹם and suff. □יָה.]

אַנְטוֹנִים m.n. fw antonym. [Formed from Gk. antonymia (= a word used for another, a pronoun), from anti (= instead of; see אַנְטִי□), and onyma, dialectal form of onoma (= noun). See נוֹמִינָלִי.]

אַנְטִי(before a vowel אַנְט□) fw anti-, resp. ant-, pref. meaning ‘opposite, against, instead’. [Gk. anti-, ant- (= over against, opposite, before, instead of) which is related to anta, anten (= opposite). cp. ‘ante-’ and ‘anti-’ in my cedel. cp. also אַנְטִיקְוַארְיוֹן.]

אַנְטִיבִּיּוֹטִי adj. fw antibiotic. [Back formation from Eng. antibiotics, from Medical L. antibiolicus, which was coined from anti- (see אַנְטִי□), Gk. bios (= life), and suff. -icus. See בִּיּוֹלוֹגְיָה. For the ending of אַנְטִיבִּיּוֹטִי see suff. □ִי.] The word antibiotic was first used by the physician Selman Abraham Waksman, the discoverer of streptomycin, in 1941.]

אַנְטִיטוֹקְסִין m.n. fw antitoxin. [Ger. Antitoxin, coined by the German bacteriologist Emil von Behring in 1890 from anti- (see אַנְטִי□) and Toxin (see טוֹקְסִין).]

אַנְטִיכִי m.n. pbh a kind of cooking instrument mentioned in the Mishnah. [A Gk. loan word of uncertain origin; perhaps lit. meaning ‘Antiochian (vessel)’.]

אַנְטִילוֹגָרִיתְם m.n. fw antilogarithm. [Formed from אַנְטִי□ and לוֹגָרִיתְם.]

אַנְטִילוֹפָּה f.n. fw antelope. [Eng. antelope, from Med. Gk. antholops, name of a fabulous animal, which prob. means ‘flower eye’, from Gk. anthos (= flower), and ops (= eye). For the etymology of Gk. ops see אוֹפְּטִי. cp. the first element in אַנְתּוֹלוֹגְיָה and the second in קַנְקַנְתּוּם.]

אַנְטִילְיָה f.n. pbh a water-scooping machine. [Borrowed from Gk. antia (= hold of a ship; reservoir), which together with antlion (of s.m.) derives from antlos (= hold of a ship; bucket). See אַנֽטָל.]

אַנְטִינוֹמְיָה f.n. fw antinomy. [L. antinomia, from Gk. antinomia (= ambiguity in the law), from anti (see אַנְטִי□) and nomos (= law). See נוֹמָד and suff. □יָה.]

אַנְטִיסֶפְּטִי adj. fw antiseptic. [Formed from אַנְטִי□ and סֶפְּטִי.]

אַנְטִיסֶרוּם m.n. fw antiserum. [A hybrid coined from Gk. anti (see אַנְטִי□) and L. serum (= whey). See סֶרוּם.]

אַנְטִיפּוֹד m.n. fw antipode. [L. antipodēs (pl.), from Gk. antipodes, pl. of antipous (= having the feet opposite), from anti (see אַנְטִי□) and pous, gen. podos (= foot; see פֵּדָר).]

אַנְטִיפָּתִי adj. fw antipathetic. [Back formation from אַנֽטִיפַּתְיָה. For the ending see adj. suff. □ִי.]

אַנְטִיפַּתְיָה f.n. fw antipathy. [L. antipathīa, from Gk. antipatheia, from antipathes (= having opposite feelings), from anti (see אַנְטִי□) and pathos (= feeling, suffering, passion). See פָּתוֹס and cp. אַפַּתֽיָה.]

אַנְטִיקְוַארְיוֹן m.n. fw antiquity store, secondhand bookstore. [From L. antīquārius (= pertaining to antiquity), from antīquus (= old), from ante (= before), which is related to Gk. anti (= over against, opposite, before, instead of). See אַנְטִי□.]

אַנְטִישֵׁמִי adj. & m.n. nh anti-Semite, anti-Semitic. [Formed on the analogy [[pg-40]]of Ger. Antisemit, from אַנְטִי□ and שֵׁמִי. cp. אַנְטִישֵׁמִיּוּת.]

אַנְטִישֵׁמִיּוּת f.n. nh anti-Semitism. [Formed on the analogy of Ger. Antisemitismus, from אַנְטִישֵׁמִי and suff. □וּת. The word Antisemitismus was first used by Wilhelm Marr in 1880.]

אַנְטִיתֶזָה f.n. fw antithesis. [L. antithesis, from Gk. antithesis (= opposition; lit. ‘a placing against’), from antitithenai (= to set one thing against another, oppose), from anti (see אַנְטִי□) and tithenai (= to place). See תִּיק and cp. פְּרוֹתֶזָה.]

אַנְטָל m.n. pbh vessel. [Gk. antlos (= hold of a ship; bucket), prob. standing for antlos, from am-thlos-s, and related to ame (= bucket). See ‘amnion’ in my cedel and cp. אַנְטִילְיָה.]

אַנְטֶנָּה f.n. fw antenna. [Modern L. antenna (= feeler or horn of an insect), from L. antemna, antenna (= sail yard), which is of uncertain origin. It is perhaps a contraction of an(a)tempnā (= that which is stretched or extended), from ie base *temp- (= to stretch, extend). See ‘temple’ (place of worship) in my cedel.]

אַנְטָרֶס m.n. fw Antares (astronomy). [Gk. Antares, lit.: ‘opposite (the planet) Mars’, from anti (= opposite); (see אַנְטִי□), and Ares (= Mars), which derives from are (= bane, ruin). This word is related to arein (= a cursing, menacing).]

אַנְטְרָצִיט m.n. fw anthracite, a kind of hard coal. [L. anthracītēs (= a kind of bloodstone), from Gk. anthrakites (= a gem), properly subst. use of an adj. meaning ‘resembling coal’, from anthrax, gen. anthrakos (= coal), which is of uncertain origin. For the ending see subst. suff. ‘-ite’ in my cedel. Coal is first mentioned about 370 B.C.E. by Theophrastus in his treatise ‘On Stones’, under the name lithos anthrakos (= coal stone). cp. ‘anthra’ and ‘anthracite’ in my cedel.]

אַנְטַרְקְטִי adj. fw Antarctic, pertaining to the South Pole or regions near the South Pole. [Properly ‘opposite to the north’, from Gk. anti (= opposite), and arktos (= bear; the constellation of the Great Bear). See אַנְטִי□ and אַרְקְטִי.]

אֲנִי pers. pron. I. [Related to BAram. אֲנָה, Aram., Mand. אֲנָא, Syr. אֱנָא, Ugar. a̧n, Arab. ’anā, SArab. אן, Ethiop. ’ana. The Aram. forms, Arab. ’anā and Ethiop. ’ana derive from the primitive form ana, which is prob. compounded of deictic ’an and ’a (= I). cp. ’a-, first person pref. of the Sem. imperfect, and the Akka. suff. -a,-am (= to me). Heb. אֲנִי was prob. formed from the primitive form ’anā through assimilation of the suff. □נִי and □ִי. cp. אָנֹכִי, אֲנָא and first element in אַתָּה and in words there referred to.] Derivative: אֲנִיּוּת.

אְֹנִי m.n. mh mourning. [Coined by Rashi (1040–1105) from אנהI; see his commentary to Is. 19:8.]

אֳנִי m. & f.n. (coll.) ships, fleet. [From אנהII. cp. TA a-na-yi, as a Canaanite gloss to ellipu (= ship), and Ugar. a̧ny (= fleet).] Derivative: אֳנִיָּה.

אֳנִיָּה f.n. ship, boat, vessel. [Nomen unitatis formed from אֳנִי (=ships, fleet). For the ending see second suff. □ָה. cp. Ugar. a̧nyt (= ship).]

אֲנִיָּה f.n. moaning, wailing, lamentation, mourning (occurring in the Bible twice, Is. 29:2, Lam. 2:5, both times in the phrase תַּאֲנִיָּה וַאֲנִיָּה, ‘mourning and moaning’). See אנהI and first suff. □ָה and cp. תַּאֲנִיָּה.]

אֲנִיּוּת f.n. nh 1 the ego. 2 egoism. [Formed from אֲנִי (= I), with suff. □וּת.]

אֲנִילִין m.n. fw anilin(e) (chemistry). [Coined by C.J. Fritzsche in 1841 from Portuguese anil (= indigo), from Arab. an-nīl, assimilated from al-nīl, from al- (= the), and nīl (= indigo), from Pers. nīla, ultimately from Old I. nīlī (= indigo), from nīlaḥ (= dark blue). cp. ‘lilac’ in my cedel. cp. אַטְטֽמָה and the first element in אֲנֶמוֹגְרָף and in אֲנֶמוֹמֶטֶר.]

אֲנִימִיזְם m.n. fw animism. [Ger. Animismus, coined by the German physicist and chemist Georg Ernst Stahl (1660–1734) from L. animus (= soul, spirit, mind, courage, wish, desire), reintroduced by E.B. Tylor and in 1871. For the ending see suff. □ִיזֽם.]

אָנִין adj. pbh delicate, sensitive. [From אנן.] Derivative: אֲנִינוּת.

אֲנִינוּת f.n. pbh mourning, sorrow, grief. [Formed from אָנִין with suff. □וּץ.]

אֲנִיסָה f.n.nh 1 compulsion. 2 violation, rape. [Verbal n. of אָנַס.] See אנס and first suff. □ָה.]

אָנִיץ m.n. pbh bundle. [Of unknown origin. cp. עָנִיץ.]

אֻנִּית see אוּנִית.

אֻנִּיתִי see אוּנִיתִי.

אָנֵךְ, אוֹנֵךְ m.n. pbh onyx. [Gk. onyx, gen. onyxos (= fingernail, claw; onyx), cogn. with Old I. angriḥ, amhriḥ (= foot), L. anguis (= nail, claw). cp. ‘nail’ (n.) in my cedel.]

אֲנָךְ m.n. plummet, plumb-line (occurring in the Bible, Amos 7:7 and 8). [Related to Syr. אָנְכָא, Mand. אנכא, Arab. ’ānuk, Ethiop. nā’k, Akka. anāku (= lead, tin). These words prob. derive ultimately from Sumerian anag.] Derivatives: אנך, אֲנָכִי, אֲנָכִיּוּת, הַאֲנָכָה.

אנך to straighten. [Denominated from אֲנָךְ.] — Pi. אִנֵּךְ 1 pbh he covered with lead. 2 nh he straightened, made straight (orig.: made the wall straight by means of a plummet). 3 nh he drew a perpendicular line. — Pu. אֻנַּךְ nh 1 was straightened; was made straight. 2 was made perpendicular. 3 was covered with lead. 4 was soldered. Derivatives: אִנּוּךְ, מְאֻנָּךְ.

אָנֹכִי pers. pron. I. [Related to Phoen. אנך and אנכי, Moabite אנך, Punic anec, OAram. אנך, אנכי, Ugar. a̧nk, Akka. anāku, and cogn. with Egypt. ynk, Coptic anok, nok. It has no correspondences in Aram., Arab. and Ethiop. (in this latter, appears as the suff. of the first pers. in the conjugation of the verb, as in waladkū, Heb. יָלַדְתִּי, ‘I bore’). The endings □כִי, resp. -ku, etc. in אָנֹכִי, anāku, etc., are prob. related to Heb. כֹּה, Aram.-Syr. כָּא (= here).] Derivatives: אָנֹכִיּוּת, אָנֹכִיִּי.

אֲנָכִי adj. nh 1 vertical. 2 perpendicular. [Formed from אֲנָךְ with adj. suff. □ִית.] Derivative: אֲנָכִיּוּת.

אֲנָכִיּוּת f.n. nh 1 vertically. 2 perpendicularity. [Formed from אֲנָכִי with suff. □וּת.]

אָנֹכִיּוּת f.n. nh selfishness, egoism, egotism. [Formed from אָנֹכִי with suff. □וּת.]

אָנֹכִיִּי adj. nh selfish, egoist, egotist, egoistic, egotistic. [Formed from אָנֹכִי with suff. □ִי.] Derivative: אָנֹכִיּוּת.

אֲנַכְרוֹנִיזְם m.n. fw anachronism. [Ultimately from Gk. anachronismos (= anachronism), from anachronizein (= to refer to a wrong time), from ana (= up to, against), and chronos (= time). See כְּרוֹנִי and □ִיזְם.]

אֲנָלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw analogy. [Fren. analogie, from L. analogia, from Gk. analogia (= proportion, analogy), from analogos (= according to a due proportion, proportionate), from ana (= up to) and logos (= word, speech, reckoning, proportion). See לִגֽיוֹן and suff. □יָה.]

אֲנָלִיזָה f.n. fw analysis. [Gk. analysis [[pg-41]](= a loosing, releasing), from analyein (= to unloose, release, set free), from ana (= up to, on, throughout), and lyein (= to unfasten, loosen, slacken), which is cogn. with Old I. lunā́ti, lunṓti (= cuts, cuts off), L. luere (= to loose, release; to atone for, expiate). See ‘lose’ in my cedel and cp. ‘lysis’ ibid. cp. also אֲנָלִיטִי.]

אֲנָלִיטִי adj. fw analytic, analytical. [Modern L. analyticus, from Gk. analyticos (= analytic), from analysis. See אֲנָלִיזָה and suff. □ִי.]

אֲנֶמוֹגְרָף m.n. fw anemograph. [Compounded of Gk. anemos (= wind) — which is cogn. with L. anima (= breath of air, air, breath, soul, life), animus (= soul, spirit, mind, courage, wish, desire) — and graphos, from graphein (= to write). See אֲנִימִיזְם and □גֽרָף.]

אֲנֶמוֹמֶטֶר m.n. fw anemometer. [Compounded of Gk. anemos (= wind), and metron (= measure). See אֲנֶמוֹגְרָף and מֶטֶר.]

אֲנֶמִי adj. fw anemic, anaemic. [Back formation from אֲנֶמְיָה.]

אֲנֶמְיָה f.n. fw anemia, anaemia (disease). [Gk. anaimia (= want of blood, bloodlessness), from privative pref. an- and aima (= blood). cp. the first element in הֶמוֹגְלוֹבִּין.]

אבן to complain, murmur, lament, bewail, mourn. [Aram. אֲנַן, Syr. אַן, Arab. ’anna, hanna (= he groaned, lamented). Related to the bases אנהI,אנח, אנק.] — Qal אָנַן pbh he lamented, mourned. — Hith. הִתְאוֹנֵן he murmured, complained. Derivatives: אָנוּן, אָנִין, הִתְאוֹנֽנוּת, מִתֽאוֹנֵן, תַּאֲנוּן.

אֲנַן pron. pbh we. [Occurring in phrases quoted from Talmud or Midrash, as in אֲנַן סָהֲדֵי (= we are witnesses; i.e. ‘we testify to the truth of this’). See אֲנַחְנוּ.]

אֲנָנָס m.n. fw ananas. [Sp. anana’s, from Peruvian nanas (= pineapple).]

אנס to force, compel, rape. [Related to Aram. אֲנַס, Syr. אֱנַס.] — Qal אָנַס tr. v. 1 he forced, compelled (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Est. 1:8). 2 pbh he violated, raped. — Niph. נֶאֱנַס pbh 1 he was forced. 2 נֶאֶנְסָה (f.) she was violated, was raped. — Pi. אִנֵּס pbh 1 he forced, compelled. 2 he violated, raped. Derivatives: אֹנֶס, אַנָּס, אָנוּס, אִנּוּס, אֲנוּסָה, הֵאָנְסוּת.

אֹֽנֶס m.n. pbh 1 compulsion, force. 2 violation. rape. [From אנס.]

אַנָּס m.n. pbh 1 violator, rapist. 2 terrorist. [Nomen opificum formed from אנס.]

אַנְסַמְבְּל m.n. fw ensemble. [Fren. ensemble (= together), from L. insimul (= at the same time, together), from in (= in), and simul (= at the same time, together). See ‘in’ (prep.), and ‘simultaneous’ in my cedel.]

אַנֶסְתֶּסְיָה f.n. fw anesthesis. [Gk. anaisthesia (= lack of sensation), from anaisthetein (= to be without sense of something, lack sensation), from privative pref. an- and aisthetos (= sensible, perceptible). See אֶסְתֶּטִי and suff. □יָה.]

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